Friday, July 1, 2011


So this has seemed like the longest week ever! I hate weeks when Austin is on a 7 day stretch! Last week we got spoiled b/c he was off tues and wed then was off sat and sun. I knew we would have to pay for it after that! Not to mention this is Essence Fest weekend and so he is really having to work hard! On top of that its soo hot that Colby and I can't get out and do much plus our schedule just hasn't allowed for too many outtings. Austin also has to work this weekend his next day off isn't until Monday and I already feel like I am dying!
The week hasn't been bad but just looong for some reason. Tuesday Colby and I went to swim at my parents to get out the house. Wednesday I went to Bible Study and so my parents kept Colby most of that day. It was nice to have a few hours that afternoon to myself to rest and get some housework done b/c that's about the only day I have gotton to do that and also had a break! Wednesday night Austin had a social after work so he was after 7 getting home. It helped that my parents had Colby during most of the day but it still makes for a long afternoon/evening. Thursday Colby and I went to his school to drop off a birthday invitation then we went to the park. Well we only lasted about 20 min it was miserable! I don't know how we used to go to the park all the time last summer! He hardly even wanted to play! Plus we were the only fools out there! Today-Friday we had to go grocery shopping. Well these are hard days anyway I hate grocery shopping plus its a day where we are mostly pent up in the house and colby doesn't get his excercise! Due to the lack of outtings and Austin's late nights I feel like Colby's sleep schedule is all off too! Last week we were getting him in bed around 8:30 and he was sleeping until 8 in the morning. Now this week due to Austin's schedule he has been getting in bed about 9:30 but not falling asleep until almost 11 and is waking up at 6:45 in the morning. He's also not napping as long...that part doesn't bother me b/c I know 3 hour naps are phasing out and he doesn't really need that long anyway b/c then he does really stay up late.
Its just been a hard week especially being 4 months pregnant. Colby for the most part has been well behaved I have just felt bad that we haven't been able to do more "fun" things. Tomorrow should be better we will go swimming again and then Sunday will be so busy with church. I just can't wait till Austin is off we miss having daddy around!

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