Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Lindsay 6 Months

My baby girl is 6 months old today! I have no idea where time went or how that happened so fast! She is growing up all too quickly! I am loving this stage though b/c she is developing quite the little personality! She is a very good, content baby just like Colby was. I am so thankful for Babywise b/c I attribute that to a lot of it. She is learning so many new things. She rolls over all the time now and spends more time on her tummy then her back it seems! Quite different from her big bro! She is even sleeping some on her tummy now. That has been a little bit of a problem here and there though of her waking up on her tummy and crying and we go back and flip her just to find her flipped back over! She wants to crawl very badly. She can scoot and roll herself around though. Sometimes she ends up in a totally different place then I put her down. She is teething but still doesn't have any teeth. Her gums look white on the bottom so I would think in the next month she may get her bottom 2 teeth. She is still a little thing...not sure how much she weighs but I would guess around 15 lbs? We will find out next week at the doc! She is wearing 6 month clothes comfortably. I finally just put away her 3-6 month things. Its not that they didn't fit but those were winter/early spring clothes. Her 6-12 month clothes are summer. I haven't tried any on her yet I figure they may be a little big but they should work for now since the weather is so warm! She is wearing a size 2 diaper still.
She is still eating 5 times a day every 3 hours. She eats 3 solid meals also. In the last month she has started fruit and yogurt. She hates the Gerber green veggies so I hope to make her some homemade soon! She will eat other brands though! She has expensive taste we thing!
She is sleeping great...sometimes she has a rough nap or night but for the most part she sleeps 12 hours straight at night and takes 3 naps during the day. The naps usually range from 1-2 hours. We aren't as strict with her schedule so sometimes she misses one of them. We just always try to make sure she gets the afternoon nap when Colby sleeps that way everyone gets a little quiet time!
She is not sitting up yet but is getting better when you put her in the sitting position. She loves to play on her mat or on a blanket and also loves her jumpy toy! She loves her big bro and watches him often! Its fun watching them interact a little!

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