Another Thanksgiving has come and gone. Wow how fast time flies! Well this year was nice. The only thing that would have made it better would be had I not have been sick. The kids and I have been struggling with awful colds all week. They are about over it but I am right in the midst of it and pretty much miserable!
So Thanksgiving morning was busy. I had some cooking and cleaning to do before we left the house. The kids enjoyed watching the Macy's Parade while I scrambled around. Finally by 10 we were all dressed and ready to go to my parents.
This year we had a small gathering of just my parents, Ausitn's parents, and the kids and I. We got there first and were able to help my mom set the table and decorate it. She was also able to help the kids with a craft. Austin's parents got there about an hour later. We just enjoyed visiting and hanging out and watching football. The kids were really well behaved and found lots to keep them busy in Grammy's house. We played games, did art, playdough, etc. We ate a light lunch around 12. Soon after that I put Lindsay down for a nap. Had it been a lunch Thanksgiving I probably wouldn't have made her nap but since we were eating later I knew she knew she needed to rest plus it gave Colby a chance to enjoy the grandparents on his own. He was so good. I really was proud of him. He was so helpful and so cooperative the entire day. I cannot believe how much he is growing up. Once Lindsay got up it was almost time to eat. Austin got there around 3ish and we got all the food out and ate by 4. It was fun eating and visiting with our parents.
The kids ate and ran around and played. Once we finished up dinner and started cleaning up I was getting very weary. I would normally be a little tired but with also being sick I was very tired. The kids were also starting to get a little cranky. We waited until Randall and Elizabeth stopped by though to speak to them. We visited with them a short bit then came home. It was a wonderful day. I loved seeing the kids so excited about Thanksgiving and being Thankful. I hate I was sick and not feeling my best or I probably would have enjoyed the day a little more.
We have so much to be thankful for though. Thankful we were all together and able to spend the day as a family. Thankful for health and for my 2 babies! Thankful for Austin and that he has a job and about to start a new one! Most of all thankful to Christ who gives us grace and the reason to live!
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Thanksgiving Feast and Grandparent's Day
So Friday was a very busy day for my littles. My big boy had Grandparents Day and fortunately my parents live here so it was easy for them to attend this fun and special day with Colby. They have looked forward to this for quite awhile. Last year he was sick and couldn't go. I think they all had a fun time from what I heard. I wasn't able to go b/c Lindsay had her own special day at her school. She had a Thanksgiving Feast. We got to do this with Colby when he was 3. It brought back so many memories. This year I signed up to help out so I had to stay the whole morning and help set up and prepare the food. I loved seeing the little interactions of Lindsay and her classmates. They are such cute little ladies. It was fun visiting with some of the parents and Melissa (director) while we were working.
The feast was adorable as expected. They first gathered up to sing...well ofcourse my little petite princess didn't sing. She sat there just like her brother. She was still cute though! Afterwards they ate their little meal with their teacher. She ate her cornbread and pumpkin pie =).
The rest of the day was really low key. It was so nice to have everyone home early. We rested and the kids just enjoyed playing with their toys! I am so excited about Thanksgiving Break! We plan to do lots of fun things! Just mostly looking forward to the quality time.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Aquarium Field Trip
Thursday I got to go on Colby's 2nd elementary field trip with him. I am so thankful for my job as a Stay at home Momma that I get to attend all these fun things with my kiddos. This was our first aquarium field trip. I am also thankful for the city we live in and that there is so many cool things to go see and do! I brought Lindsay with me on this field trip. I used to leave her behind when she was a baby but now that she is older and easier to keep up with I think its fun to bring her along as well! Also she doesn't go to school on Thursdays anyway and its been awhile since we had all been. Nijel's mom rode with us and it was great having her help. We met the kids there. I had to keep up with Lindsay, Colby, and a little girl Kennedy. The 3 were really good so I don't feel like I really had my hands full at all. They enjoyed most of the exhibits. Colby always wants to rush through but we did manage to lengthen our normal times a bit ;). We did spend a long while in the play area and downstairs in front of the big Gulf tank. By the end of the field trip the kids were starving!! I had a good time visiting with all the other moms too. Once we got outside for the picnic the kids were thrilled! It was nice to eat and get some fresh air!
That night Colby had his 1st Pack Meeting for Cubscouts. At this meeting he and the other 2 boys earned their Bobcat badge. It was neat to see what all goes on at a pack meeting. Each den shared what they had been working on during the month. They also did the pledge and sang "God Bless America". They ended the evening with a skit and a couple of science experiments. I think this is going to be so good for Colby. I look forward to all he's going to learn. They also got cupcakes at the very end which was also a hit!!
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Preschool Pancake Breakfast
Today we had a Pancake Breakfast for our preschoolers at church. It is the first time we have done anything like this since we have been back at Calvary. We did Thanksgiving feasts at Metairie and it was a little like that. Anyway our day started early. Austin had to leave at 6:30 and the kids and I left at 7 to be there. We have prepared for this for a couple of months now so I felt like things went so well. Everything was organized and pretty much set up by the time the kids and I even got there.
We started the day with a prayer over the event which was so awesome. I love how our leaders see the importance of this. We gave all the thanks and glory to God before starting the day. Afterwards we finished all the last minute things and got ready for the day. I think both my kids had a lot of fun. They loved fixing their pancakes with all the wonderful toppings and just had a blast visiting with their friends and teachers. I am so thankful for this core group of people my kids have to grow up with.
After everyone finished eating we gathered the kids up to sing a couple songs that we sing and have been working on in Clubhouse. It was so neat for the parents to get to see what we really do. The kids loved it and were so adorable! After the music Laekan did a little storytime with them. After this time they went outside to play a few games. It was good to just let them all expel a little energy. As the children finished they were able to go inside and do some crafts. My kids LOVED this!! As everyone was finishing up and visiting we packed up everything and started cleaning up.
I would venture to say we had about 25 kids and about 50 people. It was less then what we had hoped and/or planned for but it was still a nice turn out for an early morning in November.
I am thankful for the time we have had to rest this weekend. Friday night we were able to get back to our usual movie night. It was nice to relax with them and have some much needed down time. Now our weeks have been so busy with Bible study, Lifegroup, Wednesday night church, and Thursday nights Boy Scouts on top of regular errands and just getting the kids back and forth to school! The rest of the day Saturday we also stayed home and watched football and played outside. Again so nice to catch up on rest! Today (Sunday) we have church then once again plan to come home and relax and get ready for the upcoming week!
There will be a lot going on this week with Chickfila Spirit night, Lifegroup, Wednesday night church, Cub Scouts, and Grandparents and Thanksgiving Feasts oh and a trip to the Aquarium! So look for many exciting posts to come later this week!
We started the day with a prayer over the event which was so awesome. I love how our leaders see the importance of this. We gave all the thanks and glory to God before starting the day. Afterwards we finished all the last minute things and got ready for the day. I think both my kids had a lot of fun. They loved fixing their pancakes with all the wonderful toppings and just had a blast visiting with their friends and teachers. I am so thankful for this core group of people my kids have to grow up with.
After everyone finished eating we gathered the kids up to sing a couple songs that we sing and have been working on in Clubhouse. It was so neat for the parents to get to see what we really do. The kids loved it and were so adorable! After the music Laekan did a little storytime with them. After this time they went outside to play a few games. It was good to just let them all expel a little energy. As the children finished they were able to go inside and do some crafts. My kids LOVED this!! As everyone was finishing up and visiting we packed up everything and started cleaning up.
I would venture to say we had about 25 kids and about 50 people. It was less then what we had hoped and/or planned for but it was still a nice turn out for an early morning in November.
I am thankful for the time we have had to rest this weekend. Friday night we were able to get back to our usual movie night. It was nice to relax with them and have some much needed down time. Now our weeks have been so busy with Bible study, Lifegroup, Wednesday night church, and Thursday nights Boy Scouts on top of regular errands and just getting the kids back and forth to school! The rest of the day Saturday we also stayed home and watched football and played outside. Again so nice to catch up on rest! Today (Sunday) we have church then once again plan to come home and relax and get ready for the upcoming week!
There will be a lot going on this week with Chickfila Spirit night, Lifegroup, Wednesday night church, Cub Scouts, and Grandparents and Thanksgiving Feasts oh and a trip to the Aquarium! So look for many exciting posts to come later this week!
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Fall Beach Trip 2014
We just got back from the beach! Yes the beach in November! Its the first time we have taken a fall trip like this since Colby was just a few months old. It was a wonderful getaway and something I feel like we needed! Although getting ready for it I was almost ready to back out! Going on a trip in the middle of a school week with so much going on was hard but we made it!
So we left Thursday morning. We weren't in a HUGE hurry to get out of here so we finally left around 9:30. With being out the night before until late at church it was hard to jump up and be ready that morning. We did our usual stops on the way. We stopped in Mississippi at the rest stop and then in Florida to get up with Austin's parents who were joining us this time as well. We stopped at Ruby Tuesday's for lunch as usual and it was fun visiting and catching up with everyone. We got to our condo around 3 or so that afternoon. Once we unloaded everything Austin and I walked the kids down to the beach. The weather was overcast and in the 70s that day. The beach was empty! It was so weird being there that time of year with no one out there! We walked and just let the kids play in the surf and the sand. We found several dead jellyfish a long the way which was crazy but made it exciting! We went up and got cleaned up and ready for dinner that evening. We ate in the condo that first night. Everyone is always so tired and ready to wind down so we eat in. Again it was just nice being with everyone. After dinner we got the kids to bed so we could have a little time to relax.
Friday morning we awoke to pretty chilly temperatures. We ate breakfast and decided we would take the kids to the Gulfarium. Austin has always wanted to check it out and we figured since swimming and beach time were out it was a great time to do so! Austin's parents joined us too. It was actually really fun and nice. They had dolphins, sharks, penguins, sea otters, sea lions, sting-rays, alligators, and many other sea creatures. The kids really enjoyed it! Most of the exhibits are outside and with it being such a beautiful, fall crisp day it was fun just letting them roam and run around! They also really loved the animals! We got to see the Dolphin Show which was really a hit with the kids especially Colby! Again the adventure was just so fun! I think the place seemed even more fun b/c the weather was so nice and it wasn't crowded at all!
We went back to the condo around lunch time. We ate lunch and then Lindsay needed her nap. The boys went outside to swim and play on the beach while us girls took a nap. I was a little sad I didn't get to spend as much time on the beach and swim like usual but I must admit I liked my rest time too! With such a busy season of life it was good coming home re-freshed and not overtired!
That evening we went out to eat at The Back Porch. Again a really fun dinner just visiting and hanging out! And good food! Afterwards we did our usual stop at the Destin Commons. The kids always love walking around. They loved the vehicles and boats at the Bass Pro shop! After that we walked down to the play area and let the kids just have at it! I loved being there when it was cold outside! Somthing about it just felt so fun and holiday like! We even got chocolate icecream for the kids to enjoy. We stayed out there about an hour before heading back to the condo. The kids were so sad to leave but we knew another fun filled day awaited us!
Saturday we got up to a cold, cloudy day at the beach. Once again we knew swimming would be out so we opted to go bowling instead. After a relaxed breakfast we took our time getting ready and headed to Fish Bowl. It was a fun time! The kids had never been bowling before and I honestly can't remember the last time I bowled either! We had a great time! We bowled for an hour. Colby got quite good after awhile although his approach of basically tossing the ball down the lanes was quite humerous! Afterwards we had lunch back at the condo! That afternoon Lindsay and I rested again and the boys took on the beach! I hated we didn't get much beach time but I always enjoy a good nap on vacation too!
That evening we got ready and went to dinner at Baytown in San Destin. Again it was a beautiful night so we enjoyed walking around and enjoying the scenery. We ate burgers at the diner. It was such a fun trip. I really loved going in the fall! I really think it might be a repeat for next year!
I really felt relaxed and refreshed after this trip. The last month has been so busy and crazy for us that I think we really needed this time away to re-group. It gave us some great family time and I loved having Colby at home for 4 days straight! I miss him so much!
The next day (Sunday) We traveled back. We did our usual Panera Bread stop. The kids were great travelers and it was so fun going on vacation with our 2 and 6 year old!!
Now back to real life! We have a busy week ahead with regular church and school stuff then a pancake breakfast on saturday so look for an update on that!
So we left Thursday morning. We weren't in a HUGE hurry to get out of here so we finally left around 9:30. With being out the night before until late at church it was hard to jump up and be ready that morning. We did our usual stops on the way. We stopped in Mississippi at the rest stop and then in Florida to get up with Austin's parents who were joining us this time as well. We stopped at Ruby Tuesday's for lunch as usual and it was fun visiting and catching up with everyone. We got to our condo around 3 or so that afternoon. Once we unloaded everything Austin and I walked the kids down to the beach. The weather was overcast and in the 70s that day. The beach was empty! It was so weird being there that time of year with no one out there! We walked and just let the kids play in the surf and the sand. We found several dead jellyfish a long the way which was crazy but made it exciting! We went up and got cleaned up and ready for dinner that evening. We ate in the condo that first night. Everyone is always so tired and ready to wind down so we eat in. Again it was just nice being with everyone. After dinner we got the kids to bed so we could have a little time to relax.
Friday morning we awoke to pretty chilly temperatures. We ate breakfast and decided we would take the kids to the Gulfarium. Austin has always wanted to check it out and we figured since swimming and beach time were out it was a great time to do so! Austin's parents joined us too. It was actually really fun and nice. They had dolphins, sharks, penguins, sea otters, sea lions, sting-rays, alligators, and many other sea creatures. The kids really enjoyed it! Most of the exhibits are outside and with it being such a beautiful, fall crisp day it was fun just letting them roam and run around! They also really loved the animals! We got to see the Dolphin Show which was really a hit with the kids especially Colby! Again the adventure was just so fun! I think the place seemed even more fun b/c the weather was so nice and it wasn't crowded at all!
We went back to the condo around lunch time. We ate lunch and then Lindsay needed her nap. The boys went outside to swim and play on the beach while us girls took a nap. I was a little sad I didn't get to spend as much time on the beach and swim like usual but I must admit I liked my rest time too! With such a busy season of life it was good coming home re-freshed and not overtired!
That evening we went out to eat at The Back Porch. Again a really fun dinner just visiting and hanging out! And good food! Afterwards we did our usual stop at the Destin Commons. The kids always love walking around. They loved the vehicles and boats at the Bass Pro shop! After that we walked down to the play area and let the kids just have at it! I loved being there when it was cold outside! Somthing about it just felt so fun and holiday like! We even got chocolate icecream for the kids to enjoy. We stayed out there about an hour before heading back to the condo. The kids were so sad to leave but we knew another fun filled day awaited us!
Saturday we got up to a cold, cloudy day at the beach. Once again we knew swimming would be out so we opted to go bowling instead. After a relaxed breakfast we took our time getting ready and headed to Fish Bowl. It was a fun time! The kids had never been bowling before and I honestly can't remember the last time I bowled either! We had a great time! We bowled for an hour. Colby got quite good after awhile although his approach of basically tossing the ball down the lanes was quite humerous! Afterwards we had lunch back at the condo! That afternoon Lindsay and I rested again and the boys took on the beach! I hated we didn't get much beach time but I always enjoy a good nap on vacation too!
That evening we got ready and went to dinner at Baytown in San Destin. Again it was a beautiful night so we enjoyed walking around and enjoying the scenery. We ate burgers at the diner. It was such a fun trip. I really loved going in the fall! I really think it might be a repeat for next year!
I really felt relaxed and refreshed after this trip. The last month has been so busy and crazy for us that I think we really needed this time away to re-group. It gave us some great family time and I loved having Colby at home for 4 days straight! I miss him so much!
The next day (Sunday) We traveled back. We did our usual Panera Bread stop. The kids were great travelers and it was so fun going on vacation with our 2 and 6 year old!!
Now back to real life! We have a busy week ahead with regular church and school stuff then a pancake breakfast on saturday so look for an update on that!
Monday, November 3, 2014
The Rest of the Weekend
So our weekend continued to be fun and somewhat busy. Saturday we had no real plans except a birthday party to attend. It was lovely staying in all morning. I was able to catch up on housework while the kids watched Cinderella. Its so rare that we don't have to rush off in the mornings so this was quite lovely. It also helped us recover from the Halloween craziness!
We left around 12:30 to go to Jackson's birthday party. He was turning 5. Colby and Jax have been friends their entire life but don't get to hang out as much anymore just due to life being so busy. Since Jax is in prek4 and Colby in 1st grade I don't think they see each other at school much like they did last year either.
There were a lot of kids for my kids to play with at the party. They had a lot of church and school friends there. Colby did have Ella from his class and Lindsay just enjoyed running around with everyone I think. I think she mostly enjoyed Jax, Eli, and Kale who she knows from church. We stayed until about 3ish. The entire party was outside. It was a beautiful day so I think a lot of fun was had by all. I think sometimes the simple, home parties are the best. There was no schedule or agenda and I think that makes it the most fun. I think the kids just loved the outdoor time and being together! I looked around and was just so grateful for all the families my kids have to grow up together! I am thankful for the last 2 years of relationships and friendships made. Moving back over to Calvary was one of the best decisions we ever made!
That afternoon we just rested from the party and enjoyed time at home.
Sunday was church. Austin was working so the kids and I went. I was teaching. We had a good class even though I was the only teacher well besides the youth oh and one mom who stays. We had a great class with about 7 or 8 kids. It was one of those Sundays that I really enjoyed teaching. That afternoon again the kids and I just tried to rest. We had some great quality time outside then Austin came home and we had a pancake dinner! It was the perfect way to end the weekend!
We left around 12:30 to go to Jackson's birthday party. He was turning 5. Colby and Jax have been friends their entire life but don't get to hang out as much anymore just due to life being so busy. Since Jax is in prek4 and Colby in 1st grade I don't think they see each other at school much like they did last year either.
There were a lot of kids for my kids to play with at the party. They had a lot of church and school friends there. Colby did have Ella from his class and Lindsay just enjoyed running around with everyone I think. I think she mostly enjoyed Jax, Eli, and Kale who she knows from church. We stayed until about 3ish. The entire party was outside. It was a beautiful day so I think a lot of fun was had by all. I think sometimes the simple, home parties are the best. There was no schedule or agenda and I think that makes it the most fun. I think the kids just loved the outdoor time and being together! I looked around and was just so grateful for all the families my kids have to grow up together! I am thankful for the last 2 years of relationships and friendships made. Moving back over to Calvary was one of the best decisions we ever made!
That afternoon we just rested from the party and enjoyed time at home.
Sunday was church. Austin was working so the kids and I went. I was teaching. We had a good class even though I was the only teacher well besides the youth oh and one mom who stays. We had a great class with about 7 or 8 kids. It was one of those Sundays that I really enjoyed teaching. That afternoon again the kids and I just tried to rest. We had some great quality time outside then Austin came home and we had a pancake dinner! It was the perfect way to end the weekend!
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Halloween 2014
Today has already been quite a busy day for us! I guess that is life with littles on the holidays!! So today was the first time I really had both kids' parties at the same day at the same time and had to make both! So first we got Colby to school for Farm day. We parked and got him situated and helped him pass out his pumpkin cookies. Next I brought Lindsay to school and got her settled and helped her pass out her cookies! Next up was going back to Colby's school to help out with Farm Day. This year I was asked just to help with all the students in colby's class going from one activity to another. I got there while they were at the Farm Station. This is such a hit each year having all the animals out for the students to hold and pet! Colby really loves it! He's such an animal lover! Although I don't think he quite spent as much time with them this year as last year!
They went to Trunk or Treat after that. I just walked with Colby during this time. After that the students had a restroom/water break so me and a couple other mothers waited outside for them. It was nice to just sit and visit with some other moms. These just happened to be 2 that are also signing their sons up for Cub Scouts. Last night was the first meeting. We are all very excited about this opportunity for them! I think it will really be good for Colby.
Their next stop was Chapel. Ms. Laekan did a Gospel presentation to them using a jackolantern. I am so thankful for these opportunities that Colby gets in school. I am thankful that even on Farm Day they are taught about Jesus. I hope this leads him to decided to follow Jesus one day on his own. We are just so thankful for so many people pouring into his life at such a young age.
After that they went back outside to pick a pumpkin and do the maze. They had fun just running around and playing. I was glad they just got some fun free time. I have to say though his school is very good about giving recess and outdoor time. Afterwards we left to go get Lindsay from her school. I hated we had to leave early and miss his lunch but I also wanted to participate and see Lindsay at her school. One day they will both be at school together!! Anyway we got over to her preschool and they were having recess. It was nice to visit with other moms and the teachers while they played outside.
We were able to rest and get things ready at our house that afternoon! We have had the tradition of having friends and family over to our house for hot dogs and chili since Colby was 3. Its been a wonderful tradition and so fun to see our gathering change and grow each year!
This year we invited my parents, Randall, Elizabeth, Mrs. Eva, Mrs. Doris, Melody, Nijel, and Mia. The kids were so excited to put on their costumes at 4! They ran around the house just enjoying being in costume! They were so anxious to eat by 5. Then we could hardly contain them inside until it was dark and time to get out! They really enjoyed having friends to play with and run around. We trick or treated to more houses this year then normal! The last 2 years we have ended up a little early b/c it was a school night and b/c Lindsay was so young and needing to go to bed early. This year she was SO into it! Colby loved running to the houses with Nijel. They were part of the reason we stopped at every single house with a porch light on! They were so funny! They trick or treated with us for the first half then we went on about another hour without them. Colby was so exhausted by the last house! I think Lindsay on the other hand could have kept going! It was so cute having them dressed up! Colby was Mr. Gru and Lindsay was Ariel! It was also fun being with family! This is like the kick off to the holiday season so I feel like so much fun awaits us!! I have a feeling this year is going to be really fun with an almost 3 year old and a 6 year old!!
We were also thankful Halloween was on a Friday night! The kids loved looking through their candy when they got home! Reminded me of so many nights I had as a kid! Love these traditions!! Cannot wait to see them each year as they grow!
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