Saturday, December 30, 2017

Christmas Break Part 1

So Christmas break for us started the Friday before Christmas. Austin had taken off that day which was nice. It felt so good for us all to be able to sleep in. We got up and made breakfast then made our plans for the day. Traditionally Austin likes to take each child out by him or herself to shop for the other one and also just to spend quality time together. He chose Colby for his first day. They had errands to run across the river. They went to Lakeside and to the Seminary then to eat lunch. I think they had a good time from what I hear. Lindsay and I chose to stay closer to home, but we had to go to Barnes and Noble, deliver teacher gifts, Hobby Lobby, and had lunch at Panera. She had a gift card from her b-day so I let her do some shopping at B&N and we got colby's teacher a gift card for there. I figured she could buy books or just go enjoy the cafe and get some coffee. After we dropped that gift off in her mailbox. She had just had surgery the day before so we didn't want to disturb her. After we were ready to eat so we stopped at Panera. Its always so fun to have girl time with her. After lunch we went to Hobby Lobby. Here is where we found her teacher's gift. Lindsay found a glass decorative cross for her and we got her a gift card. So after that we dropped that off at her house. We ended up staying and talking for about 30+ minutes. Once we got home it was after 1 and we were all ready for some rest. We hung out around the house and that evening though we all got dressed and went to eat at Des Families. We didn't get to really celebrate our anniversary this year since it fell on a Monday and we were all busy with school/work so we thought it would be sweet to go out to eat as a family. I think the kids enjoyed what they called a "fancy dinner" as well. Afterwards we even went to look at Christmas lights. Once we got home it was bedtime though. We didn't stay up and do a movie since it was already kinda late when we got home. 
Saturday we were up and at em early so we could go have breakfast with my family. It was time for our annual Parrot Pete's December Celebration breakfast. As always a great time was had by all. Its always nice to fellowship and visit with each other. Afterwards though we split our separate ways. Austin took Lindsay with him to Target and I took Colby to the grocery. We both got home about the same time. That afternoon we just spent around the house which was nice. We had grilled pork chops and mashed potatoes that night for dinner. It was nice to have a slower paced afternoon/evening. That night we let the kids stay up and watch Home Alone. 

Thursday, December 28, 2017

'Twas the Week Before Christmas Break

So this past week has been a very interesting and busy week. By Monday 3 staff members at the church had fallen to the flu. It was a crazy week also with it being the week of Christmas! Monday was a pretty ok day. Austin did have a Christmas party that night which meant he didn't get in until after 11. I was so tired b/c naturally I couldn't fall asleep until after he got in. 
That next morning I woke up  and was SO TIRED! Lindsay also woke up not feeling well. I took her temp and she had a slight fever. I registered right at 99. Well with the flu going around I really didn't want to take chances. I also really knew we could use a day of rest. Austin was off that day and I just knew it would be a great day to rest. Well Colby did not want to miss school so Austin went ahead and brought him. I literally relaxed ALL day. My body felt like it had been run over by a train. I really thought I was getting the flu. Turns out it was just pure exhaustion. Lindsay and I went to go pick up Colby and that way I was able to get a few things situated in my room from having a sub that day. We got in that night and just hung out as a family which was nice. Since all the grades and such were turned in there was no homework this week which was pretty awesome too! 
Wednesday we were ofcourse back at it. In kindergarten though we had a full fledged day of school. The day before they hadn't done much since they had a sub. She taught handwriting and Bible and that was about it...which was fine. So I had them doing a full day of school. It helps though to pass the time. Finally that afternoon the sun came out and we were able to get outside which was awesome! We had been cooped up all that week. I also let them watch a movie that day during nap time. Colby also had a party that day b/c his teacher was going to be having surgery the following day. That night though we found out my dad went to ER b/c his heart rate was elevated. I felt bad that we couldn't be there with him and my mom. But we had literally just gotten home and the kids hadn't had dinner. Anyway my brother and sis in law stayed there with them so that was good. 
Thursday was of course Christmas Party Day. I knew it would be a long day at school. We didn't do any work that day of course. I had them do a few "Christmas type pages" we also spent about an hour + in the prep 4 room doing centers and crafts which really helped speed the time along. We had lunch right after then I took them to the playground to play. I was so glad we could get outside even though it was hot and muggy. It helped that they got their energy out though. Once we got back to class they settled in for a movie. I was glad to have that time to just "sit" as well. I did do a few things to get prepped for the party. Well the room mom aka party mom was supposed to arrive at 1 which would have been exactly when the movie ended. Well she ran 30 min late so in true teacher fashion I had to pull stuff out of my hat for the kids to do. We did a couple Christmas worksheets before she arrived. Once she got there the kids got really amped up. She had them do a "birthday party for Jesus" which was really cute but she kinda made them hyper with party hats and blowers. It all turned out ok though and I was just thankful to not have to "run" the activities. I mostly just went around and managed the chaos. Well by 2:45 we were wrapping up her activities so the other parents arrived and the kids were able to sing their songs then give their parents their gifts. It was a sweet little moment. I didn't want parents hanging out all day but I was glad they got to come in and see their kids in their classroom. I was so glad to have that day behind me! 
Well after we left the school we stopped by the hospital to see my dad b/c he had to stay another night. It made for a long day but since I couldn't be up there any other time I knew it was important for us to stop. Plus I think just having us there helped lift his spirits. We stopped and picked up Chickfila on the way home b/c we were starving! It was a long day and I was so thankful to get home and get in the bed that night and then to begin our Christmas vacation! It felt so good knowing the next day we could sorta "sleep in"! 

Thursday, December 21, 2017


Weekends are such a beautiful thing these days in our house with me working. Although honestly since I've been working every single weekend has been super busy! We've had planned events pretty much every. single. one. So Friday was a nice day though. It was a fun day at school. Colby had piano after then we just came home for a family night. The kids watched Santa Paws and we just enjoyed the downtime! 
Saturday we were able to "sleep in" and these days sleeping in is sleeping until 7. It still felt good though. We had a family morning around the house which again was nice. We had omelets and biscuits and cleaned up the house a bit. We left around 10 and brought the kids to my parent's house. I hate that we have been so busy and had to drop them off with my parents for most of the day but there was no other time we could Christmas shop. Plus I knew it would be a fun day for them and my parents too! We first went out to the Seminary. We were able to get a Christmas present for our adopted family this year and also for Deanka and her son Ro'Mallace. After that we went out to Dick's Sporting Goods and there we got most of the presents for our kids! Colby got golf clubs and a new bike and Lindsay got skates! From there we went on to the mall. We went to the Disney store and bought them each one thing. Colby got these remote control cars and Lindsay got a Moana doll set. After we stopped at Zoe's Kitchen for lunch before coming to the Westbank and going to Target. We had to get stocking stuffers and a few house items before going to pick them up.
Once we got the kids we had to grocery shop. Our lives look a little different these days. We have to go grocery shopping on the weekends as a family. Its ok though we have made it work. After we came home and got busy cooking for our friends Brittany and Chris. We delivered their dinner then we finally got home to hang out and eat ourselves. It felt good to be in that night finally. We let the kids watch some Disney Movies and just chill out before bedtime. 
Sunday was another extremely busy day for us. We were only going to second service though so it felt good to "sleep in" and take our time getting ready.  We got there for second service. After church we had the Joy Luncheon to stay for. The Cubscouts have been invited to stay for these luncheons the past few years. Its such a treasure to see the boys being servants. They have grown up so much! That afternoon we didn't get home though until after 2. I was supposed to attend a Christmas Party for Aurora that afternoon. I really wanted to go b/c I miss the ladies so much there, but we have also been so busy and I really felt the Lord telling me I needed to stop and stay home with my family. We rested and worked on christmas stuff and took a walk. It was a MUCH needed break! 

Friday, December 15, 2017

All Things Christmas

Well we are marching right on towards Christmas! I can hardly believe it! This year has been so different. On one hand I honestly am loving teaching and being back in the classroom...but part of my heart aches b/c I feel like I am missing out on my moments as a stay at home mom. I keep telling myself though that this is the season God placed us in. I can't think about anything, but that! Its an encouragement on the long days when I just long to be home. I feel like its a tough balance of being able to fulfill my mom/wife jobs but also its such a blessing b/c I am at school with my kids. So even though I am working atleast I am working WHERE they are at school. Anyway this week we are a little over a week from Christmas break! I am so excited and ready! The kids are feeling the excitement as well. I have enjoyed celebrating though and talking about the true meaning of Christmas with them as well though. 
Monday and Tuesday we were fortunate to be home. I treasure those afternoons that we get to come home. Although Monday was a hard day. I lost my temper with the kids and ended up feeling terrible. I just let Satan get a hold of me. We ended up making the most of the evening though. Austin brought home Chickfila for dinner. It was our 13th anniversary. The season of life we are currently in I think we were both completely fine with it! Tuesday Colby didn't have homework so that was a much needed blessing and made for a much more relaxed night which was lovely. 
Wednesday was a long day for us. We of course had school. We have been staying for dinner at church but this was the last week of Wednesday nights until sometime in January and it was the Christmas Party night for Jumpstart so I knew I needed to stay and let the kids participate. It ended up being a really great night and I was glad we stayed even though I was SO tired when it was all said and done! It made me realize that even though Wednesdays are always super hard I feel so blessed after. 
Thursday was another LONG one! We had school then that afternoon I had a Staff Christmas party. I brought the kids to my parent's house per tradition in this season. I got to visit for a few minutes before heading back up to the school. We started with a gift exchange game which was really fun. I just enjoyed the fellowship! I really love all the teachers and it was fun to get to be around them and visit rather then just quick visits between wrangling kids. After that we all went over to Sun Ray for our dinner. It was really nice. Mrs. Schifflin was there which was so nice to see her. I enjoyed getting to visit with her as well. We received the sweetest little gifts from the principal as well. Its definitely been a different season of life. Its been hard in many ways, but its also been so sweet. I hope to stay involved in the school in a more leadership role instead of just a parent, but we will see. I know this was a God thing! I never really thought I would ever go back into the classroom. I have honestly loved every minute of it. I have a feeling Thursday will be a bit emotional for me b/c I will miss it and I will miss the kids greatly. Its a hard job, but its super rewarding! 

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Snow Days and Birthday Party!

So this weekend started on a very exciting note! Well there's been talk of winter weather or snow all week. I have honestly been praying that it would snow and cancel school. Well that didn't happen. We had cold, rainy weather the 2nd half of the week. It was nice at first, but then made for some long days at school. The kids handled it well though and seemed to enjoy their inside recess. We've only had to have about 4 indoor recesses since I've been there so that's a blessing. Anyway while we were at lunch on Friday it started to SNOW! Such a fun sight! It didn't stick to the ground at all, but it was so sweet when all the kids ran outside and were screaming and laughing! It truly brought tears to my eyes and was such a "treasured" moment. It made me forget all the stresses and tiredness and I just tried to soak up that moment and be thankful. I am thankful my kids were at school and were able to share that moment with friends. I am thankful I was there to witness it! Friday once we got home it felt so good to be in and settled though. It was freezing outside! We had pizza for dinner and watched The Polar Express. It was a nice night just hanging out as a family.
Saturday we got up bright and early to prep for the b-day party. We had cleaning and getting ready to do! I felt so crazy with being a working momma this year and not being able to do much prep ahead of time. We got it all done though and the party was a success. We had about a dozen little girls here for her painting party. Everyone had a great time! The 2 ladies that led the painting did such a terrific job! It was such a blessing for my little girl! She loved it!! I was so happy all her friends were able to make it except two. The only ones we were missing was Jordyn from school and Claire from her old school. Its fun to see her church friends and school friends unite. We also had Ella here for Colby. I was happy he had someone his own age to hang with. He was a little bummed b/c his friend Nijel was supposed to come but didn't show up. We had Ebbie (6), Lindsay (6), Layla (6), Mia (6), Eden (5 1/2), Mirabelle (5) and Genevieve (6) here to paint. The girls were so cute and did such a great job. Even though we had to move the party inside everything turned out great. After painting we let the kids eat then they played in Lindsay's room for a bit. We then had them do cake/presents. A few braved the cold outside and played on the playground as well. It was a great day! We are so blessed that so many people love our little girl. After the party we cleaned up the house a bit then we all took naps. I was so tired. It felt so good to finally stop and nap! That afternoon we decided to get out and run errands. That has been one of the hardest parts of this season is learning to balance on the weekends what I normally have ALL week to do. We went to Fleurty girl and that was a fun time. We got what we needed and got out. After that we went to Hobby Lobby. There I was able to get stuff for our class Christmas party. I was happy we were able to check some things off the never ending list! We then went to eat at Outback. Eating out at night seems rare these days so it was a nice treat! After we even rode around a bit to look at Christmas lights. I was thankful for that family memory. In the midst of the crazy! 
Sunday was another pretty busy day! We had church, then the grocery store. We did get to come home and hang out after that though. Colby had a project to work on though so I felt like that consumed our afternoon. Sundays are always very busy with trying to prepare for the upcoming week! 

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Funeral and The Weekend

So this past weekend was a bit different. Well first of all Friday I didn't teach. We were asked to attend Brittany and Chris' baby's funeral. Wow not something you WANT to do but something you know you HAVE to do for a friend. We got ready and dropped the kids off at school. Even though I knew the day was going to be exhausting it was nice knowing I had a break from the classroom. Teaching is so tiring that being out is always nice too. So after dropping the kids off we drove into Slidell and stopped for breakfast. It was nice to spend some one on one time together as we drove. We were making great time, but then somehow got lost. Anyway we made it right as everyone was walking to the gravesite for the funeral. So hard and so sad! Anyway the service was sweet, but so hard. I don't think there was a dry eye there. After the service we were able to hug and speak to Brittany and Chris and from there we went back to the pavilion and had a bite of lunch and were able to visit a bit before hitting the road to head back to NOLA. we got back to the school right at 3. We waited and got the kids in carpool. We had to stop by their house to check on their cat and get their mail and such. Once we got home it felt so good to finally be home. We didn't get to rest much though b/c we had to cook dinner. We had grilled chicken, sausage, mac n cheese, and green beans. We also did movie night...the kids chose to watch ELF. I do love watching Christmas movies with them! 
Saturday we were up early again...we don't stop apparently! We had family pictures scheduled for 8am. It turned out to be a really fun and sweet time though. We walked around the French Quarter taking pictures. We then went and had breakfast at Cafe Du Monde per the birthday girl's request. I figured since we would all be going separate ways on her actual b-day it was only fair for her to get to choose. After that we went back to the Westbank and stopped in to visit with my dad for a bit. It was his b-day plus he was recovering from surgery. It was nice to visit with them. Afterwards we went to Party City and then had lunch at Brother's. I really enjoyed being together as a family. That afternoon we were able to rest and take it easy! Such a blessing in such a busy season of life! 
Sunday was ofcourse church. We went to first service. Our new routine is go to church then I drop everyone off at the house and go grocery shopping. Its not my fav but its only for a couple more weeks. That afternoon we hung around the house and worked on getting ready for the week ahead. That evening we had Cary and Kristian over for dinner. It made the evening a lot crazier but we sure enjoyed fellowshipping with them. 
The weekends just go by so fast!! I wish I could hang on to them for a little while longer! 

Monday, December 4, 2017

Back to the Groove

So of course this week we went back to school after Thanksgiving break. Monday morning was so hard to get going again. I found that entire day to be hard. The kids were whiny and honestly I wanted to be whiny too. After a whole week off I had a hard time finding my groove. We made it though! That night we enjoyed being together and having a low key school night. 
Tuesday was a VERY busy day! We had school of course then after school I had my first Faculty Meeting. It lasted until about 5:00. Luckily my parents were able to get the kids from school and do homework with them. Once I picked them up we picked up Canes then came home for baths and bed. Austin also was out of town. It was quite exhausting being a single, working mom. 
Wednesday was another super busy day...might I mention too that Tuesday and Wednesday I had no breaks during the school day. Let's just say that's hard on a teacher! You go non-stop from 8-4 basically. Also Wednesday is the day we stay late. Its the only day I really care to stay and do anything after school. It works out well though b/c I clean desks, sweep, and sharpen pencils as well as do other stuff around the room. That evening Ella joined us so it was a little crazy having 3 kids in there. Finally I was ready to leave so we went outside where the aftercare kids were. They enjoyed playing for a bit. We stayed at the church for dinner. I am always wiped out though. On one hand I enjoy visiting with people, but on another hand its so hard after a long day. I hate that in this season my kids are missing church, but I just cannot stay there until 8. Especially this week since Austin was out of town. We were after 6 getting home anyway. Then it was super busy with baths and bed for the kids. 
Thursday was a complete whirlwind of a day! School ended up being a very good day though. It was just one of those days that I felt like everything fell into place. We also ended up having computer which I was extremely excited to get that break. It was also good for the kiddos b/c it rained so we weren't able to have outside recess. They did very well inside though. That was our first indoor recess since I've been teaching. That afternoon kickball got cancelled but we still had Scouts. We went to my parent's house after school. I always enjoy being over there with them. It just makes for a long day. Scouts went ok..I felt like my kids were unruly though. I know they were tired though. They act out like that when they are exhausted. I still lectured them, but I understood they had been going so strong all week. 
It was a good week and I can't believe another one is down!