Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Wow last night we had the worst weather I can ever remember. Well not counting hurricanes. I have lived through many of those but the thing about those is you know they are coming and you know how to prepare. We knew last night it was going to rain and storm but we didn't know how bad. Austin got in around 6:30 and we ate dinner. As we were finishing up it started raining and lightning. He went out around 7 to make sure our drains were clear since we would be expecting a lot of rain. When he came in he said it had started hailing. I don't recall ever really seeing hail. I mean it might have come down a little but never anything like I saw last night. We had over an inch of it in our yard. It was coming down pretty steady and we were standing at the front door watching it. It was scary but yet amazing to see this power in nature occuring. Its a true testament to the power of God. The lightening was crazy! Well as we continued to watch the sky got really black then it was like the heavens opened and started dropping hail like crazy and the sky lit up green and blue. At this point we ran to the bathroom and stayed for about 10 minutes until we felt like it had passed. It was probably the scariest thing I have ever been through weather wise and I have seen several hurricanes in my time.

Once it started calming down we were able to snap a few pictures. I wanted to document it b/c I had never seen anything like it before. Our yard was white with ice pellets. It was stacked again our fence. I was so proud of Colby though the whole time he never got scared and when we took him in the bathroom he just sat quietly. I think kids take cues from their parents and since we weren't freaking out neither did he. Even when we went to the bathroom we tried to stay calm. I don't think there is any reason to make your kids fear weather I mean you want them to be smart and not go out and play in it but you also don't want them so scared of bad weather they freak out and can't sleep. It all calmed down about 8 and we were able to go on with our bedtime routine. Colby thankfully went to sleep about 9:30 and slept all night. The weather got bad again around 3 am but he never woke up. Thankfully, today it has cleared up a little and we were able to go grocery shopping. Its crazy though all the damage that is around. Our street is a mess no major damage just leaves and limbs down everywhere. Several parking lots are flooded with a few feet or water still. We are thanking God though for keeping us safe last night and today!

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