Monday, November 16, 2015


The first blessing this week came in an interesting way. So Wednesday was like any other day...I had spent the morning at home while the kids were at school. I was on my way to get Lindsay when I got a phone call from Colby's school. I always cringe at those phonecalls b/c I never know what the news will be. Needless to say it was the dreaded...your child puked at school call! 
I rushed and scooped up Lindsay from recess and high tailed it to Calvary. Visions of a week of puke filled my head! I got there and he was pale but other then that he seemed fine. The secretary explained that she felt he got nauseous when his friend Makyrin lost a tooth and a lot of blood came out. We got home and I fixed lunch and I could tell he was completely fine and I was so THANKFUL! We cancelled our plans for church and honestly I was relieved for a free afternoon at home with my littles. We relaxed and they played outside. It was wonderful! We even got to take a walk that night. We did a little math review as well. Its days like that I long to homeschool atleast part time. Although extended breaks make me question that too. I really wish he had 1 half day a week even! That would be great! I just enjoyed that time of having no where to be and them just getting to play and relax. I think we all needed the break that night. i think sometimes God just allows these circumstances to make us rest. I think he was already getting tired from the trip and the time change so he might not have made it through the week if not. 
Friday was another sweet day. I try to keep Lindsay home one day a week and usually it happens to fall on Thursday or Friday. This week it was Friday. We haven't been able to have a playdate in awhile though b/c life has just been busy! So finally we had a free day and I was keeping her home! We met a friend and her son at the park. It was fun just to visit with my friend and let her play. I know these days are short b/c she will be in full time prek next year. I want to soak it up! 
The weekend was slow for the most part and that was also nice. We spent a lot of time relaxing and watching football and playing outside. The perfect weekend in my opinion. I used to feel guilty about not going anywhere fabulous or taking it easy but I think God intended for us to just rest sometimes. We feel refreshed and ready to take on the week! This is the final week before Thanksgiving break and we are all excited! 

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