Friday, August 9, 2013

20 Months and Children's Museum

Well Lindsay turned 20 months a few days ago. I took note of it on the day it occured but with all that's been going on this week with Colby starting to school its gotten pushed to the side! Poor baby...2nd child syndrome! Anyway so yes she is 20 months officially!
She is getting so big and acting more and more like a 2 year old! She is talking so much more! She says: "done, shoot, hey, elmo, hi, cat, allie, dog, barks, meows, eat," and many more things I can't think of right now! She can say 2 word phrases like "all done". She also can count almost to 10 and can partially say her ABC's. This credit goes to her big bro! She hears him doing these things and she just picks up on it! She can now stack blocks as tall as she is a new skill I just noticed! She loves shoes and hairbows! Typical girl! She's really into pitching fits right now especially when we go out in public. I don't know if she gets overwhelmed or frightened but she has pitched a major toddler fit atleast once on every outting we have been on lately. She's at a difficult age but also a fun age! She is defintely a different child then her big bro. She likes adventures but she is also more content to stay at home more then he ever was. She's very athletic and I think I may sign her up for gymnastics in the spring.
She is still pretty petite. I would guess she weighs around 24 lbs. She still wears size 18 month clothing and some 12 month even. But she can also wear 2T dresses and tshirts so it really depends on the style. She is still in a size 4 diaper. She wears around a 5/6 shoe.
She will start school in a month and go 2 days a week to Aurora Methodist 9-12. I am looking forward to this time for her. I know Colby grew up so much that first year of preschool. It will be a good change for her I know. She is VERY attached to me so it will be good for her to get out and do something with other people and get to know kids. I know Colby formed some friendships his 2 year old year.
So since Colby is now in school I am enjoying the 1 on 1 time with Lindsay again. I am so thankful I get time with her just like I had with Colby when he was young. So yesterday was Colby's first full day of school and I decided to take her to the Children's Museum. Austin and I took her one other time by herself. My mom went with me and the 3 of us had a blast! Lindsay LOVED the toddler room there. We didn't even have to go anywhere else! She was content to stay in there! She mostly loved the slides and plastic/foam climbing pieces! She's so rough and tumble! I was watching her play and then watching other little girls her same age! Well its so obvious she has a brother! Anyway so we stayed an hour which was a perfect length of time for her. I think we will make that part of our regular routine. Its not that far and it wore her out! She came home and slept 3 hours! So far she is adjusting well to the new schedule. I have to wake her at 7 and she goes down for a nap at 12 and I wake her from that at 3. Its not too different from what she was doing this summer except maybe waking up a little earlier.

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