Well our turn has come for the winter "sickies". Well honestly I feel like someone in our family has been battling some type of sickness since early January. It all began when Austin's mom was here after Christmas and she had a bad cold and passed it to Austin. He was sick with that for a couple weeks. Then late January Colby and I had our turn with bad colds. I am honestly just getting over mine. I feel like it was part cold and part allergies.
So I'll pick up Sunday. So Sunday we went to church. Austin had to go back to work so it was just the kids and I. I taught first service. We had a good group of littles. We had 7 and I had Mrs. Linda helping me along with Ella. All went well and I felt good about the morning. The kids and I picked up lunch and came home after though. I was anxious to rest and re-coup from the long day before. We had a great afternoon and got to spend some time outside in the beautiful weather.
Monday started out as a great day as well. I was looking forward to a day home alone. I had two offers to sub but I really felt God telling me that I needed to rest and work on things around the house. Little did I know the crazy the rest of the week would bring. Its so amazing how He works out those details. Anyway I grocery shopped and enjoyed my day here. I got a lot done ...like scrubbing my tub so I was feeling pretty good about things. That afternoon things went well with the kids. Austin worked a little later but was home for the bath/bed routine. Well little did we know that later that night Lindsay would get sick. Around bedtime she said her stomach hurt and she went to the potty. Shortly after that she said she had to throw up. She threw up a few times between then and the time we went to bed. We let her sleep on a pallet in the den that evening. I got up and checked on her several times throughout the night and every time I checked she was sound asleep. She told me the next morning though that she had thrown up once during the night? Sweet girl! I cannot believe the independence she has! She left no mess and even cleaned up from herself!
Well so Tuesday I knew school was out for her. My parents came to get Colby and take him to school. Little did we know that later my dad would also fall ill to the same bug. So Lindsay and I had a very low key and quiet day at home. Well kinda quiet. There were tornadoes all around the area that day so we spent most of the day watching the weather and getting phone calls from my mom and texts from others. That afternoon we had to go get Colby and go to his kickball meeting. By that point Lindsay seemed to be feeling better. I still hated to get her out in public but with my parents sick and Austin at work I really had no choice? Anyway we sat through the meeting and tried to sit far away from others. That night she really perked up and even ate 2 hot dogs for dinner! Although poor baby ended up puking again that night.
That night was also rough between Lindsay getting up and saying her music was off and Colby had a nightmare we basically were all up from 4-6. I made the decision that I would just let the kids sleep in. So needless to say both slept super late. Lindsay got up around 7:30 and ate a little breakfast then curled up on the floor and slept again from 8:30-11. I worried at that point that she still wasn't ok but once she woke up from her nap she seemed ready to hit the roads. I got everyone dressed and we went out to Petsmart. I felt like getting out the house everyone would feel much better. The kids really enjoyed the outing too. We even ate at chickfila for lunch. Lindsay by that point even seemed to have a pretty good appetite. It was good to get out with them even for a little bit. We honestly had an awesome afternoon and I was SURE we would be back to normalcy by Thursday! The kids played outside for hours that afternoon and evening and it was just so pleasant. I know God gives us these times of "sickness" sometimes as a slow down...I honestly felt like Wednesday was a gift. With full time school and a full schedule its not often the kids and I just get to be. It was a wonderful feeling! So we were feeling pretty great about things Wednesday night. Around bedtime though Colby came out saying he was having trouble breathing. He hadn't been sick or anything and his nose wasn't stuffy and he wasn't congested so I thought at first he was having a bit of a drama moment maybe from the day before and the tornadoes. I think he's been thinking about death a lot lately. I really felt like he was just having some type of anxiety. Well finally we realized that no he was super nauseous and needed to throw up. After about an hour of him groaning and not feeling good he finally puked and puked and puked. We did the same thing with him that night. We put him on a pallet in the den. We figured this way he would be close enough to call us if he needed help and he wouldn't throw up in his bed. Well he called us about every hour!! It was the worst night of sleep in a long time! I think he puked every hour the entire night. Well of course then I knew school was out for Thursday too.
I turned off the alarm once again and knew we just needed to sleep. I woke up around 7:15 and the kids were up around 8. Colby still wasn't feeling good at all. In fact he spent most of the day laying around moaning and groaning. I felt bad b/c by that point Lindsay felt good enough to be at school I think but with him being super sick I couldn't leave the house. So home we stayed again! We ended up having a decent day despite the sickness. Lindsay and I spent a lot of time outside since the weather was gorgeous! Colby even made appearances in and out as well. By mid day he was acting like he felt a little better but still pretty pitiful. He spent most of the day on the couch. We did get out to pick up McDonald's for dinner. I realize that was probably a HUGE mistake but I didn't feel like cooking and its what Lindsay wanted. well Colby ate a little and Lindsay scarfed down her mighty kids meal! Everything was going fine and Colby had even perked up a lot that night after his bath. I really felt like we were in the clear....well that night around 10 Austin and I were watching TV and Colby came out crying and covered in puke. So at that point we knew any activities on Friday would be out. It was so yucky! We had to completely strip his bed and bathe him. Poor guy he felt so bad. Thankfully after that though we all slept all night!
Saturday, February 11, 2017
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