Saturday, March 14, 2015

Overwhelmed and Tired

So this week I have felt myself reaching my overwhelmed and exhausted breaking point! This happened a little last week which is why we took off last Wednesday from school and church.
So Monday Austin was off but it was busy with getting kids to and from school and grocery shopping. We had a pretty low key afternoon/evening though which was nice!
Tuesdays are always super busy for me. I bring Colby to school...drop Lindsay off with my parents then return for Bible Study. I love Women's Bible study though so its very important that I do this for myself. I love getting to see and interact with so many different women but also to take the time to study God's word without interruption. That night we had Lifegroup but b/c of us all dealing with colds/allergies we thought it best to stay in. I still don't feel 100% and Austin needed the rest as well as the kids. I hated to miss though! I miss our Lifegroup friends when we don't see them mid-week. Plus since my parents usually keep the kids its almost like a mid-week date night!
Wednesday I had a dental appointment scheduled. Well the more I started thinking about how busy my day was and how tired and bad I still felt I decided to cancel. I really hated to do this b/c I knew it would be hard to reschedule but it was scheduled for 10 which meant I would drop Lindsay off and have an hour to waste then barely have enough time or any to come home. I have been gone so much lately I really felt like I needed some time at the house. Plus with church that evening I really wanted to be in the right frame of mind for that too! So I came home and worked around the house and got to also work on some Bible Study. Its what my sould needed! That evening we did go back to church. Oh and I took a 2 hour nap so after that I felt totally refreshed and honestly felt the best I had felt in a week! So church went really well and I was happy to be there! I realized how much I missed visiting with everyone. I think the kids missed it too. We had 5 in our preschool class. Lindsay really loves playing with Genevieve.
Thursday I had volunteered to help Laekan and some other ladies put together these baggies with the dry ingrediants to make cookies. They are going to give them to the children on Sunday. It will have some type of spiritual application like how salvation is a gift. It was fun chatting with the girls. Lindsay and Jackson had a good time playing in the activity room. We got home around 10:30 so it was nice to still have a good bit of our morning at home. That evening Colby had the Blue and Gold Banquet for Cubscouts. They earned their Tiger Badge. It was also for the Webelos who promoted to BoyScouts. It was neat seeing this tradition. After the little ceremony they had a little reception with food and cake. The kids all had a great time being with their friends and eating! It was a late night but worth it! I am again so thrilled we decided to do Cubscouts with him. They will continue to meet through May so we are hoping to finish some of the extracurriculars.
Its been a busy week but love all the fun stuff we have going on! The rest of this month is going to be fast paced so I will have lots to tell about!

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