Friday, September 28, 2012

A New Week

The last few weeks have been a little hard. Maybe it was me maybe it was getting adjusted to our new fall schedule...maybe it was a lot of things. But this week things have clicked and we have had a wonderful week so far!
Austin was off Monday and Tuesday so that started our week out to a great start! Monday since he was off we all 4 took Colby into school. After dropping him off we decided to go and visit Calvary school. I figure its not too early to  get a jump on this whole kindergarten thing! We have about 5 schools total that we want to visit. I hope we can visit all 5 by December and then by January we can make a decision. We brought Lindsay with us and she did really well. We stopped in the office and asked for registration info and a tour. The principal was not there but a lady that actually worked there when I did took us on a wonderful tour. She showed us the kindergarten classroom and went over the curriculum with us she then showed us the rest of the school. Some may think its funny we even had to get a tour b/c I went to school there and subbed there and taught 2nd grade there. But things have changed...A LOT! I also want to look at this school from a parent perspective. I have tried to clear all other things from my mind and look at it from a clean slate. We were very impressed. We still want to check out other schools but we did leave with a very good impression! After visiting the school we came home to clean, rest, hang out while Colby was at school. This was a lunch bunch day so we had more time then usual. Austin and I were able to lay down and even take a nap! Once Colby got home he and Austin did a lot of work outside then we had another yummy homecooked meal as a family. Lindsay was able to eat with us again since we ate early also!
Tuesday Austin was home with us again. Colby had school and I had Bible Study so it was another busy morning. Austin stayed here with the kids and got Colby off to school so I could go to my 8:30 study. I am so enjoying this Bible Study. It is on Revelations and already I have learned so much. Just going to Bible Study once a week I feel makes such a difference in who I am as a wife and mother. I am thankful I am able to do this. I think Austin also enjoyed his morning with the kids. I think its good for him to have them alone sometimes. It gives him an idea of what I do but it also gives him some great bonding time with them that might not occur when I am around. Once I got in from Bible study I took over with Lindsay and Austin did some stuff around the house until it was time to pick Colby up at noon. The 3 of us ate lunch at the table while Lindsay was napping. Its always a great time to spend with Colby and I think he really likes having our undivided attention that way. After naps Austin and Colby ran some errands while I stayed home with Lindsay. We ordered pizza that evening so we could sit back and enjoy that night and not spend so much time cleaning up. After dinner we took Colby for icecream. Poor Lindsay though was miserable. Its so hard with her 6:45 bedtime. She screamed the whole way home! I hope one of these days our night activities aren't so limited!
Wednesday Austin was back to work so it was back into the groove for the kids and I. Colby went to school. Lindsay had GymRompers. Its fun doing something with just her and having a mommy/daughter date! It makes me miss those days with Colby now though! She had such a fun time. This was her 3rd class. She was REALLY into it this week. She was a lot braver and would actually crawl away from me and interact with the other kids. Its amazing the difference between her and Colby. At this age he would have been so scared of other kids but she was right up in the middle of these bigger boys! She's such a mess! She had a really great time though! At first I thought 9 months she may be a little young for it but she's doing really well and it seems already to be paying off! It will be fun to watch her progress like we did with Colby! That afternoon we took it easy. Colby was in lunch bunch so it was nice to have a couple hours of quiet. That night we had thought about going to church...I really want to get involved in Wednesday night church especially since we are visiting Calvary and its not as big a production to go but I was nervous about going for the 1st time alone with 2 kids. I hope sometime Austin can go with us. I knew Lindsay would not make it for the whole time. He would need to be there by 5:30 to pick her up and bring her home. So we stayed in. Hope we can make it soon!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Weekend

Its been a great weekend and even though Austin had to work I feel like we got some great quality time in. The weekend before was very tough. Colby was moody and I felt like we were all in adjustment mode. This week has been great and things just seemed to click again with everyone! We are all tired from a busy week but it was a good week!
Saturday I knew I didn't want to do much considering our busy week. Unfortunately grocery shopping had to be done. I never look forward to this chore but especially on Saturday and with 2 kids. I have to say though they both did great! Afterwards we came home put it all away and I made lunches for the kids and we all napped! It was so great to have some down time. Our week was crazy busy and I am just not used to that! My parent's had volunteered to keep the kids for us Saturday night. At first I didn't want to go anywhere but I realized it would be nice to get out with just Austin. We went to Tony Mandina's. It was so nice to have dinner with him and actually be able to talk. I feel like I am in constant competition with Austin and Colby. When Austin gets home from work Colby is SO excited he wants to absorb all his time so I feel like its hard to get a word in! Afterwards we did a little shopping at Target. When we got in Lindsay was already in bed and Colby was on his way. I really enjoyed the night out!
Sunday morning was a big day for us. We made the decision to start visiting other churches. There are many things that have gone into this decision..too much to go into here but we have felt God calling us to look at other options. We chose to visit our old church Calvary. We still know a lot of people there and location wise its a great choice for us. Plus they have a lot going on with kids and young people! Austin had to work but he drove over for his lunch break and met us at church. I was nervous ofcourse bringing my kids to a new place. I wondered how both would react. It turned out though both were with people we knew so that was good! We really enjoyed the worship service. It was so nice to leave church feeling like I had worshipped. Lately at our church I have been in the nursery so much I feel like I never go to church! We were anxious to pick the kids up and hear all about their morning. They both ended up having great mornings as well which I was so relieved and thankful! Lindsay was happy when we picked her up. She cried a couple times they said but never just unconrollable. Colby seemed VERY happy when we got him. He left with a bunch of papers and a sucker! After church Austin had to get back to work. I called my parents to see if they were out of church yet. They were just leaving so I brought the kids back home. I told them they could bring Colby with them to eat and I would just stay home with Lindsay. She didn't nap all morning and I could tell she was exhausted. They then brought Colby home with them for a few hours. I think they miss him now that he's in school 5 days a week! It was nice to have some time to relax. He got home around 4:30 about the same time Austin did! We were able to have a nice home cooked meal and eat as a family! SO NICE! Lindsay even joined in! It was a great weekend!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Busy Week

Well we are having another marathon week here! I guess now with Colby being in school 5 days a week every week is going to be so busy!
Monday Lindsay had her 9 month doc appointment. My parents brought Colby to school that morning b/c her appt was at 9. I am so thankful for their help it makes life so much easier! After her appointment we just came home b/c it was a yucky rainy day outside! This was a lunch day for Colby so he did not get home until about 2:30. I enjoy the longer days but I do miss him. I am thankful though to have quiet days with Lindsay.
Tuesday I had Bible Study at 8:30. This was our first experience of getting out the house before 8. We managed meant the kids had to eat their breakfast on the run but we got to my parents house at 8. My parents were going to get Colby to school and keep Lindsay while I had my Bible Study. Once again its nice to know they are in good hands. I loved the study! This fall the study is on Revelation. I have missed the last month of going to a weekly Bible Study and honestly I could tell a difference in my mood! Amazing how that works right?!? Anyway it was a wonderful morning. I went back to my parent's house after the study and waited until it was time to go pick up Colby. After getting Colby we got home and I put Lindsay down for her nap. Since it was lunchtime I made he and I sandwhiches and took them outside to eat! He loved this! We have actually had "fall" like weather this week so it was fun spending time with him outside. It was some nice one on one bonding time for us. That afternoon we even went back outside to enjoy the weather. Lindsay sat in her swing and Colby played. I am excited about this fall and spending more time outdoors with them both. We hardly did anything like that this summer b/c it was just too hot and during the spring she was still so little so I am glad to get back to using our backyard!
Wednesday was once again a busy morning. I dropped Colby off at school then Lindsay and I ran home for a few minutes b/c she had GymRompers that morning. We have been going on Tuesdays but now with my Bible Study we have to switch to Wednesdays. Well the baby class was at 10:20. I figured we had a few minutes to spare so we came home to eat a quick snack and change her diaper before heading over. Well of all things we get there and I am told the 10:20 class has been cancelled. I was so annoyed. My poor baby girl had been in her carseat all morning. She was so happy to be there too and wanted to stay and play! So she only got to play for about 10 min before I had to load her up and bring her back home. I have to say I was glad that we got home earlier but felt bad she didn't get to play! I will now bring her for the 9:30 class which actually is better b/c now we will leave from Colby's school and will get home earlier all of which I like better so it works out! This was another lunch bunch day for Colby so he didn't get home until around 2:30. Well the thing about when he stays for lunch bunch he is so HYPER when he gets home! I think its b/c he's actually really tired but his body is in overdrive! He gets into trouble a lot! By 3 I couldn't take it anymore he was hyping Lindsay up and they were both getting into everything so we went for a walk. It was nice getting out with both of them! I hope one of these days we can go to Wednesday night church. That's my goal but right now with Austin's late schedule and Lindsay's early bedtime it makes it impossible for me. I am hoping there will be times where I can just bring Colby atleast.
Thursday was another busy day for us! I had MOPS and Colby had school. On MOPS days I have to drop Lindsay off at my parent's, drop Colby off at school, then go on to MOPS. I was tempted to just not go but I know I am always so glad when I do! its a nice change of pace and so nice to visit with other women. I feel like I don't get to visit a lot with friends during the week so this is a nice break! They always have something fun planned too! This week was the question and answer session with the mentor moms which is always interesting. After MOPS i had to pick Colby up from school then pick Lindsay up from my parent's then head home! After all that I'm exhausted. When we got home I put Lindsay down for her nap then Colby and I enjoyed another picnic outside. I really enjoy that special time with him. I think it helps him feel special too! I try really hard to give both kids their alone time with me and Austin. We all took naps then just hung out that afternoon! We are always so happy when Austin gets home though!
Friday Colby had school once again. my plans were to go over to my mom's house and make meals for 2 friends. My friend Casee and my friend Nicole both just had babies. I have been wanting to cook for someone after so many people did that for us. It felt good to give back. We were blessed with like 2 or 3 weeks of meals after Lindsay was born. It was easier for me to go over to my parent's house to make the meals with my mom. It helped b/c there were 3 people to handle Lindsay...when I try to cook she is usually right under my feet. By the time we finished the meals it was time to go get Colby again. I got both kids home and we just hung out the rest of the day!

Monday, September 17, 2012

9 Month Doc Visit

Lindsay had her 9 month well visit today at the doc. Everything looks great! I am so thankful for a happy, healthy baby girl. She weighed in at 17 lbs 1 oz. She is 27 1/2 inches long. That puts her in the 10% for weight and the 25% for height. She's still our itty bitty! I looked back and Colby was 24 lbs and 30 inches. She did really well at the doc. She never really fussed at all while the doc was checking her out. She did have to get blood drawn today...they do an anemia test at 9 months. She DID NOT like that at all but she quickly got over it! The doc already called and said her test was fine! I know we have so much to be thankful for! I am proud of what a sweetie she was at the doc office. She is just growing up too fast!

USM Game Weekend

This weekend we spent in Hattiesburg for USM's first home football game. We went up on friday after picking Colby up from school. It works out pretty well to pick him up and have the van packed and hit the road. We stopped in Slidell for a quickie lunch. The kids both traveled very well. Although neither really slept! Once we got in to Hattiesburg we unpacked and rested for awhile. Austin and Colby went over to his parent's house to visit. Lindsay needed a nap b/c she had been awake ALL day! Well it took her 2 hours to finally settle down! We were all going to go over to Austin's parent's house for dinner and to hang out but since it was after 5 before Lindsay woke up we decided to move dinner to the apartment. They picked up pizza and we ate in. It was much easier that way with 2 tired kids! After pizza Austin took Colby in swimming. The rest of us visited and watched Lindsay play. It was a rough day we were all tired and moods got a little bad. Everyone got a good nights sleep though so we were ready for Saturday.
Saturday we woke up early and started our day! For some reason our kids wake up earlier there. We ate a good breakfast then Austin and I started out with the kids to go to the Hattiesburg Zoo. It was a beautiful day and actually a little cool out. Colby has been to this Zoo a couple times but Lindsay has never even been to a zoo so we wanted to bring her a long too! We got there and first rode the Merry Go Round and Train. Lindsay rode them both! She seemed to enjoy them! She probably wondered what in the world? It was neat though b/c that's about the age Colby was when he rode his first Carousel. After the rides we decided to head to the playground. That is one of Colby's favorites! We also knew Lindsay wouldn't be able to take much more it was approaching her lunch and naptime. She drank her bottle while he played! Once we got back to the apartment we put both kids down for a nap. We knew Colby would need a rest before the game...he would miss his normal naptime plus he was up crazy early that morning. I even laid down which was nice to get refreshed. We got to the game around 2. I am so thankful my dad has the club level seats where we get free food and nice comfy seats that are covered. They had hamburgers and hotdogs I think we were all ready for lunch by then. Colby enjoyed his hotdog. I think by the time the football game started Colby was already ready to go! We got him popcorn and that lasted maybe 5 min. He was antsy the WHOLE time! I thought he would be easier this year but I think he was harder! He whined and complained the whole time! Maybe one day he will enjoy it! I took him home after the 1st half. I could have stayed the whole time but I heard it got hot so honestly I was glad I was able to leave with him. Plus the Eagles lost =(. We got back to the apartment with my mom and Lindsay. I thought it would be a nice time for them to play but Colby ended up being in time out most of the time. This past week he has gotton a real big "attitude". I am not sure if its tiredness from being back at school or too much time with extended family or what?! It created for some rough moments though. I think its probably a combination of many things, but we are working through it. Anyway when he gets around my parents he thinks they must play with him nonstop. This is fine when he goes over there on occassion to play but not when we are all staying together for the gets old fast! He would not leave my mom alone. Well when the game ended I had to go back and pick up my dad and Austin. Originally I would have left Colby with my mom and Lindsay but I did not like his attitude or how he had been treating her so I thought it was best for him to come with me especially since my mom had to bathe Lindsay while we were gone. His attitude did change i think he just needed that "timeout". He gets overwhelmed with grandparents even though he loves the attention its like his body goes into overdrive! Anyway that night ended a little better after dinner. We did still all go to bed early it was an exhausting day!
Sunday we woke up and got ready to head back to nola. It was a fun weekend. Sad the Eagles lost. We always enjoy our trips to Hattiesburg...especially Colby. It was a nice quick getaway. We probably won't be going back until late October.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

New Things Fall 2012

Well we are officially in Fall mode now with back to school and many other new activities that have just started up! We will be very busy pretty much every day but Saturdays so I have a feeling this mommy and little ones will be staying home most Saturdays! We are enjoying all our new activities though and being into a routine again!
Sunday was promotion Sunday at church. Colby is now officially down the hall and out of the nursery for sunday school. He does come back to the nursery though for ec. Although by April we will probably start bringing him in service with us. He loved his new 4 year old Sunday School class. He was familiar with Mrs. Pat b/c of ec and Wednesday night activities. He seemed to do really well. I was so busy in the nursery I didn't get to find out a whole lot of what he did, but he came home with some worksheets so it looked like they were busy! I miss him down in the nursery but its probably better for him being away from my mom and I. It was just him and Macie in class but I think they always have fun together. Lindsay was still in the baby room this week but will be promoted nex t week into the 1 year old room! WHAT?!? I can't believe my baby is already going to a big girl class. Its time though...she is so mobile...crawling/pulling up...she just doesn't belong in there anymore. This is about the same age Colby promoted. Luckily the other baby Elias is also mobile so he will promote with her. I am glad she will have a friend. She is going through major separation anxiety though these days. She cried when I left her in ss. I felt so bad. She used to not ever do that but I think its the age and also we have missed a few Sundays with traveling and ofcourse the hurricane. I felt so bad though I couldn't leave her for church. I knew switching to 2 new teachers would really throw her for a loop so I brought her to church with me. She did really good for the first half. She seemed to really like the music. She never even cried but she was getting restless so I brought her back to the nursery. Elias was in there so I sat her down so they could play with each other. Well Elias is a little heavier then her and he tried to clobber her. He did this and she started SCREAMING! I picked her up thinking maybe it just scared her but when I looked at her cheek she had a pretty good scratch I guess from his fingernails. I felt so bad for her! She was so upset! That's the first time other then shots she has really been hurt like that! It took her about 5-10 min to calm back down. Sundays are always so hectic with trying to round her and Colby up and get out to the car. Thankfully I have my mom and dad there to help since Austin usually has to work on Sundays. After church we did our usual lunch at McAlister's. Lindsay has just recently started sitting in a highchair. She loves it and does so good! I think she likes it b/c she can see everyone better. I usually give her bits of my food to snack on along with her baby food. She ended up LOVING Colby's mac n cheese and applesauce! I guess it won't be long before we will be ordering 2 kids meals! That afternoon we just relaxed and watched the Saints game!
Monday Colby had school. It was his first full day. Meaning he stayed 9-2. I had a dentist appointment right after I dropped him off. This meant I had to leave Lindsay with my parents. I went and picked her up at 10 after the appt. She and I came home and enjoyed a slower paced morning. We were able to take a walk and enjoy the cooler fall air. Its nice having him stay for lunch bunch 2 days this year. 9-2 gives me so much more time to get things done! I think he enjoyed staying and eating his lunch like a big boy too! My parents brought him home b/c of the time Lindsay is just getting up from her nap around that time. I could tell he was tired when he got home but he played for like 2 hours. Around 4 he started getting really disobediant. I know when he does that its b/c he's exhausted. I ended up sending him to his room to time out and he fell asleep. I hated for him to fall asleep that late b/c I thought it might make for a harder bedtime. But on the same note if he was that tired I knew he needed some rest. Poor baby was PASSED OUT! He was snoring. I let him sleep until about 5:30. He was groggy and grumpy but he did get up. He still went to bed at his normal time too. I can tell school is wearing him out! Which mommy likes! His bedtime has become 8...we weren't really strict with it last year since he wasn't going to school every day but now that he is going every day and staying until 2 two of those days his body needs the rest. We usually bathe him at 7 or 7:30 then he is in bed by 8. Its also been so nice for Austin and I! I plan to let him stay up till 9 on weekends though!
Tueday Austin was off. We were so happy to have him home! 5 days of him working late every night seems to make for a long week! Since he was off it helped with Colby's school hours so much! I brought Colby to school alone while he stayed home with Lindsay. Its not hard to take both just more time consuming and I know Lindsay enjoyed staying with her daddy. I like having the time to focus on just Colby too! My Bible Study was scheduled to start today but I decided to not go and take Lindsay to GymRompers. We originally planned for us both to go but Austin backed out at the last minute to stay home and mow. I was ok with it b/c I knew it needed to be done and he would rather do it during the morning while C was at school then spend all afternoon doing it. So Lindsay and I had a girls outting. She will usually go to GR on Wednesdays but I like the Tuesday teacher better so I will try to go on Tuesdays on occasion. She did great! I could tell towards the end she was getting tired and hungry but she hung in there. She loves the singing and circle time! She really loves the bubbles. She is really too young to do much during free play so she mostly wanted me to carry her around at that point. It was a fun outting for me and her! I always loved taking Colby! By the time I got home with her Austin was leaving to go pick up Colby from school. They picked up Wendy's on their way home and we ate outside. It was nice to spend that time with him! I think he enjoys when he has our undivided attention like that! That afternoon we all took naps! I guess mowing the yard, school, and GymRompers wore everyone out! That afternoon we spent time together and cooked dinner as a family! It was a fun day! I love having Austin home during the week b/c it really helps to break up the week for us! We had a great day!
Wednesday Austin had to go back to work. Colby had school and Lindsay and I had to grocery shop. She did really well in the grocery. We got home and basically I ran around trying to get stuff done then we ate lunch and both took naps. Colby had school till 2 and my parents were picking him up. They brought him back to their house though to swim. I was glad for the extra long break but I am not sure he ever needs to do that much activity in one day again. He was so tired and grumpy when he got home. I was also tired and grumpy. We are all adjusting to this 5 day a week school schedule. It was a hard day!
Thursday started out a little rough but ended up being a great day. Colby again had school and I had my first MOPS meeting of the year. I was excited to get back to this group. This is my 4th year. My parents kept Lindsay even though there is childcare at MOPS. I figure with her being so attached to me right now I would feel so bad about leaving her with strangers. This meant I had to drop her off at their house then drop Colby off at school then go to MOPS. I was having a really hard morning but I was so glad I went. It helped to just get out and visit with other moms. It helped me put things in perspective! I have made so many friends through this. After MOPS I picked Colby up then we went to pick Lindsay up. Colby wanted to stay at my parents for lunch but I thought it best we come home. I was glad we did b/c we were all already exhausted. I enjoyed playing with the kids and watching them play together this afternoon. Now we are all gearing up for our weekend in Hattiesburg for the 1st football game!

Friday, September 7, 2012

School Days

Colby has had 3 first days of school. Here he is each year on the first day of preschool! Two, Three, then Four year prek!

9 Month Comparison

Getting Back to Normal

This week has been a week to slowly get back to normal. We got home pretty late Sunday night. We tried very hard before going to bed that evening to get the house back in shape. The major thing we had to do was clean out the fridge. Honestly its sorta nice to have a cleaned out fridge!
Monday austin was off which was nice to have his help out here. I went to the grocery store with Lindsay to start trying to re-stock items. Colby stayed with Austin to work on yardwork. That afternoon we enjoyed some rest time and family time together! It didn't feel like Labor Day at all. There were no thoughts of hamburgers, swimming, or a holiday at all! I think we were all glad to be home. We cooked spaghetti and a salad that night so we invited my parent's over to eat with us. They did so much for us the last week and my mom cooked so many meals we thought it was only right for us to do that. It was nice visiting with them again and ofcourse Colby enjoyed having them around!
Tuesday Austin was off was great he had a few days off so we could get settled back in! He and Colby took a trip to Hattiesburg that day to pick up our dog. When we evacuated we left her with Austin's parents and they had been caring for her. We didn't want to bring her home until we had power. I know Colby had a blast and probably thought he was big stuff going on a trip with just daddy. From what I hear he had a great time! They ate lunch out and played at mawmaw and pawpaws for a couple hours. Meanwhile Lindsay and I went to Gymrompers. I decided to go ahead and enroll her this Fall. It will mean a busy fall for us but since she is so mobile I figured it would be good for her. It will also be nice for her to be around other children. She did so well! We were running late but the owner let us stay for part of the next class too! She was in awe of the teacher and her singing. She also crawled and explored some. She didn't seem scared at all. She did things Colby would never do! Colby always liked Gymrompers but he was more clingy to me! I think Lindsay will be more social then her big bro! Once we got home her and I just enjoyed the quiet until the boys got back. That evening we just had a low key night the 4 of us!
Wednesday Austin was off again! It was also Colby's 1st day of school. He only went for an hour and a half was more of a preview day. He didn't have to be there until 10 so we were able to have a little bit more of a laid back morning. Austin kept Lindsay while I brought Colby to school. It was nice to just have to worry about him. I think Austin also enjoyed spending time with Lindsay. After dropping Colby off I met a friend for coffee! Wow that was so nice! It was the first time in a LONG time I have done something like that! She brought her baby but he was really good. I was glad though I didn't have my 2 to worry with. After coffee I got Colby from school and we picked up lunch and headed home. That afternoon he and Austin ran some errands and washed the vehicles. Its nice that he gets to spend time like that with Austin and it helps me get housework done and deal with Lindsay. That night we cooked dinner and just enjoyed being together as a family.
Thursday Austin went back to work and Colby was off school. We decided to take the morning and go work at the church nursery. We were scheduled to do that last week but Hurricane Isaac had different plans. We are trying to get the classrooms ready for promotion Sunday which should have been last week but will now be this week. We are moving and creating new classes this year. Instead of just a toddler class like we have had the last 2 years we will now have a 1 year old class and a 2 year old class. Lindsay will be promoting to the 1 year old class even though she isn't 1 just b/c she is so mobile! Well I knew it would be hard to focus on work bringing 2 kids but I had no other choice. My mom met us up there. The kids did really well at first...Lindsay lasted about an hour and a half which is good for her. I felt bad that I couldn't stay longer but she was miserable after that. My mom and Colby stayed and finished up the work. It was nice to come home with just Lindsay and enjoy some quiet time with her. My parents kept Colby that afternoon. It was nice to get a long break like that plus with him going to school now 5 days a week they won't see him as much! So it was a good thing for everyone! He even got to go swimming! Austin worked really late that night so I was glad I had the break. I had to feed, bathe, and put both kids to bed. It wasn't too bad though...Lindsay was in bed for 7 and I had Colby in bed by 8. I just hated we didn't see Austin at all!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

9 Months Old

Lindsay is 9 months old today! She is growing up too fast! This month she seemed to have grown up over night! She is turning quickly into a toddler and less of a baby! She started crawling right at 8 months. She is VERY mobile now! She crawls all over the house! She also started pulling up last week on our evacuation to Hattiesburg! She is now INTO EVERYTHING! I am constantly having to follow her around the house and watch her! I guess I sorta forgot what this age was like with Colby! She is going to be a mess! She loves her brother's toys and would much rather play in his room then in the den or her own room! She isn't really talking yet. She makes a lot of sounds and we think she says "yea or hey" but no momma or dada yet!
She has a really big appetite for such a little thing. She takes bottles still every 3 hours meaning 5 a day. She eats 3 meals of solid foods and usually 2-3 snacks. She is eating more table food now also. We let her try basically anything we are having if she is awake when we ate. Her favorite thing lately was spaghetti. I think she could have eaten that for an hour! She was cracking us up!
I am not sure how much she weighs these days. She still wears 6 or 9 month clothing. I would guess she is around 16 lbs. I just moved her to size 3 diapers but they are HUGE on her! She could still comfortably fit in a size 2! Her hair is growing more I can't wait till I can put a bow in it!
She is rough and tumble and used to her big bro! She has a very good little personality. She rarely fusses and is very laid back. She had her first hurricane evacuation and she handled it like a pro. She does well on a schedule but also doesn't freak out if things are a little out of her routine. The biggest thing with her is her bedtime. She likes to be in bed by 7. She will let you know when it is time for her bath/bed. She is pretty much down to 1 good nap a day. Some days she takes 2 but it just depends. She is more consistently taking a 3 hour nap after lunch now. She has separation anxiety but once she gets used to someone doesn't mind me leaving her. She does well at church. She just started GymRompers and she loved it! She's more social then her brother was. She also seemed to enjoy the singing and stuff more then he did at that age too!
She's a mess and into everything! She has found the toilet, cat food, dog bowl, Colby's toys, etc! I am loving watching her turn into a little girl!

First Day of Prek4

Colby started back to school today. He was so excited about going back to preschool! he has missed it so much this summer! He did go there for camp in July which helped maintain a routine and he got to see his friends. The month of August was crazy though! I think we are all ready for some routine and space! He needs structure and time with friends! This will be his last year at AUMC which is very bittersweet to me. This year he will go 5 days a week though. That will be quite an adjustment for us! Waking up early every day and really getting used to "real school". I think he is going to have a great year though. His teacher Mrs. Susan has been teaching forever and I think he will love her as much as Mrs. Lyn. Most of his friends are back but there are also some new faces. It was nice for both me and him to walk down that hall and see friends again! He will go Monday-Friday 9-12 and on M and W he will stay until 2. This year we decided to let him to lunch bunch 2 days a week. Last year he wanted to try it but I was still unsure of letting him miss his nap but he did fine this summer with the camp hours 9-2. I figure this will also be a little preview into what kindergarten will be like. It will also allow me more time to get stuff done and spend with Lindsay! We are looking forward to a great year!
He's such a big boy he just walked right in his classroom and never looked back! He's growing up so fast!

Hurricane Isaac

Wow well we just got home from a 7 day Hurrication! This week Hurricane Isaac hit New Orleans and we have been evacuted. I will give a run down of what our week consisted of!
Last Sunday we went to church like a normal day. We were watching this storm and reports were starting to show that it was headed for NOLA. That night the news sounded even worse. They were saying a CAT 2 could hit us straight on. We decided that night that we would leave. I didn't want to take the chance of being here stranded with 2 little ones. We woke up around 4 am and started packing everyone.
Monday we were packed and ready to head out around 9 am. Austin had to stay behind and work that day but would come up later that night. I drove the kids and cats up to Hattiesburg. Once we arrived around lunch we spent the afternoon unpacking and organizing. That night my parents and the kids and I went to dinner. It was a VERY tiring day! Austin's parents stopped by to see us at the apartment for a short time. My dad also took Colby swimming twice that day so that was good for him. I think everyone was exhausted though. Austin got in around 9. We all went to bed early!
Tuesday we mainly hung around the apartment as the bad weather rolled through. We got up that morning and ate breakfast with Austin's parent's. It was nice to get out of the apartment. Colby enjoyed his time playing over there. Austin and I and Lindsay went to Target to stock up on a few items before the weather got bad up there. We all went back to the apartment and just chilled the rest of the day. Colby was already getting MAJOR cabin fever. That night Austin and I were able to get out which I think saved our sanity. We had an early dinner with our family then that evening we went to get desserts at O'Charley's and we drove around. It was nice just to get out! We also went to Walmart to get Colby some coloring books.
Wednesday we knew we needed to get Colby out of the apartment and that he needed some time with mommy and daddy. By this point he had 2 days with 4 grandparents and he was beginning to act rotten! We took him to a Bounce place that was close by. I was so glad we did. It was not only great for him to get out it was great for us too. We stayed 2 hours! He had the best time running around and playing with other kids. After we stopped for hamburgers before going back to the apartment. That evening we just hung out and had sandwhiches for dinner. Austin and I were able to get out again that night which was nice. We ended up going to McDonald's and just having a dessert and talking. I really enjoyed those nights getting out. We don't ever get to do that when we normally go to Hattiesburg b/c we have the kids and we can't leave them but having grandparents to watch them after they go to bed is a wonderful thing!
Thursday Colby wanted to go back to the Bounce place. So that is what we did! We thought Austin would have to go into work that day but he got about 20 minutes down the road and was turned around! We were happy to have another day with him! We didn't stay quite as long...there weren't many kids when we first got there so he kept getting bored. Finally more kids showed up around the time we were ready to go then ofcourse he didn't want to leave! We made a trip to the grocery b/c we weren't sure how long we would be there at that point. We also took Colby out again for lunch. It was nice having that bonding time with him. I think it helped keep him a little grounded too to just hang out with mom and dad for a couple hours. We rested that afternoon at the apartment. After Colby rested Austin took him over to his parent's house to play. Honestly it was good having him out and about for awhile. It gave my parents and I a break and more time to just play with Lindsay. Austin, Colby, and his parents returned later that evening to eat dinner with us. After we got the kids ready for bed Austin and I once again got out! I loved our mini dates! We went to Old Navy and Books a Million. It was nice to just shop and get out and kind of forget the whole situation we were in!
Friday Austin finally had to head back into work! I was not looking forward to him leaving us after having his help but I understood he needed to get back. We ended up having an ok day. Nerves and patience were getting thin and their were a few squabbles but nothing major. That morning we decided to go to the mall. We realized everyone needed to get out! It was the first time my parents and Lindsay really got out all week. So I think it was a welcome break for us all. There wasn't much to see or do in the mall so we just walked around. There were 2 sections with rides like Colby likes though so we let him get out and ride on those. He seemed to really enjoy that. Once we got home Austin's sister Wendi stopped by to see the kids. It was the first time that she was in town all week and could come see them. After her visit the kids ate lunch and we all rested. Austin's mom and sister came around 2 to pick Colby up to go visit with the girls when they got out of school. It was good for him to get to play with them and get out the apartment. Once again it gave my parents and I a chance to rest and play with Lindsay. That evening we met them over there for dinner and all ate together. We found out that afternoon that my parent's power was restored so we had decided to pack up and leave Saturday morning for home! I really missed having Austin there that evening but we still had a good night.
We got started early Saturday morning getting ready and packing! I think we were all ready to head back to NOLA! I was wishing we were heading home to our house but atleast we would be closer so when our power came on! The kids did great on the drive home! I was proud of them both! We got to my parent's house right at lunchtime. Everyone ate then it was naptime. We were all exhausted. Elizabeth and Randall were also staying there b/c they had no power. It was kinda fun like a holiday b/c we were all hanging out over there. Colby enjoyed the attention from his aunt and uncle. It was fun having them to visit with also. We all hung around that afternoon/evening. We turned in early to bed though I think everyone was soo tired! Colby and to sleep in the room on the floor with my parents and Austin and I shared a bedroom with Lindsay. Both our kids did well on this trip letting us sleep but it still was harder to rest having children in the room with us.
Sunday morning I was happy to see that it was church day! A little bit of normal! Our church still didn't have power but they were having a shorter service in the Fellowship Hall and no childcare. My parents decided to stay home and they kept Lindsay. They had worked so hard the day before and were so tired. They probably enjoyed the quiet house too since the rest of us went to church. I took Colby with me to church. I felt like it was important for him to plus it gave my parent's a break. He had them playing with him ALL week long. He did really well given the circumstances. He sat pretty still and quiet and actually even listened to the sermon. I know he was hot and bored but he stuck with it I was so proud of him. We had a great turn out and there were so many children in there! Made me excited to get things back to normal next week in our nursery! After church I figured I would take Colby to lunch. We ended up at our normal McAlister's. I really enjoyed some time alone with him and I think it did him some good too! Once we got home we all rested that afternoon. We hung out at my parent's house once again with Randall and Elizabeth. Elizabeth cooked us a yummy dinner and were sitting down to eat it. We kept checking to see if we had power. Austin had seen power trucks on our street early that morning and we really felt like it would happen before the day was over. We had made up our mind that if it was before 10 we would go ahead and go home even if the kids were in the bed. Sure enough Austin called our house right after dinner. Lindsay was already in the bed at this point. We went ahead and packed up the cars and then woke her up and loaded her in the van. Sweet thing never even fussed. She looked at me strange but that was it. We got home and put her in her bed and she fell right back to sleep. It was SO nice to get home! We had a lot to do that night but it felt so good to be back at our home. I know we have so much to be thankful for! So many lost so much and all we did was have to clean out our fridge/freezer! Honestly the week wasn't bad either. We had AC all week and got to create many memories with family! Hoping though we don't have to do it again anytime soon!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Rest of the Week

Well here's a run down of the rest of our week.
Wednesday Colby had a dentist appointment. His appointment wasn't until 10:45 so we were able to have a pretty low key morning. I dropped Lindsay off at my parent's house since the appt was so close to her lunch time. Colby did great at the dentist! He has grown up so much! They said next time he will even get x-rays! The appt was pretty quick so I let him go back and play at my parents for a little while. We then came home and had a low key afternoon.
Thursday Colby went to play at Jackson's house. It was nice to get a little break! He loves going to play at his house. It helped to have a small break with only 1 kid. I was able to get Lindsay down for a nap for most of the time so I had a chance to clean but also relax a little too! It has definitely been a busy summer having 2 at home! Once we picked him up we came home ate lunches and everyone rested! So thankful he got to get out and play with a friend!
Friday we kept Jax. Since camp ended and there was nothing going on in August for our boys we have taken turns keeping them. It has worked out great. Its a little easier to have a friend over b/c it keeps Colby occupied. Granted its usually a bigger mess and sometimes I have to keep the entertainment going like drag out art stuff or whatever so they don't get bored its still nice for him to have someone to play with. I got a little done but mostly I just had to pay attention to Lindsay. She is at the age now where unless she is sleeping its hard to get anything done at all. She either crawls and follows me and whines to be picked up or she crawls off and I have to watch her constantly or she cries when you leave the room! It was nice to not go anywhere that day though. After Jax left we just had a low key afternoon.
Saturday we went to my parent's house to hang out and swim.
Sunday we went to church and started packing for Hurricane Isaac!!