Monday, April 2, 2012

Daddy Day and Lindsay's 1st Cereal

Austin was finally off today! I was so happy to have him home with us! It makes all the difference in the world when you have 2 parents balancing 2 kids! We tag team and get things done so much easier/faster! Anyway we all brought Colby to school today...we even brought his friend Max. I truly felt like a minvan mom with 3 kids loaded and 2 adults in front! After dropping the boys off we had to go to Target. We were buying Lindsay a new highchair. Yes we had one from Colby but I felt like it was so gross and hard to really clean we threw it out (actually someone came and picked it up) before it went to the trash. So we were in need for a new one. We also a few other household items to get. Well Lindsay was not happy with the shopping experience. Usually she does great in stores but this was the first time she wasn't in her carrier. Since Austin was with us we brought the stroller. She cried most of the time. I know she was tired and I guess she couldn't bring herself to fall asleep in the stroller but she fell asleep as soon as we got in the van! Figures! So we came home and unloaded the van and fed her then basically we were off again to go pick Colby up. Those 3 hours sure do fly by! Once again we all went to pick him up so that we could hold off her naptime until after lunch and we could all try and nap at the same time. Once again she fell asleep in the car. After picking Colby up we decided we would go eat at this place Olive Branch close to his school. Well he was mad and said he didn't want to go there. He pitched a fit. We have let him choose sometimes where we go eat but this particular day this is where we decided and I'm not about to start letting my 3 1/2 year old always determine where we eat. Once we got in he got happy and somewhat enjoyed his lunch although he was up and down and up and down we had to constantly correct him. Lindsay was a peach though...since she got her 2 little naps in the car she was wide awake and smiley! Although eating out with 2 kids is not relaxful at all...I feel like I choke my food down! But it was nice to eat as a family! So we went home to take naps. It didn't work as planned though...Lindsay fussed for the first 30 min she was in there then by the time we got her quieted and asleep Colby was already wanting to get up! Well Austin fussed at him and he finally went to sleep. Well by that time I was wide awake so I just got up to do some stuff around the house. I was thankful just for the break though of not having to deal with kids for a couple hours. We got him up at 4 and she slept until 5.
When Lindsay got up we got her all ready for her first solid food experience! Since she will be 4 months old in a couple days we decided to go ahead and start the cereal since Austin was off and I knew he would want to be around for the first time! We did the same with Colby although he was more like 3 1/2 months when we started him on it! Anyway she did great! She didn't seem to mind a bit and she ate several bites! We will now start doing this with her late afternoon/early evening bottle. After a week she will then get it in the morning too. This is the way we did with Colby it was a great way to get him used to breakfast and dinner times. Its so funny though their personality differences...Colby freaked out the first time and Lindsay just sat there like ok sure! Colby is our type A child and I think Lindsay will be laid back. She will only get bent out of shape when she is sleepy and hungry and then she will pitch a major fit! Colby had to be right in the middle of the action though while she was eating. He even had to have his own bowl of cereal to eat at the highchair as well. He's so funny like that! So we enjoyed dinner as a family then relaxed before bedtime! I was so happy to have Austin home with us even if it was just a day before going back to work. Last week was a really hard week for us both!

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