Saturday, January 19, 2013

Daddy Days...

Austin is starting a 5 day off stretch this week and we are ALL excited! It brings a smile on these cold, dreary days we are having!
Today (Wednesday) Colby had school 9-2 so I wanted to get out and do something fun with Lindsay. We decided since it was too cold to do anything outside that we would go check out the mall. It was a nice morning...we walked around and talked and shopped. Even now with Lindsay we can still visit b/c she is happy to sit in the stroller munching on snacks...when we go on an outting like this with Colby he takes a lot more attention! I think Lindsay enjoyed all the sights as well! We were mainly window shopping not looking for anything in particular. We did let her get out of the stroller in PB Kids and push the stroller around. She enjoyed that and DID NOT want to get back into her stroller! After shopping we went to eat lunch at La Madeline's. Again Lindsay was SO good and just seemed to enjoy all the attention on her! She didn't really fuss all morning! We enjoyed our special time with her. Its nice having mornings with just her. Once Colby got home from school we just enjoyed the afternoon together as a family.
Thursday Colby had school again but only 9-12. I had some errands close to the house that I needed to run. So once austin got home from bringing Colby to school we got out to do these. One was setting up a savings account for Lindsay. We did this for Colby when he was a baby. Its something we have been meaning to do since she was born but just haven't had the time. Afterwards we went to the embroidery store to get her new big girl book bag monogrammed. I can't believe my baby is outgrowing a diaper bag =(.  Afterwards we picked up a kingcake for Colby to bring to school on Friday. He got the baby last Friday =).  When we got home we worked around the house until it was time for Austin to go pick up Colby. That afternoon the 4 of us just enjoyed hanging out at home. Austin and Colby ran errands and did outside work.
Friday Colby had school and Austin went to play golf in Hattiesburg. It was a busy morning for me since I had to bring Colby and pick him up. Lindsay and I did got to Michael's though. Once we got home with Colby after school it was naptime. Neither kid napped at first so it was 2 before either of them fell asleep which resulted in them sleeping until 4. We knew after Austin got home that we needed to get their energy out so we packed up and headed out to the park. The playground part was closed but we all had fun just walking and running around! We all ran the bases with Colby! Good excercise and I am hoping it might get him interesting enough to play teeball! Lindsay did good and enjoyed the outside air but poor baby just wanted to get out and run around too! It will be a lot easier when she can walk so we can let her burn off energy too! Afterwards we went to NOHS and picked up dinner. Lindsay was not a happy camper by that point! It was a nice quiet Friday night we ate our dinner then watched Fox and the Houd with Colby!
Saturday we had a busy morning planned. Our lifegroup was meeting at IHOP at 8 for breakfast. We joined them for that! It was nice to get out and socialize with our friends although bringing 2 kiddos that early for breakfast was busy and hectic. They did well though. There was another 3 year old boy there he and Colby played then 2 one month olds. It was fun and the breakfast was quite good I guess we will have to do IHOP more often! After breakfast we had to return library books so we stopped off at the library. We let Colby choose more books and just let Lindsay roam around! Austin dropped L and I off at home and he and Colby ran more errands. Its been a nice quiet day at home since then! I love having Austin home on a Saturday. We had a homecooked meal for lunch and took naps then he and Colby have been outside ALL afternoon. Lindsay and I got to take a long walk. We have had a great few family days together! Looking forward to church day tomorrow!
Sunday was a great day! We went to church as a family! I got surprised and ended up working in the nursery with Colby's class. I told the children's minister before Christmas I would like to get involved after the first of the year. I just casually mentioned it again yesterday and they obviously were short handed so they grabbed me up quickly after my offer! I got to help in Colby's class. That is a blessing and a curse! I enjoy seeing him and what he acts/does in our new church I also enjoyed meeting his new friends. I only knew a couple of them so it was nice to learn more names and faces! Its a curse though b/c I know Colby tests the limits more with me in there. This became a very big problem at our last church b/c things would escalate and it just wasn't good for the 2 of us. This time I chose mostly to difuse the situation and ignore him. I tried to focus on the children who were listening. He wasn't bad but he did "Test" me a few times which is normal I am sure! We had fun though! I enjoyed being back in the classroom and interacting with the 3s and 4s. After church we were later getting home since I had to clean up and wait on all parents to pick up their kids. We ate lunch and napped. We had a short afternoon with lifegroup. Colby didn't nap which with going to lifegroup at night with us makes for a long day. We bring him but not Lindsay. Colby usually does very well...he's old enough to stay back in the little boy's room my parents keep Lindsay b/c she would not stay back there and therefore would be a huge distraction for me! Anyway before lifegroup Colby acted out very badly. I thought about keeping him home. He did ok at lifegroup but had to be corrected for being too wild and not listening but the other little boy was wound up too so I think they were feeding off each other! We are really enjoying lifegroup and enjoying making some new friends!

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