Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Weekend with Daddy
So basically I feel like our weekend began today! We have been so excited that Austin is off Thursday-Sunday! We also have been blessed with beautiful fall weather! So since today was his first day off and we had nothing planned except Colby going to school we decided to take a fun little outting with Miss Lindsay. On one hand I always feel guilty going somewhere special without Colby but on the other hand I want her to experience what he experienced his first 3 years! So we try when we can to take her to do fun stuff even when he's in school. We chose City Park today since the weather was so great! We haven't been out there in awhile so I thought it would be fun. Our first thing to do was get beignets and coffee at Morning Call. Lindsay wasn't really that interested in eating them which shocked me bc normally she loves them! She was interested in the coffee and oj though! Afterwards we took her to the playground. I thought she would love running around and playing but NOPE! This girl I swear! She just sat down on the ground and cried. She wanted to be held the whole time and was not impressed with the play area in the least! This is so different then Colby! Colby was always up for new adventures and loved to walk/play anywhere! I really hope she outgrows this although she's been like this since she learned to walk so I dunno! I just hate she misses out on so much fun! We gave her about 10 minutes of trying to interest her in playing and we finally gave up and got the stroller! Well as soon as the girl saw the stroller she got up walked and put herself in! Again so unlike her big bro! He stopped using the stroller around the time he could walk! So we ended up strolling around the park...which was fine I just hated she wouldn't go play! Oh well! We enjoyed the walk and the cooler weather! The rest of the day we hope to enjoy sprucing up the house and playing outside when Colby gets out of school!
Friday was another great day! It felt like a mommy vacation! I brought Colby to school then went and met Elizabeth and Casee for coffee! It was so nice visiting and not having any kids with me. Casee did have Mason but he was really good I was just glad I didn't have mine to have to worry about! After coffee I had a 10:00 haircut. During this whole time Austin stayed with Lindsay. They had a fun daddy/daughter day though! Its not often the 2 of them get time like that alone so I think they both enjoyed it! I got home right at lunchtime we ate lunch then tried to take naps but Lindsay had other plans. Since no naps happened that afternoon we just hung out and tried to get a few things done around the house. Austin ran a couple errands with both kids after picking Colby up which was nice. That evening he and I went to the Jason Aldean concert! So fun! Although I do feel so old now when going to those type of events! I was so tired by the end! It was nice to get out just the two of us though!
Saturday morning we all slept in a little which was so nice! We woke up and had breakfast then got ready and took the kids to a speciality toy store in Metairie. We had promised Colby a toy after he raised his phonics grade. He has gotten 2 A's since then we figured we owed him a visit and that's the place he chose! It was a nice outting and I think the kids really had fun. colby picked 2 little tow trucks and Lindsay picked a cow! We also spotted a couple Christmas items for them! After we got home Austin had to leave for Hattiesburg. The kids and I played outside for awhile. I really thought Colby was going to be so upset but he handled it well. We didn't want to send him this time bc he's been so busy in school and with Halloween approaching and a lot going on we thought he needed a weekend of rest. Plus to be honest I wanted to spend time with him! I feel like with him in 5 day a week whole day school I rarely see the little guy! After playing outside I brought the kids to get Wendy's for lunch. I wanted to make the weekend feel special b/c we don't get fast food during the week! So we ate lunch then had rest time. Lindsay napped but Colby did not. After she woke up we got dressed again and went to the park. Again usually not something I do but I knew with it just being me and them we needed to get out the house for awhile or it would be a really long afternoon. We tried the park closest to us but it was crazy crowded with little league football games going on so we tried the next closest. It was busy too but its a more spacious park so we didn't feel crowded. I still had to keep a good eye on the kids especially Lindsay. They had a blast though and the weather was awesome so I was glad we went. It was so funny seeing the difference in Lindsay playing at this park vs when we took her to City Park. I guess she was sad b/c she didn't have her brother? Anyway after the park I promised Colby donuts for Sunday morning since daddy was out of town. We came home and had a kid friendly dinner of cheese quesadillas and beans! I actually really enjoyed my time at home with the kids. Usually I dread when Austin goes out of town but the kids were so well behaved and everything went smoothly! I really enjoyed some time with Colby.
Austin met us at church Sunday morning. It was nice to be back at church as a family. We had a relaxful afternoon of watching the SAINTS. My parents kept Lindsay while we went to lifegroup. It was a great 4 days! so hard to send Austin back to work on Monday though!
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