Monday, August 18, 2014

Another Girl's Day

So Lindsay and I had a chance for another fun girls day today! I am loving all this time I am getting with her before she starts school and life gets crazy with 2 different school schedules!
We started our morning by going to the library. Its been FOREVER since I've taken the kids to library storytime. I hate I never get to bring Colby. Normally we go during the summer but our summer was just so crazy. Anyway I was also excited about checking out some books! My kids love new books and they have a ton but its also nice to pick up some from the library from time to time. Lindsay really enjoyed this part of picking out books! She did ok during the storytime she was quiet and attentive but she didn't quite get as into it as I thought she would. Maybe if I brought her more!! She did really though for the craft part and enjoyed that WAY more then Colby ever did!
Afterwards we met our friends Samantha and Josiah at chickfila. It was nice to visit with a friend and just take my girl out on a special lunch. We always eat at home so it was a treat for her! She was so excited when we pulled up!
She will start school in 2-3 weeks so I am soaking up this time with her. She will go 3 days a week now so I will surely miss her! It almost makes me just want to cancel preschool but I know she needs the social interaction and it will be good for her! I will miss her oh so much though!

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