Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Zoo Day

Monday since Austin was off and Colby out of school we decided to have a family adventure day! We chose to go to the zoo. Lindsay has only been to the zoo here 1 other time. Its hard for me to balance both at a place like that. Colby is fine but Lindsay you have to really keep an eye on her. Plus last time I took her she wasn't even walking yet really.
So it had been awhile since we went as a family so we figured it would be a fun day! Spring is the time to go and see the animals before it gets too hot! Really April and October are probably the best months to go!
It was nice to just go and have no agenda. We kind of let Colby lead the way b/c the last few times we have been I have been with other people so he had to suck it up and do what we wanted to do. So ofcourse first he wanted to go play. That's fine with me. I mean some parents don't want them spending their time at the playground but I dunno I really don't care. He enjoyed running and climbing. I figured Lindsay would really enjoy it too...but she ended up pitching a major fit. Well when we got there Austin forgot something in the van so he went back and I was out there with the 2 kids. Well Linsday immediately went off to the big kid part which made me nervous. I had my purse in the stroller so I didn't want to get too far from it. Colby was running all around so I was watching him and now Lindsay wanted to crawl on the huge equipment. Well I picked her up and moved her to the toddler side and she got SO MAD! She stayed mad for a good 10 minutes. She finally started playing once Austin got back but then she ended up falling on the toddler set which is the whole reason I didn't want her on the big kid set. She's just so brave and not very careful yet! So that ended the playground experience. We set off for Monkey Hill b/c that was the next thing Colby wanted to do. Once again I let Lindsay out of her stroller but this time Austin kept an eye on her and him going up Monkey Hill while I stayed with the purse/stroller. They both loved this. We stayed there and let them expel energy for a good 15 min. I am sure. Colby really wanted to ride the train next but I knew if we did that that would be our whole time frame so Austin told him it wasn't working. We went to the swamp exhibit instead. Colby got to feed the otters in this exhibit which thrilled him! After the swamp exhibit we went to the carousel since we didn't do the train. He was thrilled with this idea. I figured Lindsay would enjoy it too. For some reason though it freaks her out...she did this a few months ago at Christmas in the Oaks. I really thought she would have outgrown it but she still made me hold her most of the time. Oh well! After that it was time to eat. We chose to stay and eat at the zoo cafe. Although I think next time we will pack a picnic. The food was $$$ and not that good! The kids did eat a lot though I guess they worked up an appetite. After that we headed home. Colby could have stayed longer but Lindsay needed her nap. They both tried to fall asleep in the car but we managed to keep them awake. We came home and napped.
After their naps my friend Casee came over with her 2 boys. Colby and Jax are friends even though they are about 15 months apart they still play well together. Mason and Lindsay are 9 months apart but Lindsay seemed to like playing with the "Baby". It was a nice visit and break from our usual afternoon routine. That night we just had a low key night and got take out!
It was a great 2 days with austin home! Now we have all week with Colby out of school so look for a spring break post later in the week!

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