Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Last Week of School

Well even though Lindsay has been out a few days...this past week was the final week for Colby. Monday started out busy! I told the teachers I would come that day to help out. Well I spent a little bit hanging out and visiting with Wendy before heading up to 1st grade. I had offered to help her out some with her class and getting it packed up for the summer. Well while I was up there everyone was talking to me like I was for sure the new first grade teacher! I was honestly so confused. Anyway there was even talk about switching classrooms. Which if I do become the teacher and get to switch I am excited b/c its the biggest classroom in that hallway. We stayed until about 11 before going to meet Virginia for lunch. That day though ended up a little emotional though b/c by the afternoon I received an email from the principal about how we needed to keep everything on the DL about me being the first grade teacher and how we didn't need to create confusion. I felt a little betrayed. I mean I told a few friends that I applied for the position, but somehow it exploded into everyone assuming I had the job. Anyway my feelings got a little hurt, but by Wednesday I was over it. 
After that though I vowed I wasn't going to spend much time up there the rest of the week. With all my helping in kindergarten I had been up there just about every day the last 2 months. 
Tuesday I was upset...it was Field Day...I was torn b/c I honestly hated to miss. I have always participated in the past, but with all this going on at the school I felt like I just needed to fly under the radar. Also Lindsay had been up there so much that I knew I really just needed to enjoy time with my baby girl. Anyway..we dropped Colby off in carpool and I honestly think everyone was a bit surprised! She and I then went to the grocery. After that we came home for a bit before heading out to pick up Subway sandwiches and take them to the park to eat. It was a sweet memory. Nothing big and fancy, but its what she wanted to do! We stayed about an hour...after we ate she played. It was nice just to soak up time with her in the outdoors. Life has just been so busy lately. We got home and rested then I got a text from Virginia wanting my help in the sanctuary so we headed up to the church. I wanted to try and avoid school people as much as possible. I did have to walk through the office...then on my way to the cafe I was caught by Colby's teacher. She basically told me I could take him with me. We then went to the middle school class to talk to Wendy and another teacher Mrs. Dufrene. We worked in the sanctuary about an hour. I was happy to help Virginia b/c it would have been a lot of work to do by herself. Once we got in though it was nice to be in and no where to go. 
Wednesday once again I decided to skip out on being up at the school. It honestly felt weird though dropping Colby off in carpool. It was a 1/2 day though. Lindsay and I wanted to soak up the last few hours of girl time. I brought her to breakfast at Chickfila then we went to Target and the library. It was nice having one on one time with her. I mean I love having both kids home and I love time with just Colby, but there's something about girl time that's just oh so sweet! Once we got Colby home it was nice to relax for a few hours before church that night. It was also nice to go to church and not be exhausted! We had a VBS meeting so I was in that the whole time. My kids were happy to close it down since we left early a couple weeks. 
Thursday was Awards Day. It is always a nice closing to the year. Colby got Beta Honor roll again for 4th Quarter. I was so proud of him b/c he only missed the year honor roll by one quarter and 1 C in Math. He's come such a long way! We were also happy for his friend Zachary who got the Fruit of the Spirit Award. After Awards we took pictures and said our goodbyes then went to my parents house. Since austin was working it was nice to hang out with them. We went to lunch then went back to their house to swim. I was happy to do something special with them to close out the school year! Its hard to believe summer is officially here. Its always so bittersweet though leaving the school. Even though we are up there a lot and see a lot of the same people it still feels like a chapter is closing. Its hard to believe that now I have a 1st and 5th grader. That afternoon we got home and relaxed again. That night we had scouts. It was nice getting out though so the kids could see friends. Colby was excited to see Nijel and Zachary and Lindsay played with Makylee. 

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Feeling Like Sweet Summertime

So this weekend was lovely and with having one kid out of school already I definitely felt in "Summer mode". Plus grades have been turned in since the 10th so we have definitely had a more relaxed schedule too. 
Saturday Austin was itching to get out of town. We decided on just driving to the Coast for lunch. We ate at this place called "The Blind Tiger" I thought it was yummy and a neat place to go. I'm not sure the kids or Austin were super impressed though. The scenery was nice though. They had a lot going on in that little part of town though b/c there was a Pirate Festival. I think Austin wanted to walk around, but it was so hot and Lindsay was already whining I really didn't feel like it. We ended up driving around a bit before heading back home. It was a nice outing though. That afternoon we just stayed around the house and let the kids play. 
Sunday was church day. We opted to go to first service even though Austin had to count. I got the idea later in the week that if I took the kids after first service we could go swim while he counted then we would have a longer afternoon. It was a good service. I was so glad we were there b/c Wendy's son Philip was recognized as a senior graduate. It was also nice to see them and visit in church. After church I brought the kids to my parents house to swim. We picked up Canes for lunch. It was nice to spend a little quiet time doing that with them. We had a good time in the pool. By the time my parents got there we were getting out and drying off. We spent a few minutes visiting before heading home. We came home and picked up Austin and went to go get ice-cream and snowballs. It had been awhile since we had done that! Again it was a sweet weekend that just made me ready for summertime! That afternoon we just spent time relaxing and hanging out outside! 

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Kindergarten Graduation

So last Wednesday was the big day for Lindsay. It feels like in a way time just flew and we got here way too fast! In other ways though it feels like we were preparing for it for so long! anyway we got to school early. This year was so different for Lindsay and I. I was half teacher/half mom. Luckily Wendy's daughter Emily was there to hang out with her. They watched the Greatest Showman while we got everything ready for the big day. We did the final touches in the sanctuary. We were ready with time to spare. The kids got dropped off at 10 in the classroom. From there I helped get them dressed. Her teacher had told me I didn't have to, but that's the way I wanted. They were all my babies and honestly that's the way I wanted to spend the day. Once they started lining up though I went to find my place to sit and be with family and finally be just mom! The ceremony was wonderful! It was the cutest and the kids did an absolute amazing job! It was so bittersweet for so many reasons. I mean knowing that my last baby is no longer a baby, but a big first grader! Also knowing this amazing year had come to an end! I teared up when they first came down the aisle. The other points where I got a little teary was when they showed the slide show from the year and also when they held hands and sang "How Great is Our God". This year with Lindsay's graduation it was so different then Colby. I mean with having 2 kids in school we really had no major plans once it was all said and done. We stuck around and helped clean up then went to lunch with Wendy and her daughter Emily. It was so much fun. We really had a great time. We had Chickfila. I felt a little bad that we didn't make as big a deal out of her graduation, but honestly going to lunch with her teacher and her 13 year old daughter was a bigger deal to her anyway. She loved every second of it. We ended up getting stuck in crazy traffic for almost an hour. Thankfully we were in good company and just all enjoyed visiting. By the time we got back to the school though it was carpool time. Thankfully my parents had picked Colby up from school. We made it in time to go get our stuff out of the kindergarten room and head to my parents house. We didn't even have time at that point to go home and change. I was so tired by that point! I sat down at my parents house though and it felt good to chill and cool off. well we got to church and had dinner. It was nice to visit with some people, but I was so over it! I made the decision and talked to the kids that we would stay for a bit, but would leave early. I hated to do that again and if I weren't dressed up I would have just dealt with it, but I was hot and tired. Anyway I stayed through the outside portion then we came home. I think the kids had a good time, but also weren't too sad about leaving. It had been such a busy week and we were all tired! 

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Last Week of Kindergarten

Wow its so hard to write this and know that its all over now! I cannot believe how quickly this school year went!! It was such an amazing year from so many aspects. So Lindsay started the year with Mrs. Schifflin. I knew her from church, but not well. From what I knew she seemed amazing and sweet and for that I was thankful. It seemed like it would be a great year! well Fast forward to October...I started suspecting that something might be wrong and sure enough we found out she was diagnosed with breast cancer. I remember leaving the school when I was pretty sure and just crying at the thought. I was broken for her, and also broken for my little girl and the rest of the class. I had no idea what the rest of the year would hold. After a few people saying they thought of me to take over the class it was confirmation that maybe it was what God wanted me to do. I prayed and said that I wouldn't chase after it, but if I was asked then I would know that is what God was leading me to do. Well sure enough less than a week after finding out I was asked to take her class. It ended up being such an honor and blessing! I had a blast and re-gained the confidence and want to teach again! Anyway its been a super sweet year. By the time Mrs. Schifllin came back in January we quickly became friends. By February we were parading together and hanging out on the weekends. By April I spent the last 2 months in her classroom helping her with "all the things". It turned out so differently and now I am thinking of teaching first grade! 
Anyway so Monday was their last regular day of school. I was there all day to assist and just help them get ready for graduation. I was busy doing things like steaming the gowns and such. 
Tuesday was a really fun day. Well the morning began with them doing a "dress rehearsal" for graduation in front of the whole school. They rocked it and were amazing! That afternoon we had water day which was an absolute blast! The kids loved it! I was so happy we were able to do that. It ended up going so well. Mrs. Schifflin's son and daughter came to help along with Austin. Things really went smoothly. That afternoon we stuck around to help Wendy get the sanctuary ready. We left there sometime after 5. It was a long day, but again I was so thankful to get to participate in these last days. It was so bittersweet knowing it was the end. 
Wednesday was of course Graduation day! I'll do a separate post on that! 
Thursday I went back up to help Wendy in her room for a bit that morning. Lindsay and I helped her pull stuff off the walls. We left though by about 10:45. Lindsay was over it and I honestly was too! Plus I think her teacher wanted some quiet time to do paper work. We left and went grocery shopping. It was nice to come home and have a couple quiet hours with just her. I really do miss those days of having her home like that. It went by quick though. We soon were leaving to go get Colby. She had art class so we went by my parents house for a quick visit before going back up there. That evening it was nice to be in at a decent time. We even were able to all eat dinner together! 
Friday was a busy day for me, but I really enjoyed it! I honestly had been dreading it a bit though. So I brought Colby to school then left to bring Lindsay by my parents. I picked up coffee and got back up to the school. I spent time in the room with Wendy. I was able to help her by sorting through her books. We were able to chat and such. By 10 I was needed to go over to the sanctuary and get things ready for the 8th grade graduation. This was the main reason I was there. I was in charge of setting up the petit fours and punch table. Thankfully Wendy came in and helped a bit too. During the graduation I made and served punch. I felt a little spastic. I was so thankful Heidi came and helped me. After graduation I made a run out to Westwego to pick up pizzas for the 6th grade teacher. I got back and hung out with them for awhile and enjoyed pizza and a movie. By the time I finished up I went back down to Wendy's room and she wasn't back but I was able to help out a lot with her stuff. Once she got back we visited a bit then it was time to go home!! It was again so nice to come home after school and relax. We ended up having horrible weather though. Thankfully we were able to be in and just hang out. 

Friday, May 18, 2018

Long Weekend & Mother's Day

This past weekend we were blessed with a 3 day weekend. It was so nice for the month of MAY! Its been so crazy lately that it was great having that extra day. We were able to sleep in and hang out around the house. We went to the grocery store and just spent the day getting the house in order. I would have loved to take them somewhere fun, but with everything going on I knew I needed to stay in. We had a really enjoyable day though. 
Saturday was busy though to make up for it. Their little friend Ella was dropped off at 8:45 and spent the day with us. I enjoyed having a friend though. She gets along so well with both my kids. She got here in time to have breakfast then they played for about an hour while I cleaned and got dressed. At 10 we left to go swim at my parents house. They had a blast over there! It was nice to get out and let them swim and enjoy the nice day. We left their house around 2 and came home. The kids played for about an hour then she left around 4. We had a quiet evening which was nice. 
Sunday was Mother's Day. It was nice going to church and being showered all weekend with sweet little homemade gifts from my kiddos. At church they had the kids come in and bring roses to the ladies which was so adorable. They also made the moms a craft. After church we ran a quick errand then came home to get ready to go to Randall and Elizabeth's house for lunch. It was nice to get to hang out and also not have to cook lunch. We had a nice time visiting with everyone. We got home around 3. By then I think we were all exhausted though. It was time to get ready for the upcoming busy week!! 

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Teacher Appreciation Week

So this past week was extremely busy for us. I mean Teacher Appreciation Week almost always is, but this year I was also at the school just about every day so it was EXTRA busy! 
Monday - So this year I did things a little different. The school had sent out a list of ideas for teacher appreciation and kindergarten also had a sign up. I decided to go my own way this year though b/c I am pretty close to both teachers. Anyway so Monday my treat was bringing the teachers coffee. I think they both liked and enjoyed this. I would honestly rather do this then give them like a mug or something. So that day was really busy b/c I was helping kindergarten, but also helping Colby's teacher prep for the upcoming Wax Museum. I so enjoyed spending the entire day with kindergarten though. I also gave Lindsay's teacher the morning off and did lunch duty for her. I think she was super appreciative of this. Again I would rather do this for teacher appreciation. Afterwards we went out to recess and it was nice to get to visit with her some. I was also trying to get her big gift taken care of that day as well. I ended up also walking them to/from Library. I got the kids to sign the frame during that time which was great. It was a really fun day. That evening we just relaxed and hung out. It was nice not having anywhere to go/be after school.
Tuesday - This was a super busy day! So for Colby's teacher I just sent a pack of Reese's. Lindsay's teacher was getting a big surprise that day. The day went well and we were super busy. The kids made Mrs. Schifflin cards during their art time. So after art I picked them up and we gave her the framed picture and cards and then had cookie cake. It was a fun day and she was totally surprised. I think it made the kids feel good to take part in giving her something. That afternoon we had The Wax Museum for Colby's class. This meant we had to run home change clothes and head back up to the school. The night was really neat though. I was thankful for all the hard work that went into making it happen. Colby and his classmates did a wonderful job. I also enjoyed getting to visit more with the teacher friends and parents.
Wednesday- This was a very long day for me! I stayed at the school all day. This was the day we gave the teacher's their big gifts. We gave Colby's teacher a Starbucks gift card, key chain, and a bath bomb. Lindsay's teacher we gave a t-shirt and a bath bomb. It was a nice day. I mean I really love hanging out with the kindergarten. Its tiring, but fun. That night we also had church. Well now all the kindergarten girls like to eat dinner with me. Its fine and cute, but also exhausting. We also dealt with not being able to get outside much due to ozone warnings so by the time we got upstairs I was over it! Finally around 6:30 I made the decision to go home. Colby was so upset with me, but I just couldn't handle it any longer. It was nice to just get in early. 
Thursday - Another long and busy day! I really had every intention of coming home after I taught music, but I got a random text that morning from a kindergarten parent asking what time the gathering was. Well I knew nothing of it and obviously Wendy didn't either. We both panicked b/c we knew her room was a mess. I volunteered to go up after music and help her straighten up. Anyway so music went well. It was a little bittersweet being the last week and knowing it might be my last ever class since I am considering working at Calvary. I got up to Calvary and it was busy and then we stayed while Lindsay had art. I was in a tiny bit of a bad mood just with the parent drama, but overall it was a good day. I was just happy to be home that night though. 

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Cinco De Mayo

So last weekend was pretty low key which was nice. That Friday I had only worked at the school for part of the morning. I was then able to go to Target and spend the rest of the day at home. It was definitely nice for a change! That afternoon/evening the kids got home and we had a nice family night. 
Saturday Austin was off. We looked forward to a day as a family. I had to run errands to get ready for Teacher Appreciation. Lindsay came with me and the boys went to get haircuts then did yard work. I enjoyed just running errands with my girl. We got all the things stocked up for their teachers. Once we got in we hung out for a little while so the boys could finish outside. We then went out to eat Mexican. We of course had to do that and have margaritas for Cinco De Mayo. That afternoon was quiet and low key. We enjoyed the time around the house. 
Sunday was a nice day. We went to early service. After though we mixed it up some, by going to swim at my parents house. We ate lunch at Subway then went to swim. It was nice to do something different. Afterwards we came home and just spent the afternoon prepping for the busy week ahead! 

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Friends, Fun, and Fests

So last weekend was SO much FUN! Probably the most fun I have had in a long time. I mean I love my family and doing the mom thing, but its been a super long time since I just had fun with a girl friend. So Friday night I had made plans with Lindsay's teacher Wendy to have a girl's night movie night. So after school I dropped Lindsay off with my parents. Austin and Colby were headed to Hattiesburg to spend time with his mom. Well I got home and straightened up around the house and before I knew it she arrived! I had ordered pizza so we ate and just talked for like 2 hours! It was so nice! She and I have so much in common. She had also picked up daiquiris which was super fun too! Anyway we had a great time! We started the movie at around 8 and it ended a little before 10. We then spent about 30-40 more min just talking. She left around 10:30. It was just the most fun! It was exactly what I needed. I feel like since having kids I don't really do a whole lot for myself... and it really hasn't been until the last year or so that I am re-discovering myself now that they are in full time school. Well needless to say after the LARGE daiquiri and being at school all week I slept great!! 
Saturday it was awesome waking up to a quiet house. I tried to just soak it in and enjoy the time alone. I made myself breakfast and straightened up a bit before heading to go get Lindsay. I even stopped for a cup of coffee for myself. I got to my parents house and we spent the morning baking a cookie cake for Austin. We also stayed and had lunch. It was nice hanging out with them. Now with all our busy schedules and the kids being older we don't do that as often as we used to. After lunch and we finished the cake we came on back home. It was nice to have some time to chill out before the boys got in. Once they got home we basically spent the day resting and doing stuff around the house. It was nice to be back as a family of 4. 
Well Sunday rolled around and we had planned to only go to 1st service. We had also made plans the day before with Wendy and her husband Phil to go to Jazz Fest. After all these years I finally got out there to Jazz Fest. Anyway so after church we secured our plans. We brought the kids home and all ate a light lunch then Austin and I started prepping to go to the festival. We left our house around 12:30 to drop the kids off with my parents. We had a few minutes to visit with them before our friends got there. Once they arrived we were off to Jazz Fest. It really was fun just having another couple to hang out with. I think Austin and her husband got along well and that was really the first time we interacted with him. It was fun just feeling like kids again! We got there to Jazz Fest and finally found parking then walked in. It was a little overwhelming at first since I had never been. We quickly found a place to set up our chairs. We sat for a few minutes, but it was hot and we quickly decided we would walk around. We walked most of the fair grounds and got ourselves some daiquiris. We then found the hospitality tents. They had tickets to one tent and we had tickets to another. We split up for about an hour. It was nice to get out the sun for a bit. After cooling off for a few minutes though Austin and I decided to just walk around and explore. We did that for awhile then got hot and headed back to our chairs thinking Wendy and Phil would be there too. Well they weren't there so we rested a bit then decided to go look for my friends who were working at a Kiwanis tent. We found them and visited for awhile. During that time Wendy texted me and told me they were in the Gospel tent. So we headed there. We sat in there for about an hour. At that point it was nice to cool off and sit with them. Around 5 we got ready to go back to our seats for Jimmy Buffett. This was of course the best part of the day. I think we all felt like we were in college again. I just had the best time talking with Wendy. After Buffett we headed home, but it was about a 30 min ride so we still got to visit plenty. It was such a great day! I cannot wait to do something like that again!! 

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Testing Week

So this past week was Testing at Calvary. This was a week I knew I would be very busy. I had signed up to be a "hall monitor" each day. This is the first year I had ever done that. I figured though with both my kids testing that I would do it though. Anyway it made for a very busy week. 
Monday I was assigned the middle school hallway. it was such a LONG morning. I thought I was going to die! I was in the hallway from 8:30-12:30! I was so hungry when we were finished. I ran downstairs and scarfed down my lunch with prek then spent my afternoon with kindergarten. It was actually a fun afternoon though. It was mostly spent gabbing with Lindsay's teacher. I got there while they were still outside so we got to visit there some then the kids went to library so we just chatted, then they napped. It really was just fun girl time! That afternoon we came home after school and really just enjoyed the no homework thing. 
Tuesday I was assigned the kindergarten hall. I was most thankful for this! They finished testing in about an hour. I spent the rest of the morning helping out their class. I left at lunch. I was happy to have a little time at home. That afternoon was short though b/c I hung out in the kindergarten classroom while Colby was in art class. Its never bad though. Lindsay and I stay and help her straighten up her room and such. 
Wednesday was another busy day! I was assigned to the elementary hall. I preferred kindergarten, but this was definitely second best. For one they finish up testing a lot quicker then middle school! Its also the age of kids I taught when I was a teacher so I felt right in my element. Honestly it was this day that I really left thinking I really miss teaching! I just really love being around the kids. I spent the rest of the day in kindergarten. It went well...I had lunch with Lindsay and her friends. I enjoyed visiting with Wendy on the playground and such. The kids got wild at recess though. We brought them in and they had snack and did a few things then we turned on Charlotte's Web for them to watch. It was a nice break. Again she and I mostly just chatted. I swear hanging out with her is like hanging out with a high school or college girlfriend. So that afternoon Mrs. Kauhn offered to let Colby come with her to her creative arts class she has on Wednesdays. I was so happy she did this. I knew staying in the kindergarten room all afternoon would not be his cup of tea. I was also happy he went with her. Anyway from what I understand he did well and had fun. I again enjoyed just visiting with Lindsay's teacher. Lindsay colored while we mostly chatted. The kids and I did stay for dinner, but came home afterwards. I had told them with testing that we would not be able to stay the whole time. I was happy to get them off to bed early that night. 
Thursday was another day another hall monitor job. Thankfully I got put with kindergarten again. These days were the most fun. I hung out with them until lunch then went grocery shopping. I was back up there that afternoon though while Lindsay had art class. 
Friday was quite the fun day! Well I started the morning in middle school...not really my cup of tea, but the testing didn't last as long as the other day. I was able to finish up and get to kindergarten and eat lunch with them. We spent the afternoon outside basically. The kids did have PE which was nice to have that break. We then brought them back outside after snack to play with chalk and bubbles! It was a good ending to a very busy week. 
Even though it was a lot and tiring...I had so much fun! I truly miss the classroom scene and working there! 

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Fish and Ships

So this past weekend we had a really great one. We of course began the weekend with movie night. Well Friday first off my dad had a heart procedure done. Thankfully it went really well. I spent the morning between the school and the hospital. I came home for about an hour, but spent the hour talking to Lindsay's teacher on the phone =). That night we had movie night. The kids wanted to watch CARS 3. Austin had a softball game. I hate we haven't made one yet, but trying to get the kids out to Kenner for a 7:40 game after a busy week just seems like too much. I am always exhausted and they are too by Fridays! Anyway they won there game. 
Saturday we had a lovely family day. We planned to take the kids downtown for Fleet Week. We stopped at the Aquarium first though since the boats didn't open for tours until 12. The Aquarium was nice...I mean since we are members and we go fairly often we can kinda see the highlights and it be no big deal. We saw what the kids wanted and then left. I think we were in there about an hour. It was pretty crowded of course for a Saturday. We then set out to see the boats. Well the lines were super long. We got to see them all up close, but we weren't sure we would get to go on any. Well we finally got down to the last one which was a Coast Guard boat so we decided to wait for that one. Both of their teachers have husbands in the Coast Guard so that was neat for them to make that connection. It was almost a 2 hour ordeal from start to finish but the kids were troopers and hung in there. I think Colby really found it all interesting, but in typical Lindsay fashion she probably could have cared less. we had fun though. After that we had planned to go eat somewhere over there, but after looking at the crowds and how long it took us to get through the boats...we decided to head back to the Westbank and just eat Chickfila. We came home after that and just enjoyed a chill afternoon at home. 
Sunday was a nice day too...we went to second service at church b/c I was teaching in the first service. It was a long morning, but a good one. We had mexican after church then came home to relax and hang out.