Tuesday, October 16, 2012

10 Months

I can't believe I am just now sitting down to right my sweetie's 10 month post! Its been such a busy month! The day she turned 10 months was the day before our trip! It was a crazy day full of packing and getting ready. It was also the day she left us to spend the week with grandma! So here I am 11 days later...
Anyway I can't believe we are just 2 months shy of a 1 year post! My baby has grown so much and is looking and acting more like a toddler! She's cruising around furniture now! I think those first steps will take place around her b-day! This holiday season is going to be so fun! She has 4 teeth now. She has her bottom 2 which she got at 6 months and now her top 2 fangs! She's so adorable with that toothie smile!
She's still a little peanut weighing in at just 17.4 lbs and that is clothed! She's in the 10th percentile. I love my petite princess! This month she experienced her first sickness since April. Actually her first sick visit to the doc since February so I guess on all accounts that's pretty good! She had her very first ear infection. She got sick the day we left for our trip and is still trying to get over it! She just went to urgent care yesterday to find out for sure it was an ear infection and got antibiotics so hopefully we kick this thing for good!
This month she also experienced her first time away from mommy and daddy! We all survived! She had never even spent the night away until then! But she did great! She slept all night every night we were gone!
She has started eating more and more table food...well she was until she got sick now her appetite is slowly coming back! She is still wearing 6-9 month clothing. I put her in 12 months today just b/c all her winter stuff is 12 months and its pretty big on her. She's in size 3 diapers still and will be fore awhile! She's such a sweet spirited baby. But when she isn't happy she isn't happy! She let's everyone know!
She still takes 5 bottles a day and eats 3 solid meals along with 1 or 2 snacks. She is really enjoying her big bro. I think they both like to aggravate each other! She's our precious angel and we are so loving watching her grow!

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