Monday, June 12, 2017

Weekend to Recover

So after a very busy and stressful week of VBS I was definitely happy to see the weekend come. The kids still had swim lessons on Friday. I know the 3 of us were so tired though by that point. I didn't feel like I even got to fully absorb what they were doing this time at Swim lessons b/c I was honestly so distracted with all the church stuff going on. 
That afternoon I was just plum worn out. Luckily Austin brought home pizza so we had that for dinner. We let the kids do movie night and they watched Paddington. I felt bad b/c I was on the phone during most of it but I was talking to a good friend from out of town. 
Saturday...oh it felt so good to sleep in! We had a nice slow start to the morning which was awesome and much needed. Colby had been invited to go spend the day with his best friend which was nice. They picked him up at 10. His friend Nijel didn't go to VBS this year...he instead went to camp at his new school. Its bittersweet knowing that I know over this next year they will probably grow apart. Colby really hasn't even seen him since school got out. It was good to get them together though. I know he had a blast. Well I had promised Lindsay a trip to the library so she and I went to do that. It felt good to just have one kid and to take our time looking around there. We got our books then went to Target. I needed to stock up on some items there. After we came home and had lunch and took a brief nap. We picked Colby up and then went to my parent's house to swim. We had promised them we would come over since we really hadn't even had a chance to swim this summer. The kids really enjoyed the pool. My parent's little neighbor girl Mia also came over. She is Colby's age. The kids had a blast and Austin even met us over there. We all swam and played hard for 2 hours. Well on the way over there Colby had said he had felt queasy at Nijel's house but I didn't think too much of it. I figured he had played hard and maybe hadn't eaten/drank enough. He was fine the entire time in the pool. Well once we got home he felt very ill and ended up projectile vomiting all in the bathroom. I still thought it might be an issue with blood sugar. This has happened a handful of times where he doesn't have enough protein, he has something sugary and he gets sick. Well he tried to eat dinner and then he ended up puking in the tub that night. I think he threw up a total of 4-5 times. I was worried that now the rest of the family would get sick too. I was starting to feel iffy but I wasn't sure if I was sick or if it was just in my head. Well we went to bed knowing that our plans for church were out the next day. 
Sunday since we weren't going to church we got to sleep in which felt so good. It also felt good to know we didn't have to be anywhere that day. It did feel so strange though not getting up and going to church. We used the day mostly to be productive around the house and catch up on life after the craziness of the weeks before. Colby was still not feeling great so he mostly laid around. He finally perked up mid-day and would get little bursts of energy. We watched church online and had leftovers for lunch. That afternoon we rested and spent some more time outside in between the rain. We had burgers and ate them outside and then all got to play outside and spend time together. Even though our plans didn't turn out I think God knew we needed this day. Since school got out I feel like we have been rushing from one event to another and yes I hated to miss VBS Sunday and Water day but I guess God knew we needed a day not to rush. Its not often we get that chance. The day really was a blessing and helped us recover. Colby by that evening seemed completely back to normal too which was wonderful to see! 

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