Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Croup...AGAIN

So I have been noticing since last week Colby hasn't been himself. It began last Tuesday when my parents kept him and he was very ornery. By Friday he wasn't himself at all even when I suggested taking a walk he didn't want to go which is very unlike him. He also said his throat hurt. I kept hoping/praying it would just be a little cold and he would get over it. Saturday he had begun a cough and was hoarse sounding. He spent that night with my parents and had all 4 grandparents which I don't think helped b/c he got hyped up. Sunday he went to church but he still didn't seem 100%. Yesterday (Monday) Austin was off and he went ahead to school. He hasn't run fever to our knowledge and for the most part he seemed to feel fine so I couldn't really see keeping him home. I did notice even on the way to school though that his cough had picked up. I went grocery shopping while he was in school then got home to Austin and Lindsay and we took a walk. It was nice walking and talking b/c usually when we are with Colby the conversation centers around him or him asking us what everything is. Plus we walk really slow when we are with him too! Austin picked him up from school and again he mostly seemed fine we all ate lunch then it was time for naps. Well he did not nap at all! This is getting to be pretty normal. I don't get upset about it anymore b/c I know he's getting to that age he doesn't require one all the time we still make sure he "rests" in his room for atleast 2 hours though. He was excited though b/c Austin was having a shed put up in our backyard. He and Austin went out there for an hour or so and played. We really had no idea he wasn't probably feeling well at all. After Lindsay got up from her nap we all packed up and went to Target. We needed diapers, wipes, household stuff so on top of grocery shopping we had to knock that out too! BAD IDEA! I think we were all exausted! Both kids did pretty well at Target but I could tell Colby was getting tired. He even fell asleep on our drive home which is like 10 min which he never does! At that point we figured he must not be feeling well plus we knew he had to be exausted. he was also still recovering from the weekend with spending the night with my parents. Apparantly he was up at 4am Sunday morning. He went to be pretty easily and we still didn't think too much about him being sick.
Well Tuesday he woke up coughing horribly. He looked bad too! I immediately knew I needed to call the doctor. I was sad b/c today the police were coming to his school b/c its community helper week. His teacher invited us to bring him today even though he doesn't normally come on Tuesdays. Our plans were to take him to that and let my parents keep Lindsay. Well as sick as he sounded and looked I knew that was out. I also wanted to get him to the doc so we would know if he were really contagious and what we should do about Lindsay. I was lucky that when I called we were able to get a 9:40 appointment. It also worked out well that Austin was off. He was able to stay home with Lindsay while I took Colby. There is no way I would have wanted to wrangle both of them plus I don't like bringing her to the doc when its not for her b/c I always feel like we are going to catch something there. Anyway Colby and I made it to the doc. I was worried when we got there and the waiting room was packed! They called us back pretty quickly though thankgoodness! Colby was pretty good in the waiting room but I could tell the poor thing didn't feel good at all and he was hacking his head off! He didn't want to cooperarte with the being weighed, getting his height checked, or having his bp taken. I knew he didn't feel good b/c usually he loves all that! He perked up though for some reason when the doc came in. The doc checked him out and diagnosed him with the croup! He was diagnosed with this almost the same exact time a year ago! I always thought croup meant you had a barky sounding cough but neither time has Colby had that...he just has a really dry annoying cough that he coughs so hard he looks like he's going to lose his breath. he listened to his chest and said it wasn't in there which I guess is good...He also said he's really not that contagious if he's not running fever. WE are hoping that's true! After his appointment I brought him to my parent's house. I am glad he got to get out the house plus he was going to stay over there that afternoon while our house was being cleaned. Its just too hard to have a baby and a 3 year old running around while the maid is here! I spent the afternoon trying to relax as much as possible. Austin got in around 3ish so we hung out until Colby got home. When he got home though he looked horrible! He was rosy cheeked, felt hot, and all he wanted to do was lay down under some blankets. I was really worried at that point he might have the flu. We gave him some tylenol. He said he had to potty and after that he seemed to be better...guess his stomach was hurting?? He even ate most of a bowl of mac n cheese. I was so glad to see him eat. After that he seemed to come around to his old self. Not 100% but better. Last night was a rough night though...he woke up around midnight he came into our room wanting to get in our bed...he has never done this! He's never even been allowed in our bed the only time he "sleeps" with us is in the morning if he wakes up before we do then we let him lay down in there. Lindsay got up around 1 to eat then he woke up a few times between 4 and 6 whining then she was up at 6 something to eat. I really don't feel like I got much rest!
This morning I just knew it was going to be a terrible day. I knew he couldn't go to school since he had run fever the night before plus he was still coughing some. Not only do I not want to spread his germs but I want his body to have a chance to heal as well. He started out seeming still a little sickly but as the morning went on he got a lot better. We stayed in all day...I had hoped to atleast take a walk but it rained all day too. Suprisingly the day went well though. Colby played really well by himself and Lindsay was good too. Austin even got home early which I think helped a lot though. Colby was even able to run a short errand with Austin which I know helped him. I am praying tomorrow he's even better and that the rest of us stay well. I feel like I have a touch of it and I sorta think Lindsay does too but neither of us feel terrible so I hope we don't get any worse! Hoping to have a fun day with my little man in the morning to make up for all this staying in!

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