Monday, September 30, 2013

Family Fun Day & Sunday

We had a fun family day today! Austin was off so we wanted to do something fun with the kiddos. Its rare that he's off on a Saturday and we don't have any special plans. Colby spent last night with my parents so our first order of business was to go pick him up! I am glad he got that time away but I definitely missed having him around on a Friday night!
We got there to pick him up about 9:45. Since hearing that his sister and I went to the park on Thursday he has been begging to go. He loves Confetti Park. We figured it would be a nice family outting. Both kids had a blast! Its such a nice park. It was shady and not too hot at all which was great! We basically had the place to ourselves except a dad with 2 little boys. One was 6 and the other 3 so they got along great with our kiddos. I love just watching kids play at the park and enjoy running and getting dirty and using their imaginations! I think it puts everyone in a better mood! Colby had an absolute blast! He doesn't get to visit parks as much anymore with his all day school schedule. That used to be OUR thing...we went to parks all the time when he was a toddler! Now with Lindsay I take her sometimes but not as much as I did with him but honestly she's just now really getting to the age where she LOVES it! She used to be really clingy but now she climbs and slides and has a blast! It was fun playing with them but also sitting back and just watching them be kids! Honestly this is what Saturdays are all about! We stayed for well over an hour it was SO nice! After Austin got the idea for us to take the ferry over and eat across the river. We ended up eating at Dat Dog. It was our first time but we all loved it! It was fun eating at a New Orleans place like that! This is the stuff I miss when Austin works most Saturdays! I tried to soak up all this fun b/c we don't get to do it often on Saturdays! It was definitely what my soul needed!
We came home and rested and then worked around the house. With Austin working so much and it just being me the house was in much need of some cleaning and straightening up! Still lots to do but atleast we made progress!
Sunday Austin was back to working. I have to admit I woke up in a bad mood and Satan definitely did his work in making me try to have a bad day. I guess I was bitter about Austin working and having to bring the kids to church by myself YET again! I don't usually mind but I guess I was just tired. So then we got to church and its always a lot of work to get the kids out and delivered to their classrooms while juggling a bunch of stuff anyway but it seemed even harder yesterday. Lindsay had a meltdown b/c I wouldn't let her bring a bunch of toys in then she sat on the floor in the check in room and refused to get up! I was so stressed and on top of that I had kids waiting on me b/c I was teaching preschoolers! Then I got to drop Lindsay off in her room and no teachers were there so I had to stand around and wait then had to get Colby rushed to his room. Anyway I just felt frazzled. Then ofcourse we had 10 kids yesterday which is great but we had 3 really young kids who made it alot of work. We are meeting in the kindergarten room which already makes me nervous b/c there really aren't any toys and the kids just make a mess of the room. Well with 2 year olds in there they were getting a hold of stuff like scissors and staplers! I was a nervous wreck! It was probably the most hectic Sunday I have experienced since being at Calvary. Needless to say I was glad to get home and rest! That night we went to lifegroup even though I debated skipping but I knew we needed to go and I would feel better after. Sure enough I did!
Anyway it was a good weekend overall and I hate I had such a bad attitude most of Sunday! But we live and learn and I am thankful for each new day!
Looking forward to another week! Nothing big going on just routine stuff! We will be going to Hattiesburg over the weekend so that'll probably be my next post!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Park Date

Today Lindsay and I were able to meet some friends at the park. It has been awhile since we've had a playdate! Honestly its been awhile since we've had a FREE day to play it seems! I was excited! Now with her in school 2 days a week I don't feel like we get as much play time and I do truly miss it! Today we met some friends Audrea and her 3 kiddos. Tripp is 6, Cash is 4, and Magnolia is 1 1/2. Maggie and Lindsay are in nursery together. Colby is friends with Tripp. It was sad he couldn't come and play! Anyway it was a fun time getting to visit with Audrea and I think Lindsay had a blast. We went to Confetti Park and the kids just had a great time! I couldn't believe we stayed for 2 hours! We also ran into our pediatrician which was fun seeing her outside of the doctor's office. She has a little boy who is a little over 1. I loved that Lindsay had such a good time. I love park playdates! We did this a TON when Colby was little and I try to take her as much as possible! Anyway I think the outdoor and visiting with friends made for a much better day for us all! Now we are looking forward to a fun weekend!
Tomorrow I am keeping Lindsay home from school so she can hang out with me and we can have a fun girls day and do some shopping. Saturday Austin will be off so we hope to hang out and have a fun day!

Weekend Fun

Love weekends! Now that Colby is in school full time I feel like we really enjoy and make the most of our weekends! I love Friday nights being more relaxed. During the week we are pretty strict with bedtime so there isn't too much free time! Austin got off work early also which was an EXTRA bonus! He came home and we took a family ride to get Sonic for dinner. Friday nights is my night off in the kitchen. I don't feel guilty b/c we eat in all week so this is our splurge! I usually let Colby pick what we are eating. The last 2 weeks he has chose Sonic. It was fun just visiting and laughing in the car. After we ate our dinner the boys went out to do yardwork. I'm always glad when Colby can get in some outside time like this with Austin. During the week we don't get outside much...honestly its just been too hot! Its usually over 100 degrees in the afternoon plus we just have too much to do! So it was good for him to spend a little time out! Poor Lindsay wanted to join them so bad but she's just still too little for the independent play while daddy mows. Colby can be trusted to stay near the house and not get into trouble while Austin works. Anyway she and I enjoyed some girl time in the house!
Saturday...AHH saturday the 1 day we actually get to sleep in! It felt so good to wake up at 7:30. Yes that's sleeping in! But usually we are out the door by 8! So we have a liesurely morning. The kids always want pancakes so that is what we do. Today was very liesurely b/c Colby had a party at 12:30 but we had no where to be before then. I cleaned up around the house some and they watched Toy Story 2. It was raining really bad too which made it even nice to sit in our pjs and watch a movie! Around 11 we got ready and went to my parent's house. They were keeping Lindsay for me while I took Colby to the party. We were able to eat lunch and hang out there for awhile. The kids love playing at the grandparent's house! Colby and I enjoyed the party although afternoon parties WEAR me out! No one gets a nap! Anyway the party was good...this was only his 2nd time to Chuck E. Cheese. He didn't really know what to do at first but I think he enjoyed it. He got a cup full of tokens so I went around with him to show him the games/rides. He really liked this! We went through the tokens pretty fast and didn't win many tickets but I don't think he cared. Afterwards he just ran around and played with his friends! I was able to visit a little with his teacher. It was her daughter's bday party. It was neat to see them out of a school setting. After pizza and cake we decided to cash in the tickets and get going. I could tell Colby was starting to get tired. By the time we were in the car he went into full meltdown mode! I think part was tiredness and part was overstimulation b/c my head felt crazy too! My boy really isn't used to crazy places like that! Anywho we went to pick up Lindsay who didn't take much of a nap but was more pleasant then her brother. That afternoon there was a lot of fighting and tears! We layed low the rest of the day! I turned on Toy Story 2 again for the kiddos and just relaxed. That evening Austin came home early again so we had a delish dinner of spaghetti!
Sunday it was back to it! Its sometimes so hard to wake up on Sundays! But we are always glad when we did! Church days without Austin also feel hard. Anyway this Sunday I was able to sit in church which was great. It was really what I needed. I needed that time to be spiritually lifted up after a hard week! After church I stayed to help sign people up for cookie dough sales. That afternoon we came in to relax. I think we were all beat. It was nice to turn on the Saints game and just hang out. That evening we did go to Lifegroup which again was something I needed. Its great to have that time of Bible Study and interaction with other adults. It was a pretty busy weekend but oh how I love weekends! I miss my big boy during the week while he's at school!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Busy Fall Schedule

So this week we have really gotten into our busy fall 2013 schedule. Monday Lindsay had school. Its a busy morning when I have to drop both off at school. I have to drop Colby off at 8:15. Its nice that their schools are right down the street from one another but Colby goes so early and Lindsay doesn't start until 9 so she and I have 45 min to find stuff to do. We went to PJ's Monday and actually ran into a friend and her 2 kids. I was glad to have someone to visit with. While the kiddos were in school I came home to clean up the house and just enjoy some "me" time. The morning goes by quick though b/c I have to leave at 11:30 to go back and pick up Lindsay. I rush her home feed her and quickly get her down for a nap. She naps until almost 3 then we leave out to go pick up Colby. We get him home and do homework and change clothes then that afternoon we went to Chickfila for spirit night for his school. He was so excited about going. I invited my parents to go with us I figured they would enjoy meeting/seeing people from his school and also to help me since Austin was working. I am so glad they came too b/c Lindsay was a handful! We got there early and ate which was great but then the kids wanted to play. Sending Colby off to play by himself is really no biggie but Lindsay has only been in there to play 1 other time and she and a friend got stuck. Well colby finished eating way before I did so he wanted to go play which was fine with me...except the fact that since he was going his sister wanted to go too! Well my dad volunteered to go watch them. Well just like last time Lindsay scaled the play area and got to the very top! My dad came to get me saying he thought she was stuck. Well I still hadn't had much of a chance to eat. I went in there and she was crying and not coming down. I even instructed Colby to go get here but he couldn't. It was so chaotic and busy in there it was hard to even hear. My dad luckily saved the day and actually went and got her! There was no way I was going to climb up there! Anyway so after that we didn't let her back in! So needless to say she was one unhappy little girl the rest of the time we were there. The 3 of us basically spent the next hour trying to please her. We would have left sooner but Colby wanted to stick around for Mrs. Spears (the principal) so we waited and waited and she finally got there around 6:30. I was so tired and stressed by this time! The place was crowded and crazy, Linday was basically screaming/crying/kicking/squiriming by this point. My patience was really low! I was glad we did it though for my boy! But next time we may leave little sis at home. If I go alone again I think I will have my parents keep Lindsay and I will take Colby unless Austin is off and we can go as a family!
So Tuesday our ladies Bible study started up again! I have been so excited about our new study of Gideon. We have been out of Bible study for about a month and a half since the summer session and I missed it greatly! I feel like that's one area of my life that's just for me! So I drop Colby off at school then go pick up my mom then we head to the church. I am so thankful our church offers free childcare. So Lindsay gets a chance to play with other kids while I go to Bible Study...awesome! After Bible study we came home and had a pretty low key afternoon.
Wednesday Lindsay should have gone to school but she woke up with a crazy sneeze attack...I wasn't sure if she was getting sick so I kept her with me. We did our grocery shopping and spent the day resting at home. That afternoon she was a TON better so we went on to church. Colby loves going on Wednesday nights so much! Its so cute! I love that he loves going back to church even after a long school day. I am really loving my marriage class. I am hoping I learn a lot this semester about being a better wife. I really wish Austin could come with me but Wednesdays are just his hardest days! Wednesday evenings are tough though! We don't get home until 8 and by then both kids have had enough! They are screaming and crying so we hurry and do bath then send them off to bed!
Thursday I was asked to provide some information to the local MOPS group about Calvary school. They knew Colby went there and how much we love it! The meeting wasn't until 9:30 so I didn't stay I just dropped off some info. I would have loved to go and talk up Calvary but it would have meant me wasting an hour and then bringing Lindsay in with me. So we just ran a few quick errands and came home!
Friday I sent Lindsay to MDO...she usually won't attend on Fridays. I hate the thought of her going 3 days a week to school when she's only 1 so Fridays will usually be our play days. But since she missed Wednesday I thought it was best for her to go. Not only so I could have some time but for her benefit too. I think she had fun. They did several art projects today. They said she wasn't fond of paint/glue but she is really timid to any new experience and she's never used those at home/church so I figured that's why. I am sure she will warm up to them eventually ;). I really need to start doing stuff with her at home too!
So that's our week with all our new fall business! I always look forward to the weekends! This weekend we have a b-day party and church activities but we aren't planning on doing anything else!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

OWC & Football Sunday

We've had a great weekend around here! Starting Friday night we had a really low key night. The kids and I picked up Sonic and we just hung out and watched "The Princess & The Frog". I am so glad we have made it to more variety then just CARS. Now Colby likes pretty much any Disney movie =)
Saturday Austin was off! Its so rare for him to be off on a Saturday it felt so great to sleep in a little and have a lazy morning! We had a big breakfast and hung out in our pjs all morning! Felt Wonderful! I think the kids enjoyed the downtime as well! I brought Lindsay over to my parents house around 11:30 while Austin was watching the USM game. They babysat her for the OWC day at church that the rest of us were invovled in! So we had a little more time to eat a little bite of lunch and just be lazy some more. We left the house at 1:30 to go to church. Our church hosted OWC (Organized Water Chaos) for the kids kindergarten-5th grade. Colby was SO excited about this. Austin and I had been assigned to games. When we got there the kids were checked in and were able to free play on the water slide. Well we had only been out there about 15 minutes when it started thundering and lightening. We had to line all the kids up under the shelter for awhile. We got them organized by grades at this point. Once they were in grade order we split them up and took them out to the playground. We had just begun playing some games when it started thundering again. We had to herd all the kids under the pavillion. We finally decided to go ahead and take them upstairs. They had planned a music/teaching time for later in the day so they just decided to improvise and do that first. The 2 guys that were in charge did an awesome job! I am so happy that they have these young adults who are willing to invest in children. I think its so awesome that Colby has such great role models and young guys who he can talk to if ever if he doesn't want to come to mom or dad. After that the kids went downstairs for a snack time. Again this was supossed to be later in the day but due to the weather they went ahead with it. The kids LOVED this! I had a good time visiting with Colby and some of his little friends. A few of his school friends came which was neat to get to know them a little better. After the snack time the kids were finally allowed outside but not to the water yet. Well Colby's age group actually went to watch a movie and the group I was assigned 2nd and 3rd graders played outside. We FINALLY got back to water day around 4:15! Austin and I were assigned games so we ran those from 4:15 until 5:30. Man was I tired after that! We brought the children in and they were instructed to go change clothes...well I avoided that CHAOS like the plague! I got Colby and we went into an empty classroom and I helped him get into dry clothes. Afterwards all I wanted to was SIT! He and I found a place in the shade. It was soon time to go eat. We sat at a table with Max and his grandparents and his friend JaVardes from school and his mom. Colby had a blast sitting with his friends. I enjoyed visiting with them as well! It makes me so happy to see him enjoy events like this and be so comfortable talking with people. Needless to say that night we were all exhausted. It was almost 8 when we got home so we rushed the children off to bed!
Sunday we had no time to sleep but head off to church. I also had childcare. Anyway it was a good but VERY busy morning. We had atleast 11 kids. A couple of them were MAJOR grumpy and it just so happened it were some of the same ones who had been at the water day the day before! I think the adults were edgy too! Needless to say we were glad to get home and not go anywhere else! We had decided that day we would not go to Lifegroup. I hated to miss it but I also knew we needed some family time and not to push the kids. We had a relaxful afternoon just hanging out and watching Saints football. The game lasted from 3 until almost 8 b/c of a rain delay! After the game we put the kids to bed and just enjoyed some down time!

Friday, September 13, 2013

The Last Few Days...

We've had a few very busy days around here. Our weekend was pretty relaxful though which was nice!
Sunday the kids and I went to church. Austin was working. It wasn't my week to work in the nursery but I got asked to do it last minute b/c they were short on volunteers. I really wasn't feeling it and I feel so bad saying that but I was really hoping to go sit in church. Anyway though we did have a good morning with 9 kiddos. The children were ages 3 and 4. I enjoy getting to know the kids. We also met in colby's kindergarten classroom so it was interesting looking around the walls at all he's learning! Working in the nursery and taking care of my own 2 on Sundays is exhausting though b/c we are all spread out. I work in the clubhouse which is 2-5 year olds. Colby is upstairs in Jumpstart and Lindsay is still in the nursery building. I always feel like a crazed lady after Sundays by myself. This particular week especially b/c I was already juggling all of my stuff. Well I always pick up Colby first then we go get Lindsay. Well lately she has been so good about walking to/from the car which is a HUGE help to me. Well when I picked her up she had a toy in her hand that wasn't ours. I told her to put it down and she refused I eventually had to pry it out her hand which resulted in a HUGE fit! She fell to the ground, crawled into a corner, etc. I had to drop all my stuff (literally) scoop her up, At this point Colby is getting annoyed. Anyway I felt like it took us 5 minutes to get out the door! AGH! Kids they definitely have a way of humbling you! We made it home but we were all in grumpy moods. I take most of the blame. I was tired, hungry, and not having a good attitude. Anyway after some lunch and time to sit down I think we all felt better and went on to have a good day.
That afternoon we went to Lifegroup. I really NEEDED this! I felt so much better after having the break from little ones and interacting with adults. I don't feel like spiritually I always get a lot out of the lessons. I mean its interesting and I like to hear other people's ideas but the lessons themselves just are dry for me I dunno...But I like the idea of community and just visiting and praying for one another. After this I felt sooo good! I was glad we ended our day on a positive note. I am also so thankful Colby loves this and church. He always looks forward to church days!
Monday was a VERY busy day for me especially. Austin was off thankfully! He was a huge help to me during the business! So the day started off with me dropping both kids off at school. Lindsay and I had a lot of time to kill between Colby's 8:15 drop off and her 9 drop off. Normally I will go get coffee or something but I had a dentist appointment next so I couldn't eat or drink. Well we went to her school early and we just sat on the playground. Well Lindsay tripped and fell which resulted in tears and her getting dirt all over her! MORE DRAMA! I swear this child is giving me so much patience and humbling me! With Colby I would have been soo embarrassed but with her I guess I have been broken in as a mom and I let most of it roll off my back! God knows what he's doing with birth order let's just say that! So got both kids dropped off. Lindsay did great she didn't cry she got a little pouty but no screams/tears. I went to the dentist. I used to HATE the dentist but now that I am a mom I actually sort of look forward to the silence for 45 min ha! Anyway all was good there. I left the dentist and went back to Calvary. Our lifegroup has adopted the 2nd grade class at Calvary. Most of our lifegroup cannot go up to the school during the week so I have sort of made myself that person. Being a stay at home mom and former teacher I feel like this is a great way I can give back. I honestly really enjoyed it too! Since that is where Colby is going to school even though its not his class I feel like I am giving back to his school and his education. Lauren Ball is the teacher who took over when I left! It was neat being back in the my old classroom. I have to say things have come a long way in 5 years! I was def impressed! I got to see the children during reading time. I was able to help out one of her struggling readers. The little girl read her books to me and I just helped her once in awhile with a word she couldn't pronounce or read. It was fun and I look forward to getting to know the whole class through various activities. I was there a little over an hour. I stayed with the class until they went to lunch. At this point I went in to see Colby. He has lunch with the 1st and 2nd grade. He was so cute sitting up there with his friends. I think he was pretty tickled seeing me! Afterwards I had to leave to pick up Lindsay. I got her and came home to get Austin and the 3 of us went to lunch at Izzo's. Its fun having special lunches out with Lindsay. I know how all too soon she will be in full day school too! That afternoon we rested. After Colby got home from school I had to help him with homework then get ready for a meeting I had at 6. I am on the Women's Leadership team and we were meeting. I am on the mentorship team. It was nice joining together to discuss future plans for the women of Calvary Baptist Church. I am excited about being a part of this! I have always worked with children before but I am looking forward to also teaming up with a great group of women. So yes it was a VERY busy day but I enjoyed all of it!
Tuesday since Austin was off again we wanted to do something special with our baby girl. We had tossed around ideas of the Zoo or Insectarium. The Zoo b/c Doc McStuffins was going to be there. We decided to go ahead and do the the Doc thing. We had no idea it was going to be such a huge event! We had to wait about an hour to go through the whole thing and actually meet Doc McStuffins. Lindsay was very patient. I kinda wish we had Colby with us though b/c he would have gotten more out of it then she did. When it was time to meet the Doc she cried. This really came as no suprise. It was like a mini preview to Disney World! Let's hope by then she likes characters! Colby was never scared of costumes! Anyway so after we finally finished that we went to Whole Foods just to browse around since we were close by! We never get over there so this was a good opportunity! We got some pizza and salad for our lunches. We also picked up some cupcakes. Figured that would be a good treat for Colby! That afternoon we just relaxed and enjoyed family time! It was so nice to finally be home and not have anywhere to be that evening!
A busy week continued: Wednesday Lindsay and I grocery shopped and we all had church that evening. Thursday was a low key day for Lindsay and I. Friday I took her swimming then came home to rest. Look for a post about OWC @ church on Saturday!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Lindsay's 1st day of school and 21 Months!

This post will be all about my baby girl! She is growing up SO fast! This has been a big week for her! Today she is 21 months old! I can't believe we are just a few short months away from turning 2! She also started school yesterday. She is going to Aurora for Mother's Day Out 2 days a week. Yesterday was the first day 10-11:30. She cried a little when I left her but they said she quickly stopped. When I picked her up she was happily playing. The teachers said she did great. She was one of only 2 kids who actually sat down to color. Right now they have 8 or 9 kids total in MDO and they have 2 teachers. They also have 2 rooms so all the kids will be in both rooms throughout the year, but right now they have them seperated oldest/youngest. I have a feeling Lindsay will quickly promote to the older room. She is pretty mature for her age and can understand and do so much b/c of having a big brother influence around.
So speaking of my little girl she is talking a lot more these days. She says a lot of animals like cat, dog, duck, fish and she can also imitate the sounds they make. She's very independent and can partially dress/undress herself. She probably weighs 24 or 25 lbs. but can still wear size 12 month clothes! She doesn't seem that little to me until I see her around other kids her age or younger! She is very social but also a momma's girl but her crying when being left is getting less and less. She wears a size 5 or 6 shoe and a size 4 diaper.
She is a pretty good eater but can be quite picky when she wants to be other days she will eat anything/everything. We are a lot less strict with her then we were with Colby at this age but I guess that's normal for a 2nd child ;).
I am happy she is starting school. I think it will foster even more independence and give her something to look forward to. Although I do love having the 1 one 1 time with her while Colby is in school full day now! We are just so thankful she's a sweet, healthy, smart little girl she has been a great blessing to our family!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

LABOR DAY Mississippi Vacation

So we just got home from our little Labor Day getaway! It was our first vacation since Destin in May. It was our first trip to MS since April! Needless to say we were due for some family fun time away from home!
So Friday after Colby got out of school we picked him up and headed up to Hattiesburg. Both kids did great in the car! Neither slept they watched Milo & Otis on the way up. When we got into Hattiesburg we went to Austin's parent's house. They had invited us over for a home cooked meal. Austin's sister and her girls were also there which was exciting for our 2! We ate and the kids played for a couple hours. We were tired but it was great to visit with family. I found this trip was SO much easier with Lindsay. The last time we went in April she was still a little needy and hard to keep up with. This trip she was more independent and acted like she remembered everyone and got comfortable a lot quicker. She played outside with the big kids a lot more! It was a lot more relaxing for me! Colby had a blast. We knew that night though they would both be exhausted! We got them back to the apartment around 8 and got them in bed around 9. Although I think it was closer to 10 when they 2 of them went to sleep. They share a room when we are up there. Now that they are getting older I think we will see them playing more before bed!
So Saturday morning the kids were up bright and early at 6:50! We went ahead and got ready and headed over to Pawpaw's house for breakfast. We hung around there until about 9 or so then Austin, Lindsay, and I went over to USM to the bookstore to get a few USM things before the game. Lindsay was in need of a new cheerleader outfit, Colby got a polo, and I just needed a t-shirt. Afterwards we drove around a little with her in the car. We got back to Austin's parents house and the kids played some more. At 11:30 we met my parents along with Austin's parents at Ward's for some burgers. After lunch we went back to the apartment so the kids could nap. Both kids sacked out for 3+ hours. I knew they were tired. Now that Colby is in school all day all week and not napping he's almost always in need of a nap on Saturdays or he gets really cranky! It was nice just relaxing while they napped also. After they woke up around 3:30 we just hung out and played and ate snacks. It was nice to just have a little downtime with them both. Around 4:45 Austin, my dad, Colby, paw-paw, and I headed over to USM for the football game. This was Colby's 3rd game. Its interesting to see how he changes a little each year. He was very excited about going and could remember from the last 2 years. He loves eating the hotdogs and chips before the game. He did ok in the game...well the 1st quarter he complained a lot and rightfully so it was HOT! Plus the sun was right in our faces! 2nd Quarter was better and we also got him some M&M's. He rarely eats candy but we figured this was a special occasion plus it bought us 1 more quarter of him sitting there. I left with him at halftime. Honestly I was ready to go too! When we got back to the apartment my mom and Austin's mom (they stayed with Lindsay) already had her in bed. I let Colby stay up until dad and grandad got home from the game. With the long nap I knew he wasn't going to bed anytime soon!
Sunday the kids were up early once again. No sleeping in on this trip! So we got ready for our trip to Jackson! We were out the door a little before 9. We stopped at Starbucks for breakfast and coffee on the way! We arrived in Jackson around 11. We checked into the hotel. It was a little bit of a pain b/c we had to go into 4 rooms before we got one we liked. Well the first room was on the 4th floor and fine but the door lock didn't work well...they sent us to the 2nd room and it was handicap with no bathtub....the 3rd room was on the first floor and noisy neighbors. They finally put us on the 2nd floor and we were content haha! After getting settled in our room we headed out. Our first stop was the Children's Museum. We decided to stop at a Subway though for lunch first. The kids were very anxious to get to the museum. I wasn't sure how it would go considering Lindsay had not slept all day! She did great though at the museum! They both had a blast! We were there for 2 full hours. Colby explored and played on everything. I think his fav was the Bob the Builder exhibit and the car exhibit. Lindsay I think liked it all! I think we were all worn out afterwards though! We left the museum and drove around for a bit. At this point Lindsay FINALLY fell asleep so she got about a 20 min catnap in. I was glad she slept even just a little. We went back to the hotel to rest and freshen up for dinner. Staying in a hotel room with 2 little kids is definitely not relaxing. We went to dinner that night at Cock of the Walk. This was Colby's 3rd time there and Lindsay's 2nd. We all really like the food. I was also proud of Colby for eating mustard greens! After dinner we spent a little time out by the water just enjoying the beautiful evening! Colby loved watching the ducks and boats and throwing rocks into the lake. That night we got back to the hotel we bathed and put the kids to bed early! We were all so tired! But they did not go down easily. We had 2 rooms a living area and a bedroom so the kids were in the living area. We put them down and closed the door but Colby was up every 5 minutes and he and Lindsay were also playing! AH well we finally all went to bed around 10! Like I say hotel with little ones is not relaxing at all!
Monday AGAIN the kids were awake early so we got started on our day. Our plans were to check out some local museums. We ate dinner in the lobby which was nice to not have to pay for that meal. The kids ate pretty good and enjoyed themselves. We went to the AG museum first. The first part we checked out was the outside little town. Colby really enjoyed this. I wish the weather would have been cooler and we could have explored it more. Even early in the morning it was pretty hot. It would be nice to go back in the fall and spend more time. Anyway Colby really liked looking at the old house, doctor's office, store, school, and children's barnyard. They had several farm animals which both kids loved! After spending about an hour outside we went inside. Inside Colby loved the train section! They had several toy trains that went through all types of tracks and scenery depicting Mississippi. This was by far his favorite. They also had some old planes that he liked. We finished the museum in about an hour and a half. We tried to go to the Museum of Natural Science which I think both kids would love but it was closed. We instead just went to a nearby park and let them run around. We only stayed about 20 min though b/c it was just TOO hot! We decided to drive around then go eat lunch. We enjoyed our lunch at Jason's Deli. Once we got back to the hotel we tried to put Lindsay down for a nap. While she napped Austin took Colby swimming. Well they got back to our room about 1:15 and we started thinking what would we do to pass the rest of the day. It was just too hot to really go anywhere. We quickly discussed it and decided to come on home. I hated to cut the trip short but honestly it was probably for the best. So we quickly packed up and headed south. Both kids did great on the ride home. From Jackson to Hattiesburg they snacked and watched Aristocats. We had to stop in Hattiesburg to pick up Allie. Once we left Hattiesburg both kids Zonked out and slept all the way to nola! I guess we wore them out officially. It was nice to be in that night and sleep in our own beds! We had a great weekend though! It was fun to get away just the 4 of us. That was really the first real trip we took as a family of 4. Our other trips have been with family or just to Hattiesburg.
Since Colby was out another full day on Tuesday we wanted to continue the fun though. Austin needed to do yardwork but I wanted to get the kids out of the house. I took them over to my parent's house to swim. This will probably be one of our last times to swim plus since we missed Labor Day with them this kind of made up for it! I was so glad we did! The kids had a blast! They loved swimming in the pool and playing inside! They actually got along really well too! We stayed until about 1. We came home and all rested. We then just enjoyed the rest of the afternoon/evening as a family! So thankful Colby had a long weekend off school! I think it was a nice break/refresher for us all!