Monday, October 30, 2017

New Normal

So this week has been interesting! Ever since I found out about Lindsay's teacher having cancer and wondering who would take her place I have felt God calling me to do this. It first began with the secretary telling me that I was like plan C or D. Then when I had breakfast with Lindsay's teacher she thought that the school was considering me. Then on Sunday I had a conversation with the 3 year old teacher and she made mention of it as well. I knew with all these people bringing it up that it wasn't coincidence. I was still determined though that I would not seek out the position but if it was offered to me I would prayerfully consider it. Well Monday I had a really low key day. I look back and I am so thankful that God gave me that day to just REST. I grocery shopped then stayed home all day and that was such a blessing. We also didn't have anywhere to be after school so that was nice as well. We had a nice family night. Austin got home early and we had cheesy chicken over rice and fresh green beans. It was a nice way to start the week. 
Tuesday was a bit busier. I began the day with my Ladies Bible Study. It was lovely to be back at this but also bittersweet knowing that I might not be able to attend for awhile. During the time I was waiting on it to start the principal called me into her office to talk. At this point she offered the kindergarten job to me. She asked if I would be willing to step in and take the class while Mrs. Schifflin has surgery or be willing to be her aide if she has to go through chemo first? I went home to pray about it but I pretty much knew I would do it. I was nervous and overwhelmed but also felt God calling me to this opportunity. I was glad to go home and have a few hours to myself after Bible study though. That evening Austin came home and we just had a supper of hot dogs and mac n cheese. It was nice to have a low key night at home. 
Wednesday was when my life changed! So since I got asked to help out with kindergarten I knew I should come atleast one day so I could observe and see what their day looks like. This was on my one free day for the week. I hated that I couldn't spend it like planned...relaxing and running errands. Anyway the day was fun but OH so tiring! I enjoyed hanging out with them though. Its a really sweet class so I think it should be an easy adjustment for all. It also meant our church plans would change up a bit. I mean originally we had planned to go but with this I knew I needed time to rest. We ended up going by my parent's house to work on homework then going back up to the church to eat dinner before going home. The kids seemed ok with it which I was thankful. I did enjoy the time we got to visit and hang out though at dinner. We got in and had to finish homework before getting the kids off to bed. Again I was SO tired! 
Thursday would be another marathon day. I was feeling thankful though to just be going to teach music and not a full day! I am so going to miss my little music class over the next few weeks. It was a good week and we did some fall songs. I really didn't teach them any Halloween songs this year. I was super happy to come on home and have lunch and a couple hours of quiet! After a nap and a cup of coffee I felt so much better!! I felt human again! Colby had a kickball game after school. He doesn't get super into it...I am glad he's giving it a try even though he mostly just stands around on the field...sigh! I just want him to be involved and get the exercise. Its all about fun anyway. Lindsay also enjoys the time with friends b/c they bring the aftercare kids out and there are like 3 kids from her class there. After the game we went to my parent's house for dinner and homework. I know my mom and dad really enjoy the hustle and bustle. Even though I know its a lot of work for them I think having their house full of life on a school night is fun for them. I am so thankful we don't have to drive home or worry about dinner on these crazy nights. Afterwards we went on to Scouts. These are crazy days but I know this season of life is so fleeting. Colby loves Scouts and its been so good for him. I had contemplated going on home but Lindsay really wanted to go and I felt revived after a nap and some coffee. This week they learned about physical fitness. The kids passed out that night in their beds though! They were worn out! Oh and it took us like an hour to get home! Anyway needless to say I think we were all happy for our beds and for the upcoming weekend! 

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Precious Weekend

Weekends are always a breath of fresh air after a busy week! This week was especially busy so I was very happy when Friday rolled around! After 3 straight days of working I was relieved I didn't have to go in. I started the morning with coffee with my friend Virginia before running a couple errands. I was definitely happy to get home and have some time at home by myself. That afternoon I picked up the kids and Colby had piano lessons. He has always had an "interest" in music but I have never really known anyone to teach him lessons. Well Carly approached us this fall and said she would be starting them up! Anyway she lives close to us and the lessons started at 4. Lindsay and I dropped him off then went to the library to check out some books. From what I hear he did well and enjoyed them. I also enjoyed the library trip with her. I am hoping she will get interested in it and will begin lessons in January. I want to give Colby a little time to get settled then my plan is to drop them both off at 4 and have until 5 before I go pick them up. So after lessons we picked up dinner then came home. I was ready to collapse in a heap on the couch! The kids and I spent time outside and just relaxed. That night we did movie night and watched Pippi Longstocking. 
Saturday Austin was off and it felt good to sorta sleep in as a family. Although sleeping until 7 is about as late as I get these days. That morning Austin cooked a big breakfast for the kids while I got ready to go out and have breakfast with Lindsay's teacher. After finding out she has breast cancer I really wanted to just hang out with her and get to know her a bit. It was really good visiting with her. I have known her for about 5 years. We have never really been close though. She's just someone I knew of. She taught Colby VBS a couple years ago. I have always liked her it just seemed like we weren't in the same circle. Anyway it was a nice time of fellowship. My prayer is that I really can be an encourager and a help to her during this time. Its also been mentioned to me about me possibly taking over her class? Again I am not sure how I feel about this. In one way I think it would be super fun and I would also love to do it to help her out and help the school. Plus I know honestly I could do a good job. It just scares me though b/c I am already SO BUSY and working 3 days last week completely wore me out so I can't even imagine full time! Anyway I am praying on it and if I get asked then I will prayerfully consider it. So once I got home from that we all left to go to Aurora to the Family Fall Festival. It was super fun being there! My kids were in their happy place. They both had besties to play with and they just RAN and RAN hard! We were there from 11 until almost 2! It was nice to visit with all the people I know around there too. Once we got home we all crashed for a bit. The afternoon was nice having time to spend together! Its always nice when Austin is home on a Saturday. That night we had steak and baked potatoes! So yummy! 
Sunday was another great family day. We were all able to go to church together! We went to first service and then went to lunch and came home. Sunday's are our day to rest and be together as a family. Colby had an opportunity to go hang out with a  friend and he even hesitated b/c he knew he had homework plus I think he gets that Sundays are kinda our day to chill. I was proud of him. We worked on homework and then hung out outside. We had a front go through so by that afternoon the temps were in the 70s and it felt so great! We ordered pizza then went for a walk that night! 
It was a nice weekend filled with just the right amount of fun and social stuff but also quiet enough that we got to rest up! 

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Pumpkins and Teaching

Well this week has turned into another QUITE busy one! 'Tis the season I suppose. I told a friend that basically from now through December will be this way for us! Anyway so Monday Austin was off. It was nice to have him home again on a Monday. I did my usual grocery shopping then came home and then Austin and I got out and ran a few errands together. Its always nice to just hang out even if we are actually "working". Its nice to chat and not have the interruptions from the kids. We had po-boys for lunch and watched some tv together and relaxed. He then went outside while I decided to take a nap. I knew it might be one of my only down days during the week so I was completely ok with resting. The weather was amazing though and we did have all the windows up. Once the kids got home from school it was a MAD RUSH b/c we had less than an hour to get homework finished between the 2. We got it done and then we all headed out to Aurora to help unload pumpkins. I hated to not have our usual Monday evening at home as a family but I really felt like this was something we should participate in. We had a great time too! Its always fun to serve together as a family. We got there a few minutes after 5 and people were already working. It was so shocking that we were finished by 6! The kids were a big help but also enjoyed being with their friends. Also with the weather being so amazing it was just a fun night to be out and doing something with our community. They provided a dinner of hot dogs and chili which was quite yummy and we all enjoyed. After visiting and eating we decided to hit the road about 6:30. We got in and got everyone bathed then Colby still had a little school work left to do. It felt good to sit down that evening once the kids went to bed. 
Tuesday was another busy day! Well I was originally asked to help out in the Pumpkin Patch that day. That morning though I got a call from Mrs. Breaux the kinder teacher there wondering if I could sub. So they worked it out and found a replacement for the pumpkin patch. I loved her class! She has 5 sweet kids. The morning was a little hectic though since they had their field trip. I also really didn't have lesson plans to go from so we mostly were winging it. They did well though and I LOVED being back for the pumpkin patch! It brought back so many memories. In fact my phone reminded me that 5 years before was Colby's Pumpkin Patch field trip. I was tired though by the time I got home. That afternoon the kids and I hung out here. We did homework and cooked dinner. Austin got in early and was able to eat with us and we even took a walk. Again the weather has just been amazing so we were all thankful for that. Calvary had their Open House that night but we had decided as a family to skip it since we were out the house Monday. I hated to miss it but I knew with a busy week ahead and me working most of the day it was in our best interest. 
Wednesday was yet another whirlwind day! I got called in to sub again for kindergarten. I really enjoyed it though! I love that age and that class. I felt more with it and we had actual lesson plans to follow so I felt the day went smoothly. They were learning the letter G and the number 4 plus we talked a lot about pumpkins and their pumpkin patch field trip. I also read Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin to them. I also always love catching up with the other women that work there. After work I came home to enjoy 3-4 hours alone. I really needed the rest time. I had to lesson plan though and get geared up for that night with church. I honestly wanted to skip but I knew my kids really wanted to go and I knew I needed to be there for my little class of k-2nd grade girls. It was a good night. There was a smaller crowd there but my kids still had fun. 
Thursday was another OFF tot he Races kinda day! Well the day began with Awards for my littles! Now having 2 in school that are able to earn Awards the day is a HUGE deal! Colby earned Perfect Attendance and a Reading Award and Lindsay earned Alpha Honor Roll. I was super proud of them both! It was also fun as always to gather as a school family. After it was over Lindsay's teacher approached me and said she wanted to talk to me. I was nervous about what this would entail? Well I have had this suspicion that she has breast cancer. Well she had asked me and another mom to hang out. Once she got the kids to class she revealed to us that that was indeed true. So hard and so emotional. After that I had to get myself together to go teach music. I had to do a really abbreviated schedule at Aurora. I only taught the 4 older classes and for shorter time frames. It was good to be back though and see my friends there. That afternoon I had a short break between work and getting back to pick them up! Then more whirlwind! So that afternoon began Kickball season again. Colby had his first game. As tired as I was I really enjoyed it. The atmosphere was so fun this year! They had cheerleaders out there and more spectators plus the after care kids came out to watch as well. Colby's team also won! Lindsay loved hanging out with some of her friends in Aftercare as well! As if that wasn't enough we left after the game and went to my parent's house so the kids could do homework and eat dinner. We had Scouts that night. It was fun being back over at my parent's house and I know they really enjoyed having us mid-week like that. Its such a comfort to go back home! That night fortunately Scouts was super quick! basically all they did was turn in their popcorn money and Melody had a few announcements. We were all happy to get in that night and get to bed! 

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Old Friends and Singing

The weekend was a much welcome sight after a VERY busy fall week! Friday evening we didn't do much...just our usual movie night. Colby was supposed to start Piano lessons but they got cancelled. I was honestly a little relieved b/c after being away from home most of the week it was nice to come home. We had white beans for dinner and just enjoyed being together. We watched the Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin movie that night. 
Saturday it was nice to sleep in a bit and also move a tad slower. We did have a park playdate scheduled so couldn't dilly and dally to much. We made it to the park right at 10. We met up with Lindsay's little friends Layla and Claire. It was so fun getting to hang out and catch up with the moms. Layla and her family will be moving in a couple of months so its very bittersweet now when they get together. Lindsay has known Layla since she was 1. Anyway we stayed about an hour and a half. It was a nice day but very hot! The kids and I ran a quick errand to the grocery then picked up Chickfila and came home. We relaxed and watched football and mostly rested that afternoon. Colby did have some reading homework so we did work on that a bit. Lindsay also worked on letters and handwriting. That night we had spaghetti for supper. We once again got to eat as a family. We took a walk after dinner too which was nice! 
Sunday was a different day for us. Well my preschoolers were singing at Aurora so I had to go there for that. Lindsay also tagged along with me. The boys went to church at Calvary b/c Austin had counting duties. I hated we all couldn't be together. Anyway the morning went great at Aurora. I just love that little church. We had like 20 kids show and participate so that was great and fun! They did amazing! After church Lindsay and I went to pick up Colby then we came home to eat lunch and watch the SAINTS game. Austin finally got home around 1. We all napped and then just relaxed while we watched the game. That evening Colby had some more homework so he and I mostly worked on that. We also took breaks to get outside. 
It was a lovely weekend! We weren't too busy but we were also busy enough. I also feel we got some rest in which is always nice as well! 

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Fall Full Steam Ahead

So this week as I suspected we jumped back into life with full force. 
Monday everyone was back at school/work. My only thing was grocery shopping so it was very nice to have the majority of that day with the house to myself. I mostly caught up on laundry and putting away stuff from the beach. 
Tuesday I had my Bible study. We ended our first study. We mostly had a time of Fellowship which was nice. That afternoon was pretty busy as well. Lindsay had a haircut after school and Austin had Men's Group. She had a 4:00 appointment so after that we decided to go ahead and pick up dinner. I came home with the kids we ate then started on homework. We finished homework about 6:15 and from there I sent them outside to play. With the days getting shorter I am trying to make sure they still go outside and play even if its just for a few minutes while I clean up for dinner. 
Wednesday was a SUPER busy day for me. After I dropped the kids off at school I had to run to Rouses to pick up a cake for Lindsay's class and also pick out her snack for the next day. I then ran the cake and supplies back up to their school. They were celebrating her teacher's b-day but with all I had going on I wouldn't be able to return that afternoon for it. Then I was able to come home for just a short bit before my haircut. I always love getting my haircut but I also dread it in a way b/c it takes up so much time! Especially having an 11:00 appointment right smack in the middle of the day. Anyway I do love my stylist though and she and I always find a lot to talk about. Well I didn't get home until 1:30 and I hadn't eaten lunch yet and I was greeted by the termite people. They were here until about 3. It was just a hectic day and I was so tired. We also had church that night. I wasn't super excited but I knew we needed to go since we had missed the week before. It of course ended up being a good night though. Its always fun to visit with others and see my kids have a good time with friends. 
Thursday was another CRAZY day for me. Well its of course my music day. I also had lunch plans with Carly from the church. She and I had a nice lunch at Parrot Pete's. I really enjoyed the time but by the time I got home it was after 2 and I had a very short window of time before heading back out to pick up the kids. Thursdays are also crazy b/c its SCOUT night. So we always rush home have to get through homework and dinner in about an hour and a half time frame. Again I was exhausted. I know though how much Colby loves scouts and I do it for him. So we all ended up going that night. They did a lesson on First Aid. We had a smaller crowd but Colby was happy to just see his best friend Nijel. 
Friday I was so relieved it would be a slower day for me. I had to rehearse with the kids at Aurora but then I was able to come home and enjoy the day at the house. It helped me unwind after a crazy, busy week! 

Friday, October 13, 2017

Hurricane Nate or Lack Thereof

So as you recall we had to head home early from the beach Friday night. So Saturday we got up early and began our Hurricane Prep. We didn't have much to do just pick up a few things and secure stuff around the patio. The day was lovely though b/c we were all 4 home all day. It was nice to not have anywhere to be. We got to spend time outside since the weather really never got bad here. We also watched tv and got to be lazy! It was honestly nice to have a day with no obligations. We hunkered down that night and nothing happened here. Praise God for putting his hand of protection on our city! 
So Sunday we were up and at em like normal for church. Since there was really not Hurricane here church went on as normal. We went to first service and it was a beautiful time of worship. After church we ate lunch together at Olive Branch. Once again we spent the afternoon around the house. It was again nice to not have anywhere or anything to do. I was super thankful for this "pause" in life. Fall can be so busy and I am thankful we had the "Break" from activities! Now I hope we are geared up and ready for a return to the crazy! 

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Destin 2017

Well we just got home a couple days ago from our annual beach trip. We chose once again to go in October since the kids had a 3 day fall break. This year Randall and Elizabeth couldn't go due to a wedding they had to attend. We decided to invite Austin's mom to go with us since we would have extra space in the condos. 
So Tuesday Austin drove to Picayune to meet his sister and mom and bring his mom down to NOLA to go with us on our trip. They got in about 3:00. I was pretty much running out the door to go pick up the kids when they arrived. I got the kids and got home and we were able to visit a bit. It was a pretty busy afternoon/evening though with all the packing and trip prep. We ordered pizza for dinner though and were able to visit then and we even took a walk. Those parts of the evening were nice and I think Linda enjoyed herself. 
Wednesday we were off bright and early! We had a light breakfast and left about 8:45 for the beach. We drove and stopped at the Mississippi Rest Stop to get up with my parents. As always the kids were great travelers. We also stopped again at the Alabama stop. It was nice breaking the trip up and having time to stretch our legs. We also stopped at the Florida stop and at this point we let Colby ride with my parents the rest of the way. He was sitting in between Mawmaw and Lindsay and I think he just felt cramped plus he and Lindsay had started to squabble some. We stopped for our usual lunch at Ruby Tuesday. The lunch was yummy and we were then set to get to the beach. We got to the condo around 3. There were a few mishaps though with checking in but we were finally all settled and unpacked about 4. Ofcourse the kids were dying to get out to the beach so we dressed in our swimsuits and headed out there. We were smart this year and brought along our camping chairs so Austin and I set those out and we were able to sit and read while the kids played in the sand/water. From there we took them to the pool and then went upstairs to get cleaned up and ready for dinner. My mom made us another amazing meal. We had honey baked ham, mac n cheese, and green beans. I think everyone enjoyed it. It was nice to sit around and visit and spend that time together. By about 8 the kids were super tired so we brought them back and got them ready for bed. 
Thursday we were up bright and early and ready for another day! Well actually Austin was up early...I slept until 7:45! I think that's the latest I have slept at the beach since having kids! We all got up and got dressed and went over to my parent's condo for our infamous breakfast. We had a big breakfast of pancakes and omelets. It was so yummy! After helping clean up we got in our swimsuits and hit the beach. It was interesting this year b/c the entire family came down. Austin's mom joined us along with my parents. It was nice visiting with everyone. The kids were so happy and content playing in the sand. We stayed out about 2 hours before heading to the pool. We all swam for about 30 min then we went up for lunch. We had lunch out on the patio. After lunch Austin had to run an errand so I took the kids back to the condo. Colby had some homework to do so he and I worked on that while Lindsay did some crafts. After they watched tv and I took a nap. Once Austin got back he and Colby went back down to the beach. Lindsay relaxed and I showered. That evening we decided to try something new and went to LuLu's for dinner. I was happy we tried a new place. It was really yummy too! We all loved it! It was a nice evening of good food and visiting! After dinner we decided to take the kids to The Track. It was mostly Colby that wanted to go and drive race cars. Lindsay wanted to go to the mall...I was with her. We at this point started hearing reports that NOLA was going to get hit with a hurricane over the weekend so we decided we would go home a day early. I was glad Colby got to drive his cars before we left. He drove the rookie car and also rode with Austin on the Wild Woody. Lindsay wasn't really interested in anything there but we finally convinced her to ride the carousel. That night we stopped by my parent's condo for cookies before bed. It was an exhausting much later night as we were trying to figure out our game plan for the next day. 
Friday we got up and ate breakfast with my parent's as usual. We had a yummy breakfast of sausage biscuits and eggs. After breakfast we went on down to the beach. We had promised the kids we would spend half a day out there before heading home. We spent 2+ hours out there. The weather was just amazing and the kids were having the best time! I so hated to leave! Finally around 11:30 we decided to go on up. Austin stopped with them at the pool to cool and rinse off and I went upstairs to start getting our things together. We all got dressed and got our stuff loaded up. We ate a quick lunch at my parent's condo then headed out. We stopped in Alabama at a Starbucks. With traveling in the afternoon like that after lunch and a full morning we were all dragging. It was a nice refresher and kept us going until Picayune. Yes, Picayune...we had to drive Austin's mom back to meet up with his sister on the way home. Originally they were supposed to come to NOLA and stay at these cabins but their reservations got cancelled due to the hurricane. We got in to Picayune right about 4:45. We visited briefly with Wendi, Shelbi, and Maggie then hit the road. We decided we were all hungry that we would stop in Slidell and eat dinner in hopes that the traffic would also die down. We stopped at Red Robin. We enjoyed it! It was nice to get out the car and have a little downtime. Once we got back in the car it took us way longer then expected to get home due to crazy NOLA traffic. We were so happy when we finally got home around 7:30. We quickly unpacked and got the kids bathed. We let them unwind and play though until about 9. I think we were all happy to see our beds that night! 
It was once again a great trip! A different trip but still great nonetheless! Can't wait to go back! 

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Slow Weekend

So this weekend has been one I needed. It seems like since school started we have always had something on the weekends. We've either been traveling, having friends over, birthday parties, weddings, etc. Anyway this weekend I was super happy to not have any plans. 
Friday night we had a nice night in. We had a spaghetti dinner and celebrated together that Austin got a new job! He will now be the GM of a hotel! I am so happy and excited for him. God's timing has been amazing as well. Anyway it was fun to have that night in. We watched BFG for our movie night. It was almost 10 though before we got our kids to bed. By that time everyone was tired and cranky. I think we were all happy to have a little downtime that night and go to bed. 
Saturday we had a FREE day. We really had a lazy morning around the house. I also tried to get some stuff done. Plus I slept in for the first time in awhile. It was almost 8 when I got up. We had to bring Colby to my parent's house though for the USM game. I had decided to let him go up to the game with them and Austin for the weekend. We had hoped to do that a few weeks ago but the timing wasn't right bc of all his school work he had. Anyway so this week they haven't done much at school due to his teacher being out with the flu so there was definitely no homework due. I am sad his teacher has been out but honestly its been nice to have a break from all the work. The first 2 months of school we worked so hard so I have enjoyed a less hectic week. Anyway we got him dropped off at my parent's house and visited with them for a bit before Lindsay and headed out to do our own thing. I wasn't really sure what we would do? I mean we had the whole day to ourselves. I had contemplated something big like the zoo or City park but honestly we were so late getting started and it was already like 90 degrees so I just wasn't feeling it. She really wanted to go to the mall...I debated that too but I knew she wanted to go to the big mall across the river. I would have liked to take her there but due to our late start I felt like by the time we got there it would be super crowded. Anyway so we settled on a more low key day close to home. I told her we would start out by going to the Farmer's Market to pick out some pumpkins. On our way there I thought about their little friend Ella. She's actually Colby's friend but she gets along great with Lindsay so I wondered if she was home if she would like to hang out with us awhile. My heart really goes out to her b/c there aren't a whole lot of girls her age at our church/school so I try to reach out to her. I also know being 1 of 4 kids she often probably feels like she's just along for the ride. She's such a sweetheart and is always easy to please. Anyway so it turned out she was home and her mom said she would love to spend the day with us! we got our pumpkins and fall decor then went to go pick her up. my original plans were to go to Hobby Lobby and Chickfila with them. Well traffic was awful so by the time we got on Manhattan I figured it was lunchtime. So we went on to eat lunch. Well while we were there I noticed I didn't have my debit card. Thankfully I had a $20 bill in my wallet and that was enough to cover lunch. I got really panicked and worried about where I left/lost it. Well I thought to call the Farmer's Market and sure enough I had left it on the counter there. Thank God for honest people! They had set it aside for me. So we ate lunch then went to pick that up. While by the time we did that I was ready to just come on home. We got here about 1:30 and the girls had a blast playing. They played princess, made some Halloween art, and ate chocolate cake. We left at 4 to bring Ella home. Once Lindsay and I got home I made dinner for us and we watched football. I got her to bed at a decent time and enjoyed some quiet time! 
Sunday was easy getting just the girls ready for church! We arrived super early! The boys met us there. By the time we got out of church it was Pouring rain! Austin went to get us lunch and I came on home with the kids. Streets were already starting to flood so I was anxious to get home and hunker down. We ate Popeye's and watched the SAINTS play. We mostly had a relaxful afternoon. After the game we did do some chores and Austin did yard work and we decorated our front door for Halloween. It was a fun family afternoon. We then had waffles and omelets for dinner! 
I am thankful for the weekend to re-coup after a couple busy months! This upcoming week is a short week of only 2 days of school then we go to the beach!!