Sunday, April 29, 2012


Today was another busy day for us! Sundays are long, but fun days! Today I was very busy. Usually with being co-director of the nursery during Sunday School I work on maintance type stuff and check on the classes. Today one of Colby's teachers though were out so I offered to work in his class. I enjoyed working with him but I think he acted out more with me in there. I was in Sunday School teacher from the time he was 8 months old until 2 1/2. I am so thankful he has other teachers now! Like I said I enjoyed being with him but I think he listens and learns better when mommy is not around. I think he enjoyed it though. He's been a little more clingy lately...I think he's trying to soak up the attention that his sister gets. I think he really liked having me in there. It was fun to see him interacting with the other children. I also had extended care today so I was really busy. Well I had signed up to work with either babies or older kids. I used to work with the toddlers but now that is a big class and it just wears me out so much and when i have to come home to my 2 I hate being exausted when I get home. The older ones are tiring too but not quite as physically demanding. We had 4 kids in our class today. We ended up taking them out on the playground. The toddler class went out there too. With both classes combined I think we had about 7 or 8 kids. It was busy! I got to visit with Tammy though who is Glenn Paul's mom. I feel like I am always in such a rush at church with the 2 kids I never get to talk to her so it was nice to visit with her some! Again I am thankful for the opportunity to serve. I realize what a blessing it is to have your kids be safe and happy while I sit in church so I know even though its tiring and I was with my own child that its a form of worship. Lindsay did great in her class...poor baby I think is exausted though. She had 2 full days. We did our usual lunch at McAlister's and both kids did really well. We came home and now they are both napping which is great for mommy! Now we are just very excited that Austin will be home with us for the next 3 days!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Max's Birthday Party

Today Colby and I had a really fun day together! We were invited to Max's 4th Birthday party at City Park. I am sure you have gathered by reading that Max is Colby's best buddy. They have been in preschool the last 2 years together. We also live close by and the boys hang out and carpool together! His mom did a small family party at City Park but she included Colby which I thought was so sweet. Colby was VERY excited about this special day. I knew it would be a long, busy day so we left Lindsay with my parents. I hate people don't see her out a lot but its just easier and more fun to focus on events like this with Colby. Plus I want them to always feel special and take them to their own events. So this was Colby's special day. We left our house before 9 am and dropped Lindsay off with my parents. We got to the park around 9:30. We found our friends. They were hanging out on the grassy lawn part of City Park across from Storyland. They went ahead and did cake & presents there. The kids had a blast running around in the grass and playing on the swings! After we got the party scene cleaned up we went in Storyland. The kids enjoyed running around. Colby is now learning the nursery rhymes and recognized most of them! He was reciting them also! His favorite part is still the firetruck though. This is where he spent most of his time! Once the ride part opened up the kids wanted to go there. Colby was very excited. He has only been to this part a couple times. Its also always been during Christmas when its SO crowded you can barely move. The kids all got wrist bands so they could ride everything as much as they wanted. We hit the train first. I was happy about this b/c we have tried to ride that train a couple times. Colby was a little antsy about waiting at first. Once we got on though he had a blast! He, Max, and Bella all rode in the very back on a row by themselves! Its so cute to see him getting bigger and doing things alone with friends. Its also bittersweet though! After the train Colby, Max, and Bella went to ride the little kid rides. I think they rode them all. Once again it was so cute to see him riding all these things with friends. He had rode a couple of them before but its been about a year and half! He was having the time of his life! We finally got them to slow down enough to eat lunch. Colby and I ate with Bella and her parents. They both had hotdogs and shared a thing of french fries! So adorable! After lunch they wanted to ride the carousel so we did that. Then I told Colby he could pick 1 more ride and then we were going to go home. It was approaching 1 by that time and I knew we needed to get back home and pick Lindsay up plus I knew he was getting tired! Well he chose the Ferris Wheel. I was shocked that he chose something so big! But he wanted to ride it! I remember loving this ride when I was his age. My dad used to take me to City Park when I was his age and we would always ride that! Well he LOVED it! He wasn't scared at all. He got the biggest kick out of it! It was special for me to share that with him something I did as a child and now reliving it with my own! After that we left to go home. It was a great party! I am so thankful for his friend Max and their family. They are such good people and fun to be around. I know Colby feels safe with them too and I would totally leave him with anyone of them if I ever needed to! Its nice to know people like that! Well poor Colby was so tired he sacked out in the car like the minute we got going. I knew he had to be exausted! Once we got to my parent's house though he woke up. We visited with them for awhile while Lindsay ate. It was nice getting to cool off for a bit. We came home and I put Lindsay int he swing to nap and turned on a show for Colby. I figured this way I could get a few house work things done and then relax myself! I was halfway done in the kitchen when Austin called and said he was on his way! So excited! It was good for him to get home early b/c I was exausted. He and Colby worked in the yard so it was nice to get that quiet time. We came in and ate pizza then he and Colby went back out to swim. After that it was baths and bedtime for the kids! We are all exausted tonight! It was a very fun, busy day but now mommy needs some sleep! We have another busy day ahead at church!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Looong Week

Well this week hasn't been bad...just LONG! Austin went back to work on Monday and he isn't off until either Sunday or Monday of this coming week so that's a long stretch that I pretty much have to play single mom to 2 small children. The kids have been good so I can't complain and I know Austin is working hard so that I can stay home and be a mommy so not really complaining its just been a tiring week. We are back in full gear of school and regular activities. Colby went to school Monday. Lindsay and I just always come home after dropping him off. Its easier to get stuff done during that time. Plus until she can sit up in shopping carts or walk I feel bad running errands since she spends about an hour in her carseat with just getting Colby to school. We leave at 8:30 and we get home around 9:30 if we don't make any stops. I enjoy the time to just focus on her and housework. Austin got home around 8 that night which made for a long day for this momma but like I said the kids were good so we managed. I just hate that we don't see Austin much on weeks like this. He was able to bathe and put Colby to bed that night which helps. Plus Colby misses him so much!
Tuesday my parents picked up Colby. They like to spend 1 day a week with him anyway but it also really helps me out. I usually do it on my grocery shopping days. He doesn't really enjoy grocery shopping with me anymore anyway. Its also a good day for me to get housework done and just relax. They took him to McDonald's for breakfast then to the park, flower shop, and the levee. They then played at their house until late that afternoon. He usually doesn't take naps over there anymore so he comes back good and tired. I am glad he gets a special day like that too b/c right now with Lindsay being on a pretty strict eating every 3 hours and napping schedule its hard for me to take him as many places as we used to. He got home around 4:45 then we pretty much waited on Austin to get home. I feel bad b/c 2 nights in a row I feel like I have given Colby a crappy dinner. He ate mac n cheese Monday night with pudding then last night he had "alphabet soup" and yogurt. I guess there are worse things but I hate to cook a big meal when Austin works late. Its cold by the time he gets home plus then we have to stay up cleaning up the mess so I usually cook something simple for Colby then Austin picks up dinner for the 2 of us on the way home. Its not the best situation but its what works right now. I once again did the bathing for Lindsay and putting her to bed but Austin was home in time to help with Colby which is a HUGE help!
 (Wednesday) Colby had school again. Once again Lindsay and I came home. This afternoon after their naps we will probably walk and enjoy the pretty weather. We are praying Austin gets home earlier. This way maybe we can atleast eat as a family....not sure I will cook unless he leaves before 6 or we can maybe even go out to eat like last week. The kids have been great this week. I think Colby can tell when I am stressed and need his help so he has been a big boy. Lindsay did not nap at all yesterday. I tried putting her down twice. I was able to get a few minutes of quiet time and then after Colby woke from his nap we took our snack outside which he loves! It was nice to have a few quiet moments with him. She was soon awake though so we had to come in. We didn't end up going for a walk and now I wish we had b/c I feel like that always helps our moods! We were all grumpy by the time Austin got home which wasn't until 7. I was stressed with Lindsay not napping...I was stressed b/c I feel like poor Colby has been looking for his daddy to play with him all week...I have had to feed him crap well week! Once again he ate mac n cheese for dinner and once again we ate dinner from a bag! I hate this and I hate this type of life! Its ok one or two times a week but 3 days in a row is too much from me. Plus he only had 1 day off the week before and then his last 2 days off we spent traveling! I think we are all just ready for a break! I hate when we don't have family time. Plus his 14 hour work days are 14 hour work days for me as a single mom and its hard work!
Thursday we didn't have much planned. I try to have one low key day a week. We did have to run to Target though and get 2 b-day presents for parties Colby is invited to Saturday. Since we will be staying home most of the day I feel like it will be another long day. I am praying hard that Austin will come home early so that it will give Colby some extra attention and playtime. I feel bad that I can't pay as much attention or play outside like he likes me to with Lindsay. Right now with her schedule we have to stay indoors more and it stinks it really does! I am grateful for my time at home though and even these stinky days though! I love spending time with them. Even when I am in a bad mood they usually do something that makes me smile or laugh and I love that! Well the kids took ok naps...Lindsay slept from about 11:30 until 1:30...I woke Colby up around 1:45 just b/c I figured he had been asleep since noon and since Lindsay was up he might as well join the fun! Well we played for a bit inside then we took a walk. Walks are like my sanity saver! It gets out the house...Colby loves exploring the neighborhood and seeing certain "landmarks" and Lindsay loves just looking around in the stroller. She seems to like her walks like brother. Its funny b/c we have been walking for 3 1/2 years and Colby knows every house and vehicle around our block! After our walk we came back in to cool off. I felt bad b/c Colby watched a lot of tv today...I mean in the scheme of things he doesn't watch much tv at all especially when we are busy but today with being home mostly and having to stay inside more with Lindsay I let him watch several shows. I feel like his brain starts to turn to mush though so we finally turned off the tv and went back to his room to play and color. He seemed to enjoy that 1 on 1 attention! Finally around 4:45 Austin called and said he was on his way home! I was so thankful! I feel like these last 3 days have been so long I felt the need for family time. He came home we cooked spaghetti! I was so ready for a homemade meal and for us to sit at the table. I hate when we eat so much takeout and eat in the den in front the tv...I think thats ok once or twice a week but I hate when it becomes a nightly event! So it was nice to have a real dinner. After dinner Colby wanted to swim in our little pool so Austin took him out. He has needed some extra attention this week and tonight I feel like he got it. I feel so bad when Austin works a lot b/c Colby takes it really hard. He is such a daddy's boy these days that he is so sad when Austin isn't here. Especially when he works long hours like this week so it was good for them to get some bonding time. I cleaned up the kitchen and rocked Lindsay. It was good to have some quiet. Now looking forward to watching tv and unwinding now that the kids are in bed! Tomorrow Colby has school so it will basically be me bringing him to school then coming home and hanging out with Lindsay then him coming home. I am hoping Austin will be home before 6 again and we can have some more family time since he works all weekend!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Trip to Hattiesburg/Shelbi's B-day Party

Well we have had a good weekend....we made a whirlwind trip to Hattiesburg. Our niece Shelbi had her 8th birthday party yesterday. We always try to go to Hattiesburg in April so we are there around her birthday. The last few years we haven't been able to make her party though. This year we really wanted to try and go since Colby is older and LOVES birthday parties and hanging out with his cousins. Our original plan was to leave Friday when Colby got out of school and come back Sunday morning. That way we would have had a pretty good visit there. It ended up being cut short b/c Austin couldn't get off work Friday. We left early Saturday morning. Both kids did great in the car on the way up there. We only had to make one stop about halfway there b/c Lindsay had a dirty diaper! Once we got to Hattiesburg we went to the apartment to unload our stuff and feed Lindsay before heading out to the party. This year they were hosting the party at their trailer. They don't live there its just an extra place for them on a piece of land. It ended up being a good place for a party though b/c there was more room then in their house. They brought lots of outdoor toys for the big kids to play with. The hardest part about the whole party thing is that it fell right during Lindsay's naptime. She naps from 11:30-2:30 daily. She also takes 2-3 other catnaps during the day but that is her big solid nap. I hated to mess it up especially since she has been napping so great lately. But we knew Colby would have fun and he can easily skip naps now so on we went. I hated I missed out on most of Colby's experiences at the party and the party itself. When we got there Lindsay had fallen asleep in the car but woken up as soon as we got there. I tried to keep her awake until atleast we ate lunch but she was already restless. I tried rocking her but she wouldn't get still with everyone and everything around. Wendi told me there was another rocker in a back room so I brought her back there. She fought it for awhile but finally fell asleep. I couldn't put her down though b/c she would wake up and I would rather he get a solid nap and hold her then try and put her down and her wake up cranky and mad. It wasn't a good nap though since she was in my arms. She would wake up crying and then go back to sleep several times. Finally around 2 when she woke up I decided to go ahead and join the party. At this point I was anxious to see Colby play some so I turned her over to MawMaw to feed her and went outside to watch Colby. His favorite thing was riding their mini 4-wheelers around. There were about 8 other kids at the party. Most of them were girls: a 12 year old, 8 year old, 7 1/2 year old, two 5 year olds, Colby (3 1/2) another 3 year old, and 2 other babies besides Lindsay. I think Colby enjoyed the other kids as well. The other moms and babies also stayed in so I visited with them some. It was hard dealing with Lindsay there b/c there wasn't a good place to put her down other then the back bedroom. I took her back there a couple times just to let her stretch and move around. She is not big on being held and honestly I was tired of carrying her around. We finally left around 3:30. We knew Colby would not be ready to leave then but Lindsay was so tired and we needed to get her back to the apartment. We asked Austin's parents to bring Colby home when they left. He was very excited to stay out there awhile longer. They were probably there a full hour after we left. I think it meant a lot to his family to spend more one on one time with him. Now that he's older we will probably do more like that especially while Lindsay is still so young. If we had not had her with us we would have just stayed a long time with Colby but having a baby means we are tied to feeding/nap schedules. We got back to the apartment and put Lindsay in her bed...I didn't think she would sleep but atleast it would give her some alone time...I think after being around a very stimulating environment like that and being held babies need a cool down time. She didn't sleep and was still very cranky. Well after she ate she finally passed out and I was able to even lay her down in her bed while we ate. Austin's parents brought Colby back to the apartment so we picked up sandwhiches and ate in. We knew the kids would be too tired to drag anywhere else that night. Soon after dinner it was bathtime. Since this was just our 2nd trip traveling with both kids we had never put them in a room together. The first trip we made Lindsay was only 6 weeks old and still waking up in the middle of the that she is a full night sleeper we felt it would be ok to put her and Colby in a room together. I was a little worried how it would go that they might keep each other up but they did great. Lindsay slept a full 12 hours and Colby went to bed around 8:15 and slept until 6:45. Even his getting up a few times didn't seem to bother her. I still didn't sleep well I guess worrying about the 2 of them. Well we were up early with Colby climbing in our bed at 6:45 so we went ahead and started getting dressed and packed up. We knew we wanted to head home early so that we would have a full day back at home. Austin has to go back to work for a full week. We left the apartment by 9. Both kids were once again excellent in the car. Colby watched Cars 2 on the way home and Lindsay slept and played. Once we got home we unpacked and ate lunch and all took naps. Lindsay didn't sleep great though. We got out this afternoon and all took a family walk now we are looking forward to some family time hanging out tonight before we crank up another week! Looks like we have a busy week coming up but it'll be fun!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Run Down of our Week

So this week we have gotton back into a routine somewhat. We were anxious to get back to real life after Colby being out of school for a week and a half and spending that ENTIRE time sick with the flu! Well Austin was off Monday so we started off the week on a great note! Colby went back to school. His friend Max came over early that morning to ride with us. Colby enjoyed eating a pancake breakfast with his best friend and then riding to school with him. He loved having someone to play with before heading out to school. Austin stayed home with Lindsay so I was able to concentrate on the big boys! After coming home I just hung out with Lindsay then Austin went back to pick Colby up at noon. We ate lunch then everyone took great naps! We are all still a little tired after getting over the flu! That afternoon we just spent time as a family which was wonderful!
Tuesday my parents came to pick up Colby and spend the day with him. They usually do this once a week especially when our house cleaner comes. It helps me out not having 2 kids around while she is trying to work especially Colby who pretty much messes up as she cleans. Plus I had to go to Target and I try to avoid taking both on errands unless I have to. So Lindsay and I got out and went to Target. She has been so sweet lately! She's the easy child! After Target I just came home and worked on some housework and things on the computer. It was nice to have the break from Colby but I always miss him.
Wednesday Colby had his field trip to the zoo which I already blogged about. We had such a great time. That night we ate out at Trashy Mexican. I feel like we have been going out more lately. We used to never go out at night when Colby was a baby. It seemed so hard back then but honestly Lindsay is so much easier then her bro. Its Colby we have issues with. She just sits in the carrier and looks around. Even though its work going out with them both its easier then messing up the kitchen some nights so we make the best of it!
Thursday I had a hair appt. I had this scheduled last week while Colby was out of school but had to cancel since we were all sick. It had been since January that I had a cut and highlite. I was glad to have some "me" time. It was refreshing to get away with no kids! My parents came over to watch them both at our house. I am so thankful for in town grandparents! There is no way I could have brought either with me! I was there 2 hours! I enjoyed visiting with the hairdresser and just enjoying not having to take care of a little one for the moment! We all rested this afternoon then Austin came home early so we could take Colby to see the big ships in town for Navy Week. He's been wanting to do this all week and we figured today would be the only chance. It was going to be tough though with everyone's schedules but we were determined to make it work. He came home early and we all got dressed to go. We made plans to ride the ferry and see the boats from there then ride back home. It would have been nice to get on the boats but we knew that was not feasible with Lindsay. Plus at that time of evening we knew it had to be quick. Well we got to the ferry and waited about 45 minutes before getting on. Right when we were about to get on the ferry we were rear ended in line. So aggravating! The lady was so mean about it too! So we never made it to the boats. Colby handled it well and we parked and walked him up to the levee but you couldn't see much. So we spent 2 hours in line and all that to have to rush home pick up food and hurry in to put 2 kids to bed. Not fun but at the same time no how blessed we are. No one was hurt the van was hardly damaged and we have 2 healthy kids! I hate though that Colby didn't get to experience that but there will be other "cool" things for him to do in his lifetime! So that's our week...tomorrow Colby goes to school. I plan to come home with Lindsay I feel like we have been out a lot this week so I am looking forward to some quiet time at home. Then we will pack up for our 1 night trip to Hattiesburg this weekend!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Colby's Field Trip to the Zoo

Colby had another field trip this week. This was by far his biggest field trip! His preschool went to the zoo! This week they are studying about the Zoo at school so how appropriate that they went! Colby has enjoyed telling me about animals all week and was so excited to go! He has been wanting to go back to the zoo since we last visited in January. This was something I had hoped to do with him last week so I was so excited Monday when I learned their field trip would be today. We all met up at the school first. We dropped Lindsay off at my parent's house for the day. I have been wanting to take her too and we probably will when Austin is off but I wanted this day to be about Colby. I know I would have been really distracted with her. We met at school and decided who would ride with who. I didn't have to take anyone with me this time but we all caravaned over to the zoo together. We got there a little early so we had to wait in line...we were with all his friends though so that was ok. Once we got in we got all the kids together and the teachers told us the game plan. They wanted the kids to see the typical "zoo" animals: elephants, bears, tigers, lions, giraffes, zebras, etc. So that is what we did! We started with the elephants which all the kids loved! Colby really didn't care about the other animals! He was a little antsy b/c we didn't do the usual stuff...well usually when we go to the zoo we let him choose what he wants to do. He finally got with it by the time we headed to see the giraffes. He really loved running around Monkey Hill with his friends. I loved watching carefree and having so much fun! I thought all the kids really behaved well considering. It was a long morning and I was tired so I know those kids had to be tired b/c we walked a LONG way. He like always really enjoyed about the last hour. It seems like it always takes him about an hour to get with the program and start having fun and that's how it was today. I loved seeing the little interactions between his friends. I am so thankful for a wonderful school, teacher, and classmates. So far his 2 years of preschool have been amazing! This is my prayer for him through life that he will always love school and learning! At the end of the trip they had an animal cracker and water break. I think the kids were worn out! When they started leaving some kids were going back to school and others were staying at the zoo or going home. Colby asked me if we could ride the carousel. I couldn't tell him no especially not knowing when we might get back. He was so happy about that! After that I told him that was it and we would go eat lunch. We chose to eat at McAlister's since that is our "usual" stop on the way home. He did really well...he's always so polite when he and I go out alone. We even ran into some of his friends there! It was a great day! I really enjoyed the time alone with him. I will always treasure these school outtings and so thankful I can attend them. I know what its like to be the teacher and how much you appreciate involved parents. After lunch we picked up Lindsay and came home to rest. I think all 3 of us were exausted. Colby took about a 20 min snooze in the car so he never did nap again at home but I did make him lay down and rest just to give me a break!
Tonight when Austin got off work we went to Trashy Mexican for dinner. I enjoy going out the 4 of us. Lindsay did great she's so much easier then her bro right now. He was mean the first half of dinner and Austin had to take him to the bathroom. I think he was hungry b/c he improved after eating. He's just such a handful right now. I keep telling myself this too shall pass. But right now I feel like 3 is the hardest age! We pray every day for the right ways to deal with him and get through this stage. I just want him to grow up to love the Lord and be a gentleman. Well we are looking forward to the rest of the week. So happy to be well again and enjoying life!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Weekend

Well we have had an ok weekend. We are still trying to recover from this awful flu so it wasn't as exciting as maybe if we were all well but we tried to make the best of it.
Yesterday (Saturday) I took the kids over to my parents house. My dad was out of town at the USM's spring game so I figured we would go keep my mom company. It was also a chance for us to get out the house. We usually hang out over there on Saturday when Austin has to work. There isn't much else to do since most of my friend's husbands are off work. We ended up staying over there most of the day that wasn't planned. We first took a nice long walk which was so nice because the weather has been beautiful. Colby enjoyed playing with Grammy while I took care of Lindsay. Lately I have been putting her down for naps over there while we eat lunch and he plays. So I got her down for a nap around 12 and we ate...well I could tell Colby was so tired that he needed a nap too. My mom said he was out within 5 minutes. This is why we ended up spending half the day over there since they both took naps. I even laid down b/c I knew once we got home I wouldn't get a nap. Well by the time they both got up and we got home it was 3. I think we were all still tired though. Austin got home early which was great though. We ended up going out to eat. We rarely go out at night with both kids....just so much of a chore but we were all still dressed from the day and Lindsay has been eating her cereal at 5 so afterwards we went to eat. We kept it simple and just went to Rotolo's in Belle Chasse. Colby was a complete handful...he didn't want to eat or sit still...sometimes I think he's harder at restaurants now then he ever used to be! Lindsay was a peach...she does great right now at restaurants. She stays awake and just looks around! Even though we spent most of dinner correcting Colby it was still nice to be out as a family...we did a little riding around after. We had thought about icecream but the big boy lost out on that so we all had to skip =(.
Sunday as always was a wonderful but busy day. Austin had to work so it was me and the kids. I had to get back in gear of getting both kids dressed and ready to be out the door by 8:30. We hadn't done that all week with being sick and Colby being out of school. We made it though! It was so nice to be back at at church. Both kids did well but I think it exausted them. I sat in worship with my parents which was nice. It would have been my Sunday to work but with still being sick I didn't want to risk getting any kids sick plus my energy level is still not 100%. After church we ofcourse did lunch at McAlister's. When we got home I prayed we would get great naps but Lindsay wouldn't have it! She was overtired and very cranky. Poor Colby napped though he even fell asleep before I could change him out of his church clothes. He's still not 100%. Austin got home again early which was great. We had an early dinner and he and Colby played outside. Once we got them to bed we relaxed and watched Titanic! Now I am just looking forward to getting back to our normal this week. We are all almost well and school is starting back so I feel it will be a good week!

Friday, April 13, 2012

A morning out

Oh today feels like a glorious day! I finally feel like I'm about over this mess. I still have a cough though but I woke up feeling refreshed rather then feeling like a truck rolled over me finally! I am so glad to start feeling normal. The kids seem about over it too although Colby has had a case of the grumps today so I think maybe he's still trying to get over the feeling yucky part but maybe by Monday he will be 100%! We decided with the beautiful weather and the fact that we are feeling better we had to get out the house! We have been in way too much this week! We basically spent Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at home. I think Colby and I have had too much togetherness being pent up too! Austin and I had promised him a trip to the mall earlier in the week before I got so sick and before the kids got sick so I figured I would make good on that. This way it also wasn't going too far or going to tire us out too much. I really hoped this week we could have done some big stuff but oh well we have all summer I guess! I think everyone enjoyed the mall. My mom came along to help me out. I think I could handle the 2 kids at the mall but its nice for there to be an extra set of hands.
Colby has been so excited about the "Rides" at the mall especially the tow truck but wouldn't you know when we got there that tow truck was broken! He handled it pretty well no fits but you could tell he was sad. He did get to ride the other set of rides and play in the playground though. I think Lindsay enjoyed people watching! After doing all the "kid" things there were to do we went to eat lunch. Colby was still very ornery. He didn't want to eat much and everything was a crisis. Even though it didn't go perfect it was still nice to get out and rejoin humanity! Its been a long week being stuck in! So we were so thankful to get out!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Morning with Grammy

So today my mom came over to help me out with the kids for a few hours. With Austin returing to work today and me not being 100% and the fact that the kids are sick I knew I would need an extra hand. Well we are all feeling ok today. I think the kids are better...I hope they stay that way and will be well by the weekend. I am still feeling a little crummy just taking awhile to get my energy level back. Colby woke us up around 4am saying he felt sick. Sure enough he had 101 fever. He then woke us up at 5am saying he needed a drink of water. Both times though he was so sweet he came and got us then went back to bed...such a big boy! I have to commend my sweet boy for being so sweet and helpful this week. Normally he would drive us crazy if he stayed home this many days straight but he has handled it really well. I hope I can take him somewhere Friday or Saturday to reward him! Anyway my mom got here around 9:30. Lindsay slept until about 8 and Colby slept until about 9! Crazy for them both! Well not so much Lindsay she sleeps that late sometimes but Colby yes! He hasn't slept until 9 since he was probably a year old! Well when she got here Colby was still eating breakfast. He requested oatmeal, bananas, cheerios, and yogurt....well we were out of yogurt so I let him have a popsicle....I figure when you are sick you throw out most rules! He ate most of his oats and the popsicle. I just want him to get enough fluids with all this mess. He hasn't wanted to drink his milk or juice like normal which is very unsual for him so I want to make sure he's hydrated. When my mom got here he pretty much held her hostage in his room. They played cars and read books. He was so happy though to have a playmate. It would have been hard for me to play like that with him since I am sick and still taking care of Lindsay so I think it was really good for him to get all that attention. He watched some tv and played in the den too. I didn't let him outside yet I didn't want him getting overheated but we may take a walk this afternoon to get some sunshine! She stayed here while he ate his lunch. He kept saying this was the "Best day" and he "loved this day" it was so adorable! I am so glad her coming over made him so happy. I know sometimes he feels left out especially lately with us being sick and caring for Lindsay so I am glad he really felt loved and appreciated today! My mom left after both kids went down to take their nap. I am so thankful though for her and that she came over to help out this morning! I am hoping the afternoon goes well though so that I don't get too worn out before Austin comes home!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Flu Virus 2012

So here's the latest on our sickness. Today we had hoped we would all be feeling well enough that Austin, Colby, and I could go to the mall but Colby woke up with a 100 degree fever. We quickly gave him tylenol and he bounced back quickly. He and Austin ran a couple short errands. Lindsay didn't act like she felt very good from the very start of the day. She wasn't running fever early today but as the day progressed she started running fever. She is still eating thankfully. We pretty much took it easy again all day. I woke up still feeling weak and yucky. I took a nap with Lindsay while the boys were gone. Once Lindsay went down for her long nap we ate a picnic lunch again outside with Colby. We are trying to do fun stuff with him even though we are all sick so he doesn't go crazy with all this staying home! We could tell he was getting worn out quick so we came in and all took naps. After his nap he bounded out of his room and was ready to work outside with daddy. They stayed out for about an hour. Lindsay and I stayed in and tried to recover. Tonight we ate dinner then took a walk. By the time we got in Lindsay had almost a 102 fever. We quickly undressed her and put her in a cool bath. By the end of her bath it was down to 100. After her bottle before we put her to bed it was down to 99. I feel so bad for her. She's so pitiful. Her eyes look sick she's making little grunts like she just doesn't feel good. I feel her pain its how I felt Sunday it just makes me so sad and hurt to see my 4 month old feel so yucky. So far Colby is the strongest of the bunch. I am praying he stays strong and only gets better not worse! So that's where we are now...I think I am finally about over it and Austin is well. He goes back to work tomorrow so my mom is coming to help me out. I hope we can salvage a day or 2 of Colby's spring break by the end of the week! I had so much fun planned for us. I told Austin today though there is a reason for everything and maybe God saw that we needed some down time and some time at home as a family. I firmly believe there is a reason for everything! So pray for us though that we continue to heal and that Lindsay and Colby make it through this ok!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Lindsay's 4 month checkup & update on the sick ward

Lindsay had her 4 month checkup today. I was glad it coincided with us being sick b/c I was very anxious to get the kids checked as well. As far as we know they are both healthy. Their throats, ears, etc looked great! The doc couldn't get over how much Lindsay had grown! She weighed in at 13 lbs 4 oz and 24 1/2 inches long. I figured she weighed about 12 or 13 lbs. I laugh b/c Colby weighed 18 lbs at this age! Lindsay did pretty good but I think she either remembered what happened there last time or she is getting to that age of stranger anxiety b/c she cried way more today then she usually does. Poor baby I hate she had to get more nasty shots. The doc was pleased with her development and she is still in the 25% for everything. I love my petite princess! The doc also checked Colby out and said he looked healthy! We are so thankful so far it seems they don't have what Austin and I have. I think we are slowly getting passed this. My fever broke in the early morning hours and I woke up drenched in sweat. Overnight I thought I wouldn't be able to get out of bed but felt much better when the fever broke. We still came home after the doc appt. Obviously we don't need to spread our germs right now! I feel bad b/c this is Colby's spring break week and I honestly had so much fun stuff planned for him. Today we were going to go on a picnic...oh well though. I think Austin and I will be as good as new in a few days. My fever came back during the afternoon but broke again around dinner. Right now our main issue is the lingering cough/sore throats from hacking so much. I also have a really runny nose. I have heard both kids cough a couple times but nothing major. Poor Lindsay did go to bed tonight with a fever. I am praying its just from her shots though and not a result of catching this from us! We will be so blessed if neither of them get sick. We tried to make the day fun for Colby since we had to stay home. He has been really sweet all day and been very patient with us. He did great at the doc then after Lindsay went down for her nap we had a picnic outside which I think he really liked. This afternoon we also hunted easter eggs since we didn't get to do that much yesterday. We even took a walk. I just hate Lindsay felt so crummy. I hope we all feel much better tomorrow. I am so ready to get out of the house. We are hoping to take Colby somewhere tomorrow even if its just to the mall.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

Well this Easter has been very memorable for many reasons. It is the first Easter that I can ever remember not going to church. I woke up sick with 101.1 degree fever. But let me back up our celebrations began yesterday! Yesterday Colby and Lindsay and I went to hang out with my parents for a few hours. That's usually what we do on saturdays when Austin has to work. It gets out the house and Colby loves going over there and playing with Grammy and Granddaddy. Colby's soccer class has ended and honestly I was kinda relieved to not rush off anywhere. We hung out at home then went over there about 10. Colby played a lot with my dad and Lindsay mainly slept! Me and my mom were able to visit a lot which was nice! That afternoon neither kid napped once we got home so I got started on our Easter prep of making potato salad. Once Austin got home we ate dinner then made potato salad and dyed Easter Eggs with Colby. We put Lindsay to bed in the midst since she wasn't old enough to know or remember plus she goes to bed at 7:30. We had Colby in bed by 8. He was so excited about the Easter bunny coming. This is the first year he has really been excited or understood. I love the innocence of childhood. We don't play up the Easter bunny real big and I waited to see if he would talk about it before we said anything. I tried to enforce to him the real reason for Easter but I am not sure he grasps that concept yet. Austin and I stayed up to do their Easter baskets. Well overnight I started feeling really bad. I got up like every hour. Well finally a little before 6 am I decided to take my temperature. I was pretty sure at that point we wouldn't be going to church. Well sure enough it was 101.1 which I NEVER run fever. Austin has also been really sick this week. He was diagnosed with bronchitis but I think its a really bad cold virus b/c he and I don't usually ever run fever. The kids are well so far but I really feel like its a matter of time before they catch it! Well once Colby got up we did Easter baskets with him. He was so excited about all his goodies! I hated to spoil his Easter by making him stay home. We took his temp and he didn't have a fever so we decided to send him on to church with my parents. It was a hard decision b/c I feel like he might already be carrying the germ and may spread it but its also hard to keep a "Well" child home. We thought we would be staying in all day. I told Austin he needed to stay home with me in case I got really sick and needed help with Lindsay. Well we got some rest after Colby left and we both feel better. I still feel about 50% or so but my fever has been down to 98.6 for a couple hours so I think we are gonna go over to my parents house for lunch. I will just stay away from everyone.
Well now update: So we went on to my parent's house and about the time we got there I started feeling REALLY bad. I had to spend most of the visit laying down. I ate lunch but tried to stay away from everyone. By the end of the visit my temp was back up to 99. Lindsay did well but slept most of the time. She needed a nap badly and even though people didn't get to see her I think it was best for her to get her rest especially while we have this sickness going on. The more I read about the flu I'm 90% sure that's what we have now! Colby did ok I just hate we didn't get to have as much fun with him. We hardly even hunted easter eggs. He ended up taking a nap too which we hadn't planned on but he was getting so grumpy and out of control I asked him to go upstairs and lay down with me and he did and fell asleep! Like I say I was happy they are both getting the rest they need to fight off this bug! By the time we got home Austin and I were both feeling pretty crummy and his fever is back up to 100 degrees along with mine. We are trying so hard not to spread it to Lindsay and Colby but I feel like they were probably exposed before we even knew we were sick. We are still taking precautions though. So far they both seem fine. I am really praying they don't catch it. Especially Lindsay...poor thing just had RSV 2 months ago I hate to see her battle something else serious! She has her 4 month appt tomorrow which I am glad I am hoping they will tell us if either are showing signs of the flu or maybe even test them. Anyway its been a kinda sad Easter...never what you dream of for your kids but oh well thats life and we have Jesus Christ as a much bigger hope! So we got both in the bed and I think Austin and I will be going to bed soon hopefully lots of rest will help us feel better. I can't imagine being sick all week and taking care of 2 kids!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Day at the Park

Today I took my 2 sweeties to the park by myself! This was only my second attempt at this feat! I must say it was SO much easier then last time too! The weather was beautiful and we had a great time! There were several other kids out there so that made Colby happy. He gets bored when we are out there alone. We actually stayed an hour! I can't remember the last time we stayed at a park that long! usually after 10 minutes he is telling me he is ready to go! I loved watching him play and have a good time! Lindsay was so well behaved too! I just put her forward facing in the stroller and she cooed and talked. She was so good to let big bro play for an hour. I feel very good about the morning. It gave me confidence to know I will be able to keep them both entertained this summer as well! Lindsay is starting to get on an easier schedule which I am trying to line her bottles up with our meal times so that every month as she gets closer to eating solid/table food she will be able to adjust easier. She slept late this morning which was nice....I had Colby and myself pretty much ready so after she ate we went to the park. It was also good b/c then she wasn't due to eat again until almost noon which guaranteed us a good while at the park. My friend Jenny and her sons Braden and Jude met us there. The babies ofcourse were in their strollers and the boys played. I loved the weather! I hope we can do this more often now that Lindsay is big enough to sit up in the stroller I think she likes that better then sitting in the carseat! She fell asleep on the ride home so Colby was able to play outside for about 10 more minutes before we all came in. I got her situated for a nap then he and I ate lunch and I read to him. I am trying to have a positive attitude and look at each day as a fun time to play with my babies rather then getting so stressed about schedules and naps! I have learned naps are great but if they don't happen they don't and I can't get upset over that! The only downside to this day is Austin is sick with a bad case of bronchitis. I hate he is sick right here on Easter weekend but thank goodness he went to the doc today and got some meds for it. Hopefully he will be on the mend by Sunday. He's coming home early to rest. Hoping the kids well mainly Colby will let him rest! I thought I would get a good nap out of the kids today but that hasn't been the case...Lindsay has woken up a couple times and Colby shot out of his room before 2 when the doorbell rang! GR I hate when naptime is disturbed like that! Oh well he hasn't had a nap all week so he might be over them but least he's going to bed early!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Lindsay 4 Months

I can't believe my baby girl is 4 months today! She's growing up too fast! She is still doing pretty well on a schedule especially eating wise she has 5 bottles a day which means she still eats every 3 hours. She has 8 oz for her first bottle but then 6 oz the rest of the day. She wakes up between 7:30 and 8 every morning. She goes to bed around 7:30 and 8 each night. Her naps have been very hit or miss lately except when daddy is home to swaddle her! She sleeps so good swaddled! When she takes a good afternoon nap it ranges from 3-4 hours. She still takes a morning catnap usually in her carseat if we are out and an evening catnap either in the swing or someone's arms. She does really well out and about. She likes facing forward in her stroller but can't fall asleep that way so if she is tired she will fuss. She only gets fussy when she's tired/hungry. She has also been teething I think so last week she was fussier then normal. She is wearing 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers. I would guess she weighs around 12 or 13 lbs but we go to the doc Monday so we will know for sure then! She just started eating rice cereal and did really well. I think she is a little indifferent though she doesn't get over excited but doesn't dislike it either. She gets it once a day in the evening with her dinner bottle. I am trying to line her bottles up with mealtimes gradually so that it will transition her to table food eventually. She has a breakfast bottle which soon she will get cereal along with that, a lunch bottle, after nap or afternoon bottle, dinner bottle, then one before bed. She is really paying attention to people and she loves to watch her brother. She is starting to be attached to me though..she doesn't cry too much when transferred to other people but she is starting that some. She hasn't rolled over yet but has come close a number of times. We are just enjoying having this precious girl in our lives!
Update: Lindsay rolled over right after I typed this! Ofcourse I wasn't in the room but she was on her back on her mat and when I went to check on her she was on her tummy! Yay big girl! I think this little girl is going to be crawling before we know it! Scary!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Colby's Easter Party

Today was a fun morning for Colby and I. He had his Easter party and I had signed up to help so I was able to attend which is always fun. The last party I got to go to with him was his Halloween party which seems like forever ago! Austin was off today which also was great! He first brought Colby and Max to school while I stayed home to take care of Lindsay and get myself ready. It was nice to have that time to myself and not to have to rush out the door like I usually do! I left around 10 to go to his party. Luckily Austin then helped out by staying home with Lindsay. The weather was really bad today so I was thankful to not have to get her out in it. When I got to his class they were picking up toys. I was amazed at how well the kids did picking up. Then the teacher told them to get a book and sit on the rug which they all did. I love seeing him in his school environment and seeing how he relates to the teacher and to his little friends. After some quiet time reading their books they were able to eat their snacks. I made some iced teacake cookies yesterday with my mom to bring. The other mom had juice boxes and carrots with ranch dip. The kids all enjoyed their snack. Most of them wouldn't touch the carrots though. I had kinda wanted to give them the carrots first before the cookie b/c once they saw the cookie they had no interest in carrots. Colby tried one but spit it out. He will eat carrots sometimes but not usually. He likes them cooked but not raw. They all gobbled up those cookies though! They did bathroom break then it was time for the egg hunt. I was proud of Colby going to the potty at school and doing everything himself. He does this mostly at home but I was proud to see him act so grown up in his school environment. The egg hunt was so cute! They were all so excited! each time one of them found an egg they would squeal with joy! I love how such little things excite little kids! I was also impressed there were no tears/fights over how many eggs each one got! After the egg hunt was over we went back inside. The kids went to go watch an Easter movie so the other mom and I got their baskets ready to go home. I really enjoyed being there and doing something special with my little man! I feel like most days I'm so busy taking care of him and Lindsay I miss out on small special moments with each of them! I think Austin also enjoyed staying in with Lindsay because he misses out on a lot of her small moments b/c even when he is home Colby hogs his attention! We had a good day just coming home and relaxing! As always it will be sad to see Austin go back to work but I hope over this week and a half I can plan lots of fun things for us since Colby is out of school!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

First Cereal Comparisons

Colby and Lindsay had very different reactions the first time they ate cereal. Colby screamed and cried like we were torturing him and Lindsay just went with it like mm ok this is different but why not?!?

Monday, April 2, 2012

Daddy Day and Lindsay's 1st Cereal

Austin was finally off today! I was so happy to have him home with us! It makes all the difference in the world when you have 2 parents balancing 2 kids! We tag team and get things done so much easier/faster! Anyway we all brought Colby to school today...we even brought his friend Max. I truly felt like a minvan mom with 3 kids loaded and 2 adults in front! After dropping the boys off we had to go to Target. We were buying Lindsay a new highchair. Yes we had one from Colby but I felt like it was so gross and hard to really clean we threw it out (actually someone came and picked it up) before it went to the trash. So we were in need for a new one. We also a few other household items to get. Well Lindsay was not happy with the shopping experience. Usually she does great in stores but this was the first time she wasn't in her carrier. Since Austin was with us we brought the stroller. She cried most of the time. I know she was tired and I guess she couldn't bring herself to fall asleep in the stroller but she fell asleep as soon as we got in the van! Figures! So we came home and unloaded the van and fed her then basically we were off again to go pick Colby up. Those 3 hours sure do fly by! Once again we all went to pick him up so that we could hold off her naptime until after lunch and we could all try and nap at the same time. Once again she fell asleep in the car. After picking Colby up we decided we would go eat at this place Olive Branch close to his school. Well he was mad and said he didn't want to go there. He pitched a fit. We have let him choose sometimes where we go eat but this particular day this is where we decided and I'm not about to start letting my 3 1/2 year old always determine where we eat. Once we got in he got happy and somewhat enjoyed his lunch although he was up and down and up and down we had to constantly correct him. Lindsay was a peach though...since she got her 2 little naps in the car she was wide awake and smiley! Although eating out with 2 kids is not relaxful at all...I feel like I choke my food down! But it was nice to eat as a family! So we went home to take naps. It didn't work as planned though...Lindsay fussed for the first 30 min she was in there then by the time we got her quieted and asleep Colby was already wanting to get up! Well Austin fussed at him and he finally went to sleep. Well by that time I was wide awake so I just got up to do some stuff around the house. I was thankful just for the break though of not having to deal with kids for a couple hours. We got him up at 4 and she slept until 5.
When Lindsay got up we got her all ready for her first solid food experience! Since she will be 4 months old in a couple days we decided to go ahead and start the cereal since Austin was off and I knew he would want to be around for the first time! We did the same with Colby although he was more like 3 1/2 months when we started him on it! Anyway she did great! She didn't seem to mind a bit and she ate several bites! We will now start doing this with her late afternoon/early evening bottle. After a week she will then get it in the morning too. This is the way we did with Colby it was a great way to get him used to breakfast and dinner times. Its so funny though their personality differences...Colby freaked out the first time and Lindsay just sat there like ok sure! Colby is our type A child and I think Lindsay will be laid back. She will only get bent out of shape when she is sleepy and hungry and then she will pitch a major fit! Colby had to be right in the middle of the action though while she was eating. He even had to have his own bowl of cereal to eat at the highchair as well. He's so funny like that! So we enjoyed dinner as a family then relaxed before bedtime! I was so happy to have Austin home with us even if it was just a day before going back to work. Last week was a really hard week for us both!