Happy Thanksgiving! I would say we had a good one and I am still reminded of all I have to be thankful for. I spent the day with family and friends all who would do anything for me and all love my son. That is just a huge blessing to have so many people who you care about and also care about you! Well our started with just hanging out with Austin's parents and Colby. We watched the Macy's parade and ate breakfast and chilled. Colby and I also took the time to play outside. He just loves the outdoors and I do too with this cool weather. We walked down the street and just enjoyed being outside together.
Later in the morning we headed to my parents. I wanted to get there before everyone else so they would have some time to visit and play with Colby. I knew once everyone else arrived it would get hectic. Colby really had a blast he loves exploring their house. We also played outside there. He loved opening Grammy's cabinets and climbing in Granddaddy's rocker. I was so proud of him for being able to wait until 12:30 to eat when we all did. I planned for him to try to wait because I figured this year he would enjoy our food too. Last year he was only drinking formula so we put him down for his nap around the time we ate. So at 12:30 though he was ready to eat! I think he finally realized that he hadn't had lunch yet. So I fixed his plate and got him settled before everyone else sat down. I fixed him a bowl full of turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, and cauliflower casserole. At first he dug in and seemed to enjoy what he was eating. Well I soon fixed my plate and sat down beside him. I tried to "help" him eat but he just got upset. Then he wanted my cup and fork and then it just all went down hill. He was only playing and refused to eat anymore. I really was dissapointed b/c I just knew he would love all the good food. He really is a good eater but he didn't show it today. I am not sure whether it was because he was so overwhelmed and tired or because the food was different and he just didn't want any part of it. I even had to take him upstairs once to get him to regain composure (he was pitching that much of a fit). It was a little annoying because I really love Thanksgiving and all the good food and I felt like I didn't get to enjoy it. I finally forced him to eat about 5 or 6 big bites. I gave up and gave him his peaches. Well he loved those and most of his yogurt. So after that fiasco I knew it was naptime so he got his milk and gladly went to bed. I then got to enjoy my dessert and visit with the company for a while. Well then at 3 some friends stopped by and really wanted to see Colby. Well he was sleeping. But they insisted on going up to see him well ofcourse he woke up. Well I about lost it...and in hind sight I probably shouldn't have gotton as aggravated but I knew he needed this nap. Colby really needs his naps he does not do well without them. Especially on a day like today he had been up since 7:30 and had a lot of interaction with people and needed that downtime. Luckily though he went back to sleep after the interruption. I felt better about that. So he slept for another hour then I went up to check on him and he was just sitting in the bed playing. Again this shows he enjoyed the time out from people. Once he got up he was feeling pretty good and played and snacked on goldfish. Most of the company was gone soon after. He got to play with Uncle Randall and Aunt Liz some though. At 5 I decided he should probably go ahead and eat dinner while we were still there. I fixed him some sweet potatoes and green bean casserole. Once again he wanted nothing to do with it. But I did convince him that the sweet potatoes were good and he ate like 4 helpings! So he had that and applesauce and cranberries. Basically all his food today was sweet but I guess it was healthy for the most part. I am just anxious to get him back on his routine tomorrow. We have also had Austin's parents staying with us which has been fun but that also kinda gets him out of his normal day so again tomorrow Colby and I plan to chill and have us a relaxed day! But all in all it was a good day and I enjoyed watching Colby play. I just wish he would have enjoyed the food part. But maybe next year......I also wish he had some little cousins or some other kids to play with but maybe again next year there will be someone.
Thanks God for all of our blessings and for our sweet little boy!
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