So this is a random blog of 2 stories. I will start our with the good one first. So Colby is starting to recognize letters! Its so awesome I never knew a 1 year old could start to figure out letters. Well for the last couple of weeks I have noticed that he always plays with his letters N and H. Even at Sunday School he always wants to get the letter N and H out of the letter mat in there. He has also started pointing the letters N and H out in other places like my sweatshirts. Anyway so I decided to really test him during bath time the last 2 nights. I would say Colby where's the letter N? And he searches and looks all through his letters until he picks the right one! He knows some of the letters! I am so proud! I am hoping this means he will be a good reader like I always was! Anyway he's gonna love preschool. I am trying to work with him on colors. He seems to know the color blue.
So on to the second of my stories. Last night was a wierd night for Colby. Although I have to confess first off it might have to do with the fact that he ate Zap's crawtator chips last night. So anyway we put Colby to bed like normal and we never hear a peep out of him well last night about an hour or so after we put him to bed he started screaming crying. Well I ran back there b/c sometimes he gets his foot stuck in the slats of the crib. Well I walked in and he was just sitting up confused. I guess he had a bad dream....again maybe the Zap's coming back to haunt? Well after going in his room and laying him back down he was fine. So at 3:30 this morning I hear him going ahhh ahhh not like an upset scream just like he was bored. So finally at 4 I went in there. I thought I would find him standing or sitting up atleast. No he was just laying under the covers but I guess he was awake? Maybe trying to put himself back to sleep. Well this continued until about 5:30. I was awake the whole time. Then by the time Colby quieted down Austin got up to get ready. So I figured skipping church was in the works for us. I knew I wouldn't get back to sleep until 7 and at this point neither Colby or I had had a good nights sleep and Sundays are long for us anyways. So with it being so cold and being tired we decided to stay in. I hate missing but I think its gonna be good for us to just hang out here.