Friday, May 22, 2015

Last Week of School

We are in the homestretch of school and looking forward to summer and the adventures that await! 
This week has been filled with fun days and special days for the kids at school.
Monday Colby came home with all of his books and school supplies. Meaning the rest of the week we are free of homework and tests! They are basically there to have fun! It does seem pointless but I am trying to be grateful for a few last days of quiet before summer begins! 
Tuesday Austin was off but it was a busy day. I brought Colby to school and Lindsay to my parent's house. I needed one more day to really work on VBS stuff with April before the kids got out of school. My parents also met Colby for lunch. That afternoon we let the kids swim and ate dinner outside. It was sort of a pre-summer kick off! 
Wednesday is Colby's last full day of school! I don't know who is more excited about this! It was also water day for Lindsay. I know she is super excited about this! I cannot wait to hear about both of their days! 
Thursday has been quite an eventful day! Having 2 kids in 2 different schools mean very often special days coincide! So today was Lindsay's last day...well technically her last day would be tomorrow but again special days coincide. Colby has awards at 8:30 then dismissal so getting her to and from preschool would really just be too much stress! Today Colby had Field Day. So I dropped both kids off at school then went back up to Colby's school to help with Field Day. By the time I got there they were already out on the playground getting things set up. They first played a water version of Duck, Duck, goose. Colby refused to play this game b/c yes he's an old man and didn't want to get his hair wet! He played on the playground instead. Afterwards they split the classes up and I helped the 2nd and 3rd on the playground play some parachute games. When the first graders had their turn they weren't cooperative at all. I felt bad b/c Colby was really excited about the parachute and he really didn't even get to play. The next game was a relay race and his partner backed out so once again he was left not getting to play. At this point I was feeling a little down and bad for him. He ended up being fine and playing with some other kids on the playground. We were outside for about 2 hours then they took them inside to take a potty/water break. Then it was lunch time. I think I enjoyed sitting with him and his friends most at lunch. I checked Nijel and Colby out early b/c I had to go get Lindsay from her last day. Nijel spent the afternoon with us. i think the kids all had a great time and should be worn out from the day's activities! 
Friday was Awards Day for Colby. Lindsay technically had school but with his Awards I really didn't feel like all the back and forth. So she ended yesterday! I really didn't expect him to get any awards and I prepared him for this fact. He was able to get Honor Roll twice this year and for that I was very proud. I always explain to him that we go to be happy for his classmates and friends. I do know its hard to sit there though and not receive anything. We were pleasantly surprised when he got an Accelerated Math Award. That means he improved by 2 grade levels during the year! I was so proud of him. We know he has to work hard due to his late b-day. So the fact that he received this was a big deal! His principal also made mention of him and a few others who had made decisions to follow Christ during the school year. What an awesome testament! I almost lost it during that part. Anyway we are so proud of him and his growth mentally and spiritually this year! He has grown up a lot and continues to be a wonderful student and well liked I think by all. 
I wanted to treat the kids after with a special lunch so we went to Chickfila. The rest of the day will be pretty low key as we move into sweet summertime. We will do our regular Friday night movie and just enjoy some downtime as we enter our first summer weekend!! 

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