Saturday we had our preschool Easter Celebration at church. This year I was mainly in charge of planning the event. I had no idea when first planning it that it would fall the day after we got back from vacation. I think it worked out well though even though we were all a little tired. Last year was the first time they did something like this. I wasn't in charge last year so I got to sit back and enjoy it more. Unfortunately Colby didn't enjoy it much last year. He was still kinda young to "get it" and he was in his shy stage and didn't like being around a lot of people.
Fortunately I had a lot of help getting the event together. We prayed for a good turnout. Our Valentine's event we planned only 4 kids showed up. We made sure to publicize this and make handouts to give out in Sunday School and it was in the church bulletin.
Colby enjoyed the event for the most part. He got a little out of sorts at the beginning. Since I was in charge I had to maintain some of the stations and I was working with some of the other kids and Colby wanted to get in the middle of the dyeing eggs station. He wanted to play with the eggs and hold the coffee mugs. I wouldn't let him so he got pretty mad. My mom ended up taking him for a walk. During their walk he was still acting up so grammy actually put him in timeout! After that he got it together though and was an angel the rest of the time.
During the event the kids did some crafts they colored their easter bags, colored a cross, then dyed eggs. After the craft time they split by age and had storytime about Easter. The younger kids babies-3s had a simple Easter book read to them while the 4s and 5s did Ressurection Eggs with one of the Sunday School teachers.
After their storytimes we got them all back together and took them outside to hunt Easter Eggs. He loved this part...he didn't get it at first but once I told him and showed him how to put the eggs in his bag he went around scooping them up. He wasn't as fast as some of the kids but he still got a good number of them! My friend Melissa took pictures of all the kids by some pretty flowers on the playground. I thought it was so sweet of her to do this. Colby was last but when it came his turn he did so well. He just stood there smiling and posing. I had no idea he would do so well!
After that we went in for snacktime. I think all the kids were starving. We had fruit, cheese, cookies and juice! Colby went to town on it all! I think this was his favorite part!
Anyway it was a wonderful morning and I am grateful for all the help and all the parents who brought their kids so this could happen! Colby enjoyed the other kids as well. We had a 5 month old, 7 month old, 1 two and a half year old, 2 three year olds, 2 four year olds, and 3 kindergartners. We had a good group!
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