Tuesday, July 31, 2012

On My Heart

This summer I have been attending a Bible Study on Nehemiah. It has been a wonderful study. It has opened my eyes and convicted me so much to have a heart for people. I feel like sometimes I get so caught up in my needs I don't take time to think about the needs of others. My dady is so busy but its consumed with taking care of myself and my children. And not that that is not important its just not all there is in life. All summer I have been searching and thinking of ways I can practice missions in my every day life. Right now I don't feel God calling me to Africa...although one day when our children are teenagers or college age I would love to take a family mission trip, but right now I feel like God has called me to be a stay at home mom of my children. I know there are so many ways though I can minister right here in my city, in my neighborhood, etc. I also have the burden of wanting to teach my children these things. Especially Colby though as he is now 4 and starting to understand more. I want him to see how blessed he is but I also want to teach him to have a heart of compassion and to give to people when he sees they have a need. I have thought all summer of ways we can do that. I am still processing thoughts and ideas. I want to take him somewhere to give toys to children. Not sure where yet...I want him to physically see the children who will recieve them. Anyway the more I think about it the more confused I get. So I have decided to pray each day and let God show me ways in our day to day life how we can do this.
So far today God has pointed me to 2 people. One is a girl who I went to college with. I found out this morning via facebook that she lost her house in a fire. I can't even imagine. I know she has atleast 3 young children. Not sure of their ages but I can't imagine Colby going through that. He is old enough that I think it would be very painful for him. I am hoping to soon find out a way we can give her toys or clothes. I think this will be a "real" visual way I can help teach Colby.
The other thing today: Well at Bible Study this morning it was brought up how we as Christians should respond to the homeless and hungry who stand on the streets with signs. This is something I have always wondered about...I hate not doing anything at all but I also don't want to give them money b/c you don't know how they will use it. I have always heard about giving them food...I just haven't ever had the opportunity to have food with me to give them. Well today after leaving my parents I just happened to have a homemade cookie with me that Colby wanted me to take home that my mom made. I pulled up at the intersection and I felt God tugging at my heart...I thought for a moment and remembered I had that cookie. So I rolled the window down and politely said: Sir I don't have any money but I have this homemade cookie. His face said it all...he looked so thrilled. His words also were " I know you must have Christ in your heart" WOW what a statement. I was overwhelmed with so many emotions. Its amazing what impact a small thing can have on a person...but I also drove away feeling "guilty" in my 2012 Honda Van, nice clean clothes, my child sitting in a brand new Graco carseat wearing Gymboree clothes...not to say that God doesn't want us to have nice things. But this Bible study has really made me think of those in need around me. Anyway it was a really cool moment. I wish I had had time to talk to the man or give him something from our church to direct him to a place to go. I almost hope he's at that same intersection tomorrow. I think I may bring a Bible and another snack I dunno...but I now feel like I should always be prepared. I think I will stock up on "snack" items to keep with me when I am out driving. It also though was a total God moment that I even had that one single cookie with me to give him. I am still in awe. I also feel guilty b/c I know I lose my patience with my children and today was one of those days where I was trying so hard to get everyone out the door that I spoke out of anger and frustration to my kids. Anyway just a reflection of the day!

Monday, July 30, 2012

The Weekend

Well we have had a pretty good weekend around here. As you know Austin worked the night shift Thursday night so he came home Friday around mid-day which was nice. My parents brought Colby home around 10. They stayed with the kids while I went to the grocery store. It was nice to shop alone! I got it done quicker and more efficiently without trying to keep 2 kids happy! Once I got home we all ate lunch then went down for naps. Austin got home during naptime so we all rested. Once everyone was up he and Colby ran errands. I always enjoy that time of quiet while the boys get out! Lindsay and I just hung out at home. That evening we ordered spaghetti from Speciality and had a low key evening watching the Olympics.
Saturday Austin was off which was really nice. Its rare that he's off on a Saturday and we don't have somewhere to be. We planned a low key day at home since he had just worked 30+ hours the day before. I invited Colby's friend Max over though. I figured this would help Colby since we weren't going anywhere plus his mom just had surgery so I figured it would help her out too. They played really well together. He got here around 9. After we got a few things done Austin took them outside to swim. They had a blast doing that! I think they were out there over an hour. It was a nice break for me to get stuff done inside. Once they came in they played in Colby's room for a long time. Austin and I actually were able to sit down and rest during this time. After Lindsay ate her lunch and we put her down for a nap Austin went to pick up the boys some lunch. They ate lunch then it was time to bring Max home. Its so good for Colby to have friends over. He has so much fun. Once Austin got home from bringing Max home we all tried to rest. Naptime was short though b/c Lindsay was up by 2...Colby never really fell asleep. Atleast we didn't have to be anywhere though. So we just hung out around the house. That evening we had a nice dinner as a family. I tried a new recipe...it was called red beans and rice but it was different...it had a more spanish take on it. I liked it and I think Colby liked it ok but Austin was not a fan.
Sunday was church day. Austin was back at work so it was just me and the kids. It was a good Sunday. They are just so tiring especially when I am alone bringing the kids to and from church. We didn't have as many kids in the nursery as we usually do. In fact it was just Colby and Glenn Paul in his class. Although I know he enjoyed playing with GP by himself. Lindsay and Elias were in the baby room. My mom worked in there and said Lindsay really enjoyed playing with another baby. I feel bad b/c by this age Colby had had lots of playdates with babies but Lindsay has not. Now granted she is around "big" kids all the time but no babies her age. I was glad she got to play with a little boy in SS. I think he is about a month younger then her. After church we did our usual lunch at McAlister's then came home and took naps! It was a great weekend...actually refreshing after the busy weekend the week before! Now looking forward to the week! It will be a different few weeks...Colby is out of camp and school doesn't start until after Labor Day so we will have no schedule really!

Friday, July 27, 2012

A glance back at our Week

So we have been trying to get back into a routine around here after the busy birthday weekend. I say that though and after this week life will be different again b/c Colby will be finished with camp.
It was nice knowing we had a low key week ahead after last weeks craziness. Monday Colby had his 4 year checkup. My mom came over and kept Lindsay. That helped out a lot. I can't imagine trying to juggle them both at the doc alone. Especially when he was getting shots. Plus it was right in the middle of her naptime. It worked out well for it to just be me and him. He did pretty wel considering he had to get 4 shots. He does so well at the doc now and I am so thankful. I remember thinking when he was Lindsay's age and even a toddler that my child may scream at the doc forever! But he now sits patiently and answers questions and is a peach. Watching him get 4 shots though and having to help hold him down for those was hard...really hard! He kept saying "IT HURTS!" I don't want that! I felt so bad for him. He quickly recovered though. I took him to Target afterwards to spend some of his b-day money. He took a good nap that afternoon but other then that seemed to show no side effects from the shots. When he was 1 though he broke out in a rash about 10 days later so I am kinda waiting to see if that happens this year. That afternoon we hung out at home.
Tuesday was a busy day for us. We had our bug person come spray, our house cleaner, Colby had camp, and I had Bible study. Those kind of days I feel like I run around like a crazy women. I wake up get myself ready, get 2 kids fed and dressed, straighten the house, pack lunches. Anyway it was nice to go to Bible Study and have that "me" time. After Bible study I picked Lindsay up and we came home to relax before Colby got home. My parents have been picking Colby up from camp which has been SO nice! It would be really hard for me to pick him up at 2 b/c Lindsay gets up from her nap then and she eats at that time. I would probably have to get him early which would also upset him. So they bring him home which works out nice...it basically gives me an extra hour to get stuff done too!
Wednesday was a low key day for us. It seems rare when we have nothing planned but it usually happens once a week. I haven't done a HUGE outting with both kids yet meaning like the zoo, children's museum, etc alone. I usually like to just stay on the westbank a place we can go and be home after an hour and a half. We usually do the mall, library, barnes and noble, park, etc. I asked Colby what he wanted to do and he wanted to go to Barnes and Noble. We had just gone earlier in the month but I figured why not? Its free Air conditioned fun! He loves the train table and will usually play with it for an hour. Well wouldn't you know the train table was gone! I am praying it returns before we go back! That is the highlite of his trip. He ended up just picking out a CARS book and we took it into the cafe part and ordered coffee....well coffee for me and chocolate milk for him. It was fun sitting there looking at books and drinking coffee with my little man. Lindsay sat in her stroller. Once we finished there we came home just for a low key afternoon.
Thursday was Colby's last day of camp. He also made plans to spend the night with my parents that evening. Lindsay and I enjoyed a quiet day. Austin came home for dinner and we ate together then he had to go back into work that night. I enjoyed the time to relax and spend time with my baby girl. I did miss my 2 boys SO much though! Colby ended camp on a great note I know he will miss it! School doesn't start until after Labor Day for him. He also enjoyed the night with my parents! I am looking forward to the weekend! We will all spend Friday night together then Saturday Austin will be home too! Looking forward to some great family time!

Monday, July 23, 2012


Really where did the time go? I can't believe I am sitting down to do a 4 year old post on my sweet baby boy! Four seems so old to me now! Anyway my 4 year old is growing up into such a sweet, fine young man. His personality shows more and more each day! He is still our little OCD, Type A child. He likes routine and has a hard time coping when things are out of the norm. Not like he gets really out of control you can just tell its hard for him to settle down on those type days. Otherwise he's a very well adjusted child. He's VERY smart! I know all moms say that about their child but I lean to think he's gifted. He's very mathematical. He thinks in numbers. Its crazy to me....b/c my brain does not think that way at all! We compare him a lot to my dad.
He's a very active, entertaining child. He cracks us up every day with stuff he says! He loves being outdoors and doing little boy things! He is still obssessed with CARS! He has fell into the role of big bro quite nicely. He doesn't act jealous a whole lot anymore. You can tell some things still bother him but he loves his little sis. He is very protective over her. This summer I have seen their relatioship blossom b/c he is home more and they are together. He's very kind hearted and very outgoing. He has no trouble making friends wherever he goes. He's not shy at all especially around other kids. He's very trusting with people he knows but doesn't like "strangers" talking to him at all. He has loved school since he started at age 2. He will return this year for his last year at AUMC. He will go 5 days a week ....3 days 9-12 and the other 2 days he will 9-2. This summer he did swim lessons and camp. He loves swimming. He also took soccer in the spring which was not his favorite AT ALL!
He's still a good eater and good sleeper. He has started night waking more then he ever has, but I think its partly the age. He wakes up usually to go potty and sometimes he just wants to see Austin one more time. He's a daddy's boy for sure! He likes kid foods but he also won't complain when he eats whatever we eat.
He went to the doc today. He weighs 41 lbs and is 41 1/2 inches tall. He received 4 shots as well...that was no fun! He wears a size 4T and is pretty average size I would say. He still is a total cutie pie with his blonde hair, brown/green eyes and olive tone skin.
I love you Colby so much! I have enjoyed being a mommy to you the last 4 years! I loved those 3 1/2 years we spent just you and me but now I love seeing you as a big brother and getting to spend the days with you and Lindsay! You make mommy proud every day! You are a sweet, kind boy with a gentle spirit. You have your moments where you get in trouble, but I think sometimes you are just so strong willed you can't help yourself! I can't wait to see what you are like in 4 more years!! We love you so much!!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Colby's Birthday Party Weekend

Colby is having a blast this birthday weekend! Friday started off a little rocky though! We got a monsoon type of rain ALL day long! We knew it would be a day where we were just going to Target then we would be in the rest of the day until that evening but being stuck inside b/c of the rain made for a VERY long day! He was very antsy and kept getting in trouble! I feel like he has been pent up a lot this week b/c we have had so much rain. He was also VERY excited about his mawmaw and pawpaw and cousins coming into town. I guess I can't fault him. I remember being a kid and thinking time went by SOO slow when you were waiting on stuff like that. I know he was just excited and bored all at the same time!
Finally that afternoon we were able to leave the house. We decided to meet them downtown at Mulate's. We left Lindsay at home with my parent's. She is just at a difficult age when it comes to eating out. She's too big for her infant carried but tires out very quickly when it comes to sitting in a highchair. Plus her bedtime is 7 pm. Plus it was raining and getting a baby in and out of the van in the rain downtown would be a nightmare! I am sure she was happier at home with my parent's and we were happier. It gave us more a chance to visit. We were able to stay out later and let Colby enjoy his cousins longer. The 3 big kids did great at dinner. They were very well behaved. After dinner since they all 3 had been so good we took them uptown for icecream! They were all 3 very excited about this! But Colby had 1 thing on his mind...that was going back to the hotel and playing with the girls. This is what they do every year. Austin always gets them a suite at the hotel. We always go down and hang out in the suite and let Colby play with the girls. He always has a blast! So after icecream we went back to the hotel for about 45 minutes. They had so much fun playing together! We didn't get back home until 8:30 and by the time we got Colby in bed it was after 9.
Saturday was the big party day! We woke up early to fix breakfast for austins' family. Since the party was not until that evening we knew Colby would want to hang out and play some with his cousins. They came over about 8:30. Colby had a blast with Shelbi and Maggie. Lindsay got very overwhelmed plus it was her naptime so she didn't get in the mix too much. But Colby and the girls played so well together. They left about 10ish so that we could rest and get ready for the party. Austin took Colby on a couple errands to pick up the cake and get ice for the drinks. After they got home we ate lunch and all took naps. I think we were all exhausted and took long naps. After our naps we did some cleaning up around the house then got ready for the party.
The party was so much fun! I knew he would have a great time since it was at a big pool but I had no idea how much fun the kids would have. They mostly enjoyed the big water slide but they also all played in the splash area. This year he had 10 kids at the party. This included: Jude (5 months), Lindsay (7 months), Jax (2 1/2), Braden (3 1/2), Macie (3 1/2), Max (4), Max (5), Maggie (6 1/2), and Shelbi (8). They all played really well together! The babies stayed inside most of the time and Lindsay even went home early with my parents. I think all of the kids had a blast! I enjoyed seeing Colby have so much fun and seeing him and his friends so happy! I had a blast at the party but I always am so tired when its over. I feel like I spent the whole time running around like a crazy person! I felt like I had to balance taking care of Lindsay, watching Colby, helping out the other kids, talking to everyone, checking on my mom who watched Lindsay most of the night, etc. The kids were having so much fun in the water we didn't even have time to open presents. I hated to stop them from having fun to open the presents nad since Colby didn't ask I figured we would just wait and do them at home. It was definitely easier that way. Austin's parents and my parents were here to watch him open presents so that was nice. It was like he had a mini party when it was all said and done. I figured he would crash when he got in bed but NOPE it was almost 11 before he fell asleep! I guess he was wound up from all the excitment!
Sunday was a much slower paced day. We had church but we actually all slept in. I had set my alarm for 7 but actually turned it off. I figured we all needed the sleep. I figured if the kids slept in then it was meant for us to sleep in as well. Lindsay woke us up around 7:30. So I went ahead and got up and fed her. Colby was after 8 getting up. We just took our time getting ready which was nice. We were at church by about 9:40 though so we weren't too late. Colby still got to be there for about half of his Sunday School class. It was so nice to sit in church with Austin and worship. I really needed that! It was refreshing! I love being in the nursery with the kids but sometimes I just need a break! After church we did our usual lunch at McAlister's. We all came home to rest then Austin and Colby played outside and ran errands. It was a great ent to a great weekend! I am sad to see the weekend come to an end. The week last week was very stressful leading up this b-day but it was so worth it to see the joy in his eyes at the party! I always stress about it and it turns out perfect! You would think I would learn! We had a great time but I think we are all tired! Now we will be getting back to a routine. I am glad though that b-day is behind us...now I have to focus on church stuff for the start of the new church year. This week will be pretty low key for us. Colby has a doc appt for his 4 year checkup and shots...I have Bible study and Colby has camp! It will be nice to get back to some order though!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Colby's 4th Birthday

Today is my little man's 4th birthday! I can't believe he's 4! That just seems so old to me! Anyway its been a busy day for us all. Its been a different birthday I guess the first one he hasn't spent with us all day!
I will recap his b-days real quick...
1st birthday fell on a Friday...Austin and I ran errands with him then that evening we ate dinner out with Austin's family.
2nd birthday fell on a Saturday....his actual birthday party was this day. We ate out that evening with Austin's family.
3rd birthday fell on a Sunday....he took donuts to his Sunday School class at church. We went to church then lunch at McAlister's (his favorite) then went to VBS that night.
Today he had camp. I decided to go ahead and let him go to camp on his birthday and treat it like any other day. I knew it would be fun for him to celebrate at camp aka "school" with his friends. We made cupcakes for him to share. We got him a tent for his b-day so that will be waiting to surprise him when he comes home! Can't wait to see his reaction!
So Colby got home from school he loved his tent and remote controlled car! He had to play in the tent a little this afternoon but it was so hot he didn't last long. My parents stopped by with their gift this afternoon. He has been so excited all day with all this attention! After their visit I had to run some errands for his party. That's the only thing about birthdays I feel like it really consumes all my time! I can't imagine these people that get all creative with their kids b-days! Once I got home we started cooking dinner. It was so nice to be able to sit and eat dinner as a family! I truly treasure those times b/c we don't get it often especially when Austin is working! I feel refreshed after today especially since I got a few "breathers" from the kids! I love my job as a stay at home mom but its tough so it was nice to be able to leave them with Austin today and I got to be by myself some! I think its also good for him to get that bonding time in!
After dinner Colby and Austin spent a lot of time in his tent while I stayed inside playing with Lindsay! We had a great day! I hope Colby enjoyed his day! I am so thankful for the last 4 years we have had with him! I can't wait to see what he will be like in 4 more years! I can't believe then he will be 8! Wow! He's such a blessing to us!

The Weekend

Well the weekend has come and gone. Friday we had a VERY low key day. We had made plans to just grocery shop that day but when we were on our way out the door the sky was black and it looked like it was really going to storm! I decided that risking having to unload 2 kids and groceries in the rain would not be fun! So we just stayed home! We rarely stay home ALL day but it honestly wasn't that bad. Since Colby is doing camp he is missing naps most days during the week. I figured Friday would be a good day for us all to catch up on some rest! We enjoyed staying in and playing. That night we ordered pizza and just had a nice little family night!
Saturday Austin was off which was really nice. It was great to have him around on a Saturday. Usually our Saturdays feel like weekdays since he is usually working. He and Colby set off to the grocery store pretty early. I had a funeral to attend later that morning. I honestly have to say it was nice getting out alone! I rarely get to go anywhere it alone so it was a nice break. I hated it was for a funeral but it was good to be back at Calvary and see old friends. I felt really at home. I think it was good for Austin to have the kids by himself too. It gave him a chance to bond with them without me interfering. Plus I think it gave him a small taste of what I do every day! Once I got home we ate lunch and all rested. It wasn't long though before Lindsay Lou was up ready to go. She went down for her nap way before I got home so she was ready to play soon after the rest of us layed down. We hurried and got ready that afternoon after Colby woke up. We told him he could choose a place to eat for his b-day. His final decision came to be Chickfila at Lakeside Mall. We knew he had other motives for this. He knew the Disney Store was there and we may let him get a car. We invited our friends Honey and Max also. We got there about 4:30 and ofcourse our first stop was the Disney Store. He picked out a package of Towmater's. After the Disney Store we decided to go ahead and eat. It was a little hectic trying to eat with two 4 year olds and a baby but we managed. Afterwards we walked down to PB Kids to let the boys play. They then wanted some popcorn as a treat. Colby had so much fun running around the mall with Max. I think he thought he was big stuff! I love seeing him enjoy his little friends like that! We left after the popcorn b/c at that point Lindsay had been awake since 2 and it was almost 7 so it was time for her to go to bed. I was so thankful for this fun day with Austin and the kids. Austin has been working a lot lately so I think we all needed this day!
Sunday we had church. After the busy weekend and the fact that neither child slept well Saturday night I made the decision to bring Lindsay home after Sunday School. I hated to leave but I knew she needed her rest since we were out the night before. Colby chose to stay with my parents. Since Lindsay and I came home early I was able to get some stuff done and rest as well which was nice. Then when Colby came home I rested some more. I have been so tired lately with Austin's busy work schedule and the kids waking us up at night. That afternoon we had a low key day. Austin got home early and we had grilled chicken ceasar salad and sat down to eat as a family which was SO nice! It was a wonderful weekend and a wonderful kick off to Colby's 4th Birthday!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Storytime & Daddy's Day off

Monday I decided to take the kids to storytime at the library. We have gone a few times to the library lately but haven't made it for "storytime". I used to do this a lot with Colby and now I hope to start taking Lindsay now that she's getting older. We had books to return anyway so it was a good day to go. Colby really enjoys going to the library now and I am so glad I started taking him when he was young. Anyway he listened really well during storytime...WAY better then he used to! Lindsay did really well too although she did get hungry and had to eat during most of it. After the storytime they provide a craft for the children to do. My friend Jenny came along with her 2 sons. I was glad Colby had another kid to talk to. They both worked very tediously on their crafts. Usually Colby could care less about making one but I think b/c he had a "friend" there doing the same thing it was more fun for him. I let him make the craft however he wanted and he LOVED that! After they made their crafts Colby wanted to play in the castle. They did that for awhile then we checked out books and movies! It was a really fun morning! I am pretty sure I will take Lindsay even when Colby starts back to school.
Tuesday Colby had camp. Austin was off that day and it just seemed like we had a lot going on. I orginally was supossed to have a meeting at church. It was pouring rain when I left to bring Colby to camp. We both got soaked. My meeting got cancelled so I changed my plans to go ahead to my weekly Bible Study. I was glad Austin was home to keep Lindsay so I figured I would take advantage of some "alone" time. I was glad I got to go to Bible Study too! I have really enjoyed getting to know the ladies and taking some time for my spiritual life. I had to go home and change between bringing Colby to camp and Bible Study. After Bible Study I came home and Austin and I were able to eat lunch together and relax. It was nice to have a few quiet moments before he had to go get Colby from camp. When Colby got home we all "rested". Colby doesn't get naps on camp days b/c by the time he gets home at 2:30 its too late to put him down for a nap. So I just turn on a movie or show for him and he unwinds that way. Lindsay also takes a late afternoon nap which works well b/c she was asleep so Austin and I were able to lay down and relax. That evening my parents came over to watch the kids while we went birthday shopping for Colby. We did things a little different this year. Usually we take Colby out shopping and let him pick out his gifts but with a little sister and him getting older and understanding birthdays and presents we thought it would be more fun to surprise him! Plus I think we needed the night out! We went to Academy and got him a tent. He's been really into the idea of "camping" lately. I think we will set it up in our backyard this summer just to play in then Austin will take him in it and sleep in the backyard in the fall then if he really likes camping we will try the real thing! We ate dinner at Outback which it was so nice to just sit and have an adult conversation. We ended the evening by going to Target and getting him a remote controlled car and some household supplies. Oh and Lindsay got a new carseat! After we got home the kids were ready for bed well Lindsay was asleep and Colby was on his way. It was great having Austin home he's been working a lot lately so life has been busy and hectic and I feel like we haven't been able to do a whole lot of "fun" things since our trip to Hattiesburg. But even the simple days like this mean so much! Now we are back to reality and Austin's work schedule and Colby's camp schedule the rest of the week!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Broken Heart

Today my heart is very heavy for a family I have known for many years. The mom of a family at our old church Calvary passed away. My heart just aches for her daughter. I am sad for her whole family but especially this 10 year old daughter she left behind. I can't imagine losing my own mom...I have always thought about that day and no matter how old I get I know it will be hard. But I surely can't imagine having lost my mom as a child. I wasn't extremely close to them but they were someone I knew for most of my life and just took for granted. It makes me realize how fragile life is. It makes me think of each time we interact with someone it could be the last and what kind if impression did we leave them with? It just really makes me think of my actions and words. I know we all take our day to day life for granted...we take our family for granted...we take our friends for granted. This is surely a reminder that each day given to us is a gift. It makes me want to hug my children a little tighter and hug my parents a little tighter. Anyway God gained an angel today and I know heaven is celebrating with her. It touched my heart tonight as we prayed for the family and Colby took his turn to pray and he prayed specifically for Emily. He has no idea who Emily is but he prayed for her and her mommy in heaven. Its amazing...we didn't tell him to do this...he heard us say their names but I haven't talked to him about it all except for praying outloud for the family. I think God truly spoke through him tonight. The heart of a child praying for the heart of another child. I know God must have smiled at that moment. It was such a God thing. Anyway my heart is very heavy for them tonight as they go to bed tonight missing their mommy and wife. I pray they feel comfort and love from everyone around them.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Lindsay 7 Months

Gosh I feel like I just wrote the 6 month post. Lindsay is growing up too quickly! She has gotton more mobile in the last month but still not actually crawling. She can scoot, turn aroud, roll over in any direction. She wants to crawl really bad! This last month I have had the chance to really see her and Colby's relationship blossom which is so neat to see! I guess she is getting to the age where she really is getting a personality plus her and Colby have spent a lot more time together. During the school year he was gone so much that I didn't see them interact a whole lot.
So far from what we can see she is going to be more laid back and "roll with the punches" more so then Colby was/is. But when she is mad/upset WATCH out! I think she will have him beat in the temper tantrums! Colby gets upset but he usually gets over it faster. She is still a little thing. Since she hasn't been to the doc since 6 months I would guess she is 15 lbs now. She still wears 6 month or 6-9 month clothing and a size 2 diaper.
She is still eating her baby food and loving it! Recently she has sampled a little table food but the only thing that semi impressed her was a sliced apple. I am trying to offer more "whole" foods to her b/c I feel like with Colby we didn't do that early enough and he has a little bit of a texture issue. She has 3 solid meals and 5 bottles a day. I am starting to give her really watered down juice and puffs for snacks.
Her sleeping is really good...she takes 2-3 naps a day. If we are home all day she takes 3...she takes a 45 minute early morning nap then a 2 hour mid day nap and about a 45 min late afternoon nap. I am so glad I finally figured out her nap schedule! Mommy and baby are so much happier! She goes to bed around 7 each night. She did really well on our last trip to Hattiesburg. Overall she is a really good baby.
Her newest thing though is she cries when I leave the room. She doesn't do this when Colby is home. So I am not sure if its b/c she misses him or its just when he's home she isn't totally alone in the room. Anyway its a tough stage b/c I feel like now I can't just leave her on the floor to play and go get stuff done. I remember this phase with Colby!

She also just got 2 teeth in the last 2 weeks so she was a little less then 7 months when she got those! Such a big girl!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July Week

Well now that we are back home from our trip we are getting back into our "summer" routine. Saturday I had to grocery shop...luckily my parents were sweet to come watch both kids so I could go alone which was fabulous. Both are really good in the store its just hard work carrying them both in and out. I breezed in and got what I needed and came home! The rest of the day we spent at home. Its too hot to do much so we stayed inside. Colby also needed some time to unwind from the trip. He had been waking up in the middle of the night and staying awake. I think he was just so keyed up from all the excitment of the trip!
Sunday was church day. I was excited to go but the day started off bad. We got to church just fine but things got really hectic and busy in the nursery right off the bat. I just felt really stressed. I love helping out in the nursery but sometimes I feel like I get to church and all I do is work. Which I try to keep a good attitude about it b/c its serving God and its a ministry I feel like God is calling me to do right now. Since I stay at home with our kids it gives me a way to use my years of education plus a way to get that creative education stuff out! Anyway it was just hectic. I had to help with Colby's class during S.S again b/c one teacher was out then I was assigned his class during EC. I don't mind working with his class. I enjoy seeing him and his little friends interact and I really LOVE that age group! Preschool has always been my passion! But right now its hard...he doesn't know how to treat me like another teacher and not his mommy. I don't know how to treat him as a student and not my child. So it seems like we end up in this conflict and he gets punished. Anyway we had 8 kids which was a lot. It was hot...the kids were ALL grumpy! I was grumpy....anyway stress just mounted up and Colby had a meltdown and so did I partially so we left early. I felt so bad to have acted that way and I talked with Colby once we got home that I made a poor choice but in some ways I think God knew we needed the time at home. Usually we go out to eat after church so we don't get home until 1ish. We were still all tired from the trip. So it was nice to get both kids fed and down for naps. Colby took a really long nap too which showed that he really needed the sleep and rest.
Monday was our first free day. I knew we needed to get out the house even if just for a little while. I had to go to the bank and post office also. I asked Colby if he wanted to go to Barnes and Noble or the mall. He chose the book store. He loves going there and playing trains. Right now I am just looking for easy, cool places I can take both kids. I was thankful he had so much fun we were there an hour. Lindsay was content in her stroller and he played trains almost that whole time! He picked one book to buy at the end. I don't mind bringing him there every now and then and getting a book. He loves books and that makes my heart so happy! I had a TON of books as a kid and he's the same way! I would much rather buy books then pointless toys! He was so excited and happy about our day! He talked about it the rest of the afternoon. I have been trying to enjoy my time at home with the kids b/c i know this season of life will go by so quickly. This summer really has been special. I thought it would be hard...and some days it is but Lindsay is getting bigger and starting to play more and I am loving watching her relationship with Colby grow! I think she is going to miss him when school starts back!
Tuesday Colby started to camp! I decided this year to enroll him during the month of July. I have never liked the idea of shipping your child off to camp the whole summer. I am a firm believer in children being at home but I figured one month and its only 2 days a week would be good for him and me. Last summer we didn't do it b/c he was too young I felt plus it was just him so we were able to get out and do fun stuff all the time. Now with a baby we can't be on the go as much as we were. Anyway he was very excited to go back to "school" and see his friends! He knows most of the kids there...and I knew the teacher from MOPS so that worked out well! I feel like he is in great hands. Well that morning I didn't get to relax too much b/c my van had to be brought to the shop so austin and Lindsay met me there after dropping off Colby. Afterwards I came home while Austin ran errands. For some reason Lindsay did not let me get anything done though! She screamed everytime I tried to put her down and walk away. This is a new thing...separation anxiety I guess. Colby did the same thing around 6+ months. Once I got her down for a nap austin and I ate lunch together. He had to work the evening shift so I had an hour or so to lay down and have time to myself while she napped before Colby got home. Since camp goes until 2 Colby would miss his nap. Once he got in I could see he was tired so I let him watch about an hour of shows. He played for awhile then I ordered pizza for he and I. I missed having Austin but we had a fun night just me and the kids. They were both really good for me...thank goodness! After I got Lindsay to bed Colby and I watched tv then I put him to bed at 8. He was exausted b/c he never once came out! I enjoyed a couple hours of quiet time. I thought I could stay up until Austin got home but I got sleepy and went on to bed. My sleep was broken up though...he got in around 11:30 so I woke up then he came to bed about 12:30 which I woke up then Colby came to our room around 2:30 worried about daddy so I woke up. By the time 7:45 rolled around when we all woke up I still felt soo tired!
Wednesday was the 4th of July. We had a leisurely morning around the house which was nice. We went over to my parent's house around 11 for our celebrations. We had planned to go swimming but we got there too late for Lindsay and I to get in. Honestly I am glad I didn't go to the trouble of getting myself or her ready to get in b/c it started thundering shortly after Austin and Colby got in. But atleast Colby got to swim for a little while. We enjoyed the family time. I think Colby really enjoyed it. He always loves having everyone together! He and Lindsay were both really good and both enjoyed the attention! I love these family get togethers. I think we were all so tired by the end though with Austin working late the night before. We all came home and crashed...well everyone but Colby. We told him to go play quietly in his room which he did. I kinda thought he might fall asleep too but he never did. i felt SO much better after the nap. That afternoon Austin did some more work outside and Colby played in his pool. Its always so nice to have Austin here to entertain Colby outside. The rest of the night was pretty low key we ate dinner and just hung out.

Thursday Colby went to camp again. I was excited that I didn't have anything going on during his time at camp. Lindsay and I came home and I hoped to get some housework done but she had other plans. I guess its going to take us awhile to get back in this routine. It was hard to adjust to the "summer" routine and now we are having to return to a somewhat "school" routine. She fell asleep on the way home which was good that she got her morning nap but after that she would not let me out of her sight! I think its usually easier with Colby home b/c even when I leave the room he is usually bouncing around to entertain her! Anyway I did get a break during her naptime. Its been so nice having Colby gone until 2:30 I feel like I have so much time! He is loving camp too! he told me today I love going back to school! So far I am impressed too! Tuesday they did 4th of July stuff and today they had a "carnival". It seems like they are doing fun stuff for the kids. Once he got home I just let him watch tv for like an hour to unwind. We didn't do much at all this afternoon. He comes home so tired from camp but its too late for him to nap. He goes to bed SO easy though which is nice! We are looking forward to the weekend although Austin has to work so it won't feel much different for us! We plan to go swimming though and do some shopping at Target..pretty much our every weekend!