Yesterday was a great day! I got to get away for a little while and shop with a friend. First Colby and I were gonna go to the park though. I knew he needed to get out the house for a little while. We haven't done a lot this past week and Friday all we did to get out was the grocery store. So I figured I would bring him to the park then drop him off at my parent's. They were going to keep him while I shopped with a friend. We got to the park and Colby was having a good time. Well like 10 minutes after we got there it started lightning and thundering then the rain began. So much for the park! So I loaded Colby up and we went to my parent's house. He wasn't too upset about leaving...thankgoodness! He was happy sicne we were going to the grandparents!
I stayed and visited for about an hour before heading to the mall to meet Casee. We met at Food Court and ate lunch first. It was nice to visit and enjoy my lunch. Normally when we are at the mall I feel like I am so busy keeping Colby entertained!
After we ate we shopped for like 2hours. I forgot how much fun the mall is! I don't think I had been to the mall with just another friend in years! Usually its Austin and I and Colby or just Colby and I or Colby and I and a friend and their baby! Its so much different with a can't shop much we mainly just walk around and usually can only stay about an hour at the most! We both set out to get bras so we found those and also found some cute stuff for the boys! Her little boy is 7 months now. I would pass more of Colby's clothes down but they are sorta out of season from each other. He needs 6-12 summer clothes and Colby's 6-12 month stuff was winter.
Anyway the rest of the day was fine I picked Colby up at my parent's house then we came home and just hung out till Austin got off work. He brought home hamburgers and fries. Our original plan was to grill some ourselves but his work day ended up being later then we thought. Colby loves fries...he doesn't get them often but when he does he loves them! I think its mainly b/c he has recently discovered ketchup. He even took a couple bites of my burger. I am kinda looking forward to the day I can take him somewhere for a burger and fries for a treat!
Today was church. It was another great day in Sunday School. We had Broc, Colby, and Cade agian. I was so excited to have 3 boys again! Broc and Colby did really well entertaining themselves and also sharing with Cade.
I got to sit in church again this week with Austin which was nice. I think Colby did fine in extended care it was just Colby and Broc. I think they took them outside also. After church we ate at McAlister's with some friends. Colby did really well but it started raining so we had to head home. Once we got home we all relaxed and took this afternoon we are probably going to try playing outside some even though its been raining off and on but we gotta get little boy's energy out somehow!
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