Well now that we are back home from our trip we are getting back into our "summer" routine. Saturday I had to grocery shop...luckily my parents were sweet to come watch both kids so I could go alone which was fabulous. Both are really good in the store its just hard work carrying them both in and out. I breezed in and got what I needed and came home! The rest of the day we spent at home. Its too hot to do much so we stayed inside. Colby also needed some time to unwind from the trip. He had been waking up in the middle of the night and staying awake. I think he was just so keyed up from all the excitment of the trip!
Sunday was church day. I was excited to go but the day started off bad. We got to church just fine but things got really hectic and busy in the nursery right off the bat. I just felt really stressed. I love helping out in the nursery but sometimes I feel like I get to church and all I do is work. Which I try to keep a good attitude about it b/c its serving God and its a ministry I feel like God is calling me to do right now. Since I stay at home with our kids it gives me a way to use my years of education plus a way to get that creative education stuff out! Anyway it was just hectic. I had to help with Colby's class during S.S again b/c one teacher was out then I was assigned his class during EC. I don't mind working with his class. I enjoy seeing him and his little friends interact and I really LOVE that age group! Preschool has always been my passion! But right now its hard...he doesn't know how to treat me like another teacher and not his mommy. I don't know how to treat him as a student and not my child. So it seems like we end up in this conflict and he gets punished. Anyway we had 8 kids which was a lot. It was hot...the kids were ALL grumpy! I was grumpy....anyway stress just mounted up and Colby had a meltdown and so did I partially so we left early. I felt so bad to have acted that way and I talked with Colby once we got home that I made a poor choice but in some ways I think God knew we needed the time at home. Usually we go out to eat after church so we don't get home until 1ish. We were still all tired from the trip. So it was nice to get both kids fed and down for naps. Colby took a really long nap too which showed that he really needed the sleep and rest.
Monday was our first free day. I knew we needed to get out the house even if just for a little while. I had to go to the bank and post office also. I asked Colby if he wanted to go to Barnes and Noble or the mall. He chose the book store. He loves going there and playing trains. Right now I am just looking for easy, cool places I can take both kids. I was thankful he had so much fun we were there an hour. Lindsay was content in her stroller and he played trains almost that whole time! He picked one book to buy at the end. I don't mind bringing him there every now and then and getting a book. He loves books and that makes my heart so happy! I had a TON of books as a kid and he's the same way! I would much rather buy books then pointless toys! He was so excited and happy about our day! He talked about it the rest of the afternoon. I have been trying to enjoy my time at home with the kids b/c i know this season of life will go by so quickly. This summer really has been special. I thought it would be hard...and some days it is but Lindsay is getting bigger and starting to play more and I am loving watching her relationship with Colby grow! I think she is going to miss him when school starts back!
Tuesday Colby started to camp! I decided this year to enroll him during the month of July. I have never liked the idea of shipping your child off to camp the whole summer. I am a firm believer in children being at home but I figured one month and its only 2 days a week would be good for him and me. Last summer we didn't do it b/c he was too young I felt plus it was just him so we were able to get out and do fun stuff all the time. Now with a baby we can't be on the go as much as we were. Anyway he was very excited to go back to "school" and see his friends! He knows most of the kids there...and I knew the teacher from MOPS so that worked out well! I feel like he is in great hands. Well that morning I didn't get to relax too much b/c my van had to be brought to the shop so austin and Lindsay met me there after dropping off Colby. Afterwards I came home while Austin ran errands. For some reason Lindsay did not let me get anything done though! She screamed everytime I tried to put her down and walk away. This is a new thing...separation anxiety I guess. Colby did the same thing around 6+ months. Once I got her down for a nap austin and I ate lunch together. He had to work the evening shift so I had an hour or so to lay down and have time to myself while she napped before Colby got home. Since camp goes until 2 Colby would miss his nap. Once he got in I could see he was tired so I let him watch about an hour of shows. He played for awhile then I ordered pizza for he and I. I missed having Austin but we had a fun night just me and the kids. They were both really good for me...thank goodness! After I got Lindsay to bed Colby and I watched tv then I put him to bed at 8. He was exausted b/c he never once came out! I enjoyed a couple hours of quiet time. I thought I could stay up until Austin got home but I got sleepy and went on to bed. My sleep was broken up though...he got in around 11:30 so I woke up then he came to bed about 12:30 which I woke up then Colby came to our room around 2:30 worried about daddy so I woke up. By the time 7:45 rolled around when we all woke up I still felt soo tired!
Wednesday was the 4th of July. We had a leisurely morning around the house which was nice. We went over to my parent's house around 11 for our celebrations. We had planned to go swimming but we got there too late for Lindsay and I to get in. Honestly I am glad I didn't go to the trouble of getting myself or her ready to get in b/c it started thundering shortly after Austin and Colby got in. But atleast Colby got to swim for a little while. We enjoyed the family time. I think Colby really enjoyed it. He always loves having everyone together! He and Lindsay were both really good and both enjoyed the attention! I love these family get togethers. I think we were all so tired by the end though with Austin working late the night before. We all came home and crashed...well everyone but Colby. We told him to go play quietly in his room which he did. I kinda thought he might fall asleep too but he never did. i felt SO much better after the nap. That afternoon Austin did some more work outside and Colby played in his pool. Its always so nice to have Austin here to entertain Colby outside. The rest of the night was pretty low key we ate dinner and just hung out.
Thursday Colby went to camp again. I was excited that I didn't have anything going on during his time at camp. Lindsay and I came home and I hoped to get some housework done but she had other plans. I guess its going to take us awhile to get back in this routine. It was hard to adjust to the "summer" routine and now we are having to return to a somewhat "school" routine. She fell asleep on the way home which was good that she got her morning nap but after that she would not let me out of her sight! I think its usually easier with Colby home b/c even when I leave the room he is usually bouncing around to entertain her! Anyway I did get a break during her naptime. Its been so nice having Colby gone until 2:30 I feel like I have so much time! He is loving camp too! he told me today I love going back to school! So far I am impressed too! Tuesday they did 4th of July stuff and today they had a "carnival". It seems like they are doing fun stuff for the kids. Once he got home I just let him watch tv for like an hour to unwind. We didn't do much at all this afternoon. He comes home so tired from camp but its too late for him to nap. He goes to bed SO easy though which is nice! We are looking forward to the weekend although Austin has to work so it won't feel much different for us! We plan to go swimming though and do some shopping at Target..pretty much our every weekend!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
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