Tuesday, June 9, 2015


We are now well into summer! I cannot believe its June! I feel like summer is flying by! Honestly we have been so consumed with VBS though I don't feel like we've had our summer yet! Ofcourse there has been more free time, outdoor activity, and later bedtimes but I am ready for some freedom! 
This weekend continued to be busy but we've had fun! Friday ofcourse ended VBS. By that evening I was dead tired and basically of no worth to anyone. For whatever reason this year I have had a harder time re-couping then in years past. 
Saturday we didn't stop. Colby had tennis at 10. He had only made one other lesson this summer so it was crucial that we go. He did well but it was HOT! We will take another week off then hopefully resume and he can get some good practice. Afterwards the kids and I had to make a trip to Target. Shopping with 2 kids on a Saturday is def not my fav thing but we survived. That afternoon was low key. We did get some outdoor time and Popsicle time in so all was not lost! 
Sunday a VERY busy day. I hate to say it but I had been dreading this day. Just with the exhaustion of a week of VBS and knowing I would be spread thin. I had to finally take a step back and decide sort of last minute that I couldn't fulfill my responsibilities bc being a mom came first. My job was to get the preschoolers lined up to sing in both services. Well I had no idea when I committed to that that Colby would be sitting in church. Once I found that out I felt I needed to be with him since Austin was working. We got to church and got Lindsay settled. I made sure the preschoolers were taken care of before leaving. I felt so bad but it was one of those torn moments where I knew God called me to be a mom first and foremost. Anyway it worked out well. I was able to sit with Colby. Lindsay's class sang first and she did SO well! I cannot believe how far my little shy girl has come! Colby went up next and he did so great too! So proud of them! After the kids storytime he and I scooted out to check in on the preschoolers. They were playing in the photo booth and enjoying a snack. I helped with them and waited until they were all dismissed. I then brought my kids out to Water Day. I wasn't quite sure how it would work. Colby had a blast on the big water slide. Lindsay at first was having fun on the smaller slide but I think it got too crowded for her. By that point she was just ready to go. It was hot! Plus they were having hotdogs and she doesn't eat that plus I felt like it was still early. We ended up leaving shortly after. I felt bad that 1) we didn't stay long and 2) that I didn't help out with second service but we were all so tired plus the kids were gross and wet and 3) we had a b-day party at 1. I think I made the best decision for us even though I felt awful about leaving the preschoolers. I think it all worked out just fine though. 
We were able to pick up lunch and come home and rest a bit before our next event. Which was Makyrin and Makylee's bday parties. The kids had a blast at the party! I love their sweet little friendships. Ofcourse Colby was happy to run around with Makyrin and Nijel and Lindsay played with Mia. Lindsay probably did the most sliding then anyone! That girl has no fear of tall bounce slides! Colby mostly ran around with the boys! I also enjoyed catching up with the moms. When it was over though we came home to rest! WHEW what a busy day! It was a great day but honestly I was glad to have it behind us and to know a much slower week was ahead! 

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