Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Lessons and Weddings

So Friday started in the most awful way. Well actually it started nicely but quickly went downhill. Colby woke up in the most terrible mood and I ended up letting loose and screaming at him for 10 minutes straight. I ofcourse felt so bad later on but when he has a bad attitude and is disrespectful it just gets to me. I was also hormonal though so I am sure I was more edgy then normal. Well anyways we pulled it together and tried to salvage the morning before getting them to school. It was Lindsay's Career Day! She was so excited. She looked adorable. She chose to be a "boat person" aka sailor girl. After dropping the kids off I had to go by Aurora and drop off a recipe and also pick up Colby's scout book he had left the night before. Then I had to go by the grocery and get a snack for Lindsay b/c of course Friday was also her snack day. I felt bad not being more prepared but with the crazy of the week that was all I could do! I got that dropped off to the school then CAME home! It was so amazing to spend the day at home. I really try hard to schedule one day a week where I come home. It really helps my sanity but also I can be productive around the house. I've realized that God blesses me with those days and I need to use them. I have also learned the importance of being still and having slow days. 
That afternoon I looked forward to having the kids home and us not having anything on the agenda! The kids were in great moods and I just enjoyed our time together. I cooked tacos that night for dinner and Austin got home in time to enjoy that with us. After dinner we played outside for a bit then came in to watch our movie. We decided on The Good Dinosaur. 
Saturday it felt amazing as always to sleep in a bit. Even though I really only slept until like 7:15 it was still nice to slow down. The kids and I had a pretty lazy morning. We were able to even work on school work. Colby had a very light amount of homework so we focused on his reading and questions then I even had him do some language review. I am trying to keep up with that but not make him feel like he's doing work all the time. Lindsay also worked on letters and phonics. She loves doing school papers so its not a struggle at all with her. She enjoys it so much! We took it easy and then had lunch around 11:30. Austin also got home about that time. We had a 2:00 wedding to attend and had a babysitter coming over so we tried to spend the morning straightening up around the house and also getting ready for that. 
Katelynn our babysitter arrived around 1 and we headed out the door. The wedding was for Stephen and Courtney. Stephen is our children's pastor so it was important that we go for this. The wedding was very sweet and pretty and the reception was nice too. It was also nice to get away for a few hours just the 2 of us. We got home right at 6 which was in time for some good college football games. I was pretty exhausted that night so by the 3rd quarter we headed the kids off to bed and we were actually in bed early ourselves as well. 
Sunday we were all so happy to not have any major plans other than church. We went to first service. I have so been enjoying my time back in church. After many years of serving in various children's ministry roles its been so good for my spirit and soul to be back in church. This is not to say that I don't want to get back involved. I am actually hoping to talk to our children's pastor next month about starting to teach every other Sunday upstairs. Anyway the study of Joshua has also been amazing and so impactful! After church the kids wanted to go to New Orleans Hamburger and Seafood. It was a yummy lunch then we came home to watch the SAINTS play. It was a great game! We enjoyed our afternoon around the house. We got some work done but also relaxed and hung out as a family. We had breakfast for dinner and then took a walk! 

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