Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bad morning!

Well today I feel as if Colby and I both woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Well let me recap a little from earlier in the week. Sunday Colby was a little off in Sunday School. He normally has a blast in there and does really well with not being clingy onto me even though I am one of his teachers. But this past Sunday he was a little whiny and clingy. He was wearing some Harley Davison overalls. But he kept seeming frustrated so I thought maybe what he was wearing was getting on his nerves. So I finally changed him into a t-shirt and shorts and that seemed to help a little but he still wasn't himself. I at first just attributed this to him missing the week before and maybe he was just out of whack. This does seem to happen whenever he misses a week of church. Anyway onto Monday afternoon...I woke up from a nap and felt like I had a sore throat. So now I think back and I wonder if Colby was sick too. He drank a lot that day which is also kinda unusual for him. He drank 8 oz of juice in Sunday School then that afternoon drank about 6 oz of water which he never does! He will sip on water but he never just downs a whole cup! Well Tuesday I started feeling a little worse. Well now onto today Wednesday. We woke up like normal and planned to go to gymrompers. I knew I was getting sick or have a cold but thought Colby might be over whatever he had he had no fever this morning so I figured he would be ok to go ahead to class. Its only 50 min long so I figured this meant he would just come home and take an extra long nap. Well he seemed fine at the house playing and having fun before we left. Well on the way in the car I had given him his sippy cup of juice. I didn't even notice to make sure the cap was on good. Well we were almost to gymrompers when Colby threw it on the floor...well I picked it up and noticed the cap was half off but I thought this had happened when it I started looking at him real closely and he was SOAKED! This would not have been bad if it were just water I would have said ok well he will dry! But it was grape/apple juice so he was a sticky mess. Well this upset me b/c he was in a new white t-shirt anyway. He looked so cute! I always try to dress him cute for things like this! Anyway I picked him up and he had juice all over him and he started to cry. He doesn't like being dirty so I think he could tell that this gross sticky juice was all over him! Well at this point I am thinking let's just go home but then the other part of me is like we drove all the way here we might as well stick it out right? Well we got in there and Colby was acting shy but that's nothing unusual. So he did a few things and started having fun. Well it was time for the circle time which Colby normally loves and he just started crying and pitching a fit...I am not sure if its due to him not feeling well or if he was being hard headed b/c I had taken him off a toy...either way I was outdone at this point! I am already not feeling well so this just capped it off. So I told myself why are we here? I am sick...Colby is pitching a fit...there is no need. So I picked him up without saying a word and walked out. I hope the other mommies don't think I was being too harsh or rude but I was not going to sit there with a child pitching a fit and acting like someone was pulling his toenails out! So we came home and I crazily let him play with water in the kitchen and play his music instruments. I guess this is due to mommy guilt! I put him in gymrompers so he could have a place to go each week and make friends. We have done a few things this week but not much so this was our outlet. So I gave in when we got home and made sure he had fun for 30 min even if it did make a mess so he could expel some energy and feel like he still had a special morning! Well in closing I hope we both just have a cold and get over it by the weekend but I am second guessing going out of town this weekend anyway maybe we need the rest!

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