Monday, October 29, 2012

Weekend Fun

Well I am happy to say our weekend got better from Friday. As you know Friday was a rough day! I was emotionally and physically spent after that day!
Saturdays used to not mean much to me as a stay at home mom. They were like every other day. Usually Austin works and before Colby was in school 5 days a week they were just a normal day for us. Now that we have to be somewhere every other day of the week I LOVE Saturdays! I love that we don't have to wake up to an alarm. I love that I can fix cinnamon rolls for Colby and we can hang out in our pjs. I love that we spent the morning watching cartoons!
Fall came to NOLA late Friday Saturday was cold and gorgeous! I love this time of year! Well I knew with our no plans for Saturday and the cool weather a park visit was a must! We haven't been to the park much since Lindsay was born but we have not been at all since summer. With Colby's school schedule and Lindsay not being old enough to enjoy it yet and our Saturdays have been full.
I invited 2 other mom friends and their children to join us. I figured it would be more fun for me and Colby. Colby loves the park but usually gets bored quick if we are the only ones out there. One of my friends has 4 kids and the other 1 so between us there were 7 kids just in our group! Colby had plenty of entertainment needless to say! I think he really enjoyed the cold weather! Lindsay did ok but she is not one to enjoy "sitting" in the stroller! I know she can't wait till she can run around the park too! We stayed out there about an hour. It was so nice! After the park we just came home and enjoyed a low key rest of the day at home. We have also been taking evening walks every night for the last couple of weeks! I am really enjoying this for many reasons. It helps pass the time before Austin gets home, the weather is SO nice, the kids love it! I just enjoy getting to talk to Colby on these walks too!
Sunday was another great day! We had church. This was the first time I would be alone taking both kids to church completely alone! When I went alone at Metairie I always had my parents to depend on once we got there to help with the kids or getting stuff to and from the car. I was a little nervous but we made it just fine! Now granted it wasn't really easy I felt like I was juggling everything and needed 6 hands! But I have to say Colby was such a HUGE help to me! He was such a little man! I think he and Lindsay both did well in their classes. The rest of the day was very low key. Our lifegroup was cancelled that evening due to Halloween this week and the Saints game. I honestly didn't mind b/c I was so tired! Plus Austin ended up being late anyway so we probably would have missed most of it! It was nice to have the evening at home and watch the Saints game even though they lost!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Open House and Trip to the Eye Doc

So the last 24 hours have been extremely busy for our household!
Thursday- Last night Colby's school had Open House. They do this each year. The parents and grandparents are invited to go to the child's class and see their artwork, enjoy a snack, and then the children perform. I have to say this year was even better then last year! Austin, myself, and my dad went. My mom stayed at home with Lindsay. I wish we could have brought her but the time was 6:30-7:30 and we would not get home until 8 and so she probably would have been fit to bed tied! Plus I wanted the focus on Colby not his screaming little sister!
We got there early so Colby was able to play on the playground with some of his little friends. We then went to his class and looked around at his artwork and classroom. I enjoyed seeing his art. Its always neat to see how he does things. The teacher had a craft for us to work on with him then they provided cookies and juice. Colby ofcourse loved that part! After a little while they asked the parents to go into the church. The kids came in a little later. They performed their little songs on stage! I was so proud of Colby! He actually SANG! This is the first time at any event like that he has actually sang and did MOST of the hand motions! After their songs they showed a slide show of the kids from the first few weeks of school. Its always neat getting that little glimpse into his school day! I think Colby enjoyed his big night and was probably glad little sister wasn't there! I feel like gets told not now a lot or I'm busy so its nice to devote a night to him!
Friday- was quite a busy day for me! I had to bring Colby to school then picked him up at noon. Its rare that I do that...luckily my parents usually pick him up which is nice. Its just hard getting Lindsay out like that twice in 3 hours. He had his eye doc appointment in Algiers so I just picked him up then we stopped at my parent's house to eat lunch plus they were going to keep Lindsay. It was nice having lunch with them. We did that a lot during the summer and on Saturdays last year but haven't had as much time to do it lately b/c of his school 5 days a week and Saturdays if we don't have plans I usually just want to stay home. After lunch we had the dreaded eye appointment. The reason we set this up is about a month ago his teacher asked us if he had eye problems. She said that during circle time he is always asking to see things closer. I honestly had never noticed a problem but after her mentioning that I started being paranoid thinking he couldn't see all the time. Well during our cruise I didn't think much about it and he seemed like he could see. He sometimes can't see things that we point to him at a distance but I figure that's hard for any kid his age. Well we made this appointment anyway before we left just thinking since it was brought up and he wouldn't cooperate last year for the vision screening at church maybe we should get it checked. Well I hate doc appointments...especially when we have to wait FOREVER! Friday we were there for 2 hours...basically all we got out of it is your child has major issues and can't see! Well I don't buy that b/c he can see. They did mention the word hyperopia. This could mean he's extremely near or farsighted. I could maybe see this being true but the doc just didn't do a good job explaining things to us. Well it ends up he referred us to children's. I was really scared at first but after talking with some friends I feel better. I also did some research on my own. It seems like this stuff is pretty common. He may have to get glasses but hopefully it would be temporary. It hit me like a ton of bricks! No one ever wants something to be wrong with their child. I at that moment wanted to take away any problem he had and have it for myself. Thankfully after talking with friends I felt better. We are anxious to take him to his follow up appointment at Children's and find out what really is wrong. I know its in God's hands though and it will be used for his glory. Thankfully our weekend got better from here!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Jambo & 80th Anniversary!

Austin was off this weekend which was spectacular! We had a pretty low key Friday. Colby had school and we spent most of the day around the house.
Saturday was so nice having him home and ofcourse we did the whole birthday party thing! That afternoon we stayed home and enjoyed some family time.
While on facebook that afternoon I noticed that a yellow lab was lost in our neighborhood. I hoped we could take a walk later and see if we would see him. Sure enough Austin and Colby went for a walk and Lindsay and I met up with them late that afternoon. While walking we saw the dog. I knew about the dog and that he was lost, but Austin did not. I explained it to Austin and told him I felt we needed to bring him home. I couldn't stand the thought of him wandering around all night and either someone taking him or him getting hit by a car. So we brought him home with us! We weren't sure what we were going to do with him but we figured atleast we already had one lab what was one more?!? I posted on facebook that we had him. We didn't hear from any owners that evening. We fed him and let him sleep on our back patio. I think we all enjoyed having him around. I wished we could keep him honestly. We named him Jambo. He was really big compared to Allie.
Sunday morning we woke up and still no word from Jambo's family. We went on to church. This was our first Sunday all being home and going to Calvary as a family of 4. Austin has met us there twice and last week it was just Lindsay and I. It was nice going together! We have a new routine and its so nice. We are able to have a much slower paced Sunday morning which is great. I was very excited about this Sunday since it was the 80th Anniversary of Calvary. Calvary Baptist Church has meant so much to me my entire life. Even though we have been gone from the church the last 10 years I still feel so connected there. I spent the first 20 years of my life around that place! I also went to school there then returned to teach there. It was a wonderful service! i am so excited about returning to church there! I feel so excited and happy about things! I am thankful for this new adventure. They had a lunch afterwards but we decided to come home with Lindsay. My parents came so they and Colby stayed for the lunch. It would have just been so hectic trying to get her settled down somewhere and eat our food and taking the chance of her crying. Plus with the Saints game on and lifegroup that night we felt our afternoon was already short.
That afternoon we also made some phone calls about Jambo. We tried to call PAWS to see if they would take him. They wouldn't...they did say we could bring him by to get him scanned to see if he had a microchip. Well we tried to load him up and Jambo had nothing to do with that! By that point I think Austin was really getting worried about what we would do with him. I would have loved to have kept him but the expense of 2 dogs is mostly what worried me. We went on to Lifegroup that night. We had a great evening there. I feel like we have already been so blesed by that group. Its so nice to get together with a group of people our age. Colby has a blast playing with Christiano too! Well when we got back out to the car I noticed I had a message on facebook about Jambo. Well when we got home we had a missed call about him. Sure enough we called and the owners were trying to get in touch with us! We were so relieved! Austin even said he prayed about it during what an awesome testimony that God even cares about animals surely how much he must care and watch over us. He took care of Jambo. I believe the whole situation he worked out. I have no idea why he allowed that dog to get loose and us have the soft spot in our hearts to take him in but the whole story is honestly kind of neat. I also think it was a good lesson for Colby about doing the right thing and being kind...even to animals. We waited outside with Jambo for his owners. They were so happy to see each other and were so relieved that their dog was safe. I know I would want the same for our dog if she happened to get out! They offered us money and ofcourse we would not take honestly wasn't a big deal at all since we already have 1 lab. Jambo's real name was was a nice adventure having him for a night I think we all enjoyed meeting him and now even miss him a little bit!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Jax's 3rd Birthday Party

Colby and I were able to attend Jackson's birthday party today. He and Colby have been friends since they were babies. Well they are 15 months apart but since Casee and I are friends Colby and Jax have been hanging out since Jax was born. Now they are in school together so they have become closer. Colby had a blast at the birthday party. It was at a local bounce place. It was great b/c Colby knew all the kids. Most of the kids were from their school and the others from Calvary. I was glad he was around people he felt comfortable with! He ran around and I hardly even saw him the entire party which was nice! I remember when he used to cling to me at birthday parties but now he goes off and does his own thing which is great!
Austin was off so he stayed home with Lindsay. I look forward to when she can go to stuff like this too but she's at the age where she would have been all over. There were other tiny babies there but none her age. She would have wanted to crawl around but would have gotton run over by the big kids! Plus I hope for the most part we can take them alone unless its a joint friend's b-day party. I know Colby will not want his little sister tagging along most of the time!
I enjoyed visiting with the other moms which most of them are my friends too which was nice!
The rest of the afternoon we enjoyed having Austin around and just hanging out as a family! Saturdays actually seem like Saturdays when he is off!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Washington Parish Fair

We went to the Washington Parish Fair yesterday. It worked out pefectly for us to go. Austin was off and we just happened to think of it. The weather was also beautiful. We try to go every year but October is usually so busy we don't make it but like every other year. Last year we didn't go b/c I was 8 months pregnant and we figured I would be miserable walking around. We just brought Colby this time. Next year I hope to go back the 4 of us! We figured with Lindsay just getting over being sick and still being so little she wouldn't really enjoy it. Plus taking her we would have to worry about a place to change diapers, feed her, etc. Not to mention she would be exhausted!
We took Colby at 2 so we weren't sure if he would remember it or not! He loved it when we went 2 years ago. He didn't really act like he remembered it but maybe he remembered some of it who knows! Austin's parents were able to meet us which was nice.
We spent a lot of time when we first got there looking at the farm animals. Colby loved this! He loved the cows! We were also able to do the petting zoo this time. Last time that part wasn't open when we were there. Colby was able to pet and hold bunnies and see all sorts of other animals.
Next we went to the old village. I think Colby liked walking around the old houses. I just wish it hadn't been so crowded b/c I think he would have walked around more but it was hard to keep up with him. We stood in line to get cheese and crackers from the general store. After we sat in the shade and enjoyed a little snack. Colby enjoyed running around by the little creek. Next he was begging to go ride the rides so that is where we spent the next hour. He rode 3 or 4 little kiddie rides. I think he had fun! He wanted to do more but they were expensive and it was getting crowded.
After we got out of that area he was having a meltdown. We wanted to eat lunch at the Fair but seeing how crowded it was and what kind of mood Colby was in we decided to go ahead and head out. We did stop in and see the animals one last time though.
On the way home Colby fell asleep for a few minutes but then we stopped for lunch. We had to pick up Lindsay before we got home. We had a great time but were all tired! Austin had to go into work that night so that left me and the kids! Needless to say we all went to bed early!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Pumpkin Patch...Looking Back

My little man has taken 3 trips to pumpkin patches throughout the years...we missed his first Halloween and last year! I guess his first we thought he was too little to care and last year being 8 months pregnant and his school didn't have one we just opted out of that experience! Here are some pics though to see how much he's grown!

Pumpkin Patch

Colby had a field trip Wednesday to the Pumpkin Patch at his school. I ofcourse signed up to go and help. I decided to go ahead and bring Lindsay with me since it was at 10 and it was at his school. This is the first "school" event I have brought her to. I have to say it was HARD! I know why I usually leave her with my mom!
It wasn't that she was bad it was just she was fussy from just sitting in the stroller plus she was tired and hungry but we made it.
The 3 classes (3s, 4s, and 5s) split up according to class and went around the pumpkin patch to do various activities. Colby's group started out under the tent to hear stories. I am glad Colby is so independent now so he didn't need much of my attention. I was just happy to see him in action. I think he was happy we were there even though we didn't get to interact with him a whole lot. I love seeing how much he has matured and grown up. He's been at this school now for 3 years. I think now he totally feels like Big Man on Campus. He knows everyone and feels totally comfortable. I think back to his 2 year old pumpkin patch field trip he was a timid little toddler. He will so miss this school next year! He's already counting on being in the 5 year old class. I was happy to see he seems to listen very well when it comes to his teachers and the activities. I can also see he does get caught up in mischief with the other boys though but nothing bad just little boy mischief! After the story they went and did a craft. This is when Lindsay started to get fussy so I was a little distracted. I did notice though how precise Colby decorated his corn craft. My little Type A. After the craft time they just toured the pumpkin patch and took pictures with the teacher. This is when Lindsay and I got to talk to him the most. He seemed happy to show us pumpkins! After they walked around the classes all enjoyed a snack. They got apple cider and powdered donuts. Well by this time Lindsay had had enough! I asked Colby if she could have a bite of his donut...his teacher overheard me so she got one just for Lindsay! Well that stinker ate the entire thing! I would have never let 10 month old Colby have a treat like that ...just shows you give in more easily with the 2nd...I can't imagine if we had a third!
We left after the snack! i am glad we got to join him! I can't believe next year Lindsay will be going and she will be in the 2 year old class!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

10 Months

I can't believe I am just now sitting down to right my sweetie's 10 month post! Its been such a busy month! The day she turned 10 months was the day before our trip! It was a crazy day full of packing and getting ready. It was also the day she left us to spend the week with grandma! So here I am 11 days later...
Anyway I can't believe we are just 2 months shy of a 1 year post! My baby has grown so much and is looking and acting more like a toddler! She's cruising around furniture now! I think those first steps will take place around her b-day! This holiday season is going to be so fun! She has 4 teeth now. She has her bottom 2 which she got at 6 months and now her top 2 fangs! She's so adorable with that toothie smile!
She's still a little peanut weighing in at just 17.4 lbs and that is clothed! She's in the 10th percentile. I love my petite princess! This month she experienced her first sickness since April. Actually her first sick visit to the doc since February so I guess on all accounts that's pretty good! She had her very first ear infection. She got sick the day we left for our trip and is still trying to get over it! She just went to urgent care yesterday to find out for sure it was an ear infection and got antibiotics so hopefully we kick this thing for good!
This month she also experienced her first time away from mommy and daddy! We all survived! She had never even spent the night away until then! But she did great! She slept all night every night we were gone!
She has started eating more and more table food...well she was until she got sick now her appetite is slowly coming back! She is still wearing 6-9 month clothing. I put her in 12 months today just b/c all her winter stuff is 12 months and its pretty big on her. She's in size 3 diapers still and will be fore awhile! She's such a sweet spirited baby. But when she isn't happy she isn't happy! She let's everyone know!
She still takes 5 bottles a day and eats 3 solid meals along with 1 or 2 snacks. She is really enjoying her big bro. I think they both like to aggravate each other! She's our precious angel and we are so loving watching her grow!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 5 -At Sea

The last day we were at sea all day. This was our most relaxing day. We were in no hurry that morning to wake up since there were no deadlines of getting off the boat to be at point a..then b..etc. We got up and ate breakfast at a restaurant instead of the buffet. It was nice to avoid the rat race! After breakfast austin and Colby went swimming. They lasted about an hour. I sat in the shade and read my book. The pools started getting SO crowded though it was miserable. At that point they decided it was time to go. They went back to get changed and we just walked around and enjoyed the boat. Colby wanted to play "hockey" so we let him do that. After lunch we all went to take naps. After naps we mainly stayed in our room and packed up our suitcases so we wouldn't have to do that later in the evening. So glad we did! Dinner that evening was back in Animator's Palate. After dinner we took Colby for putt-putt one last time per his request. After that we went to the show. I really wanted to see the show the last night b/c it was said to be the best one. I thought Colby would enjoy it too but boy was I wrong...he didn't want to be there at all. It was frustrating so we ended up leaving half way through. We got back to our room and just got ready for the trip home. We let him stay up and play some that night.
The next day we got started bright and early. We got off the boat at 7 and were to the airport by 8. Our flight left at 11:50. We had breakfast in the airport. We were able to kill some time with looking in shops, reading, the iPad, etc. The flight went well on the way home but boy Colby was ready to get out of there. He was ready to get home and see the grandparents and his baby sister! It was so great seeing Lindsay! She greeted us when we got home. She looked at me puzzled at first and cuddle up to my mom but once she realized who it was she couldn't stop giggling. It was precious! It was the same way when we left Colby that time! I love seeing that look in there face! Precious! I will never forget it!
I am so thankful we were able to take this trip with our big boy! It was really nice bonding time with him. We missed Lindsay and talked about our next trip when she turns 4! We had a great time though and I think we made the right choice leaving her. We missed her but she was in great hands. She would have not been happy in the confines of a boat. Colby had a blast! I think his favorites were the characters, the pool, and the beach! It was so worth seeing him light up each time he saw a character! I know he will always remember this trip! I can't believe my big boy has now been to Disney World and a Disney Cruise at 4 years old!

Day 4- Castaway Cay

On day 4 we went to Castaway Cay. This was probably my favorite day. We began the day early again with breakfast then got off the boat. Our first thing was a Glass Bottom Boat Tour. It was pretty cool but the boat was crowded, it was hot, and the waves were pretty rough. I didn't really feel sick but I think Austin and Colby did. It was neat to go out in the ocean and see fish up close but I don't think any of us thought it was as cool as we thought. After the boat Colby was really anxious to hit the beach. We quickly found some chairs in the shade and got to it! Colby loved the beach water! This water was clear and calm so it was basically like a swimming pool. It was also shallow enough for him to stand! He loved it! I stood in the water for a little while but then I went and rested in the shade and let the boys have fun! I figure I gotta soak this up now b/c in a few years when we go back with Lindsay I will probably have to be out there too playing lifeguard!
By 11 we were all getting tired and hot and hungry. So we went to the showers to clean up then headed out for lunch. They provide a big bbq on the island. They had these shaded pavillion things to eat in! The lunch was soo good! Colby loved it! After eating we went back onto the boat. Colby wanted to enjoy the pools and we figured it would be a good time b/c most people would be out on the island. We were right the pools were empty! My original plan was to go on up to the room and shower and rest but when I got up there our room had yet to be cleaned so I knew the housecleaner would be coming shortly. So I went and hung out by the pool with the boys. After about 30 min we decided to go back to our room. We knew everyone needed a nap! That night was Pirate Night so we would be up late. We took naps and hung out in our room. It was nice I was able to enjoy the balcony and read some too.
That night our dinner was in Animator's Palate. The night was Pirate Themed. I think this was Colby's favorite restaurant b/c of all the colors and cartoons around. They also gave the children light up pirate cups. It was a fun night! After dinner we went to the Pirate Show. We actually had a really good spot...but Colby was STILL not into it! He would light up when a character would walk by us but other then that he was just in a bad mood. I am not sure why the shows didn't appeal to him?!? After the show we left to go play putt-putt again! He loved this! That night we were later getting to bed. We had him bathed and in his pjs but around 10:30 they shot fireworks. We decided to not fight the crowd to see them so we saw them from our balcony! i think Colby was a little scared though b/c they were so loud! We had a great day and I still think this was my boy's favorite day!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Day 3 Nassau

We began Day 3 of our cruise with a trip to the breakfast buffet. They have this huge selection of breakfast foods every day there. It was very easy for us all to find something we liked. After breakfast Colby and Austin went swimming. We found early in the morning to be the best time to use the pool. While they swam I sat and read and watched Snow White which was playing on the HUGE tv above the pool. After the boys got cleaned up from swimming we thought we would head out to Nassau for a little while. We atleast wanted Colby to be in another country! Well it was HOT and there is not much for kids to do there. We lasted about 30 min before deciding to head back into the ship. We ate lunch back at the buffet. After lunch we decided everyone needed some rest. Colby did take great naps on that boat! After naps we took him back to the kid's club so we could get a break and so he could have fun since Nassau was a bust! Austin and I walked around for a while then we got dressed and ready for dinner. This was our "dress up" night. And it fit perfectly b/c our dinner was at Royal Palace probably the nicest of the restaurants. Colby did well at dinner but the long dinner was hard for him every night. Thankfully the waitors broke out some magic tricks and paper folding! After dinner we decided to skip the show and play with Colby instead. We took him to the gift shop. We played putt-putt which he LOVED! I can't believe we have never brought him to play putt-putt before b/c he had such a great time with it! After that he wanted to play "hockey" aka shuffleboard. So we did all of that then went back to our room for baths and bed. It was a great day again! Colby really enjoyed that evening! He was in a bad mood earlier in that day but he had a great time that afternoon/evening!