Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

Wheww its been a busy weekend already and mommy is pooped! Our weekend began Friday also Colby's first official day of summer. We had a playdate that morning. A girl that goes to Calvary and her little girl who is 2 came over. We have met them at the library and park a couple of times but this was her first time over here. I was a little concerned about how Colby would do sharing. Its been awhile since we have had a friend over and he's a little more possessive now then he was a few months ago. I talked to him about it before she got here. He seemed willing to share just about everything but his cars & trucks! When she got here we decided to go ahead and let them swim. I figured this would keep them busy most of the time. They played in the pool about an hour then were both ready to come in. They didn't interact as much as I thought and suprisingly I think Colby tried to interact with her more and she shyed away. Once inside I could tell Colby was not too keen on the idea of sharing his trucks luckily she never really wanted to play with any so there were no crises.
I think he had fun atleast more fun then being home by himself. I have to get his school friends over though b/c he talks about them all the time and I think he would enjoy that more since he knows them better.
Saturday was quite a busy day for us. Austin was off which was good. We got up that morning and ran a few errands. Colby was pretty good but none of our errands were really for him so I think he was sorta bored. When we got home he played outside for awhile with austin while I tried to rest. After lunch I had to get dressed again and head over to my parents house for a bridal shower. The shower was for my friend Joe's bride to be. I had never met her but it was good to see him and all his family and many other old Calvary people. I had a good time but I sure was missing my nap. Its so hard to be so busy in the morning then busy all afternoon while Colby naps so I never get a rest. I was kinda hoping to come home and crash but while I was on my way home we got invited to dinner with our friends Josh and Laura. I hated to miss out on this b/c we rarely get to go out just the 4 of us. Its hard now with both having kids and work schedules for us to hang out much less when the kids aren't there. The last few times we have been out to eat we have the boys with us which makes it so much harder to visit. As tired as I was it was great to have a night out and be with friends. We don't do this often enough so it was nice. Oh and I forgot to mention Colby ended up spending the night with my parents. We dropped him off on our way over there. I knew they were tired as well but they were so sweet to keep him and he was ofcourse excited to go over there. After eating our friends had to get home but Austin and I decided we would go uptown for icecream. Again something we never do! It was so nice to go on a little icecream date with him. We went to this local place Creole Creamery. Its really good. After that we drove around a little while then came home. Once I got home I crashed! It was a great day and would make anyone tired but being preggo I was exausted.
Sundays are usually VERY busy for us as well and with the day I had yesterday I knew I wouldn't be able to hand a full day again. I decided to just go to Sunday School and then bring Colby home. I know he was a little dissapointed but I needed to get home and get some housework done and just chill. He was obviously wiped out as well b/c he fell asleep on the way home at like 10:30 in the morning he never does that. So now that we are home we don't plan on doing much the rest of the day. Today Monday Memorial Day we had a lazy morning around home. Then we went over to my parent's house for swimming and burgers. Austin, Colby, and I swam then Randall and Elizabeth came over and got in too. I think us 4 adults stayed in for about an hour and a half Colby got out after about 45 min. I even got a tad burned. It was fun just visiting and acting like kids again! Lunch was good and Colby as always enjoyed all the attention. After dessert though we decided to go ahead and bring him home for his nap. He was exausted and so were we! The rest of the day was pretty low key around our house!

Tuesday Austin was still was wonderful to have this long weekend with him. We planned to take Colby somewhere fun. We debated a few places and settled on the Zoo so he could try out the Cool Zoo. I am so glad we did. It was a blast. Colby played in the water area for over an hour. It actually wasn't bad sitting out there either I never once got hot out there. Now once we left that area and got out in the sun it was a different story. We did go ride the train though before leaving. He gets so excited about that train! I loved the Cool Zoo though...I have heard mixed reviews some loving it some saying its too rough for small kids. Colby did well though...he did stay close by and didn't venture to the big equipment but he never got knocked down or anything and it was crowded! The place is so big though I never really felt crowded at all. I am sure we will be making a few trips there this summer!

When we left the zoo we ate at McAlister's per Colby's request. He wasn't very interested in eating though between being tired, full on cheerios and nachos the snack at the zoo and he needed to potty. So we didn't stay long we came home and got settled in for naps.

Also tmi but for my records: he has pooped on the potty 3 times in the last 2 weeks. I am hoping this is a new trend. The last time yesterday he didn't even cry like usual so I hope he's getting over his goal is to have him completely potty trained by the end of the summer!

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