Monday, April 29, 2013


Well this weekend is turning into a busy one...
Friday I had a hair appointment. I brought Colby to school then went to hang out at my parent's house until time for the appointment. It was at 10:30 so it would have been silly for me to drive home then drive back to Algiers then drive back to Terrytown. It was nice hanging out/visiting with them. They watched Lindsay while I got my hair done. I didn't finish up with the hair appointment until 1. I felt so bad b/c I knew the kids would be tired/grumpy. I thought 12:30 would have been the latest. Thankfully though they were both fed so all we had to do was drive home and tuck them into bed. Lindsay crashed but Colby never slept. That afternoon I was a little edgy. I mean I was glad to have my hair done but I felt like I accomplished I was tired. Anyway Austin got home at a decent time and I felt like I was able to relax a little.
Saturday another pretty busy day! The kids and I had to run across hte river to pick up Austin's birthday present. We got him a new Bible and had to wait to get his name engraved on it. Anyway we did that which obviously took up a good bit of the morning but I knew just doing that there was no way the kids would nap. So we hit up a park on the way home and I AM SO GLAD we did! The kids had a blast! I was so glad they got some outdoor time. This past week we haven't been out as much due to weather and just being busy so I was so thankful they could run around in the sunshine. I am a firm believer in kids needing outdoor time but also free playtime to use their imaginations and play with other kids. Anyway so we stayed about 30 min. After getting home it was lunch and naptime for the kids. The rest of the afternoon we just hung out being lazy. Austin got home early b/c he and I had a DATE! First one in forever I know! This was his birthday outting! We went and ate dinner at VooDoo BBQ then we had some extra time so we browsed Target then met up with some friends at the movie. That was the first movie we have seen in forever! also the first time we have gone with those friends in forever! It was really nice to just sit back and enjoy a movie! I think it was the refresher we both needed! Although getting in late like that I was exhausted and ofcourse we had church the next day!
Sunday was nice having Austin off with us. This was the first time all 4 of us went to church together in a few weeks. I didn't have nursery duty either which was great b/c it was mid-March since Austin and I sat in worship together. We enjoyed the service and I think the kids enjoyed being back to their classes. After church we picked up lunch and came home. We had a really early lunch and early naptime b/c Austin and I had a membership class at 2 to attend. The class went well and its nice to know that's behind us and that we are officially members. We have been wanting to join since Novemeber lol! Anyway we didn't get home until 4 from all that. We ended up skipping lifegroup which is like the 3rd we have missed but from all the busines of the day and weekend we knew we needed a night at home with the kids to get ready for the week!
It was a great weekend! Oh and we gave Austin his birthday present early...Colby decided to tell him Sunday morning what we gave him so it was fine he ended up being able to take his new Bible to church! We are looking forward to the upcoming week and celebrating daddy more on Wednesday!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Weekend Hattiesburg Trip

We just got back from a little weekend trip to Hattiesburg. We went up for Shelbi's 9th birthday. We always go in April on or around her b-day. This year they were just having a low key birthday party at their house. We left late Friday afternoon when Austin got off work. It stresses me out a little leaving that late in the day with tired, young kids but I have to admit they both did great. We stopped in Slidell to eat at McAlister's which I think they both enjoyed. Neither slept the entire way up! I was shocked that Lindsay never slept! She is not much of a car sleeper. She really only sleeps in car if we happen to be traveling in the late morning approaching her naptime. Anyway we got to Hattiesburg around 8. We made the decision to just go to the apartment. Usually we would go visit with Austin's parents but it was so late and we were all exhausted we figured it would be better to get the kids to bed early. Its always nice to get the kids to bed and enjoy a little downtime just Austin and I.
Saturday we all slept in until 8! I can't tell you how great that felt! I never sleep that late at home. Anyway after waking up we started getting ready while Austin picked up breakfast. We ate and finished getting dressed. We packed the kids up for the birthday party. We had to stop at Target for the birthday girl on the way though =). My week was just so busy I had no time to get it done. Since Austin's sister lives out in the country...Austin loves to drive those hilly country roads pretty fast...Colby loves it! He gets the biggest kick out of that feeling in your tummy...well NOT LINDSAY she had a look of sheer terror on her face! Poor baby she was so scared. Well we got out to the party and the kids joined in the fun. Since they live out in the country Colby gets to do a lot he doesn't normally get to do. They have a trampoline, 4-wheelers, fishing pond, baby chicks, etc. He loves it! I know Lindsay will too one day...I think she liked the walking around freedom but she is at the age she gets really nervous around crowds and strangers. So she was very clingy to me...I don't think she let anyone else hold her the whole time. This makes events very tiring for me. I remember this from when Colby was that age too and now he's so into it! i know one day she will be off and running so right now all I can do is be patient with her. IT used to stress me out especially when Colby was that way but I know its just a phase. Its always very tiring though having her at events like this. We were able to make it through pizza, cake, and presents though. Now that Colby is older and doesn't need naps we left him out there with Austin's parents and brought Lindsay home. It just wasn't worth having a grumpy toddler! Plus it gives Austin's fam a little time with Colby. Well Lindsay fell asleep on the way back...which is never good. I knew she would be hard to fall back asleep and sure enough she was! She never fell asleep. By 3:45 I just gave up and got her up and Austin and I and her got ready to go get Colby. We went over to his parent's house. We got him cleaned up then all of us went to eat dinner that night. That was really the only 1 on 1 time we got with his parents. It was nice and both kids actually did really well at dinner. I was shocked at how well Lindsay did considering she had no nap. After dinner b/c it was such a pretty night we decided to go walk around USM's campus. It was such a nice night and we haven't done that in forever. Plus it was easier to push Lindsay in a stroller then go back to his parent's house where I would have to constantly watch her every move. When we got there we stumbled upon a real Native American was pretty interesting. We stayed there for awhile then walked the rest of the campus. Walking around there was so feels like YEARS since I was a student there. I kept trying to picture what life was like then. Anyway it was fun showing Colby places where mommy and daddy went to class and lived. After we walked the entire campus I think we were all pretty tired so we headed back to the apartment to put the kids to bed. They were both exhausted and fell asleep pretty quickly. Once again Austin and I were able to relax.
Sunday we got up and took our time getting ready but left by 9. We were anxious to get home and have most of the day to unpack and get the house ready for the upcoming week. It was nice just being home and enjoying being together. We spent time outside and took a walk. It was a great weekend...I think we all needed the little "break". We really enjoyed the trip especially since it will probably be a little while before we get back up there!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Daddy Days and Sickness

Well I mentioned in an earlier post about Lindsay having a virus/rash thing. She got sick last Wednesday and is really just now getting back to normal. The rash still comes and goes especially when she gets upset or overheated.
Anyway so yesterday the weather kept us in funny enough...well by that afternoon when the kids got up from their naps I noticed something about Colby didn't seem quite right. His cheeks were red, he wasn't very bubbly, and he felt warm. Although he usually is in a stoop for the first 30 min he's awake so I honestly didn't think too much of it. Well about an hour after being awake I fixed them dinner. They had eaten a really early lunch so I figured an early dinner was in order. Well Colby just picked at his food and said his tummy hurt. Well I asked him if he needed to potty and he did. Well he still didn't seem right and by then I knew he must have fever. Sure enough it was over 100. So I got him settled on the couch. He kept saying he might throw up but he never did. He just acted really weak and puney. Finally after Austin got home we got some Tylenol in him. By bedtime it seemed it had gone down some but he requested going to bed so we knew he didn't feel good. Well I knew we should really keep an eye on his fever so we checked on him a couple times before we went to bed. Well around 10:30 we went in there and he felt really was again over 100 so we woke him up and gave him some more Tylenol. After that he slept all night. I woke up around 4 to feel him and by that time he felt normal.
When he woke up Monday morning he was still fever free but since he was running fever the night before and he still acted like he was feeling sick we kept him home from school. He was pretty puney acting all Monday morning. We stayed home most of that morning while we had a new hot water heater installed. After that was done around 10ish Austin suggested we all get out the house for a bit. So we went over to Petsmart. This was a good idea to get us all out. I think the kids enjoyed the outting then we picked up Sonic and came home and ate lunch together. It was sorta nice having a low key family day. Colby perked up at lunchtime but still took a long nap. That afternoon/evening though he seemed back to himself. I was so glad the sickness didn't last long. By that night we were pretty definate he would be going back to school the next day!
Sure enough Tuesday he was able to return to school. I was so glad for his sake and ours! I had Bible Study that morning and he just needed that social outlet. Our maid was coming so it would have been crazy had he had to stay home. Anyway my parents did bring him to school and kept Lindsay while I was at Bible study though so Austin could do some yard work. I really needed that time away and the time focused on God. I feel like right now I don't get to do a whole LOT for myself so going to Bible study once a week is My Thing and I always hate to miss. It gives me a boost mid-week when I need it! I brought Lindsay home and we just hung out...Austin picked Colby up from school. They brought home Subway and we had a nice little picnic outside. We enjoy doing that with him...I think he also enjoys the one on one time with both of us. By the time we finished eating the maid was also finished so it was naptime! Colby never did sleep but we were all able to rest for a little bit. That afternoon we hung out at home. Colby always enjoys doing outside stuff with Austin. The rest of the week will be pretty routine and then this weekend we are going to Hattiesburg so look for a post on that!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Our Weekend

Well we have had a pretty low key weekend. Friday Colby had school so Lindsay and I did our grocery shopping. My parents brought Colby home that afternoon and he spent the night with them. Lindsay and I had a very low key day. I enjoy sometimes just getting to hang out with also makes it a little easier to focus on household projects. I did miss my big boy though!
Saturday I went to pick colby up pretty early. We had to go buy a birthday present for his friend Giovanni from school. I figured the bookstore would be fun for them so we went to Barnes and Noble. This way they could play some too! I think Colby enjoyed it but Lindsay was very fussy. I let her out the stroller for a little bit but it was hard to keep track of her so I made her get back in then she just screamed. Since we finished up pretty quickly there I decided to bring the kids to the park. I knew neither of them would take great naps if we didn't do something else. We stopped at the park in Terrytown. Its a brand new park and really nice! The only thing is its made more for big kids. It was exhausting watching Lindsay out there. I guess it was good excercise though b/c I had to do a lot of climbing and sliding as well =). The rest of the day was very low key. We didn't do much at all. Although I guess we all need that from time to time.
Sunday well our day really got re-arranged but that's ok...always a reason for everything. Well our plans today were to go to MBC to to Sunday School and then attend a b-day party at City Park. The reason for going to my mom and dad's church was b/c with Austin working they would have to take Lindsay home with them. A b-day party from 11-1 would be wayy to hard to keep up with her at! Plus I try to only take the child that was invited to birthday parties that way its a special day for them. Well we knew there was a possibility for the party to be moved to Chuck E Cheese. We still planned on going to Sunday School though. Well the weather was AWFUL this morning and even my parents stayed home. So we decided to go on to their house until we heard about the party and then Colby and I would go to the party and they would already have Lindsay there with them. Well once we got there I had already tried to prepare Colby that we might not go to the party b/c at that point it was still raining very bad and streets were flooded. Well by 10 I heard that the party was in fact on at Chuck E Cheese so I told Colby. Well he said he didn't want to go? Well I wasn't going to pusht he issue b/c driving to Metairie and sitting in Chuck E Cheese on my Sunday afternoon really wasn't in my top things to do but I was going to go for him. i know he loves his school friends. I think he didn't want Lindsay having more fun with the grandparents ;). Anyway it all worked out. They were both kind of grumpy anyway so probably glad we didn't go out in public. They had fun with my parents though and we had lunch with them. We rarely get to do that anymore b/c of busy schedules so I know God had a purpose for it working out like that and I am glad it did =) Now when they wake up from naps I just have to find stuff to keep them busy! I am so ready for Austin to come home...he hasn't really been off again in 2 weeks so I am exhausted! Looking forward to the next 2 days though!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Sweet 16

So here I am a few days late writing Lindsay's 16 month post! Its hard to believe how quickly she is growing. This time last year she was 4 months old and starting to eat cereal and she learned to roll over!
Anyway she is in full fledged toddler mode! She is running and climbing ALL OVER THE PLACE! I thought Colby was active at this age but now I think Lindsay is even more active! She loves to try to compete with big Bro!
She is starting to talk a lot more. She says mommy, daddy, cat, dog, sit, hi, bye, etc. She also does a lot of talking in gibberish where she sounds as if she is talking in sentences you just can't understand all the words. She is still very social and loves going places!
She is a good eater but is more picky then I think even Colby was at this age. She has her good and bad days. She pretty much eats what we eat but sometimes she prefers the kid friendly stuff =).
I would guess she weighs a little over 20 lbs so probably 21 or 22. She is still able to wear 12 month clothes though. She is still able to fit in a size 3 diaper but I plan to move her up to size 4 VERY soon! She also wears between and 4 and 5 shoe.
Like I said she loves going places so every day she expects us to go on some adventure. She loves the park and places she can play. She has been to the children's museum now once by herself and loved the toddler room. I am enjoying this age and now taking her on little adventures even when Colby is in school. She hasn't really started watching TV yet...she sees Sesame Street occassionally when big bro is watching tv....although he has mostly outgrown that show =(
She is very brave and will climb anything which scares mommy! I don't think we had even started bringing Colby to parks yet so she has gotten a head start in that department. She still drinks her milk from bottles but that change is coming up soon...I think at 18 months so the start of summer we will make that transition!
She's still taking GymRompers and LOVES it! Its fun to see how different she is from Colby. She is a lot less cautious and gets right in the middle of things! I look forward to seeing how she does in swim lessons this summer!
She is enrolled for 2 year old preschool starting in the fall! I CANNOT believe that!
We love her and love her little personality starting to really shine! She's a mess and keeps me on my toes!
Poor thing is under the weather as we speak though...she started running fever yesterday late afternoon and still seems to feel a little yucky! Praying she feels better soon!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Spring Break

So we are winding down Colby's spring break here. He's been out of school since noon last Thursday! We have had a great time! This is what I envisioned Spring Break to be like...unlike last year when we all had the flu!
Last Friday (Good Friday) we took a trip to the park with some friends...then that night we had service at church a long with an Easter Egg hunt! We all had a great time!
Last Saturday we had a low key day. Colby spent last Friday night with my parents so we picked him up late morning then stayed in the rest of the day. We rested and got ready for Easter.
Sunday ofcourse Easter Sunday was a wonderful and busy day! We went to the early service at our church. We were then able to come home and rest before heading over to my parent's for lunch. After lunch and some visiting we came home and enjoyed a low key night the 4 of us!
Monday we took Colby and Lindsay to the zoo. That was a wonderful MUCH needed outting for all 4 of us! That afternoon we had friends over and played outside!
Tuesday I had Bible study so it was more of a routine day. My parents kept the kids. They kept Colby all day and I brought Lindsay home at lunch time.
Wednesday we were supossed to go to Gymrompers. It was a really stormy day but we were preparing to leave when all of a sudden Colby threw up! I was so worried he was coming down with the stomach virus again! I thought oh no here goes his spring break again! Anyway he ended up being fine but he had a very low key day at home. We don't like staying home all day but in a way it was nice. I was able to do a few activities with the kids that we don't normally have time for! We did water play in the kitchen. Colby painted some pictures. Colby and I also practiced letters. That night Colby and I were able to go to church which was nice after being cooped up at home all day! I always enjoy that time with him when we go alone. He and I get to visit over supper then visit on the ride home...its a sweet time. And I am so happy he loves going to church so much!
Thursday we did GymRompers since we missed it the day before. It worked out just fine. We had to go to a new class which I didn't like as much but it was fine for the 1 week. I think Lindsay liked having her big bro there and I think he enjoyed going with her. My mom went with us too! After the class we ate lunch at McAlister's. That was a nice treat for us all! We rarely go out to lunch in the middle of the week so ofcourse its a treat when we do! The kids had a ton and seemed to enjoy themselves too!
Friday my parents got Colby that morning to take him on a little trip. They have been wanting to bring him to Hattiesburg for quite sometime. My dad found out about this little train ride about an hour away from there so they thought that would be the perfect way to end his spring break! Since they picked him up early that morning Lindsay and I did our grocery shopping. The rest of the day was low key and we stayed at home. I enjoyed having a slower paced day. Lindsay is busy and on the move but it was still calmer without the big boy! It also gave Austin and I a break that evening since Lindsay usually goes to bed way earlier then Colby. I love having the one on one time with her. I feel like with 2 kids sometimes my mind is just always spinning and I don't get to sit down with either and do all that I want to! So she and I played and read books and took a walk that afternoon it was nice!
Saturday waking up with only one child was nice! I made blueberry muffins for us and we had a low key start to the day. After she and I were dressed we headed out to the park. She's getting to that age now where its really hard to stay home! She destroys the house when we do! It was nice just taking her to the park. Its still a little overwhelming going by myself with both...I mean I can do it but I feel like I never get to pay either one a lot of attention. So it was nice to just do what she wanted to do and go at a 1 year olds pace. If she wanted to swing we would swing, if she wanted to walk around I just followed her, etc. We had the park to ourselves for the most part but then a little 2 year old boy came with his grand dad. i think Lindsay enjoyed his company. We stayed an hour! I couldn't believe she lasted that long. Once we got home it was time for lunch. Austin came home at lunchtime too which was awesome! Its not often he gets to come home early like that so I am so grateful when he does. We both laid down while Lindsay was napping. Colby got home around 2! He was so excited to have his daddy here! We enjoyed a family afternoon...they ran errands and worked in the yard. Lindsay got to even play outside! It was a nice day!
Sunday the last day of our was a good day! Austin was off which always makes church day even better. We now attend the 9:15 service so we don't have leisurely Sunday mornings anymore but we like our long afternoon. We finished up before 11 so we had lunch at TX Roadhouse. We figured now with us getting out early we would be able to eat out sometimes. Well it was exhausting though. Colby was squirmy and all Lindsay wants to do is stand up in her high chair. But it was still nice to not have to cook! After we came home and tried to nap but neither kid napped. That evening we had lifegroup. We are really enjoying that...its nice making friends and just getting that time of discipleship and hangout time is great!
I am so thankful for this week off with Colby. it was nice to slow down and do some different things! This is how I pictured spring break! He is missing his friends though and will be nice to get back into a more predictable routine though next week! We have a pretty busy week just with our regular schedule!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Zoo Day

Monday since Austin was off and Colby out of school we decided to have a family adventure day! We chose to go to the zoo. Lindsay has only been to the zoo here 1 other time. Its hard for me to balance both at a place like that. Colby is fine but Lindsay you have to really keep an eye on her. Plus last time I took her she wasn't even walking yet really.
So it had been awhile since we went as a family so we figured it would be a fun day! Spring is the time to go and see the animals before it gets too hot! Really April and October are probably the best months to go!
It was nice to just go and have no agenda. We kind of let Colby lead the way b/c the last few times we have been I have been with other people so he had to suck it up and do what we wanted to do. So ofcourse first he wanted to go play. That's fine with me. I mean some parents don't want them spending their time at the playground but I dunno I really don't care. He enjoyed running and climbing. I figured Lindsay would really enjoy it too...but she ended up pitching a major fit. Well when we got there Austin forgot something in the van so he went back and I was out there with the 2 kids. Well Linsday immediately went off to the big kid part which made me nervous. I had my purse in the stroller so I didn't want to get too far from it. Colby was running all around so I was watching him and now Lindsay wanted to crawl on the huge equipment. Well I picked her up and moved her to the toddler side and she got SO MAD! She stayed mad for a good 10 minutes. She finally started playing once Austin got back but then she ended up falling on the toddler set which is the whole reason I didn't want her on the big kid set. She's just so brave and not very careful yet! So that ended the playground experience. We set off for Monkey Hill b/c that was the next thing Colby wanted to do. Once again I let Lindsay out of her stroller but this time Austin kept an eye on her and him going up Monkey Hill while I stayed with the purse/stroller. They both loved this. We stayed there and let them expel energy for a good 15 min. I am sure. Colby really wanted to ride the train next but I knew if we did that that would be our whole time frame so Austin told him it wasn't working. We went to the swamp exhibit instead. Colby got to feed the otters in this exhibit which thrilled him! After the swamp exhibit we went to the carousel since we didn't do the train. He was thrilled with this idea. I figured Lindsay would enjoy it too. For some reason though it freaks her out...she did this a few months ago at Christmas in the Oaks. I really thought she would have outgrown it but she still made me hold her most of the time. Oh well! After that it was time to eat. We chose to stay and eat at the zoo cafe. Although I think next time we will pack a picnic. The food was $$$ and not that good! The kids did eat a lot though I guess they worked up an appetite. After that we headed home. Colby could have stayed longer but Lindsay needed her nap. They both tried to fall asleep in the car but we managed to keep them awake. We came home and napped.
After their naps my friend Casee came over with her 2 boys. Colby and Jax are friends even though they are about 15 months apart they still play well together. Mason and Lindsay are 9 months apart but Lindsay seemed to like playing with the "Baby". It was a nice visit and break from our usual afternoon routine. That night we just had a low key night and got take out!
It was a great 2 days with austin home! Now we have all week with Colby out of school so look for a spring break post later in the week!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter 2013

So Easter has now come and gone but the reason why we celebrate this wonderful day hasn't? I am trying to make an effort in our house to not just forget the ressurection and the cross tomorrow when we wake up and the baskets are gone and the eggs put away!
Anyway its been a wonderful Easter season. Now that Colby is getting older I feel like he really has grasped what Easter is all about. He has understood the baskets, eggs, and bunny part for a couple of years, but we didn't talk too much about Jesus. I mean we told him about Jesus but also didn't go into a lot of detail not knowing how much he would understand. This year though he has learned so much. I can't take all the credit for that either. Thankfully he goes to a wonderful preschool and has a great teacher who spent all last week telling them the true meaning of Easter. We also attend a great church where he has learned about it as well. Some of the things we have done at home with him are: His little Bible breaks the Easter story up into about 5 this past week we read a section each night. He seemed to really enjoy it. He asked a lot of questions this year about Jesus, death, the cross, and heaven. I am so thankful that it seems as if his heart is opening up to Jesus and wanting to know more. We also bought Ressurection eggs for him this year and he loved those and seemed to really understand the story. We do the Easter bunny but we def try to downplay him. I also tried to use bunnies and things of that nature to talk about creation. The bunny even reminded Colby and Lindsay in his note that to always remember Jesus loves them!
Lindsay I think enjoyed the festivities but didn't really understand. She liked the eggs and pulling things out of her basket but that was as far as I think she really got with the Easter idea.
Anyway Easter morning we got up bright and early b/c we had to be at church extra early b/c that day began our church's 2 services and we were to attend the early service. It was also my 1st official Sunday to work in the preschool. I have done child-care 3 times it was only as a sub. I am not assigned to the 3-5 year olds every other Sunday. I really didn't want to be assigned to Colby's class but I am sure it will work out fine. He actually has done really well lately even when I am his teacher. Well Colby woke up excited to see what the Easter bunny brought. He was SO EXCITED about his vet clinic. He got that and just a couple smaller things to get him ready for the beach. Lindsay got a Mrs. Potato Head and a few beach items as well. We try not to do overkill on Easter. Anyway we were pretty much in a rush trying to do "easter bunny" stuff and get ready for church. We got there in time. I really enjoyed teaching Colby's class. It was fun! At this church they are so organized that its not stressful at all. We had about 10 kids. Its always fun getting to meet Colby's friends and seeing how he interacts with them.
When we got home we had about an hour and a half of downtime before we had to head over to my parent's for Easter lunch. It was nice having that time since we went to the early service. It made the day seem not quite so tiring and overwhelming. They kids were anxious to get to Grammy's though. As soon as we got over there Lindsay was ready for her nap! She was exhausted and getting quite cranky! I felt bad b/c she ended up sleeping almost the entire time but I would rather that then deal with a cranky 1 year old right?! Colby had a great time though! I was so proud of him...he was a gentleman at lunch and carried on the sweetest conversation with Mr. Henry and Mrs. Janet. After lunch the adults hid eggs for him which he loved all that attention. It wasn't until the very end that he had to share the spotlight with his sweet sister. Although by that time they were both ready to go home.
That evening we just enjoyed being home and hanging out as a family. It was a busy day but so thankful for it all! I am so thankful for Jesus and for Colby learning so much about Him and asking questions and taking it all in! I would have to say this was probably my fav Easter ever! There is nothing more precious then being able to teach your little child about Jesus and his love for them!