So I have been noticing since last week Colby hasn't been himself. It began last Tuesday when my parents kept him and he was very ornery. By Friday he wasn't himself at all even when I suggested taking a walk he didn't want to go which is very unlike him. He also said his throat hurt. I kept hoping/praying it would just be a little cold and he would get over it. Saturday he had begun a cough and was hoarse sounding. He spent that night with my parents and had all 4 grandparents which I don't think helped b/c he got hyped up. Sunday he went to church but he still didn't seem 100%. Yesterday (Monday) Austin was off and he went ahead to school. He hasn't run fever to our knowledge and for the most part he seemed to feel fine so I couldn't really see keeping him home. I did notice even on the way to school though that his cough had picked up. I went grocery shopping while he was in school then got home to Austin and Lindsay and we took a walk. It was nice walking and talking b/c usually when we are with Colby the conversation centers around him or him asking us what everything is. Plus we walk really slow when we are with him too! Austin picked him up from school and again he mostly seemed fine we all ate lunch then it was time for naps. Well he did not nap at all! This is getting to be pretty normal. I don't get upset about it anymore b/c I know he's getting to that age he doesn't require one all the time we still make sure he "rests" in his room for atleast 2 hours though. He was excited though b/c Austin was having a shed put up in our backyard. He and Austin went out there for an hour or so and played. We really had no idea he wasn't probably feeling well at all. After Lindsay got up from her nap we all packed up and went to Target. We needed diapers, wipes, household stuff so on top of grocery shopping we had to knock that out too! BAD IDEA! I think we were all exausted! Both kids did pretty well at Target but I could tell Colby was getting tired. He even fell asleep on our drive home which is like 10 min which he never does! At that point we figured he must not be feeling well plus we knew he had to be exausted. he was also still recovering from the weekend with spending the night with my parents. Apparantly he was up at 4am Sunday morning. He went to be pretty easily and we still didn't think too much about him being sick.
Well Tuesday he woke up coughing horribly. He looked bad too! I immediately knew I needed to call the doctor. I was sad b/c today the police were coming to his school b/c its community helper week. His teacher invited us to bring him today even though he doesn't normally come on Tuesdays. Our plans were to take him to that and let my parents keep Lindsay. Well as sick as he sounded and looked I knew that was out. I also wanted to get him to the doc so we would know if he were really contagious and what we should do about Lindsay. I was lucky that when I called we were able to get a 9:40 appointment. It also worked out well that Austin was off. He was able to stay home with Lindsay while I took Colby. There is no way I would have wanted to wrangle both of them plus I don't like bringing her to the doc when its not for her b/c I always feel like we are going to catch something there. Anyway Colby and I made it to the doc. I was worried when we got there and the waiting room was packed! They called us back pretty quickly though thankgoodness! Colby was pretty good in the waiting room but I could tell the poor thing didn't feel good at all and he was hacking his head off! He didn't want to cooperarte with the being weighed, getting his height checked, or having his bp taken. I knew he didn't feel good b/c usually he loves all that! He perked up though for some reason when the doc came in. The doc checked him out and diagnosed him with the croup! He was diagnosed with this almost the same exact time a year ago! I always thought croup meant you had a barky sounding cough but neither time has Colby had that...he just has a really dry annoying cough that he coughs so hard he looks like he's going to lose his breath. he listened to his chest and said it wasn't in there which I guess is good...He also said he's really not that contagious if he's not running fever. WE are hoping that's true! After his appointment I brought him to my parent's house. I am glad he got to get out the house plus he was going to stay over there that afternoon while our house was being cleaned. Its just too hard to have a baby and a 3 year old running around while the maid is here! I spent the afternoon trying to relax as much as possible. Austin got in around 3ish so we hung out until Colby got home. When he got home though he looked horrible! He was rosy cheeked, felt hot, and all he wanted to do was lay down under some blankets. I was really worried at that point he might have the flu. We gave him some tylenol. He said he had to potty and after that he seemed to be better...guess his stomach was hurting?? He even ate most of a bowl of mac n cheese. I was so glad to see him eat. After that he seemed to come around to his old self. Not 100% but better. Last night was a rough night though...he woke up around midnight he came into our room wanting to get in our bed...he has never done this! He's never even been allowed in our bed the only time he "sleeps" with us is in the morning if he wakes up before we do then we let him lay down in there. Lindsay got up around 1 to eat then he woke up a few times between 4 and 6 whining then she was up at 6 something to eat. I really don't feel like I got much rest!
This morning I just knew it was going to be a terrible day. I knew he couldn't go to school since he had run fever the night before plus he was still coughing some. Not only do I not want to spread his germs but I want his body to have a chance to heal as well. He started out seeming still a little sickly but as the morning went on he got a lot better. We stayed in all day...I had hoped to atleast take a walk but it rained all day too. Suprisingly the day went well though. Colby played really well by himself and Lindsay was good too. Austin even got home early which I think helped a lot though. Colby was even able to run a short errand with Austin which I know helped him. I am praying tomorrow he's even better and that the rest of us stay well. I feel like I have a touch of it and I sorta think Lindsay does too but neither of us feel terrible so I hope we don't get any worse! Hoping to have a fun day with my little man in the morning to make up for all this staying in!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
The Weekend
Well its been a pretty low key weekend for the most part. Austin had to work again this weekend. Its crazy b/c he's worked all but one weekend this month. I guess I'm used to it though b/c it hardly phases me I just look forward to his days off whenever they fall!
Saturday morning we stayed at home. I had thought about taking both kids to a park but its so much work to get 2 out the house and I knew we would be going out that afternoon I thought we needed some time at home even though we have been home a lot this week. We just worked around the house I tried to get some housework done and we took a walk. That afternoon after naptime (Colby didn't nap at all) we left to go over to my parent's house. Austin's parents were in town for a cruise so we were all having dinner over there. They were spending the night and Colby was also going to stay over there as well. He had been asking all week when he could spend the night so we figured that was a good time. When we got there Colby was very wound up! He gets that way I guess with 4 grandparents around...I think that and the fact he didn't nap...usually he is more hyper when he doesn't nap. I was worried he would be really keyed up and not sleep plus he's been fighting a cough/sore throat and I didn't want him to get worse. I think he had a blast though. Lindsay also stayed awake almost the whole time. She doesn't like to sleep when we are out and about like that. She is usually really good she just stays awake. she slept a little while we ate but that was about it! Austin and I came home with her around 7 so we could put her to bed. She ended up staying awake though until after 9. I think she was overtired and keyed up. My parents said Colby went to sleep right around 8 which is unsual for him. I know he had to be exausted.
Sunday we all had church...once again Austin was working so I went with Lindsay. We were planning to just go for church but without Colby and Austin here we were ready amazingly early so we got to church around 9:30 which counted as still the Sunday school hour. My plans were to take her in church with me one last time before she "officially" will stay in the nursery next week. I got a text though from our pastor's wife who is in charge of extended care if I could work in the baby room. That was fine with me since I would have Lindsay anyway. So basically I hung out with Lindsay for 2 hours in the nursery. She was the only baby during Sunday School but during church another little girl came who is almost 1. Lindsay stayed awake for the first half but she was getting fussy b/c poor girl had been up since 6:45 so I know she was exausted. I finally rocked her to sleep. After church we did our usual lunch at McAlister's and both kids did well. I've been amazed at how well they have done the 3 times we have done that. That afternoon both kids took great naps which made for a happy mommy! We then waited on daddy to come home!
Saturday morning we stayed at home. I had thought about taking both kids to a park but its so much work to get 2 out the house and I knew we would be going out that afternoon I thought we needed some time at home even though we have been home a lot this week. We just worked around the house I tried to get some housework done and we took a walk. That afternoon after naptime (Colby didn't nap at all) we left to go over to my parent's house. Austin's parents were in town for a cruise so we were all having dinner over there. They were spending the night and Colby was also going to stay over there as well. He had been asking all week when he could spend the night so we figured that was a good time. When we got there Colby was very wound up! He gets that way I guess with 4 grandparents around...I think that and the fact he didn't nap...usually he is more hyper when he doesn't nap. I was worried he would be really keyed up and not sleep plus he's been fighting a cough/sore throat and I didn't want him to get worse. I think he had a blast though. Lindsay also stayed awake almost the whole time. She doesn't like to sleep when we are out and about like that. She is usually really good she just stays awake. she slept a little while we ate but that was about it! Austin and I came home with her around 7 so we could put her to bed. She ended up staying awake though until after 9. I think she was overtired and keyed up. My parents said Colby went to sleep right around 8 which is unsual for him. I know he had to be exausted.
Sunday we all had church...once again Austin was working so I went with Lindsay. We were planning to just go for church but without Colby and Austin here we were ready amazingly early so we got to church around 9:30 which counted as still the Sunday school hour. My plans were to take her in church with me one last time before she "officially" will stay in the nursery next week. I got a text though from our pastor's wife who is in charge of extended care if I could work in the baby room. That was fine with me since I would have Lindsay anyway. So basically I hung out with Lindsay for 2 hours in the nursery. She was the only baby during Sunday School but during church another little girl came who is almost 1. Lindsay stayed awake for the first half but she was getting fussy b/c poor girl had been up since 6:45 so I know she was exausted. I finally rocked her to sleep. After church we did our usual lunch at McAlister's and both kids did well. I've been amazed at how well they have done the 3 times we have done that. That afternoon both kids took great naps which made for a happy mommy! We then waited on daddy to come home!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
A Glance at Our Week
I like to do these posts each week mainly so I can look back year to year and see what our daily life looked like with 2 young kids!
Monday Austin was still was great to have him home for so many days straight although i think I got spoiled over that time b/c it was hard to get back in a groove. Anyway Monday Colby had school. I was able to bring him and his friend to school. I enjoy that quality time where I get to just visit with Colby and concentrate on him. This week in school they are learning about transportation so both he and Max were really excited! I came straight home afterwards since Austin was keeping lindsay. He had to go pick up allie from the vet and pick our pictures up from the mall. Once he got home it was about time for him to go back and pick up Lindsay. Its nice when we can keep her home b/c 2 trips in the car on Colby's school days for some reason always make for a bad afternoon with her. After the boys got home we ate lunch then took naps and hung out at the house the rest of the day. We were able to take a walk that afternoon too which was nice.
Tuesday my parents wanted to spend some time with Colby so they came to get him that morning. They brought him to Lowe's and the mall. Its good for him to get out like that since we are staying home more these days with having Lindsay. I also enjoy the slower paced days with just an infant as well! Lindsay and I did venture to Target though. She always does really well shopping or going out. She snoozed off and on but stayed awake a good part of the time. It was nice just having to worry about her for the day. My parents brought Colby back around dinnertime.
Wednesday was a LONG day...I don't know if it just started out bad or what. Lindsay has been back to waking up twice a night so I was already exausted when I had to be up at 6. I used to not mind the waking early to bring Colby to school b/c it meant I got 2 1/2 hours of peace home alone or time to run errands alone. Now its a lot of work to get both kids out the door and I still have an infant to care for so its not as much of a break. I know colby needs the interaction though and he loves school so its still a good thing. While he was at school I tried to get some things done around the house...his school days are not nearly as productive as they used to be! I usually have to feed Lindsay during that time plus packing her up and getting her ready takes time too. After we picked him up we came home for lunch and naps. I didn't feel like naptime was very successful. It also made for a long day b/c Austin was 7 getting home.
Thursday was a pretty ok day another long one though. We stayed in for 2 reasons: 1) my friend Jordan was coming to visit so I knew by the time she left it would be getting close to lunchtime and 2) it was really rainy anyway. I really enjoyed the visit with Jordan. We were best friends in highschool and throughout college. It was fun to get that time to visit with an adult. That is one reason sometimes I think my days are so long b/c some days I go with hardly no adult interaction at all! I think she really enjoyed the kiddos too! The last time she saw Colby he was 1 I think so obviously he had changed a lot. When she left it was about time to get lunch and naptime started. Once again I didn't feel like it was a very successful naptime. This always makes for a really tired momma! I let Colby "clean" his chalkboard aka paint with water that afternoon since we had been home all day. I always feel bad when we stay home all day b/c he likes going places so much but he has to get used to staying home a little more now with his little sister. I just can't drag her places all the time I don't want her to get sick plus I like to keep her on a schedule as best as possible. It was also another day where Austin was almost 7 getting home!
Friday ended up being a really good day! It began with me and the kiddos waking up early b/c I had parent/teacher conference at Colby's school. Pretty funny huh? Well I couldn't resist going. I want to always be involved in his school stuff and even though I talk to his teacher pretty often I figure teachers hold these things for a reason so I went. It ended up being even more organized then I pictured. I figured she would tell me how he was doing socially, if he knew his abcs, etc. Well she pulled out a 3 year old report card! PRECIOUS! She went through each thing with me. Basically its sounds like Colby is a very smart, sweet kid. We knew this but its so wonderful to hear someone else brag about your child! She said he's very kind to the other children, he listens well, he knows all his shapes/colors, he does well with arts and crafts and so on. She talked like he is one of the best students in her class. I explained to her he's not always perfect but like we have said too its better for him to behave this way around others then to be well behaved at home and act like a hooligan at school. After the conference I went back to my parent's house...we hung out there for a little while longer before heading home. We had a really good afternoon and everyone got naps!
Monday Austin was still was great to have him home for so many days straight although i think I got spoiled over that time b/c it was hard to get back in a groove. Anyway Monday Colby had school. I was able to bring him and his friend to school. I enjoy that quality time where I get to just visit with Colby and concentrate on him. This week in school they are learning about transportation so both he and Max were really excited! I came straight home afterwards since Austin was keeping lindsay. He had to go pick up allie from the vet and pick our pictures up from the mall. Once he got home it was about time for him to go back and pick up Lindsay. Its nice when we can keep her home b/c 2 trips in the car on Colby's school days for some reason always make for a bad afternoon with her. After the boys got home we ate lunch then took naps and hung out at the house the rest of the day. We were able to take a walk that afternoon too which was nice.
Tuesday my parents wanted to spend some time with Colby so they came to get him that morning. They brought him to Lowe's and the mall. Its good for him to get out like that since we are staying home more these days with having Lindsay. I also enjoy the slower paced days with just an infant as well! Lindsay and I did venture to Target though. She always does really well shopping or going out. She snoozed off and on but stayed awake a good part of the time. It was nice just having to worry about her for the day. My parents brought Colby back around dinnertime.
Wednesday was a LONG day...I don't know if it just started out bad or what. Lindsay has been back to waking up twice a night so I was already exausted when I had to be up at 6. I used to not mind the waking early to bring Colby to school b/c it meant I got 2 1/2 hours of peace home alone or time to run errands alone. Now its a lot of work to get both kids out the door and I still have an infant to care for so its not as much of a break. I know colby needs the interaction though and he loves school so its still a good thing. While he was at school I tried to get some things done around the house...his school days are not nearly as productive as they used to be! I usually have to feed Lindsay during that time plus packing her up and getting her ready takes time too. After we picked him up we came home for lunch and naps. I didn't feel like naptime was very successful. It also made for a long day b/c Austin was 7 getting home.
Thursday was a pretty ok day another long one though. We stayed in for 2 reasons: 1) my friend Jordan was coming to visit so I knew by the time she left it would be getting close to lunchtime and 2) it was really rainy anyway. I really enjoyed the visit with Jordan. We were best friends in highschool and throughout college. It was fun to get that time to visit with an adult. That is one reason sometimes I think my days are so long b/c some days I go with hardly no adult interaction at all! I think she really enjoyed the kiddos too! The last time she saw Colby he was 1 I think so obviously he had changed a lot. When she left it was about time to get lunch and naptime started. Once again I didn't feel like it was a very successful naptime. This always makes for a really tired momma! I let Colby "clean" his chalkboard aka paint with water that afternoon since we had been home all day. I always feel bad when we stay home all day b/c he likes going places so much but he has to get used to staying home a little more now with his little sister. I just can't drag her places all the time I don't want her to get sick plus I like to keep her on a schedule as best as possible. It was also another day where Austin was almost 7 getting home!
Friday ended up being a really good day! It began with me and the kiddos waking up early b/c I had parent/teacher conference at Colby's school. Pretty funny huh? Well I couldn't resist going. I want to always be involved in his school stuff and even though I talk to his teacher pretty often I figure teachers hold these things for a reason so I went. It ended up being even more organized then I pictured. I figured she would tell me how he was doing socially, if he knew his abcs, etc. Well she pulled out a 3 year old report card! PRECIOUS! She went through each thing with me. Basically its sounds like Colby is a very smart, sweet kid. We knew this but its so wonderful to hear someone else brag about your child! She said he's very kind to the other children, he listens well, he knows all his shapes/colors, he does well with arts and crafts and so on. She talked like he is one of the best students in her class. I explained to her he's not always perfect but like we have said too its better for him to behave this way around others then to be well behaved at home and act like a hooligan at school. After the conference I went back to my parent's house...we hung out there for a little while longer before heading home. We had a really good afternoon and everyone got naps!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Hattiesburg Trip
We just made it back from Hattiesburg. We got to spend the weekend up there. Crazy it had been like 5 months since our last trip there. We went at the beginning of football season and haven't been back since. With me being very pregnant during the latter part of the fall then having a newborn there was never a good time to go until now! We promised everyone there we would travel once Lindsay was 5-6 weeks old. That was about the same time frame Colby made his first trip up there. We left Friday when Colby got out of school. Our hopes for leaving that afternoon was that both children would nap. We stopped in Slidell to eat a quick bite. Linday did really good and slept through the entire trip. That made it easy b/c we didn't have to stop and feed her. Granted she was starving when we arrived! Colby did well too he slept for about an hour of the trip. Once we got there we went straight to Austin's parents house. Colby was excited to play there. We hung out and visited all afternoon. We even sat outside for awhile and watched Colby ride his big wheel...even Lindsay enjoyed the outside air. That evening we ate at this place called Rocket City Diner. Its really was set up like an old 50s diner. Reminded me a lot of the 50s PrimeTime Cafe in DisneyWorld. Its a very kid friendly place. Colby loved it! The food was also great. Colby even got a balloon when we left so ofcourse he's already requesting to go back to that restaurant! After dinner we headed back to the apartment. It was an early evening but with no one getting real naps plus looking at having to unpack and get settled in the apartment we knew it was time to call it a night. It was nice we had both kids in bed before 8. We enjoyed the quiet time to relax and watch tv. That night though we didn't sleep well...I think Colby was the only one who got a full nights sleep. Lindsay woke up twice to eat and since she was sleeping in the room with us we could hear every noise she made.
Saturday we got dressed and went back to Austin's parents house. His sister Wendi and her family were there when we got there. Colby was really excited to see his cousins. They played and ran all around the house. Lindsay did well and stayed awake throughout it all. We took the kids to the park around 11 to burn off some energy. It was a really nice, big park so Colby had a blast especially having Shelbi and Maggie to run around with. I was glad he got to burn off some energy. Lindsay enjoyed being in her stroller outside too...I think she is going to be like her big bro and love the outdoors! When we left the park we went back to the apartment b/c Lindsay was having a meltdown she was hungry and tired! We quickly fed her and put her to bed and then the 3 of us had lunch together. Its always nice when we have moments of just enjoying Colby and getting to talk to him. We all took naps which was wonderful since the day before we didn't get one! As soon as everyone woke up we went out to Wendi and Harvey's house. Colby had been talking about going out there since this spring when we were last there. He got to fish, ride a mini 4 wheeler, chase chickens, jump on a trampoline, and run around with his cousins. Its fun to see him enjoying "country boy" things...he's really getting into that stuff now that he's older too. I was happy to see him so happy and really enjoying himself this trip. Lindsay did well she stayed awake the whole time. I think this girl is afraid of missing out on something! By the time we got back to the apartment we let both kids unwind before their baths...Colby was anxious to play cars and Lindsay needed some floor time to just kick...I can tell she got tired of being held and being in the carseat this trip! Once again after we got them both in bed Austin and I enjoyed some relaxation time. Its always nice when we are at the apartment and get to kick back without really having to worry about chores. We all slept better that night too which was nice! Sunday morning we packed up and headed home. We were anxious to get back settled in. We had a great time but its always nice to get home plus with 2 little ones its just easier to travel in the morning. We enjoyed the rest of the day at home. We were able to get back to our walk too which was nice that evening. All in all it was a wonderful weekend. It was more work with 2 but they actually both did really well. I am glad we got that first trip behind us so the next one will seem like a piece of cake! We will probably go back up there in April for shelbi's birthday. Colby really enjoyed himself he loves going to Hattiesburg now and its really neat to see him look forward to it and enjoy himself so much!
Saturday we got dressed and went back to Austin's parents house. His sister Wendi and her family were there when we got there. Colby was really excited to see his cousins. They played and ran all around the house. Lindsay did well and stayed awake throughout it all. We took the kids to the park around 11 to burn off some energy. It was a really nice, big park so Colby had a blast especially having Shelbi and Maggie to run around with. I was glad he got to burn off some energy. Lindsay enjoyed being in her stroller outside too...I think she is going to be like her big bro and love the outdoors! When we left the park we went back to the apartment b/c Lindsay was having a meltdown she was hungry and tired! We quickly fed her and put her to bed and then the 3 of us had lunch together. Its always nice when we have moments of just enjoying Colby and getting to talk to him. We all took naps which was wonderful since the day before we didn't get one! As soon as everyone woke up we went out to Wendi and Harvey's house. Colby had been talking about going out there since this spring when we were last there. He got to fish, ride a mini 4 wheeler, chase chickens, jump on a trampoline, and run around with his cousins. Its fun to see him enjoying "country boy" things...he's really getting into that stuff now that he's older too. I was happy to see him so happy and really enjoying himself this trip. Lindsay did well she stayed awake the whole time. I think this girl is afraid of missing out on something! By the time we got back to the apartment we let both kids unwind before their baths...Colby was anxious to play cars and Lindsay needed some floor time to just kick...I can tell she got tired of being held and being in the carseat this trip! Once again after we got them both in bed Austin and I enjoyed some relaxation time. Its always nice when we are at the apartment and get to kick back without really having to worry about chores. We all slept better that night too which was nice! Sunday morning we packed up and headed home. We were anxious to get back settled in. We had a great time but its always nice to get home plus with 2 little ones its just easier to travel in the morning. We enjoyed the rest of the day at home. We were able to get back to our walk too which was nice that evening. All in all it was a wonderful weekend. It was more work with 2 but they actually both did really well. I am glad we got that first trip behind us so the next one will seem like a piece of cake! We will probably go back up there in April for shelbi's birthday. Colby really enjoyed himself he loves going to Hattiesburg now and its really neat to see him look forward to it and enjoy himself so much!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Family Days
Austin was off Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. I always soak up these days when he's off when we can just enjoy being a family of 4. We got to do some fun things this week to keep Colby busy so I am thankful for that!
Tuesday we took Colby over to a park by the lake. We haven't been there since last winter. I am trying to get us back into practice of taking Colby to parks. We used to do that several times a week but its been harder now with 2. I knew since he hadn't been to this park in awhile he would enjoy it. Its also a really nice, new park too. He had a really good time running around which was excellent for him. I feel like he's been couped up more then normal since his sister arrived. We figured it would also be good for Lindsay to get out in the sunshine. She did really well in her carseat in the stroller. We even took them both out to the pier to look at the lake. After the park we decided to go up to the mall to walk around. The last time we were at Lakeside was when Lindsay was only a week old so it was much more enjoyable this time. I was still very sore the last time we went and I mainly just sat on a bench with her while Austin and Colby walked around. We ofcourse went to Colby's 2 favorite stores...the Disney Store and PB Kids. Lindsay slept during all of this so it was nice to just pay attention to him and let him enjoy himself. We ate lunch in the foodcourt as always. Lindsay also woke up to eat there. She is such a trooper when we get out like that! I can tell she is going to like being on the go like her big bro! That afternoon my parents came to pick up Colby. He wanted to spend the night again with them and since I had a doc appointment early the next morning we figured that would be easiest. We enjoyed another quiet evening with just Lindsay. Its amazing how quiet the house is and how much we can get done but we ofcourse missed our little man!
Wednesday I had to wake up early to go to my 6 week checkup. Austin was going to stay home and keep Lindsay. Everything went well at my checkup. My blood pressure was back to normal and I was only 6 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight. My goal this year is to get back to being active. I am trying to walk everyday but its hard with bringing both kids to really be a productive walk b/c Colby walks and likes to stop at every house but atleast its something! After my apt I went to the grocery to do our weekly shopping. Austin picked Colby up from school so that I wouldn't have to get Lindsay out. Its been working out nicely lately that we have been able to coordinate it to where she doesn't have to get out those days. That afternoon after naptime we all went for a walk. It was a nice afternoon/evening just hanging out.
Thursday Austin was back at work and it was one of those days I thought it would be best to just stay in. Colby always wants to go places but I figured he had had a pretty busy week between the zoo, park, mall, and school. I wanted to go to MOPS but again we had been out so much this week I was really feeling like we needed a day at home. Usually these are long days but yesterday went pretty well. We took a long walk which always helps to break up the morning. Both kids did pretty well at naptime...I put Lindsay down around 12 and she was up at 2:30 and Colby fell asleep around 2 and woke up at 4. I was busy most of the day running around and getting things prepared for our trip as well! Look for our 1st trip as a family of 4 post in a few days!
Tuesday we took Colby over to a park by the lake. We haven't been there since last winter. I am trying to get us back into practice of taking Colby to parks. We used to do that several times a week but its been harder now with 2. I knew since he hadn't been to this park in awhile he would enjoy it. Its also a really nice, new park too. He had a really good time running around which was excellent for him. I feel like he's been couped up more then normal since his sister arrived. We figured it would also be good for Lindsay to get out in the sunshine. She did really well in her carseat in the stroller. We even took them both out to the pier to look at the lake. After the park we decided to go up to the mall to walk around. The last time we were at Lakeside was when Lindsay was only a week old so it was much more enjoyable this time. I was still very sore the last time we went and I mainly just sat on a bench with her while Austin and Colby walked around. We ofcourse went to Colby's 2 favorite stores...the Disney Store and PB Kids. Lindsay slept during all of this so it was nice to just pay attention to him and let him enjoy himself. We ate lunch in the foodcourt as always. Lindsay also woke up to eat there. She is such a trooper when we get out like that! I can tell she is going to like being on the go like her big bro! That afternoon my parents came to pick up Colby. He wanted to spend the night again with them and since I had a doc appointment early the next morning we figured that would be easiest. We enjoyed another quiet evening with just Lindsay. Its amazing how quiet the house is and how much we can get done but we ofcourse missed our little man!
Wednesday I had to wake up early to go to my 6 week checkup. Austin was going to stay home and keep Lindsay. Everything went well at my checkup. My blood pressure was back to normal and I was only 6 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight. My goal this year is to get back to being active. I am trying to walk everyday but its hard with bringing both kids to really be a productive walk b/c Colby walks and likes to stop at every house but atleast its something! After my apt I went to the grocery to do our weekly shopping. Austin picked Colby up from school so that I wouldn't have to get Lindsay out. Its been working out nicely lately that we have been able to coordinate it to where she doesn't have to get out those days. That afternoon after naptime we all went for a walk. It was a nice afternoon/evening just hanging out.
Thursday Austin was back at work and it was one of those days I thought it would be best to just stay in. Colby always wants to go places but I figured he had had a pretty busy week between the zoo, park, mall, and school. I wanted to go to MOPS but again we had been out so much this week I was really feeling like we needed a day at home. Usually these are long days but yesterday went pretty well. We took a long walk which always helps to break up the morning. Both kids did pretty well at naptime...I put Lindsay down around 12 and she was up at 2:30 and Colby fell asleep around 2 and woke up at 4. I was busy most of the day running around and getting things prepared for our trip as well! Look for our 1st trip as a family of 4 post in a few days!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
3 1/2
Today Colby is officially 3 1/2! I can't believe seems like he just turned 3! Really it seems like he was just 1. Anyway he is so full of personality! I think he gets more fun every day! he says something funny every day and things that are so random. Some examples lately are: As we were leaving the house one day he said "We gotta get outta this MAD house!" He also came up to me while I was feeding Lindsay a bottle and said "She sluggin that bottle down huh mom". He pays attention to everything and remembers everything! He is going to have a great memory! He can remember things back from 2 years ago! He has really gotton into holidays. I guess since last spring with being in school he has really understood and knows about the holidays. He is already excited about Easter. He had a blast this year with Christmas. He really got into the whole Santa thing...he also seemed to understand it was about baby Jesus. I know each year is going to be more exciting as far as that goes. He is definitely still very Type A. He will even tell you this. He likes things orderly and he loves to be in charge. I know God has great things planned for this little boy. He is very headstrong and knows what he wants. Like my mom always told me these can be great qualities we just have to direct them in the right way. he's also very sensitive and compassionate. He used to be pretty fearless but in the last 5 or so months he has developed fears but I hear this is normal for 3 year olds. He's still very energetic and loves to run around!
He is starting to fill out again which makes me think he's going to hit a major growth spurt. I have no idea how tall or how much he weighs b/c we have not been to the doc in awhile. He still wears all 3T clothes though. He's also between a size 9 and 10 shoe.
He's finally 100% potty trained during the day. He took forever to do number 2 in the potty he would and then he wouldn't but he has only had once accident since Lindsay arrived. He did regress though with his night training. He was almost out of pullups completely before she arrived but now he's back in them at naptime and bedtime. I hope we can cut this out again at 4.
He talks so much and is soo smart! He knows his Abcs, can count to 20, he can sing many songs now. he is starting to recognize a few words. He asks us often what different signs say so I can tell he's interested in reading. He is still loving preschool. He goes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. He has a great teacher this year and he just has the best time when he is there. I am so happy he loves school! He has a few little friends there too especially Max who is his best buddy. He has developed quite a friendship with him which is great b/c they live in our neighborhood.
He's still very much into cars. That's mostly of what he plays with. He's great at using his imagination. He doesn't have many electronic toys and I hope to keep it that way. He doesn't play on our iPad or iPhone. He watches some tv but I try to limit it to 2 shows a day. He also hasn't seen many movies. Cars is about the only movie he's actually interested in. We try to take him to do things that are physical as often as we can. He loves going to the park. Actually he loves going anywhere. He loves to be on the go! He asks me every night before bed what we are doing the next day. He really loves his grammy and granddaddy. He has started spending the night once a week over there and he really loves the extra attention! He's very family oriented and talks about everyone in his family. He's very sweet and polite and well spoken for a 3 year old too. He also still loves going to church. He has wonderful Sunday School teachers and looks forward to seeing them each week. I'm so glad he has a love for church this young. I hope he always feels safe at church and feels like its a place where is loved.
As far as eating he's doing a lot better then when he turned 3. He's never been a bad eater but at 3 he became picky and just didn't eat much at all. He's becoming a little more adventurous and has a better appetite. He still loves fruits and several veggies. He also likes the kid stuff too though. We still make him eat what we ate which works out well he doesn't even pitch a fit about something that is offered to him.
I can't believe how much he's growing up but each new stage is so fun! I love now that he can talk and tell me all about his day...he really has become a lot of company to me during the day. I enjoy taking walks with him and just listening to him talk. 3 is such a precious age. Its a hard age sometimes b/c he chooses to "test" us often but its also such a sweet age as he's learning so much about this world.
Monday, January 16, 2012
6 Weeks!
I can't believe my little Lindsay is 6 weeks old today! I remember thinking 6 weeks seemed like such a long time when we came home from the hospital but it has flown by! i know she's going to be a toddler before we know it!
We are really settling into life with 2 kids...its still hard and tiring but I am feeling more and more confident and less and less stressed with having 2. I feel like we are in a groove now. not to say some days both of them don't throw me for a loop but we are getting it down now having to take care of 2.
She seems to really be growing but she's still a petite little thing. At this point Colby was wearing all 0-3 month and even some 3-6 month stuff. She is just now fitting into 0-3 month. Even 3 month stuff is huge on her although I have been putting her in some anyway. She's pretty much on a good 3 hour schedule during the day although her last 3 feedings of the day end up being more like 2 hours apart. She pretty much eats at 7, 10, 1, 4, 7, and again right before bed. She's also still waking up 1-2 times a night to eat. We are hoping that stops soon though! Colby slept through the night at 2 months. I know they are different children so I try hard not to compare. I think b/c of her smaller size she will take longer to sleep through the night. Most nights she is up around 1:30 or so then again around 4:30. I really wish she would just wake up around 3 then wake up for good around 7 or 8!
She's a good baby but not quite as laid back as Colby was...or maybe I'm just forgetting his newborn days?!? She does well when we are on the go...thank goodness since we have to get out more with her then we did with Colby. The only downside is days she spends a lot of time out and about sleeping in her carseat she has an awful afternoon and night...I think Sunday afternoon and Mondays will always be rough b/c of her recovering from Sunday. Hopefully as she gets a little older though this will be less of a problem!
I am pretty much feeling back to normal and glad the 6 weeks is up and I can get back to regular activities! I hope to get some excercise in. We have been walking almost every day and I hope to keep that up!
Colby is really sweet with her he's interacting with her more and more which is nice to see. He still acts out and acts jealous some but I figure that is how the rest of his life will be! I'm sure they will both be jealous of each other at some time or another!
We are really settling into life with 2 kids...its still hard and tiring but I am feeling more and more confident and less and less stressed with having 2. I feel like we are in a groove now. not to say some days both of them don't throw me for a loop but we are getting it down now having to take care of 2.
She seems to really be growing but she's still a petite little thing. At this point Colby was wearing all 0-3 month and even some 3-6 month stuff. She is just now fitting into 0-3 month. Even 3 month stuff is huge on her although I have been putting her in some anyway. She's pretty much on a good 3 hour schedule during the day although her last 3 feedings of the day end up being more like 2 hours apart. She pretty much eats at 7, 10, 1, 4, 7, and again right before bed. She's also still waking up 1-2 times a night to eat. We are hoping that stops soon though! Colby slept through the night at 2 months. I know they are different children so I try hard not to compare. I think b/c of her smaller size she will take longer to sleep through the night. Most nights she is up around 1:30 or so then again around 4:30. I really wish she would just wake up around 3 then wake up for good around 7 or 8!
She's a good baby but not quite as laid back as Colby was...or maybe I'm just forgetting his newborn days?!? She does well when we are on the go...thank goodness since we have to get out more with her then we did with Colby. The only downside is days she spends a lot of time out and about sleeping in her carseat she has an awful afternoon and night...I think Sunday afternoon and Mondays will always be rough b/c of her recovering from Sunday. Hopefully as she gets a little older though this will be less of a problem!
I am pretty much feeling back to normal and glad the 6 weeks is up and I can get back to regular activities! I hope to get some excercise in. We have been walking almost every day and I hope to keep that up!
Colby is really sweet with her he's interacting with her more and more which is nice to see. He still acts out and acts jealous some but I figure that is how the rest of his life will be! I'm sure they will both be jealous of each other at some time or another!
Mommy/Son Day at the Zoo
Colby and I had another special day today! He was out of school today for MLK. I have planned for a couple weeks that we would have to do something special that day. My parents kept Lindsay for me. She's just too young to go on these type of outtings plus I like going and being able to focus all my attention on Colby which I think he needs sometimes. We invited his friend Max and his mom to go with us again. It was nice to have company there. Colby and I got there before them though and we went ahead and checked out the elephants. He was more into looking at the animals today and talking about what they were doing then he used to. After that he led me to the playground. We usually don't let him spend a lot of time on the playground b/c we want him to look at the animals and enjoy other parts of the zoo but I figured today was his day why not?!? He played for about 20 min then his friend Max got there. We took them to ride the train. I think they both really enjoyed that! That's always been one of Colby's favorite parts! Afterwards we even let them ride the carousel. We usually don't do that with Colby just b/c its always too crowded or we run out of time so I think he enjoyed that!
After that we went to the see the monkeys. Colby seemed to like them ok but its always so crowded that I don't think he enjoyed it that much. We were going to see the Sea Lions next and so we headed that way but then the boys thought it would be more fun just to run around and chase each other. That was fine with me to let him get energy out and just enjoy being with his little friend! You are only 3 once right?!? They both started getting hungry soon after that so we went to eat lunch. Colby and I left right after lunch...we probably could have stayed about an hour longer but since my parents were keeping Lindsay I wanted to get home to relieve them plus I wanted to try and get both kids down for a nap since I wasn't sucessful yesterday. Little did I know I would not be again today! Colby ended up falling asleep in the van which ofcourse meant he got his 2nd wind as soon as we got home and stayed awake the whole nap time playing. he is starting to not nap as much but he will still always have to have quiet time even when he doesn't nap. Truth be told I think he still needs to nap some days maybe not every day but a day like today he really did need a nap even if it was just 1-2 hours. He held in there ok but was wound up and crazy acting by bedtime!
I'm still very thankful for a day like today. I am thankful for my parents who will keep Lindsay so that I can enjoy my big boy! I hope we can always have mommy/son days like this! Even when he's 13!
After that we went to the see the monkeys. Colby seemed to like them ok but its always so crowded that I don't think he enjoyed it that much. We were going to see the Sea Lions next and so we headed that way but then the boys thought it would be more fun just to run around and chase each other. That was fine with me to let him get energy out and just enjoy being with his little friend! You are only 3 once right?!? They both started getting hungry soon after that so we went to eat lunch. Colby and I left right after lunch...we probably could have stayed about an hour longer but since my parents were keeping Lindsay I wanted to get home to relieve them plus I wanted to try and get both kids down for a nap since I wasn't sucessful yesterday. Little did I know I would not be again today! Colby ended up falling asleep in the van which ofcourse meant he got his 2nd wind as soon as we got home and stayed awake the whole nap time playing. he is starting to not nap as much but he will still always have to have quiet time even when he doesn't nap. Truth be told I think he still needs to nap some days maybe not every day but a day like today he really did need a nap even if it was just 1-2 hours. He held in there ok but was wound up and crazy acting by bedtime!
I'm still very thankful for a day like today. I am thankful for my parents who will keep Lindsay so that I can enjoy my big boy! I hope we can always have mommy/son days like this! Even when he's 13!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Our Weekend
We have had a good weekend. Austin had to work so it was me and the kiddos but I have truly enjoyed it and really feel like I'm getting a handle at 2! I will never say its easy b/c it truly is hard but I think we are all adjusting. I'm getting used to the less rest and being more busy but I know it won't be like this forever so I'm trying to soak up all the time I have with my 2 babies!
Saturdays are always nice b/c we don't have to rush out the door. I would love to stay home on Saturday but I know my busy boy needs to get out the house. We went over to my parent's house and stayed a couple hours. He was missing them b/c he went a few days without seeing them all! He's spent so much time with them over the last couple of months he's quite used to going over to their house on a regular occassion now! We had fun over there. Colby always has my parents running all over the place its quite humerous. He also doesn't want my mom spending time with Lindsay he wants his Grammy all to himself! He and my dad spent some time outside also which was nice while Lindsay napped. Its nice to go over there with both kids and not be stressed out like I would be if we were out in public. The rest of the day we hung out at home...both kids took great naps which was wonderful then we all watched the Saints game. I couldn't believe they lost and football season is officially over for us!
Today (Sunday) I braved church again. I'm so glad I did too! I feel much better then last week! Even though I was glad I went last week I felt very overwhelmed and tired! It wasn't nearly as bad this week. My parents once again took Colby early though. This really helps b/c we are able to get ready in stages. I get Colby out the door then I can focus on myself then on Lindsay. It will be interesting when I try to leave with BOTH at the same time! Lindsay and I were doing great on time we left the house by 9:20 so I thought I would treat myself with some Starbucks! Bad idea! When I went to put my cup in the cup hold the lid came off and coffee went everywhere! All over me and all over the van! I was glad I was only a couple of blocks from home. I had to pull back into the driveway run inside and grab towels and napkins to clean the mess up! I was first discouraged and ready to just call it quits and stay home. But then it hit me that that is exactly what Satan would want me to do! I decided to go ahead and go! I was so glad we did too! Lindsay did wonderful in church service. This week I kept her in the carrier which was actually a lot easier. She slept the whole time but we left a few minutes early again so I could get her changed before heading to eat! Things just went smoother today...I left church and went to McAlister's and started feeding her before my parents and Colby showed up. Also a better idea! both kids again did wonderfully at lunch. Now we are back at home and I'm waiting on naptime to start. I put both down but Lindsay is still crying...she doesn't do well mornings she spends a lot of time in her carseat so I might end up having to lay her on my chest on the couch. I hope Colby takes a nap though! Now we will just look forward to Austin coming home and spending the evening with him!
Saturdays are always nice b/c we don't have to rush out the door. I would love to stay home on Saturday but I know my busy boy needs to get out the house. We went over to my parent's house and stayed a couple hours. He was missing them b/c he went a few days without seeing them all! He's spent so much time with them over the last couple of months he's quite used to going over to their house on a regular occassion now! We had fun over there. Colby always has my parents running all over the place its quite humerous. He also doesn't want my mom spending time with Lindsay he wants his Grammy all to himself! He and my dad spent some time outside also which was nice while Lindsay napped. Its nice to go over there with both kids and not be stressed out like I would be if we were out in public. The rest of the day we hung out at home...both kids took great naps which was wonderful then we all watched the Saints game. I couldn't believe they lost and football season is officially over for us!
Today (Sunday) I braved church again. I'm so glad I did too! I feel much better then last week! Even though I was glad I went last week I felt very overwhelmed and tired! It wasn't nearly as bad this week. My parents once again took Colby early though. This really helps b/c we are able to get ready in stages. I get Colby out the door then I can focus on myself then on Lindsay. It will be interesting when I try to leave with BOTH at the same time! Lindsay and I were doing great on time we left the house by 9:20 so I thought I would treat myself with some Starbucks! Bad idea! When I went to put my cup in the cup hold the lid came off and coffee went everywhere! All over me and all over the van! I was glad I was only a couple of blocks from home. I had to pull back into the driveway run inside and grab towels and napkins to clean the mess up! I was first discouraged and ready to just call it quits and stay home. But then it hit me that that is exactly what Satan would want me to do! I decided to go ahead and go! I was so glad we did too! Lindsay did wonderful in church service. This week I kept her in the carrier which was actually a lot easier. She slept the whole time but we left a few minutes early again so I could get her changed before heading to eat! Things just went smoother today...I left church and went to McAlister's and started feeding her before my parents and Colby showed up. Also a better idea! both kids again did wonderfully at lunch. Now we are back at home and I'm waiting on naptime to start. I put both down but Lindsay is still crying...she doesn't do well mornings she spends a lot of time in her carseat so I might end up having to lay her on my chest on the couch. I hope Colby takes a nap though! Now we will just look forward to Austin coming home and spending the evening with him!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Our Week
So far we have had a great week! Monday ofcourse was Lindsay's doc appointment. That evening we watched the LSU/Alabama game.
Tuesday we were supossed to have our house cleaned that day so my parents were keeping Colby for the day. It seems like they have watched him so much lately but its near impossible to have Colby here when the house is being cleaned especially now that I have to look after a baby too! It ended up being a rainy day and the maid cancelled. Colby was already promised a morning with Grammy and Granddaddy though so I couldn't cancel those plans. He went ahead and went to McDonalds and the mall with them. Lindsay and I got out and went to Target. Its amazing how easy errands are with 1 child. She basically slept the whole time. Colby came home around lunchtime. Naptimes haven't been so great around here lately...usually 1 of the 2 doesn't sleep. Every now and then I am lucky and they both take great 3 hour naps but its becoming rare. Wednesday we were so happy to have Austin home! He worked 7 days straight which made for a long tiring week for mommy! Since Colby had school I volunteered to bring him then go by the grocery store while Austin stayed home with Lindsay. It was good to have that 1 on 1 time with Colby. I actually brought his friend Max too. I haven't been picking him up since Lindsay was born its just hard to think about unloading 3 kids right now! Maybe by the spring I can conquer that! Again it was amazing how easy it was just to deal with the 2 three year olds. I loved listening to their little conversations and talking to them about what they are learning in school! Afterwards I really enjoyed my shopping trip ALONE! I didn't have to rush and I felt like I could truly concentrate on shopping! It was soo nice! When I got home we were able to relax for a little bit then Austin left with Colby to pick him up from school. That afternoon was wonderful b/c they both took great naps! I think I napped 2 hours as well! I am just so sleepy these days with waking up in the middle of the night! We have also been taking afternoon walks almost every day which I think has helped everyone feel good. We used to do this when Colby was a baby and we just got out of practice when I got pregnant so its been nice to get back to it! Colby loves walks! He always has since he was a tiny baby! I hope to start this now with Lindsay so she will enjoy it also. Its also good family time! Thursday Austin was off again which was great! I made an appointment for pictures at the mall. I have been wanting to get this done now since Lindsay was born. I really wanted someone to come to our house to do newborn pictures but it just never worked out! I hope we can do more natural family pictures by April. I am not too fond of "studio" pictures but they are the easiest with a baby. They both did pretty well but had enough after a few good shots. It was very tiring trying to get 2 of them posed and in good moods. I remember it was somewhat tiring with Colby as a baby but this time it was extra tiring. She was melting down b/c she was tired and in need of a nap and he was melting down b/c he was bored and ready to move on haha. He was not amused at all by being couped up in the studio he just wanted to go run around. We promised him time to ride on the rides though. He got to play a little but the pictures took so long and we wanted to eat lunch before Lindsay woke up and was ready to eat. Its just easier to come home and feed her then feed her in a place like the mall...she usually poops when she eats and I'm not crazy about changing my 1 month old in a public restroom! This afternoon we came home and everyone took pretty good naps...not sure Colby slept a lot but atleast he stays in his room and is quiet and lets everyone else nap! I can't make him sleep so as long as he rests and doesn't disturb the house that is all I can really ask! That afternoon we took another walk and just hung out at home. We have cooked the last 2 nights so that's been nice eating a family meal together!
Today (Friday) Colby had school. My friend Honey and her son Max offered to bring him today which I was really thankful for. Ofcourse I know I could get my parents to bring him any time but I hate to rely on them so much and also get him used to being around them every day. I figured carpooling with a friend would be great. I wasn't looking forward to getting both kids out in the freezing cold anyway. It also gives me more time around the house to be productive. School mornings seem to be so crazy by the time we leave at 8:30 and don't get home until almost 9:30 then have to leave again at 11:30. I will go pick him up and then I am really hoping both kids will take a nap!
Tuesday we were supossed to have our house cleaned that day so my parents were keeping Colby for the day. It seems like they have watched him so much lately but its near impossible to have Colby here when the house is being cleaned especially now that I have to look after a baby too! It ended up being a rainy day and the maid cancelled. Colby was already promised a morning with Grammy and Granddaddy though so I couldn't cancel those plans. He went ahead and went to McDonalds and the mall with them. Lindsay and I got out and went to Target. Its amazing how easy errands are with 1 child. She basically slept the whole time. Colby came home around lunchtime. Naptimes haven't been so great around here lately...usually 1 of the 2 doesn't sleep. Every now and then I am lucky and they both take great 3 hour naps but its becoming rare. Wednesday we were so happy to have Austin home! He worked 7 days straight which made for a long tiring week for mommy! Since Colby had school I volunteered to bring him then go by the grocery store while Austin stayed home with Lindsay. It was good to have that 1 on 1 time with Colby. I actually brought his friend Max too. I haven't been picking him up since Lindsay was born its just hard to think about unloading 3 kids right now! Maybe by the spring I can conquer that! Again it was amazing how easy it was just to deal with the 2 three year olds. I loved listening to their little conversations and talking to them about what they are learning in school! Afterwards I really enjoyed my shopping trip ALONE! I didn't have to rush and I felt like I could truly concentrate on shopping! It was soo nice! When I got home we were able to relax for a little bit then Austin left with Colby to pick him up from school. That afternoon was wonderful b/c they both took great naps! I think I napped 2 hours as well! I am just so sleepy these days with waking up in the middle of the night! We have also been taking afternoon walks almost every day which I think has helped everyone feel good. We used to do this when Colby was a baby and we just got out of practice when I got pregnant so its been nice to get back to it! Colby loves walks! He always has since he was a tiny baby! I hope to start this now with Lindsay so she will enjoy it also. Its also good family time! Thursday Austin was off again which was great! I made an appointment for pictures at the mall. I have been wanting to get this done now since Lindsay was born. I really wanted someone to come to our house to do newborn pictures but it just never worked out! I hope we can do more natural family pictures by April. I am not too fond of "studio" pictures but they are the easiest with a baby. They both did pretty well but had enough after a few good shots. It was very tiring trying to get 2 of them posed and in good moods. I remember it was somewhat tiring with Colby as a baby but this time it was extra tiring. She was melting down b/c she was tired and in need of a nap and he was melting down b/c he was bored and ready to move on haha. He was not amused at all by being couped up in the studio he just wanted to go run around. We promised him time to ride on the rides though. He got to play a little but the pictures took so long and we wanted to eat lunch before Lindsay woke up and was ready to eat. Its just easier to come home and feed her then feed her in a place like the mall...she usually poops when she eats and I'm not crazy about changing my 1 month old in a public restroom! This afternoon we came home and everyone took pretty good naps...not sure Colby slept a lot but atleast he stays in his room and is quiet and lets everyone else nap! I can't make him sleep so as long as he rests and doesn't disturb the house that is all I can really ask! That afternoon we took another walk and just hung out at home. We have cooked the last 2 nights so that's been nice eating a family meal together!
Today (Friday) Colby had school. My friend Honey and her son Max offered to bring him today which I was really thankful for. Ofcourse I know I could get my parents to bring him any time but I hate to rely on them so much and also get him used to being around them every day. I figured carpooling with a friend would be great. I wasn't looking forward to getting both kids out in the freezing cold anyway. It also gives me more time around the house to be productive. School mornings seem to be so crazy by the time we leave at 8:30 and don't get home until almost 9:30 then have to leave again at 11:30. I will go pick him up and then I am really hoping both kids will take a nap!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
1 Month Doc Visit
Lindsay had her 1 month doctor's appointment yesterday. I was able to take her by myself since Colby was in school. We took him with us to her 2 week visit and he was very antsy by the time we were done so I was thankful to not have to bring both kids! Its funny though I was never brave enough to bring Colby alone until he was like 9 months old! Funny how things change! Anyway everything went great...she was very well behaved. She just looked around and kicked when they put her up on the table. She didn't fuss at all while the doctor checked her out! I was shocked b/c Colby always screamed! It wasn't until he turned 2 that he started not crying at the doctor. The doctor said she looked great and was very alert and doing well. She weighed 8 lbs 8 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. I laugh b/c this is close to Colby's birth stats! I also find it amusing that she is in the 10-25% whereas Colby was always like 50-75% with everything! She got 1 shot at the visit it was the 2nd half of one she received in the hospital. It didn't seem to make her fussy or anything that I could tell.
I am so thankful for healthy doctor's visits. I feel so blessed to have 2 healthy children. I thank God everyday for that! We will look forward to going back next month for her 2 month and seeing how much she has grown!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
So today was my first day to bring Lindsay alone to church. Ofcourse it was only her second time there too. I still haven't braved bringing both kids alone and probably won't until February when she is 2 months old. Today my parents brought Colby to Sunday School. I am not bringing her to Sunday School until she is 2 months old. This is what we did with Colby so I figured we will repeat that with her. It helped to get them ready in stages this way it will be interesting to get all 3 of us out the door by 8:30! I had Colby ready by 8 then I was able to focus on myself and Lindsay and we were out the door by 9:30. I did go a little eary so I could help my mom with some nursery things. So she did get to venture to the nursery but my mom pretty much held her the whole time. When it was time to go in church I decided to take her without the carseat...I debated back and forth but I figured since I was alone it would be easier to leave with just her and the diaper bag then trying to juggle that big carseat down the aisles by myself! Plus I knew she would be in it a lot that day so I figured she needed a break anyways. The only problem is I feel like she's exposed to more and people want to hold her when she's not in it. She ended up doing really well through church she off and on slept she got a little wiggly towards the end so I waited until the invitation and got up and left with her. I like to leave a few minutes early anyway b/c its always time to feed/change her and that process seems to take forever. It was really hectic too trying to get her changed and fed. Plus in the process of changing her she peed everywhere! I was definitely missing Austin at this point...I also went to pick Colby up from his class so at one point I had him tugging on me and her screaming I guess that's part of the life with 2 now! I felt very tired and overwhelmed by the time all that was over. I felt rushed trying to get her fed b/c we were meeting friends at McAlister's and also everyone was leaving church and so they were turning off lights and shutting the place down. I ended up letting her eat wayy too quick which resulted in her spitting up like 2 or 3 times which made me feel even more stressed. Colby was also bent out of shape from waiting that long then he also said he didn't want to eat at McAlister's which he always wants to eat there but the last 2 weeks b/c of the holidays we didn't eat there. He said he wanted to eat at Grammy's he pouted the whole way there. I ended up having a talk with him in the parking lot which resulted in him dashing off which resulted in me spanking him. So we got in McAlister's and I felt completely was quite chaotic our first eating out experience with both kids! Again though I guess this is my new life! We were meeting our good friends the Picketts. It was so good to see them and get to visit. I had moments of doubt at church whether or not I wanted to go through with lunch but I'm so glad we did. Both kids ended up being angels too! It took Colby about 10 min to get out of his bad mood but once he did he was a total ham and Lindsday slept the whole time. We visited for almost 2 hours! It was great to catch up with them! It put me in a much better mood! I was still exausted though. My parents took Colby home which I am so thankful b/c as tired as I was I would have been a complete mess had I brought both kids home and tried to get them down for naps. Our reason for sending Colby over there was b/c we thought Austin might be working late which after a busy day I wasn't sure I would be up to bathing both kids and putting them to bed by myself! Doing it with one alone is exausting enough...not sure I will be up for that challenge until Lindsay is bathing in the big tub with Colby then it might be doable.
I was very thankful for the rest I did get although it wasn't much b/c Miss Lindsay was a fuss budget most of the afternoon. I tried putting her down for a nap and she wasn't having any of that. I finally just layed her on my chest and we both dozed but she was still a fussy mess that evening. It was still nice to have a slower paced evening with Austin once he did get home. I was completely worn out but I am glad I went to church....I am still debating this upcoming week if I will go alone again or not but we will see! It was nice to get to worship and to see people and feel part of this world again...having a baby is a little isolating for awhile since you have to stay home so much!
I was very thankful for the rest I did get although it wasn't much b/c Miss Lindsay was a fuss budget most of the afternoon. I tried putting her down for a nap and she wasn't having any of that. I finally just layed her on my chest and we both dozed but she was still a fussy mess that evening. It was still nice to have a slower paced evening with Austin once he did get home. I was completely worn out but I am glad I went to church....I am still debating this upcoming week if I will go alone again or not but we will see! It was nice to get to worship and to see people and feel part of this world again...having a baby is a little isolating for awhile since you have to stay home so much!
Friday, January 6, 2012
Lindsay 1 Month
Wow I can't believe a month has flown by that we have had our little girl here with us! Its been a crazy, busy month but we are getting into a routine now and life seems to be settling in as a family of 4! Lindsay has filled out and grown a lot over the last month. She goes to the doc Monday so I am anxious to know her weight/length then! At her 2 week visit she was 7 lbs 6 oz so I would guess that she is atleast 8 lbs by now. She is fitting in size 1 diapers now. She is also starting to be able to wear her 0-3 month clothing. She still fits in newborn too though. I have tried 3 month stuff on her and its entirely too big! By this time Colby was definitly wearing some 3 month stuff I think.
She's in a pretty good routine. She eats about every 3 hours during the day. She is eating 4-5 oz at each feeding. She goes through MANY diapers in a day! Kinda ready for that part to slow down haha. At night she is starting to only wake up once although she will still revert back to every 3 hours occassionally. We put her down around 9 and she usually sleeps until about 2 am. She eats then goes back to sleep until about 7. She takes several small naps during the day but is starting to stay awake for almost 3 hours at a time atleast once a day. While she is awake now you can really tell she is watching things and starting to recognize people. She takes one long nap in her bed in the afternoon. This coincides with Colby's naptime so that I can rest. It will be different on Colby's school days b/c her schedule gets shifted some but I guess second children have to learn to live with that!
We are definitely enjoying having her here with us! Life as a family of 4 is crazy busy though! We never realized how easy 1 child was until we brought her home! But she's a sweetie and its been fun this month watching her grow and change.
She's in a pretty good routine. She eats about every 3 hours during the day. She is eating 4-5 oz at each feeding. She goes through MANY diapers in a day! Kinda ready for that part to slow down haha. At night she is starting to only wake up once although she will still revert back to every 3 hours occassionally. We put her down around 9 and she usually sleeps until about 2 am. She eats then goes back to sleep until about 7. She takes several small naps during the day but is starting to stay awake for almost 3 hours at a time atleast once a day. While she is awake now you can really tell she is watching things and starting to recognize people. She takes one long nap in her bed in the afternoon. This coincides with Colby's naptime so that I can rest. It will be different on Colby's school days b/c her schedule gets shifted some but I guess second children have to learn to live with that!
We are definitely enjoying having her here with us! Life as a family of 4 is crazy busy though! We never realized how easy 1 child was until we brought her home! But she's a sweetie and its been fun this month watching her grow and change.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
New Years
Man I can't believe another year has come and gone already! Its been a very fun and exciting year. We have really seen Colby grow up into a little boy. He really started talking at the first of the year. Its been very fun seeing his vocabulary expand. He also turned 3 which seems so old! He's not a baby anymore! He can do so much for himself now! We were able to take a couple fun trips this year. We took a trip to TN just the 3 of us! Looking back now I am so glad we did that! I never really thought about it being the last major trip we would take as a family of 3! We also took our yearly trip to Destin. Colby had a blast on the beach and in the pool! We also took many trips to Hattiesburg throughout the year! Colby loves playing with his cousins now and looks forward to any trip up there to see them! He also attended his first football game during the fall. He also began 3 year preschool. He now goes to school M,W,F. He loves his teacher and is doing really well! He has learned so much this year! He has developed little friendships which is adorable!
Ofcourse during this year we also welcomed the birth of our little girl. It was at the end so not much to report there. We look forward to what 2012 holds for her. Austin and I celebrated 7 years of marriage which is hard to believe! We also became a minivan family! We bought our van in October in preparation for 2 kids. And now I am soo happy we did!
Looking forward to 2012! I know it will hold many exciting adventures with 2 children! We hope to visit the beach again and also we are hoping to take Colby on a Disney Cruise! I am really excited about that! We also may take a smaller trip somewhere in the midst of all that just the 4 of us!
New Years was different this year for us for sure! We didn't even see the New Year in. Austin had to work both New Years and New Years Eve. New Years Eve was a long day for me! He didn't get home until 7:30. He did take Colby outside before bed to check out the "booms". I hated that we didn't get to buy our own fireworks but with Austin working and having a baby it just didn't work out. Next year we will definitely make a bigger deal out of it! We ended up going to bed before midnight too! I think Colby's first new years we missed it too! Its just too exausting to stay up that late when you know you will be up later with a baby!
New Years day was also different. Since it fell on a Sunday my parents brought Colby to church with them. Lindsay and I would have gone this week but since we were having New Years dinner I thought that was just too much coming and going for a baby. Colby spent the day with my parents though. It was kinda nice to have a quiet day with just her. Probably my last for a little while. I try to enjoy the times I only have 1 of them b/c its soo different with 2. I feel like I can't show either of them as much attention. Lindsay and I went over to my parent's house that afternoon. We all enjoyed New Years dinner. I am having to get used to these family functions again with a baby though. Its been nice the last year or so with Colby b/c he's so independent I can still visit and eat without much interruption. Lindsay stayed awake the whole time other then a couple minute catnaps and she would have nothing of staying in the pack n play while we ate. But she was still good and ofcourse everyone enjoyed holding her. I was glad Austin got to join us too...he was a little late but he still got there in plenty of time to visit and eat so that was nice!
Ofcourse during this year we also welcomed the birth of our little girl. It was at the end so not much to report there. We look forward to what 2012 holds for her. Austin and I celebrated 7 years of marriage which is hard to believe! We also became a minivan family! We bought our van in October in preparation for 2 kids. And now I am soo happy we did!
Looking forward to 2012! I know it will hold many exciting adventures with 2 children! We hope to visit the beach again and also we are hoping to take Colby on a Disney Cruise! I am really excited about that! We also may take a smaller trip somewhere in the midst of all that just the 4 of us!
New Years was different this year for us for sure! We didn't even see the New Year in. Austin had to work both New Years and New Years Eve. New Years Eve was a long day for me! He didn't get home until 7:30. He did take Colby outside before bed to check out the "booms". I hated that we didn't get to buy our own fireworks but with Austin working and having a baby it just didn't work out. Next year we will definitely make a bigger deal out of it! We ended up going to bed before midnight too! I think Colby's first new years we missed it too! Its just too exausting to stay up that late when you know you will be up later with a baby!
New Years day was also different. Since it fell on a Sunday my parents brought Colby to church with them. Lindsay and I would have gone this week but since we were having New Years dinner I thought that was just too much coming and going for a baby. Colby spent the day with my parents though. It was kinda nice to have a quiet day with just her. Probably my last for a little while. I try to enjoy the times I only have 1 of them b/c its soo different with 2. I feel like I can't show either of them as much attention. Lindsay and I went over to my parent's house that afternoon. We all enjoyed New Years dinner. I am having to get used to these family functions again with a baby though. Its been nice the last year or so with Colby b/c he's so independent I can still visit and eat without much interruption. Lindsay stayed awake the whole time other then a couple minute catnaps and she would have nothing of staying in the pack n play while we ate. But she was still good and ofcourse everyone enjoyed holding her. I was glad Austin got to join us too...he was a little late but he still got there in plenty of time to visit and eat so that was nice!
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