Friday, December 25, 2009


Wow what a wonderful day! We woke up to a cold, brisk, and sunny day! It was a gift from God I think...last year was hot and muggy so I was very excited to have Christmas weather in Nola. I had to wake up this year at 6:30 not because of Colby waking me up but because I had so much to do to get us all ready. Once I was dressed and ready I woke Colby at at 7:45 yes you read that right I had to WAKE my son up on Christmas. I know that will change though one of these days. We got him up and dressed him in his cute little red Christmas shirt and jeans and brought him to the front where Santa left the presents. He seemed excited but also a little confused at first. He played with a couple of things but still seemed a little tired and not really sure of what was going on. This is completely out of the norm from his usual mornings! So after he had time to see all his toys and open stockings we headed to my parent's house. We got there and all ate breakfast first. Again another thing that will change one of these days. But this year Colby still didn't understand what all was waiting for him. So we ate then went to open up presents! Again Colby was a little confused of what we were doing and actually spent more time wandering around the house then actually opening presents! Oh well I know he will enjoy them all. He just had other things to do! He got a play cube from my parents, some books, clothes, and a few other things. I think Santa was all good to this year even though we said we were going to cut back. We have much to be grateful for!

After presents my parents and I took Colby for a quick walk. He was getting antsy just being inside so we brought him out. He really enjoyed it too. After the walk we watched an old Living Christmas Tree tape and reminicsed of days gone by. By this time it was time of Austin and I and Colby to head back to our house. I got home and quickly started trying to put up presents and clean up the house some. I fed Colby lunch then put him in the bed for his nap. He was definitely ready for it! Then I finished up setting the table and we began cooking Christmas dinner. This is the first time we have ever fixed a "Christmas" dinner. We were having friends over today Josh and Laura. It was really fun getting everything ready.

Josh and Laura arrived around 2 so we finished up cooking then the 4 of us sat down to eat. Colby was still napping. It was really nice that he took a 3 hour nap and we were able to enjoy our meal and visit with friends. After we ate he was awake so we sat around while he played with his new toys. After awhile we decided to go look at lights...poor Colby fell asleep during this...he normally is so excited while we drive around but poor baby was just so tired I think from all the festivities this week! But once we got home we all got revived. The adults played this Dance game on Wii and Colby ran around playing...he also danced! Once they left we bathed him and got him ready for bed. We have another big day ahead of us tomorrow we will go to Hattiesburg to celebrate with Austin's family. Now Austin and I are up wrapping presents again but hope to be in bed by 11 b/c again I have to wake up early probably at 7.

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