Sunday, September 23, 2012

Busy Week

Well we are having another marathon week here! I guess now with Colby being in school 5 days a week every week is going to be so busy!
Monday Lindsay had her 9 month doc appointment. My parents brought Colby to school that morning b/c her appt was at 9. I am so thankful for their help it makes life so much easier! After her appointment we just came home b/c it was a yucky rainy day outside! This was a lunch day for Colby so he did not get home until about 2:30. I enjoy the longer days but I do miss him. I am thankful though to have quiet days with Lindsay.
Tuesday I had Bible Study at 8:30. This was our first experience of getting out the house before 8. We managed meant the kids had to eat their breakfast on the run but we got to my parents house at 8. My parents were going to get Colby to school and keep Lindsay while I had my Bible Study. Once again its nice to know they are in good hands. I loved the study! This fall the study is on Revelation. I have missed the last month of going to a weekly Bible Study and honestly I could tell a difference in my mood! Amazing how that works right?!? Anyway it was a wonderful morning. I went back to my parent's house after the study and waited until it was time to go pick up Colby. After getting Colby we got home and I put Lindsay down for her nap. Since it was lunchtime I made he and I sandwhiches and took them outside to eat! He loved this! We have actually had "fall" like weather this week so it was fun spending time with him outside. It was some nice one on one bonding time for us. That afternoon we even went back outside to enjoy the weather. Lindsay sat in her swing and Colby played. I am excited about this fall and spending more time outdoors with them both. We hardly did anything like that this summer b/c it was just too hot and during the spring she was still so little so I am glad to get back to using our backyard!
Wednesday was once again a busy morning. I dropped Colby off at school then Lindsay and I ran home for a few minutes b/c she had GymRompers that morning. We have been going on Tuesdays but now with my Bible Study we have to switch to Wednesdays. Well the baby class was at 10:20. I figured we had a few minutes to spare so we came home to eat a quick snack and change her diaper before heading over. Well of all things we get there and I am told the 10:20 class has been cancelled. I was so annoyed. My poor baby girl had been in her carseat all morning. She was so happy to be there too and wanted to stay and play! So she only got to play for about 10 min before I had to load her up and bring her back home. I have to say I was glad that we got home earlier but felt bad she didn't get to play! I will now bring her for the 9:30 class which actually is better b/c now we will leave from Colby's school and will get home earlier all of which I like better so it works out! This was another lunch bunch day for Colby so he didn't get home until around 2:30. Well the thing about when he stays for lunch bunch he is so HYPER when he gets home! I think its b/c he's actually really tired but his body is in overdrive! He gets into trouble a lot! By 3 I couldn't take it anymore he was hyping Lindsay up and they were both getting into everything so we went for a walk. It was nice getting out with both of them! I hope one of these days we can go to Wednesday night church. That's my goal but right now with Austin's late schedule and Lindsay's early bedtime it makes it impossible for me. I am hoping there will be times where I can just bring Colby atleast.
Thursday was another busy day for us! I had MOPS and Colby had school. On MOPS days I have to drop Lindsay off at my parent's, drop Colby off at school, then go on to MOPS. I was tempted to just not go but I know I am always so glad when I do! its a nice change of pace and so nice to visit with other women. I feel like I don't get to visit a lot with friends during the week so this is a nice break! They always have something fun planned too! This week was the question and answer session with the mentor moms which is always interesting. After MOPS i had to pick Colby up from school then pick Lindsay up from my parent's then head home! After all that I'm exhausted. When we got home I put Lindsay down for her nap then Colby and I enjoyed another picnic outside. I really enjoy that special time with him. I think it helps him feel special too! I try really hard to give both kids their alone time with me and Austin. We all took naps then just hung out that afternoon! We are always so happy when Austin gets home though!
Friday Colby had school once again. my plans were to go over to my mom's house and make meals for 2 friends. My friend Casee and my friend Nicole both just had babies. I have been wanting to cook for someone after so many people did that for us. It felt good to give back. We were blessed with like 2 or 3 weeks of meals after Lindsay was born. It was easier for me to go over to my parent's house to make the meals with my mom. It helped b/c there were 3 people to handle Lindsay...when I try to cook she is usually right under my feet. By the time we finished the meals it was time to go get Colby again. I got both kids home and we just hung out the rest of the day!

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