Tuesday, September 9, 2014


YAY so the weekend is here! I really appreciate weekends now with our school week so busy with a 1st grader and 3 year old preker. I especially love LOW KEY weekends! I mean last weekend was great and all I loved all the time with family and all the fun but sometimes just being around the house is what I need and crave!
So last night we had no plans! I love no plan Friday nights. Austin actually came home early which was terrific b/c that RARELY happens! So he got home and we ate McDonald's for dinner. Ugh not really my choice but I let Colby choose on stay at home Friday nights what he wants for dinner and this was his choice. We hardly ever eat it so I was like whatever. Anyway after dinner we took the kids out to play in muddy puddles! they love donning their rain boots and searching and splashing in puddles! It was just a fun, simple family time. Afterwards we got them cleaned up and bathed. Then it was movie time! Another Friday night treat is a movie. We chose Finding Nemo. They get to stay up past their normal 7:30-8 bedtime. I think they were up until about 9. But both were exhausted when they did go to bed. It was fun just snuggling and watching the movie with them!
Saturday again no major plans! We had a liesurely morning with blueberry muffins before getting dressed for the day. I had decided we would visit a park. This is really our "usual" Saturday event. It gets the kids outside and active and its a free, easy activity. I chose a park close to our house. The kids had a good time. We stayed about 40 min. There were baseball games going on so the park was busier then usual which I think also entertained them. After the park I decided since I am going to be alone with the kids all evening I would take them out to lunch so I wouldn't feel so bad just feeding them sandwhiches later on. We called my parents to meet us. I have been craving mexican so that is where we ate. It was nice visiting with my parents plus it helped to keep the kids out longer so it wasn't such a long day. That is the only problem with our "low key" saturdays is sometimes they seem to go on FOREVER! Once we came home Colby started getting ready for his playdate with his friend Nijel. These 2 have become inseperable! Its so cute! I am so thankful he's got a best buddy! Nijel's dad picked him up about 2 and he went over there for a few hours. That is the first time in awhile he's been to a friend's house alone. The only other friends he has gone to see like that were Max and Jax! I know he felt so grown up! It was nice having some time to myself and with Lindsay. I know these type of things will happen more and more now that he's getting older. I am thankful for this friendship though and they seem to be on the same page as us as far as parenting goes so I totally felt comfortable letting him go over there =)We  picked him up after dinner. It sounded like he had a blast! They played outside and rode cars and played Wii. That night Austin was out of town so I was able to get the kids to bed early which was BLISS!
Sunday Austin was there to meet us at church. I was teaching so I didn't get to sit with him in church. I am loving my preschoolers though. I really love teaching Lindsay too. We had 8 kids. We hang out together 2-5s through most of the morning. They have free play, clubhouse (worship), crafts, then I take the 2s and 3s out so that the 4s and 5s can talk about the story more in depth and do more projects and fun stuff. It has worked out really well doing it this way. We then go back right in time for pick up. After church we ate at Buffalo Wild Wings. It was a Saints game day so we knew it would be a fun atmosphere and get us all pumped up for the game. That afternoon we mostly just watched the game and hung out!
The weekend was great and I feel like we all got to catch up on our rest which was awesome! Looking forward to a great week ahead with school and church activities. The next week our life will really pick up as Bible study, Empowered, LifeGroup and all that starts up!

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