Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Christmas Party and Grandad's birthday weekend

Friday was a busy day for us! Colby ofcourse had school. Lindsay and I brought him to school then came home. I had a lot of housework to catch up on. I usually play with her when we get in and give her a snack then from 10-11 put her in her bed so I can get some stuff accomplished. Nothing much gets done while she is awake these days b/c she is INTO everything! I had to turn around and leave again at 11:30 to go pick Colby up. I am blessed b/c usually my parents go pick him up so I don't have to do this often and I am glad. It gives me no time! So we got home I put Lindsay down for her afternoon nap and fixed Colby and my lunch. We then had naptime and everyone napped thankgoodness! Usually by Friday I think we are all exhausted! That afternoon/evening I just play referree and try not to let them tear the house completely apart! Its like damage control! Its by far the hardest part of the day!
That evening we had a Preschool Christmas Party for church. We were excited to take Colby to this! My parents came to watch Lindsay for us. The party started at 7 which is her bedtime so we figured it would be easier and more enjoyable to not have her there. We were glad we went. It was a good size crowd though...not too many but just enough. Not as many kids though as I thought and half were staff kids. Colby's friend Max came too which we were glad! Colby doesn't know the other kids too well yet but he's getting to know them. I saw him playing with the pastor's daughter Ella and the children's pastor's daughter Addison. They had cookies and chocolate milk so that is what Colby did first. During that time we were able to just visit. It was nice to get to know some of the staff wives better in a more casual atmosphere then Sunday mornings. They had a nativity craft set up for the kids so that took a good chunk of time to complete. After all the kids finished that they read the Christmas Story from the Bible and sang some Christmas songs. I thought the whole evening was so nice. Colby really had a blast and thought he was big stuff going to a party at night! The kids wore their pjs too so that was really cute!
Saturday we had no plans in the morning which was nice! I look forward to lazy Saturday mornings. We go go go all week that by Saturday I just want to laze around in sweats and not leave the house! We stayed in today and the kids were so well behaved and we just had fun! Colby and I decorated the tree. Lindsay and Colby actually played together really well and it was just a good start to the day! That evening we had planned to celebrate my dad's birthday. Since his birthday falls tomorrow on Sunday my mom wanted us to all be together for a family dinner the night before. Plus since Randall and Elizabeth were out of town for Thanksgiving it was our time to have turkey and dressing and be together! Colby has been soo excited all week about Grandaddy's party! We went over there after the kid's naptime. I always like to get there early so the kids have time to play before everyone else arrives. We planned an early dinner to fit in with Lindsay's schedule. She eats at 5 and goes to bed by 7. She still ended up needed to eat before the rest of us. We just let her crawl around during dinner and then my mom held her while she ate. This stage is hard...they have to eat early and then they get into mischief. Colby is pretty easy except for his talking back and being a smarty pants but atleast he can eat with us and sit at the table. Well after dinner she was already starting to melt down. I decided bathing her over there was the best idea...it would give us more time to visit plus when we got home all we would have to do is put her in the bed. I hated to miss out on a lot of the visiting but hey that's life when you have babies I guess! She was in a better mood after her bath then she took her bottle while we ate dessert. Colby really enjoyed the chocolate cake...well I think we all did! After cake though it was time to go home. We could tell both kids were getting antsy and tired.
Sunday morning my dad's actual birthday we went to church at MBC. This is what he requested for his birthday. I think since we started going to Calvary he has been a little sad not seeing us on Sundays. It was nice to go back to Metairie. It was really a bittersweet decision leaving there and there is a lot I miss about it. I was glad the kids could go back to sunday school there. We definitely were sad leaving their teachers behind. There are so many wonderful ladies who have seen Colby grow up and Lindsay grow from a baby to an almost toddler! Anyway Austin was working so I brought the kids. Man I forgot or didn't realize when I was doing it weekly though how hard it was to get 2 children to church on Sundays across the river. This is one thing I am grateful for sure about going to Calvary! Anyway we made it! The kids both did well in their classes. I think Colby enjoyed being back in Mrs. Pat's room and Lindsay enjoyed her "ladies" again! We will go back and visit from time to time just so we can remain in contact with some people! We also enjoyed the service. Randall and Elizabeth joined us all for the service which was nice to all sit together as a family! This is what my dad wanted and it was a nice birthday present! I think we all enjoyed a slight change of pace! After church we did our traditional lunch at McAlister's. Once we got home though I was so tired and worn out! Lifegroup got cancelled that night and honestly I think Austin and I were relieved b/c we had been so busy! Anyway it was a great weekend and great kick off to the Christmas season!

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