Monday, February 25, 2013

Life Around Here

Well we have had a pretty decent weekend despite Austin being diagnosed with the flu on Friday. Life has pretty much gone on as normal. Friday was hard and tiring though. We made Austin stay in our bedroom all afternoon/evening. He wore a mask that evening when he did come out to eat dinner. I was surprised at how well Colby handled it, but he did really well (sign he's growing up). The kids and I just hung out. We watched Toy Story 2 and Fox and the Hound II. I didn't have the energy to do much else. We did get out and take a walk to change the scenery and to let daddy have some quiet.
Saturday morning I took the kids to the mall. It was a rainy day and thats probably what we would have done anyway. My parents met us up there to help with the kids and they both enjoyed that. Austin was able to rest that couple of hours while we were gone. We didn't make him stay in the bedroom this day. He hadn't run fever since mid-day Friday so as long as he wore his mask he hung out with us. When we got home from the mall we fixed lunch and then rested. That afternoon I took the kids on another walk so that Austin could rest. We didn't do much else since it was raining and Austin was sick. We have just been praying really hard that the kids and I stay well!
Sunday since the kids and I were again well we went on to church. I hated that Austin had to miss again b/c he missed last week due to Lindsay being sick. He had volunteered to stay with her last week. I am so ready for us to be healthy around here! I enjoyed getting to go to church though. The kids as always seemed to enjoy their classes. I think Colby and I may try to go to lifegroup later and Austin will stay here with Lindsay. I think the major threat of him being contagious is past but he will wear a mask to feed/bathe her stuff like that. We enjoyed lifegroup it was great being back! Colby always has a blast too with Christiano. Its nice just to "do life" with a great group of people! I always leave so encouraged!
Austin was off Monday...his final day before heading back to work. Not much going on Colby had school 9-2 so we did a Sam's run while he was in school. I really want to take Lindsay some where fun but the grocery shopping had to be done! Its raining again so we will most likely stay in all day! Last night we had some crazy hail weather again! Around 9:15 shortly after we put Colby to bed it hailed for 10 or more minutes and it was golfball size. We aren't sure how much damage we got yet but crazy this has happened in less then 2 years twice?!?
The rest of the week will be back into routine for the kids and I...busy but that will be good! Looking forward to what is to come!

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