Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Family Day and a Time to rest!

So I've said it often...I love weekends that we get to have downtime and relax! Especially after a busy week! We are still in the midst of spring business and this week was no exception with 3 back to back nights of being out the house. By Friday I am pooped and just want to stay in. 
I always look forward to having my littles home on Friday night! I know some people think it would be a great date night and would like to send them to grandparents but after a week of us being so busy I really just want my little ducklings at home. Colby was even invited to a friends house. Normally if it had been planned out I would have let him b/c I know he's getting older and these things are important but it came up last minute and he kinda invited himself anyway ;) I turned it down though b/c of the being out 3 nights I knew he needed some down time and rest. Plus the weather was going to get bad and plus dog gone it I just miss him! 
So we did our usual Friday night at home. We played outside, we had dinner then we settled in for movie night. We watched CARS 2. 
Saturday another day of no specific plans. I had thought about taking them to City Park or the Children's Museum and I really would have loved to but we have Family Day tomorrow at church and I needed to run an errand for that. I knew a big outting and an errand would be too much so we stuck to visiting a local park instead. The kids had a blast though and we ended up staying about an hour. Its nice that they can entertain each other now. There was a little boy and girl for some of the time but for the most part it was just my 2 out there. We left after an hour and headed to Walmart. I was nervous how that would go since we NEVER go there. But it went really smoothly. We got what all we needed and the kids were super good and helpful! The rest of the day we spent chilling out. We rested and watched movies. It ended up raining so we didn't get to play outside anymore.
Sunday was Family Day. We knew this would be a very busy day! Austin got up early and went up to the church to help set up while the kids and I stayed behind to get ready. This is the 2nd year of them doing this. I have to say this year was much easier. The kids were easier and Lindsay was MUCH easier. Although by the end of the service both were getting a little antsy. It was hot though! So we ate lunch after. I think Colby enjoyed visiting with Nijel over lunch and snoballs. Lindsay enjoyed cake! We let them play a litlte bit on the bouncy things and throw balls at the Dunking Booth. By that point Lindsay was DONE and we were all hot and tired. We left and the boys went on to see the ships for NAVY week downtown. I hated we couldn't go as a family but I figured Lindsay might be miserable and she wouldn't really get that much out of it. Plus I was pretty hot and tired as well. So she and I came home to cool off and rest. I think the boys had a really great time though and I was glad they went. The rest of the afternoon we spent just hanging out and relaxing. It was a great weekend and I truly felt like we rested. Which was a good thing b/c the upcoming week is SUPER busy! 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The unexpected

So here we are in the midst of another week. The spring business continues. Although I do feel a little less stressed. I guess the couple weeks of spring break and then last week being sick and resting helped me to catch up a little on some much needed downtime. I looked at the calendar and we only have 4 mondays left of this school year! I cannot believe it! So its like the light is there and we can push on through these next 4 weeks and finish strong! 
Monday was a little unexpected in our house. Well the kids went to school like normal and I went grocery shopping. it was shaping up to be just one of those routine days for me. I went to pick up Lindsay but while waiting in carpool I got a call from the school secretary saying Colby was in the office crying in pain! I was worried not knowing what was wrong with him. I ran to the playground to scoop up Lindsay and headed off to get him. Turns out by the time I got there he seemed to be doing much better. He was hurting on his lower side between his leg and groin. We still aren't sure what happened. Perhaps he sat on his leg funny and it pulled a muscle or it could have been a sharp growing pain of sorts? Good news was he was back to normal by the time we got home. Honestly I like having him home early like that. Honestly I wish we could have atleast one half day a week. I think it would help teacher/student productivity and it would help me. I know it would inconvenience working parents? Maybe an optional half day? I dunno but I did like having him home. We did have to leave the house at 3:30 though to go up to the church for him to meet with Laekan. He is getting baptized soon so she wanted to talk with him. He decided against the outdoor baptism this Sunday and opted for the next week with an indoor baptism. Anyway he was very shy in the meeting. He finally warmed up slightly though. That evening we were able to play outside a little which was nice.
Tuesday was a free day for Lindsay and I. I enjoy these days now that Bible study is over. We went over to our local Farmer's Market. It had been awhile since we had been and I was excited to get some fresh produce. It was just a fun girl morning for us. When we got home we played outside and did some housework. That evening was hectic. I really don't like the mad rush from getting Colby from school to doing homework to cooking dinner to getting ready for Lifegroup. I let my stress get to me and I took it out on my kids and I felt awful. Although they were being a pain at the time. Anyway I was in a bad mood but I was so glad I went to Lifegroup. I realized with me missing so much lately that maybe that was what was missing out in my life. I needed some me time! I needed some time with adults. I felt refreshed and encouraged after the meeting. It does mean a late night for us but I think its worth it. 
Wednesday both kids were in school. I had just had a couple of short errands to run then was able to come home and enjoy a little time to myself and get some stuff done. That evening we had church. Again its hard getting motivated to get out at night but we are always glad we did afterwards. The night was good. I think both kids had fun. We had 5 in preschool. I always enjoy seeing Lindsay with her friends.
Thursday....another unexpected day! So it was a free day. Austin was off but he was wanting to do yard work and so Lindsay and I set up a playdate with her friend Claire. First we got there really early. We planned to meet at 9. We drop Colby off at 8:15 though. We got there about 8:30 but I was able to get Lindsay to stay in the car until about 8:50. She said she needed to potty so we went in. We waited for another 5 or so minutes then went ahead to order. We had almost finished eating by the time they got there. We were able to visit some while the girls ate. They went to play and really we had just started talking and them playing when Lindsay came out and I knew something was wrong. She had pooped on herself! Oh my! In chickfila and I had nothing with me! Yea that was a fun experience in a public restroom. I had to just throw away her panties! Anyway after that I knew we had to leave. I felt so bad to ditch our friends! Lesson learned: on playdates we pack extra clothes! I guess it was for the best though its given me time at home and Austin and her are having some time together! Tonight Colby has Cubscouts. I haven't decided yet if we will all go or if we will just send Austin and him. I want to go in a way b/c I haven't been in awhile plus they only have 2 more meetings. But I've been out the house the last 2 nights and could really use a night in? So we will see! 
Looking forward to the weekend! We don't have much planned except Family Day at church on Sunday which should be nice! 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Weekend Blessings

Thankfully I woke up feeling much better Friday morning. I was able to get ready like normal and bring the kids to school. I was supposed to be a hall monitor again but when I went up there they said they were already testing and had all the positions covered! I was a little relieved I could come home and get caught up on housework and rest. 
Austin and I picked up Lindsay together and went out to eat for lunch. It was kind of a let down though at BWW but we still enjoyed our time together with our little girl. 
That afternoon we rested until time to get Colby. We got him from school and spent most of the afternoon outside. The kids wanted to use their camping chairs since our campout got cancelled. That evening we even let them get out the sleeping bags to watch their movie! We watched Big Hero 6. We all loved it! It was a sweet night for sure! 
Saturday we were able to sleep in which was lovely. We planned to go out to the Seminary to look at Bibles. I felt like it was time to get Colby his own real Bible. I mean he has children's Bibles but I wanted something a little bit more special for him. Since his recent decision and the age he's at I felt like now was the time. Sure enough he has been so excited about his new Bible. I am glad we let him have some say so in picking it out. I also got a new Bible. I had had the same Bible since Austin and I were married and it was for sure time for a new one! So I felt good about getting that done! We then went to Home Depot to get some supplies for Colby's Pinewood Derby Car and then had lunch at Panera. Again just a fun day of being out as a family. That afternoon the boys worked on the car and my parents even stopped by for a visit. It was a fun but laid back day. 
Sunday Austin was back to work so it was the kids and I at church. We had 10 in our preschool class. I felt like it was a good week. We have this group though of boys that they are definitely ready to promote. I love them and will miss them like crazy but its starting to be obvious they are over the preschool scene ;) We came on home after the 1st service. Since it was just me with the kids I wasn't up on staying by myself for 2 services plus I still didn't feel 100% after my sickness. We enjoyed an afternoon of relaxing and playing outside. That evening we took a drive to get icecream! That was nice! Now I feel like we are all rested up and ready to take on another week! 

Monday, April 20, 2015

RAIN, Sickness, and Cancellations

Well this week has been all about the unexpected. Its one of those weeks where our plans don't always turn out but we know God is in control and has a plan/purpose for us. So I'll give a run down of our week. 
Monday was a typical day mostly. The kids were at school. Austin was home and I went grocery shopping. The weather did get really bad at one point that morning but luckily we were all safe and sound. That afternoon after getting Colby from school we took a trip to Academy to get camping supplies. Colby had a Cubscout camping trip scheduled this Friday and we needed supplies! We don't usually go out much on school nights but since this week is testing week they haven't had any homework which has been nice. We did our shopping then went to TX Roadhouse for dinner. Again we NEVER go out to eat in the middle of the week. It was nice though to have that family time. I think the kids enjoyed the break from routine as well. Since we finished up dinner with plenty of daylight to spare we rode out to the park where our camping trip would be to scout it out. We were very impressed and all 4 of us got very excited about the upcoming trip! 
Tuesday Colby had school and Lindsay and I had plans to meet friends for lunch at Chickfila. We got home from dropping Colby off and the weather turned really nasty! It rained and stormed all day so our lunch plans got cancelled. It was nice staying in with Lindsay. We played princess and watched a lot of cartoons! I feel like sometimes God gives us days like that to catch up on rest. Well during naptime we got a call from the school saying it was closing by 2 so I had to rush around and wake Lindsay up and get ourselves together in less then 30 minutes to go pick him up. We came home and it was a LONG afternoon with lots of fighting and fussing. Austin went to Lifegroup but I just stayed in with the kids. I had already planned to skip with the camping trip coming up but we also found out that day that camping was cancelled. But with the weather and Colby having testing all week I felt it was best to stay home with them.
Wednesday the kids again had school. I had also signed up to be a hall monitor for their testing week. It was a boring 2 hours! I didn't even think to bring stuff to do! So I just sat there for 2 hours. It wasn't horrible though and I did enjoy being back in the school atmosphere. I do hope when Lindsay is there I can sub some. I am not sure I ever want to work full time but being back on occasion will be nice. So while I was there though I drank some coffee with some creamer in it and I noticed it tasted funny but really didn't think much of it but it turned out to be a horrible mistake! So after the testing I picked up Lindsay from school and we came home to eat lunch and rest. I was starving by that point. Such a bad idea to not eat breakfast when you have a long morning like that! Anyway that afternoon I felt a little queasy but I thought I was just hungry since I had a light lunch and no breakfast. We headed out to church and the weather looked horrible. It was dark everywhere and reports of hail were going around! I was worried what we would be in for! Colby even started praying as we got to church. And I firmly believe the weather lightened after that was the answer of his sweet little prayer. Church ended up going well. I still felt sick and it didn't help that they had crawfish etoufee for dinner. I would normally eat this even though its not my favorite but on a queasy stomach I just couldn't even stomach it. Again I was starving! So I felt a little bad while trying to teach but luckily I only had 3 kids and they were all really well behaved. They actually really enjoyed the lesson too! Well that night when we got home Austin made me some eggs I ate some of them but couldn't finish it and I still felt awful and went to bed early. By the early hours of the morning I was up puking! NOT FUN! I felt terrible...I knew that I would need Austin's help taking care of the kids and getting Colby to school would be impossible by myself. So he got up early and got them all ready by himself I was so thankful. I stayed in bed and made trips to and from the potty. He took Colby to school then brought Lindsay with him on some errands. I got up around 8 and took a bath and that did make me feel better to get cleaned up. Also after that no more puking thank goodness! I put on clean clothes and climbed back into bed until after 10! I think my body really needed that rest! I feel like I have been sick most of spring. In early March I had a really bad stuffy nose that lasted for like 2 weeks then I had about a week well then got a bad cough that lasted 2 weeks and now this?!? Seriously am I falling apart? I thik we have just been so busy! I guess my body finally let me know I needed a sick day! I got up and tried to move around some. Austin and Lindsay soon got home. By then I was able to hold down a banana and some sprite and then a grilled cheese and grapes for lunch. I still didn't feel good most of the day. I took another long nap and lazed around most of the day. Thankfully Colby didn't have homework and Austin did a good job of keeping them entertained and cooking dinner. Again I mostly laid on the couch. That evening I went to bed early again.
I prayed that I would feel much better for the weekend ahead and I did and we had a great weekend! 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Relaxful Weekend

Friday began our weekend. I had signed up to go help put snacks together at the school for their testing week. Lindsay went with me. Ashley and her son Jackson met us there and helped. It took us about 3 hours! I had no idea it would take that long! But we got it done! The kids were very patient as well! Once we finished I decided to check Colby out early. I knew he wouldn't miss that much plus he had started with a cough and I didn't want it to get worse. It was nice having them both home that afternoon. Honestly I wish Fridays were always half days for him. I loved having a low key afternoon. We played outside then watched Annie that night. I was even able to squeeze in a run! 
Saturday the kids and I really didn't have any big plans just some errands. We went to Petsmart, Michael's, and the grocery store. It was a little hectic with both kids in all those stores but for the most part it went well. We came home for lunch and just enjoyed another afternoon at home. We played outside some more and just relaxed. 
Sunday we had church. We just went to first service and came home. Again we spent the afternoon relaxing and watching tv. The kids probably watched too much tv but oh well some weekends you just need that! We watched ET together so that was fun! 
I knew we had a busy week ahead so I wanted our weekend to be relaxful so I think we accomplished that! ;)
Colby has tests this upcoming week and we have lots going on with school and church! We also have a camping trip scheduled Friday so look for many more updates! 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Lindsay's Spring Break

Well this year as I have already mentioned the kids had split spring breaks. So this week while Colby is back in routine I have Lindsay at home full time. I am enjoying this for several reasons. I like having the time with her to just soak her up at this precious 3 year old age and it makes my life less hectic only having to bring 1 child to school and go by one school schedule instead of two. 
Tuesday was our day to get back into routine. Lindsay and I brought Colby to school then went grocery shopping. We got that done. Our maid was here that day so it made our day a little crazy but it was nice to just hang out at home and play. That evening our Lifegroup got cancelled which I was relieved. I felt like we all needed a night in. Plus Bailey our 13 year old cat ended up at the vet that evening. He's in the midst of kidney failure. So that night though we did get to play outside with the kids which was nice! 
Wednesday was a free morning for Lindsay and I. We brought Colby to school then stopped for coffee and bread. We made our way to the vet to check on Bailey. I was really pleased with how he looked and acted. The vet said he's doing much better. Hopefully he still has a few years to live. Bailey has seen us through so much. We got him in 2003 while we were still dating. He's seen us through engagement, marriage, 5 different housing, hurricanes, children, and other pets! 
So after the vet I took Lindsay to the park. Its rare that she and I get to go to the park like that. I used to bring Colby ALL the time but now with his school schedule and hers it doesn't feel like we get to go as often. It was nice though and the weather was great. I just hope it doesn't make my already bad cough worse :(. I think she had fun playing. I hope we get more time to do this now that my spring Bible study has ended. It would be good for us both. I so want to instill an active lifestyle into my kiddos. Plus I believe the sunshine and activity is good for myself too! We came home about 10 so I could get some housework done. It was nice just having some play time with her. That evening we had church. We ended having 6 kids in our class! It was nice to have that many since the week before we only had 2. Even though its more hectic its also more fun having a lot! Thankfully I had the help of Mr. Ryan and Mrs. Natalie. 
Thursday I had a hair appointment so my parents kept Lindsay all morning. I enjoyed the time to myself although I do sometimes hate that my hair appointments take up half a day! It was good to get it done now with spring here though. Lindsay and I ate lunch and napped before getting Colby. Austin took Colby to Cubscouts that night. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter Weekend

Well we are here in the midst of Easter Weekend! Friday started out as a nice Family Day. We had a low key morning then went over to Mrs. Doris' house to help her with a couple of chores. This was one of Colby's Cub Scout requirements. She just had a few small things for him to do in the back yard. It was fun just working together as a family. Afterwards we decided to go out to eat for lunch. Again just a nice family time. We rested when we got home b/c Austin had to be back for the Journey to the Cross. He was a disciple. The kids and I hung around the house. Our AC also decided to play out. We left to go up to the church around 4:30. The kids were excited to see the Good Friday activity. Colby remembered a lot from the year before. I was by myself with them for the tour but both did really well. I think its such a neat learning experience for them. 
Colby recently on March 29th accepted Jesus as his Savior. I have never been more happy and proud! He will hopefully be baptized sometime this spring! His little heart is just growing and learning so much. I know God has really been working on him lately. 
After the tour we visited for a bit outside with some of our church friends then we headed home. I was exhausted! 
Saturday was SO nice to sleep in! We had no agenda that day! Its rare that we spend an entire day at home but we figured it was much needed! We have been so busy this spring and there was a lot to catch up on around the house! The kids and Austin spent most of the morning outside. We also worked in our garden. I am so excited to harvest some veggies later this summer. We took it easy and rested then spent some time dying Easter Eggs. It was again nice just to take it easy around the house and have an at home day. After dinner we hid Easter eggs out in the yard with the kids which was a lot of fun! 
Sunday was EASTER Sunday ofcourse! And as always Easter is a wonderful but very busy day! We woke early to do Easter baskets with the kids and get ready for church. The kids were ofcourse tickled with their Easter stuff. We went to first service. I taught and Austin worked at the Welcome Tent. We had about 13 kids in first service. I really thought we might even have more then that b/c that's about average for us on a regular week. It was busy though and the kids were wound up I guess on Easter candy and just knowing it was a holiday! After first service they did egg decorating. I felt bad b/c I hardly got to see my kids during this time. Austin took them out while I was getting everyone squared away to their parents. By the time I got out there they were almost finished anyway but a horrible coughing spell came over me so I had to rush off to get juice. By the time I returned they were finished and Austin had to go back to the Welcome Tent. The kids and I went to sit down for a little juice break. We then went to get settled in church and so they could eat their snack. It was a BEAUTIFUL service. So moving! It was the first time I had been in church since February. I was so glad we stayed so I could be in there Easter Sunday. It was also special to have the kids with us. There were 4 baptisms and they were all children so that was cool for Colby to see too! After church we went to my parent's house to start setting up for lunch. We had a big crowd this year: My parents, All 4 of us, Randall & Elizabeth, Janet, and Henry, and our 3 children's interns Ryan, Stephen, and Jesse all joined us. It was fun having the guys there and I think the kids loved it! We ate and hunted for eggs. The day was full of memories and laughs! So thankful! We stayed until late afternoon then came home. By then we were all tired. We didn't get to nap though but did veg on the couch for a bit. It was a lovely weekend and I am sad to see it all end! I am going to miss Colby when he goes back to school! Luckily I still have Lindsay home for a full week =)

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Spring Break

So I have had Colby home all week since its his Spring Break. It was sorta bummed at first that the kids didn't have the same break this year but at the same time I was excited to spend 1 on 1 time with each of them. Especially with Colby b/c that rarely happens! So Monday Lindsay went to school.I forgot how easy it was to just get one to preschool instead of leaving the house at 8! We were able to sleep in until 7 which was awesome!  I think its been fun for him to go back to his old school and see everyone. We brought her to school then grocery shopped. He really was a big helper at the store. Afterwards we had a little time at home. I think he enjoyed the quiet but also missed his sister! That afternoon we were busy with friends over! Eli and Ella came over to play. We missed our rest time but it was fun having friends over! The kids all play pretty good today. Ella is 7 and in Colby's class and Eli is 5 but is in the preschool classes with Lindsay at church. They all 4 enjoyed outside time and played pretty well. We came inside and had a snack but then things got a little crazy. Eli and Colby were butting heads over almost everything! Finally Eli and Lindsay decided to go off in Colby's room to play. I think they were both tired. The big ones were glad to have a little peace for a bit. Once they left is time for dinner and then baths and bed. Needless to say I was wiped out that day! 
Tuesday was an early day for all of us! I had Bible study which meant even though the kids were off school we all had to be up and out the house! My parents picked them up and took them to breakfast and kept them at their house. Bible study was good it was our last week. I know I will miss that fellowship time with other ladies but I was also happy to re-gain a free morning during my week. We won't start back until summer so I will have a couple months of freedom. I know I will be missing it though come June! That afternoon the kids and I just relaxed. We were glad to have a free afternoon. Austin had rehearsal that night for our Good Friday thing at church. 
Wednesday Lindsay had school again so we were all up early again for that. While she was at school Colby and I went to my parents house to bake cookies for Lindsay's Easter party. I think he enjoyed having the attention of the grandparents. I enjoyed the time as well. That afternoon we relaxed then got ready to head up to church. It was a nice evening at church. Very low key. Lindsay and Eli were the only preschoolers. We hung out with the big kids on the their playground. I think both of them enjoyed the change of pace! Eli and Lindsay and Colby played together as well as Ella some but she was mostly monkeying around on the monkey bars ;) They stayed out like the entire time so they were sweaty and tired children by the time we got home! 
Thursday Lindsay had school again! Today was her Easter Party and last day before Spring Break. I signed up to help with her party but that wasn't until 11 so Colby and I had a little free time until party time. I took him to Chickfila although he didn't eat much and he didn't even want to play on the playground I guess without his sister. Then we went over to Barnes and Noble I had told him he could get a book but he never could decide and he was really wanting a toy so we left without anything which made him a little sad. But I didn't feel too bad b/c Easter is coming! We left there and went on to Lindsay's party. We got to her class while they were cleaning up. They soon were ready for the party. They ate cookies and petite fours! Talk about every kids dream party right?!? Colby enjoyed sitting at the table too and enjoying the goodies! Afterwards it was time for their Egg hunt. I think they both really enjoyed this time. Although Colby was a little disappointed that he couldn't hunt for eggs. Lindsay had no problem finding a bunch! After they found their eggs they were just allowed to play on the playground. They had tons of fun! Colby's old friend June even came! I just enjoyed soaking it all in and watching them play. Its sad to think we only have one more year of these sweet preschool parties! 
The rest of the day was pretty low key. We came home to rest. Austin had to go up to the church that evening so the kids and I stayed home and tried to rest up for the busy Easter weekend ahead! 
So look for my easter weekend post to get the fill in on that! 
So Monday was our last official day of Spring Break. Its a little sad that really we only had a few days with both kids home. Although the one on one time with both has been special too! So Monday would normally be my grocery shopping day but I didn't want to do that with both kids plus I thought that would be a horrible way for Colby to spend his last day off! Since I am still kinda down with this allergy cough I really didn't want to do anything big or outdoors. We chose to do library storytime. This is something we never get to do due to their school schedules. It was fun but I am not sure the kids were very impressed. The normal lady wasn't there so the fill ins weren't nearly as good. We did get to check out some books though so that's always fun. After library time we went to Chickfila. I figured I would treat them to a fun lunch plus we were out of groceries anyway. I think they enjoyed it! The rest of the day we spent relaxing, watching tv, and playing outside. It was a fun way to wind down. 
Lindsay will still be off this entire week but with Colby back in school it will feel more like a regular week to us. Looking forward to some time with my girl though. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Birthdays & Palm Sunday

Whew we kicked off Spring Break with a bang this year! I guess now with 2 kids who are school age and have friends that is going to be life for quite awhile! Friday ofcourse was our field trip to the Zoo. That afternoon Nijel came home from school with us. It was fun for Colby to have him come over. I was tired though and I think the kids were a little exhausted as well. They played really well for the first hour then they all started to get a little cranky. finally after some dinner and going outside they were better again ;)
He left around 6 and we went ahead and took baths and got ready for our usual movie night. We watched The Princess and the Frog this week! I think we were all happy to go to bed that night though! 
Saturday it was so nice to sleep in and take our time getting ready! Lindsay had a birthday party for her friend Claire. My parents kept Colby for the party. I know I could have brought him too but I always try to make events special for the each child. Plus since Claire is an only child and I knew it was going to be mostly 3-4 year old girls he probably wouldn't be that interested anyway. I think he enjoyed a special morning with my parents. Lindsay had a great time at the party. Its fun watching her grow into a little girl and having her own little friends and life and not just a tag along to her big bro. The little girls are so cute! They had a blast playing inside and outside. They enjoyed eating string cheese, apples, and cake! I enjoyed visiting with the moms as well! That afternoon we had a low key day. We were all quite tired from the week. 
Sunday was a VERY busy day! We went to Aurora where Lindsay goes to preschool for their Palm Sunday Service. This is the first time they have invited the preschool children to sing in church. I was very unsure how she would do. She ended up doing great though! She sang and did the movements like such a big girl! Its amazing how far she has come in a year! I think she loved being in the spotlight. The teachers took the kids back to the their room to watch a movie during service which was so sweet. I think she enjoyed the "Jesus" movie she says. Colby sat in church with us most of the time but then went to Children's Church. I think he liked it too b/c the same lady who leads cubscouts also does Children's Church. After church they had an Easter Egg hunt. It was kind of crazy with so many kids but both kids found about 10 or so eggs so they had fun! It was a sweet time! They even had a pancake lunch after but we couldn't stay for that since Colby had a b-day party to attend. I am just so thankful not only for our church Calvary but for Aurora too. Both places have poured into our children and have been such a part of who they are now. 
So since we skipped the Pancake lunch we stopped at Cane's to eat lunch before the party! I am glad we did b/c they didn't feed the kids at the party until about 2. The kids had a blast. It was at a Bounce Place. Most of Colby's school friends were there so he was having a great time running around with them. I couldn't believe how brave Lindsay was! She was going down the big slides all alone! Even Colby wouldn't do that! They both had the best time. I was able to visit with some of the moms too which was nice. The only thing it was kind of tiring having so many activities on Sunday! So after the kids played for an hour and a half they went into the party room to eat and have cake. I think our kids only ate chips and cake...weirdos! 
That afternoon we came home and rested and tried to prepare for the week! It was a great weekend! So thankful for all the fun things for my littles and all their friends!