Monday, March 27, 2017

Weekend of Rest

So with all the sickness that has passed through our house this week...I sort of declared the weekend a no plans/rest time! 
Friday it was great to pick Colby up from school and not have anything on the agenda. The kids just played and we watched SING that night for movie night. It was weird because Thursday and Friday I felt pretty good but by Friday night I was starting to feel bad. 
Saturday I woke up with the worst sinus headache and just a really stuffy/pressure filled head. It was awful. I was just wishing I could stay in bed all day. The kids were disappointed to hear we would not be going anywhere but I knew I needed to stay home and focus on getting better. They played and watched tv and all in all we were all pretty lazy. I told them its ok to have a day like this once in awhile. They watched Inside Out and it was just great to have a low key day. That afternoon though we did great dressed and ready to go celebrate the March b-day girls at my parent's house. I was feeling ok but still kinda sickly so I definitely wasn't as talkative or fun as usual. 
Sunday I felt a lot better than Saturday but still not 100%. We went on to church to first service. I was so thankful it wasn't my week to teach. I know that sounds terrible but I don't think I would have had the energy this week. It was so nice to just be able to sit in church. Lindsay also sat with me and my parents. After church we picked up Popeyes and just came home to rest/relax. Austin got in early though and we had spaghetti for dinner and then went outside and took a walk and spent some time outdoors. 
It was a great way to end the weekend. I feel a little bad that we didn't do anything exciting really but also I think sometimes our lives are too busy and we just need to stop and rest. I even tried teaching my kids that this weekend. They were upset on Saturday that we didn't go "do anything" I tried to teach them that it was ok sometimes to rest and to stay home. I think all in all they enjoyed it. 

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Girl's Day

So Friday Lindsay had a dentist appointment. I had planned all along for her to skip the day of school. I am trying to soak in this last year that I can keep her out on a whim before attendance and "real school" start! Anyway so she and I went straight to the dentist. She did so good! She has come such a long way from when it used to take like 3-4 people to hold her down. She did great and it was super quick and easy. 
Afterwards we went by Aurora to drop off some stuff. I had to drop of my music packet for the beach trip. Sadly, I am not going to make it this year. With Austin and I both getting sick I just felt it best for me to stay home. I didn't know when/if the kids might get sick and I didn't want to put that responsibility on my parents. Also Austin had gotten word he wouldn't be able to take the whole time off anyway. I know my parents totally don't mind helping take care of them but I also didn't want them to feel responsible for them the entire time I was gone. Plus with our getting sick Austin had to take some extra days off. Anyway needless to say this year just didn't seem like the right time. Its bittersweet...I really knew it would be good for me since I never do anything like that. Plus it would be out of my comfort zone. Its good though in the fact that its one less stress out of my life. Not that the trip would be stressful but it would be stressful next week preparing so I am glad just to have that load off. I also would miss another week of teaching music which with their Easter Performance coming up I just hated to. we dropped the stuff off. We got to visit briefly with Lyn and Abby. I was glad for them to get to see Lindsay although she was pretty shy. 
So she and I after that went out to Lakeside. She has been asking for awhile now for a trip to the mall. I miss our days together. She and I always had a mommy/daughter day atleast once a week the last few years. So we got out there and the first thing on her agenda was getting beignets. She scarfed down two and left me with one. They were sure yummy though. I hope she will still want to go get beignets and coffee with me when she is 15. Since we arrived at the mall around 9:30 nothing was really open yet. We basically just walked around and window shopped for a little while. Her next to do was to ride the train. I was so proud of her for going alone. A couple years ago she wouldn't have done that! She was the only kid on the train! She loved it though! After that I took her to the Disney store which is always a must. I ended up getting her a stuffed animal. She has had her eye on it for awhile. 
After that she was ready to go. On our way home we stopped by Panera and got soup and Mac n cheese. Another thing to make our day complete! We mostly just relaxed until time to get Colby. I really did enjoy her company. she's so easy to just have at home. Colby has always been one that needs to go places or have things to do. Lindsay is content to play and draw. She also did some school work. She read a book to me and worked on some letters and number pages. I am thankful for days like today! 

Friday, March 24, 2017

A New Week and the Flu and Birthdays

So this week has been different in that we've had sickness plaguing our household.
Monday Austin was really sick so he got up that morning and took himself to Urgent Care. I felt bad I couldn't go with him but I had an 8:30 dental appointment. After I went to the dentist I grocery shopped. He spent the majority of the day resting/sleeping. Poor guy I felt so bad. By that evening though the meds began to kick in and he was able to eat a good dinner with us and we even took a family walk. I was thankful for the extra family time. 
Tuesday I didn't have Bible study but decided to meet some friends for coffee that morning. It was nice to just get out and share some laughs with friends. With being cooped in all week with sickness I was starting to feel myself having a bad attitude. I needed that refresher. Once I finished that I went with Austin to drop his truck off and we went to lunch for Chinese. I was thankful that he was feeling much better. Later that afternoon I noticed I had a dry cough but I was hoping it was just allergies. I get that every year in March. I picked the kids up from school and we had another great evening as a family. Austin grilled burgers and we just enjoyed hanging out and having some time outside together. 
Wednesday was a sick day for me! I woke up in the middle of the night feeling funny so I knew I was in for the flu. I woke up that morning and felt ok but I had a cough/congestion and felt chilled. I got the kids to school and then luckily was able to come home to rest. I was glad Wednesdays are usually my no plans day anyway so it wasn't hard to just come home and rest. My day mostly consisted of me napping. I came in and ate some toast and took meds and once I took those I was feeling awful so I went and fell asleep for awhile. I woke up extremely nauseous due to the TamiFlu so I made myself eat some soup though. I figured I needed to put something in my stomach. I felt so much better after too. I once again stayed up for a bit then fell back asleep on the couch. I woke up around 1 and was starving! I decided to heat me up a leftover hamburger! Weird I know! But it was like my body needed red meat and protein! After that I felt a ton better but once again I took a nap and slept until like 3. I did a few things around the house until the kids got home. From the time they got home and austin got in I actually felt pretty good. They watched Inside Out while they keyed down from the day and I just relaxed. After mom made us chicken and dumplings then we went outside for about an hour. I think that did us all good. I missed being at church but it was nice to put the kids to bed early and not all be exhausted from that. 
Thursday ...this was supposed to be my busiest day this whole week. I have to admit I was sort of dreading it b/c I knew how exhausted I would be. Colby had Awards Day, I would normally teach music, Colby had a kickball game, then to round out the day he has Scouts. Well I woke up this morning feeling pretty good...not 100% by any means but no longer on deaths door either. I decided though that I should stay in though and rest. Austin volunteered to take the kids into school which made my morning easier. I hated to not bring them and I missed Colby's Awards Day. I have never missed anything like that but I just knew I needed the rest and also not be around people in close spaces like that yet. Anyway I was glad to get the rest and be around the house for most of the day. I did go pick Lindsay up at carpool and got to see Colby's kickball game. I was so thankful to feel well enough for that. His kickball game went well. The kids have really improved. Even though this was technically only his 3rd game! his team won! After kickball my parents brought him to their house and I brought Lindsay home. I could tell she was tired plus I knew I didn't need to overextend myself nor get my parents sick. She and I had a nice low key evening. The boys got home around 8 and we quickly got the kids ready for bed. 
I know it doesn't sound like my b-day was very exciting and even though I was sick I was thankful for the time to rest. 

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Saturday Parties and Sickies

So the last week has been quite busy filled with the normal routines of life. Austin went back to work last Monday and I had a busy week just with kids stuff, school, church, music class, time with friends, and our patio being re-done. 
Saturday it felt so good to sleep in. The kids and I had a pretty leisurely morning around the house before getting out and going to Target. We had to buy a b-day present for one of Lindsay's friends. We got the present and then picked up Chickfila for lunch. We had about an hour and a half to just relax and watch tv.
We left for the party around 1:15. I had to first drop Colby off at my parent's house. I sometimes bring both to parties but I knew this one would be mostly little girls and it was at Storyland which he is about too big for now. Lindsay was super excited about this party and time with her friends. We got there and City Park was crazy busy though. I honestly questioned if we should just go home. It took us about 30 min to find a parking spot. We finally found one and we went in the park. We were the first ones to arrive for the party b/c we went in the Membership gate. Lindsay enjoyed some one on one time with the birthday girl. The party was nice I got to get to know some of the parents in her class. I don't know many of the kids/parents well yet so I am learning faces/names/families still. That afternoon we didn't get home until about 5:30. We picked up dinner and came home to rest/relax. Austin also got home a little early. He mentioned though during the day that he was not feeling well. We blew it off assuming it was just a cold coming on or something. That night we were definitely all ready for bed. 
Sunday morning Austin still wasn't feeling great but he was thinking he just had a bad upper respiratory thing and he thought he felt good enough to attend church. he had to count and since he missed last time he felt he should be there. I tried to convince him to stay home but he wasn't having it. I had to teach so he helped me for a little while in there. We had like 8 kids. they were really well behaved but we had 3 littles and its just hard to balance the big kids along with 2 year olds. Anyway after first service the kids and I came home. Due to having a busy day the day before I felt like I needed to get home to rest and be able to work on some stuff around the house. By the time Austin got home he wasn't feeling well at all. We ended up just chilling the rest of the afternoon. We did go out to get ice cream though. Late that afternoon/evening he started feeling really bad. Around bedtime he was running 104 degree fever. It quickly broke though thankfully and we were able to sleep. I hated that our weekend ended in sickness but it was nice to rest that afternoon. We did even sit outside some and watch the kids play which was good too. We have had such lovely spring weather lately. 

Monday, March 20, 2017


So Friday was another busy day for us. I had to sub while the kids were at school. I enjoyed subbing for the 3 year old class at Aurora. I have been able to get to know that class well. I've subbed for them a couple times and seeing them each week at music. They were really good for the most part. That afternoon Austin and I relaxed. He picked the kids up from school and Nijel came home with Colby. The kids mostly played outside. That evening we watched Moana. 
Saturday it was nice having Austin home since he's not normally here on Saturdays. The boys went for haircuts after breakfast. As soon as they got home we all got ready and left for City Park. The kids were still in the "roller coasting riding" moods! Its nice since we have passes for the Amusement Park we can just go ride stuff without it costing us anything. They did the big slide a couple of times and the roller coaster several and then bumper cars once. We left and went to eat at Velvet Cactus. It was so fun just to have this last little family day before the reality of Austin going back to work. Even though I had work and the kids had school this last week still seemed a bit like a vacation still. That afternoon we rested and even went to go get ice cream! We were living it up! 
Sunday we had church ofcourse. We went to first service. After church we went to eat and then just focused on getting things back in order for the new week. 

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Life After Disney

So we came home on Monday. We had to be up early. We left for the airport at 7:30. The kids were again super during the traveling. We got back home right at lunch time. We picked up Chickfila and came home to get to the unpacking and back to life. Austin had to pick up Allie and go grocery shopping so I stayed home and worked on getting laundry started and suitcases put away. 
Tuesday it was back to reality for us! I brought the kids to school and had Bible study. It was good getting back to "normal". I enjoyed getting to be back with the ladies and enjoy some me time. After bible study I came home and Austin was here. We had lunch together and then tried to relax some that afternoon. We were both so tired from the he had done yard work that morning.
Wednesday Austin had woken up early that morning not feeling go. He had some vertigo thing. It happened a few years ago. Anyway that had him laid up most of the day. I took the kids into school that morning. I ended up meeting a friend for coffee for a bit then went to the grocery before coming home. We had soup for lunch. He was feeling a bit better but still weak and a little dizzy. That afternoon my parents brought the kids home which was nice b/c it allowed us both to rest some. That night I took the kids to church. I hated for Austin to miss but I knew he needed to continue to rest. We had a good evening back at church. I think I ended up having like 7 kids! Needless to say it was a very busy evening! 
Thursday I had music class. It went well but it did seem like the 3 year olds were crazy hyper. I guess with missing a week they were out of the routine! Once I got home I brought home lunch for Austin and I and we ate and relaxed. Colby had a field trip that day. It was the first ever field trip that I didn't attend. I hated to miss but I also knew I needed to teach music plus it was some basketball thing at UNO that really didn't sound interesting to me. That afternoon we got word that they were going to play kickball early so we had to rush around and get ready to go watch that. We missed most of the game but I was glad to be able to make some of it. I was thankful we didn't have Scouts though b/c it gave us an evening at home which was much needed. We had a nice family dinner and it was a great night! 

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Disney Day 5

So our final day at Disney was also a great one! I felt like we got to do so much. We had made up our minds that on the last day we would do a Grab n Go type breakfast and get to Magic Kingdom for Rope Drop. I have never in all my years of going to Disney experienced this. We walked b/c we figured that would be quicker. And it was ...we walked right in. Well when you get in the Main Street Area is open but all the other lands are still "roped off". So we waited on the Tomorrowland side b/c our goal was to get to Space Mountain. We enjoyed watching the Welcome Show. It was quite cute and so fun. We beelined though to Space Mountain when it was finished. Lindsay wasn't quite tall enough to ride so my parents took her on the Carousel of Progress while the rest of us rode Space Mountain with Colby. I was so proud of him b/c he was scared at first but then ended up loving it! We had a blast with him. The next thing we did was meet back up with Lindsay and my parents and we went to ride the little race cars in Tomorrowland. This is for sure a favorite for them! I rode with Colby and Lindsay with Austin. Its so fun to see them as they get older. This time Colby was able to drive and press the gas for the most part. After that ride we went on to ride the Teacups. It was only Lizzie, myself, and the kids though that wanted to ride. After that we had our Fast Pass for the 7 dwarves. We loved every second of that ride! After that we tried to do Winnie the Pooh but it was closed. We decided to go into Adventureland and ride Pirates and The Jungle Cruise. We got there to find out the Pirates ride was shut down so we waited about 30-40 min in line for Jungle Cruise. That ride was fun though. Afterwards we went back to Pirates and were able to ride. We had to wait though about 20-25 min. After those rides it was time to walk back to the Crystal Palace for our lunch. We had a delicious and fun lunch there. After that we all wanted Dole Whips so we had that as a treat as we made our way to Peter Pan for our 2nd Fast Pass of the day. At this point we split up from Randall and Lizzie. I love the Peter Pan ride though and so do the kids. Afterwards we met back up with Randall and Lizzie and we went to back towards Frontierland. My parents started getting really tired though so they went on back to the hotel. We went to ride Big Thunder Mountain again with the kids. They just loved that ride! After that we went to see Country Bear Jamboree. That was a nice break for us all. After that Lindsay wanted to go back and ride The little Mermaid and Colby wanted to ride Big Thunder Mountain again. So we split up...Colby went with Randall and Lizzie and Austin and I took Lindsay to the Little Mermaid ride. Afterwards we all met up in Tomorrowland for a little break. We then had our last Fast Pass of the day which was Space Mountain. Lindsay stayed with Austin while Randall, Lizzie, Colby, and I rode. By this time we were all pooped and ready to head back to the hotel. We got back and went to the room and freshened up and had dinner in the hotel lobby. It was nice to just enjoy that time together. That night we ended early and it was nice to have a longer evening in the hotel room. We got our stuff packed up and just relaxed! 
It was such a great trip and we have so many memories and the kids already can't wait to go back! 

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Disney Day 4

I think this was one of my favorite days! Its funny how each time we go I have a favorite park. So this morning we once again met in the hotel lobby for breakfast. We then took the bus to Hollywood. When we arrived we went straight to our Fast Pass on Toy Story. That's always such a fun ride and one that everyone can enjoy! After that we rode the Great Movie Ride. We then did the Little Mermaid Show. Lindsay loved it just like last time. After that we had a fast pass for Tower of Terror. We chose to stay on that side and go ahead and eat lunch after. We ate at a new place. It was outside dining and there were like 3 different places to choose from. I got a baked potato so it was nice to have something different. After lunch we decided to divide and conquer again. Lindsay and I went to do the Disney Jr Live show while everyone else chose to do Beauty and the Beast. I enjoyed some one on one time with her. After that show we met back up and did our fast pass for Star Wars. This was the first time for the kids to ride it and they loved it! We shopped around in the gift shop for a bit afterwards. After that we split up again and Randall and Elizabeth went to attempt to wait in line for Aerosmith roller coaster while the rest of us found coke icees and bench and chilled out. We were all pooped by this point and had also done pretty much everything we wanted to do. The kids didn't seem to mind the down time. We did browse a couple gift shops. By the time we finished that it was time to go to dinner. We ate again at the 50s Prime Time Cafe. As always it was great fun and yummy. I loved our waitress! After dinner we decided to head back to the hotel. Again it was nice to get back kinda early. We let the kids walk around the lobby at the hotel for a bit that night. It was another great day! 

Disney Day 3

So the next day of vacation was Friday and we spent that day at Epcot. We ate breakfast in the hotel lobby then took the monorail to the park. Our first stop was the Giant Golfball ride as the kids like to call it. We like that ride b/c everyone can ride it and its rarely ever a long wait. After that we had fast passes for Turtle Talk with Crush. We decided to go ahead and ride the Nemo ride also while we were there. Again its a nice ride that everyone can ride with little to no wait time. Afterwards we went to the Turtle Talk. Oh my goodness it was the cutest thing! We had done it when Colby was 2 but we hadn't been back. It was so cute and funny! I think the kids enjoyed it as much or more than the kids! Our next stop after this was Soarin'. My parents ended up opting out of this ride. They saw it was a 45-50 min wait and decided to sit on a bench instead. I felt bad my mom missed it b/c she loves that ride. After that we decided to go ahead and eat lunch. We ate at the Electric Umbrella...nothing special but it filled an empty spot. After lunch we split up with Randall and Elizabeth. We had a character meeting and they were meeting up with friends. We had a fast pass for the Disney Pals Character Greet. As always the kids loved it...well Colby gets super into it. Lindsay really only warmed up to Minnie Mouse. After that we decided to go across and meet Joy, Sadness, and Baymax. We had to wait quite awhile for this one. My parents decided to sit and wait that out since we were standing in line so long. I was so proud of how patient the kids were. They loved meeting these characters and getting some new autographs. After that we met back up with my parents and decided we all needed an afternoon pick up. We stopped for coffee and ice cream. By that point it was time to head to our Frozen Fast Pass in Norway. We made our way into the countries. The Frozen ride was really neat and I know Lindsay loved it! By the time we got out of the ride we met back up with Randall and Elizabeth and some old friends. We walked with them back to Mexico and rode that ride. Again it was nice to just have the opportunity to rest for a bit. After that we were all pretty tired and the countries were so crowded. I hated that we really didn't get to soak up the atmosphere b/c it was just so many people. We made our way to America..the halfway point and stopped to see the show. It was a tiring wait but so worth it to see the show. 1) b/c the show really is good and 2) b/c its like a 30-40 min break in the ac and in a comfy chair! 
Once we got out the show we all took potty breaks then walked the rest of the countries until we got to England. We arrived about 15 min ahead of our dinner reservation so we just hung out until then. Dinner was a hoot...between these horrible heaters being over the table and a man puking in the restroom it was quite eventful! The food was great though and we had many laughs. Once we finished took about 2 hours we were all pooped and ready to head back to the hotel. My stomach was also hurting that night. It took us about an hour to return back to the Contemporary. R and E ended up staying and riding some more stuff with their friends. 
We got back to the hotel and it was nice to be in a tad earlier and have a little time to rest/regroup. It was a great day! 

Monday, March 13, 2017

Disney Day 2

Thursday was our first full day at Disney. We began the day with a breakfast at Ohana. This is always a favorite for our family. The breakfast is super delicious and its fun to have the characters come around to the table. After breakfast we headed out to Animal Kingdom. We really had super weather! We got to Animal Kingdom and went first thing to our fast pass at the Safari Ride. This is always one of my favorite things. We saw a lot of animals this time and they were all pretty active. Afterwards we went back up towards the front of the park to do Its a Bugs Life. I think the kids enjoyed it and it was a nice break for us adults to rest our feet. The next thing we had on our agenda was Mount Everest. We walked back there and we were surprised to find out that Lindsay wasn't tall enough for it. I felt so bad. Austin and my dad sat outside and waited with her. Colby loved it again! After that ride we decided it was lunch time so we went to the Dino Land to go eat lunch. We ended up at the same place we always stop and it was super busy and crowded. We finally got our food and got seated and again the break was nice. 
After lunch we decided to enjoy some of the things in Dino Land. Austin rode the little Dino spin ride with Lindsay and Colby while Randall, Elizabeth, and I rode Primevil Whirl. It was so hilarious and wild! After we met up with everyone and rode the DINOSAUR ride. That one was fun! By the time we finished that we were all tired and ready for a break. We had originally had a fast pass for Lion King but decided to cancel it b/c they show wasn't until 5. I didn't see anyway we could keep ourselves busy for 2-3 more hours. Plus we were all a little hot and tired. It was nice to be able to get back to the hotel and lay down for a bit. We were able to refresh and get back up ready to go back to Magic Kingdom. My parents decided to join us for the evening. We ended up riding Its a Small World and eating at the Pinnochio restaurant. After that we had a Fast Pass scheduled for Buzz Lightyear in Tomorrowland. This was a fun ride everyone enjoyed. After Colby got to meet Buzz and close down his little area with the help of pushing a button. That was a neat experience. Afterwards we made our way back to the hotel for the night! 

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Disney Day 1

This week we just arrived home from Disney World. We had a wonderful time! It was just the best trip. Well let me start at the beginning. 
So we left bright and early Wednesday morning. Our flight was for 8 so we left the house at 6 to head to the airport. We got there smoothly and got checked in without any issues. We actually ended up not having much extra time so it felt like we arrived and basically walked onto the plane. Which with 2 excited kids was great! Colby chose to sit between Austin and I on the plane. He did great and was such a little man! We arrived in Orlando at 10:30. Once again we got to the Disney Bus and to our hotel with no issue. We even arrived and found that our room was ready before we arrived so we walked in the hotel and straight to our room! That was fantastic! 
We cleaned up a bit then headed downstairs to get a bite of lunch. We ate and then were off to the Magic Kingdom. We hopped on the Monorail and took the circle tour around the resorts. 
When we got in Magic Kingdom we decided to head first for Fantasy Land. We went to ride the Little Mermaid ride. Ofcourse Lindsay loved this ride. It was a nice way to begin our trip. After that we had Fast Passes to meet Cinderella and Elena. We also rode Dumbo. That was a nice break time for us all since you get to go in a room and wait until they page you to go ride. We did that...Lindsay was in awe I think of the princesses. Our next thing to do was The Haunted Mansion. By this time my mom was getting tired. The wait was long also for the Haunted Mansion so she decided to sit out while we all rode that. It was a long, hot wait but the ride was fun. Lindsay rode between Austin and I. Afterwards we had Fast Passes for Splash Mountain. Once again my mom decided to sit this part out. I was proud of my dad though for going with us. This was the first time both kids rode Splash Mountain so they were a little fearful but ended up loving it. They didn't love getting wet but I think they overall liked the ride. 
After that we headed over to the Liberty Tree Tavern for dinner. We were excited b/c we remembered how good it was the last time. It was a fun and yummy family dinner. It was about a 2 hour affair though so by the time it was over the kids were antsy and ready to go! After dinner my parents were pretty tired so they decided to go ahead back to the hotel. We had a fast pass for Big Thunder Mountain so we went to do that. Both absolutely loved the roller coaster. After that ride we headed up to the castle to watch the fireworks show. While we were there I got a text from Melissa saying they were at the Magic after the show we went to meet up with them. It was so fun seeing friends and the kids loved seeing each other. Especially Colby and Ella! We ended up watching the castle show with them before heading out for the evening. By the time we got to the hotel it was about 10. We were all so tired that night! It was a quick bath and get the kids off to bed kinda night! 

Monday, March 6, 2017

Mardi Gras Break Part 1

So the kids got out of school on Friday and have the whole week off! We will be going to Disney on Wednesday. Its been lovely having some time off though and just resting. Austin has been working like crazy. Honestly we haven't seen much of him since last Tuesday. Its always a hard season but its better and easier now that the kids are older. 
So Friday night it was just the littles and I. We had a low key evening around the house. I made jambalaya and we had movie night. Now that they are older and Austin goes into the hotel its not as bad. They were both up until about 9. 
Saturday it was so nice to just sleep in a little and take our time getting ready. We had decided to not do any parading or anything major. My main goal was to relax and prepare for the trip. So that morning we did get out and go to a local park for over an hour. It was nice to get some sunshine and the kids made friends and played hard. Afterwards I took them to Chickfila for lunch. Again now at the ages they are I really enjoy spending time with them. The rest of the day was very low key. Lindsay spent the night with my parents so they came and got her about 2. Colby and I had a very quiet evening. We ended up taking a walk though which was nice. That night we had thought Austin would be in the hotel but he came home but he didn't get here until 11. It was hard to go to sleep that night b/c I felt so "keyed" up with him arriving late.
Sunday was a busy day. We had church. The kids and I went to first service. I was able to go into church which was always nice. Lindsay also went with me. I don't know but she has this thing that on the weeks I don't teach she doesn't want to go to her class. I don't think its a lot about me and not wanting to be with another teacher though as she is starting to get "too big" for the class. Anyway we came home after first service. We picked up lunch and it was nice to come home and relax. Austin got home that evening and we just had a nice evening together. 
Monday was a hard day for us. I am not sure if it was me...maybe being tired and stressed about the trip and the fact that Austin had been away just about for a solid week. Or that the kids were just crazy b/c they were excited about the upcoming trip! Anyway I felt bad but I snapped twice at them. We had a good day despite though. The only thing we did though was go to Target and work on preparing for the trip. 
Tuesday (Mardi Gras) We had hoped to get together with some friends but that fell through so instead the kids and I slept in a little and hung out then went to the park for awhile. It was a nice day outside so we enjoyed the playing and they needed to burn some crazy energy! Afterwards I took them to New Orleans Hamburger and Seafood. They were both craving catfish with the upcoming Lent Season so I figured we could go ahead and squeeze that in before it would be impossible to find in Disney! Anyway it was a really fun time with them. The rest of the day was spent just packing and prepping for our DISNEY trip!