Wednesday, January 15, 2014

5 1/2

So my first baby is now officially 5 and a half! I can't believe it! Where did the time go? I really feel like he should still be 18 months and at home with me! Well he's grown up so much over the last 6 months. He is doing so well in kindergarten. We were all so worried at first with him being young having a late summer b-day but he has adjusted and done so well! He made Beta Honor Roll this last quarter! I am so proud of him! He is loving school as well and his teacher which is so great! I love that he loves learning! He's learning to read...he's not reading books quite yet but he can read simple sentences with 3 letter words. His handwriting has greatly improved although its still a little messy but again he's 5!
I def miss him during the day now that he's gone from 8:15-3:30. He is such a funny little dude. He is 5 going on 50! He still has a great vocabulary and can carry on a conversation like a mini adult! He seems to be well liked at school among his peers and teachers! He also loves going to church! Right now we aren't doing any sports or extra-curricular activities but we will go back to that this summer.
I am not sure how much he weighs but I would guess close to 50 lbs? He wears a size 5T mostly and some size 6 shirts. He is still in a size 12 shoe.
He is a great eater and will eat most anything except PIZZA! Crazy kid! He is very active and loves being on the go! He enjoys life and simple things! He's not into electronics hardly at all other then watching some tv and playing on our iPad sometimes. He still loves PBS which I am so thankful!
He still loves cars/trucks and animals! He also recently gotten into superheroes which is fun!
He's such a sensitive spirit and so wise. I love that about him! He will always be my baby boy though!!

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