Tuesday, February 11, 2014


So our time has come...honestly I have been waiting on when sickness would plague us again...we were healthy all of December and all of January so for that I am so thankful! Anyway Lindsay woke up from her nap Sunday running a 100-102 degree fever. We still aren't exactly sure what's going on with her. It could be teeth or she could have a little cold. She really doesn't "act sick" during the day. She isn't that congested and her nose really isn't running. She may have a sore throat? We aren't really sure. Since she acts fine and isn't running fever anymore I haven't taken her into the doc. Last night though she had a very rough night. She only slept a couple of hours. Yesterday my throat started hurting as well. My mom is also sick.
Well yesterday we ran a couple errands while Austin was off but mostly stayed in to rest and hope that everyone would be well for our busy week ahead.
Today we should have had Bible Study but due to the rough night and rough morning in our house (allie got sick in her kennel) we decided to skip. Not to mention that its a rainy, cold day. I hated to miss b/c I surely treasure that time. I didn't want Lindsay to get anyone else sick or for her to pick up any other germs. Tonight we have lifegroup but I don't think we will make that either. With my mom being sick I really don't want her to get sicker or for Colby to get anything since he has school. So we will stay in tonight and hope to re-coup for church tomorrow evening. I really miss going to my two adult Bible study times I know it will make a difference in my week too! But sometimes God tells us to stay home and rest so that's what we tried to do today!
Tonight I am feeling better but my throat is still a little sore. Lindsay seems fine I think it might be her teeth. We will see but hopefully tomorrow she will be back at school b/c I have to make cookies and get things ready for both their Valentine's parties and church tomorrow night!

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