Colby and I went to the children's museum today. It had actually been awhile since we had gone. I think our last visit there was like March. Colby couldn't wait to go. He's actually been asking about going to the "museum" for about a month. My MOPS group was also going today and another friend and her little boy were also going to meet us there. Its fun when I have people to visit with.
Colby enjoyed everything. He first wanted to do the grocery shopping which I was glad he did that first b/c usually it gets crowded later on in the morning and its no fun going in there with 15+ kids. Colby actually shopped, checked himself out, and put everything away which was a first. Usually all he wants to do is put the groceries in and then I have to pick up. After doing the grocery shopping he went to the toddler area. This is usually is his first place to go and where he stays the longest. He still enjoyed it a lot but got bored faster. The room is only for 3 and under so I can tell he is quickly getting too big for that room! I like it though b/c the whole room is closed in so you can sit and visit while they play. Especially now that he's bigger and I don't have to worry about him falling or anything I pretty much just let him go! After that he was anxious to go see the boats. He also enjoys this section a lot. We went to the Mr. Roger's area but neither of the boys seemed quite into that today. So we went downstairs. Usually Colby really only plays in the cars down there but today he played with a lot of blocks. So I was excited to see he's starting to branch out and do different things. I like going there though b/c the whole visit is about him and he gets to choose what we do! There's not much trouble he can get into either so its a pretty relaxed trip its basically all about playing which is good for him!
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