Friday, March 14, 2014


So this week I have been dragging! We have been extremely busy, plus its the first full week after a holiday, PLUS the time change! I just haven't had much energy but it has been a great week!
Monday started out great. It was a beautiful day and Austin was off so he and I worked in the flower beds after getting the kids off to school. It felt great just to be outside and working together! I feel like our yard has taken the backseat for quite sometime. We usually do spring and fall flower beds but for some reason this past year we have not gotten around to either. They were looking quite raggedy. I was anxious to get them spruced up for spring. They look great now! So proud of our hard work. That afternoon we all got out as a family and finished them up!
Tuesday was a crazy day! Austin was off so that helped me keep my sanity but Tuesdays are just very busy. First we had our housekeeper and a guy coming to install a door in our kitchen. So there was a lot going on plus I had to be out the house by 8 with both kids. I went to Bible study. I was thankful to just have that time to put a pause on life and soak up God's word. It really does refresh me for the middle of the week! When we got home we ate lunch and tried to have a little downtime. That evening we had lifegroup! I love going to lifegroup but it does make for a short afternoon/evening. It was nice having Austin off though so we were able to go together and he helped prepare the food that we brought. We finished our study on James. We are just really loving this new lifegroup! Not that we didn't love the people in our last lifegroup it just wasn't going in the direction we needed. It was made up of a lot of singles or young married w/o kids and so we just didn't have a whole lot in common. Now most of the people in this group have kids so its great for us!
Wednesday another crazy busy day for me. Since Austin went back to work that leaves me with all the kid/school duty. Well after getting the kids to school I made a trip to Target to get snack stuff for Colby and Easter things. I totally forgot my stuff that I needed for church. I got home and was enjoying some quiet time when I remembered so I had to pack up and leave early to pick Lindsay up and stop by Walmart...which is always an adventure! Anyway she and I got home and ate lunch and rested. Thankful my parents pick up Colby b/c it gives me a little longer to relax and get stuff done. Then that evening we had church. I am always so glad to be there but its hard to get motivated sometimes to be gone at night and be out that late with the kids. One of the main reasons I do it though is b/c Colby loves it so much and really is learning so much! I also want him to have that church family and home away from home feeling. Which I think he def does!
Thursdays are a little bit slower days for us which I am really thankful! We bring Colby to school then hit up the grocery store then spend the rest of the day at home! Sounds dull and boring but its nice to have that after such a busy start to our week!

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