Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

I can't believe Christmas Eve has almost come and gone. Its been a very busy day for us! We woke up this morning and haven't stopped since. We started the morning with breakfast and hanging out for a little while as a family then Austin went outside to play Elf and work on Colby's wasn't long before my dad and brother joined in the fun. While they were all working I had the fun job of keeping Colby busy and away from all that. So we went on a was very peaceful to just walk alone with Colby with no time restraints so we just took our time looking at everyone's decorations on the way. He loved it! Once we got home I let him play in the back for a little this point the swingset was very much in progress so he had no idea what he was looking at. We finally went in though so he wouldn't be in the way. From there it was a low key day for me...Colby and I stayed inside and played cars and watched Christmas cartoons....during his naptime I went outside to watch the progress of the his playset. I am so thankful for my dad and brother who helped Austin...its 90% done now...they worked from about 10 am until after 3 pm. There are a few finishing touches to finish but Colby will be surprised and he can atleast check it out and play on most of it tomorrow!

Tonight we went over to my parent's house for dinner. This is our yearly tradition. We started out with dinner. We all enjoyed visiting and Colby was quite the ham! After dinner we celebrated baby Jesus' birthday along with my mom's. Colby loved the cake! After cake we read the Christmas story from the Bible and then The Night Before Christmas. Colby was so cute during the Christmas story he was saying, baby, mommy, and peace! I think that's pretty good...he knows there was a special baby and mommy and that that baby brings peace on earth! I think that's awesome for a 2 year old! We also sang a few Christmas carols to close the evening.

Afterwards we got home got Colby ready for bed, set out Santa cookies and began our "elfing" process...its tiring but also so fun to prepare for Christmas morning! Its exciting to think how happy and excited Colby is going to be in the morning!

What a wonderful day and so many things to be thankful for! I am thanful for my God who sent his son to earth so he could live as a human and experience the same things we experience...I am thankful for family and that they live so close that we can hang out without having to travel far distances, I am thankful for our health we have been so blessed to all be healthy and to have a healthy, active child. I am thankful for a husband who works so hard at work so he can provide for us so I can stay home and raise Colby. I am thankful for the fact though that on his days off he chooses to spend with us rather then on a lake, golfcourse, or a bar...looking forward to more celebrating and just remembering what this holiday is all about this weekend!

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