Tuesday, November 21, 2017


So the week leading up to Thanksgiving break was nice b/c 1) it was kind of a short week and 2) I could totally see the light at the end of the tunnel. It was an extremely busy week though! 
So Monday we were back at things! It was a good day teaching wise. The kids had library which always helps to pass the time when they go somewhere in the afternoons. I have been blessed in this season of teaching that nola has had a gorgeous fall so we haven't missed a day of recess yet!! That afternoon after school we had to bring cards and cookies to Lindsay's actual teacher. It was so nice to see her and get to visit for a short bit. It did put us later getting home though. We were 4:45 getting in and then it was a mad rush to get dinner prepared and homework finished. We managed though. 
Tuesday was a pretty regular day at school as well. We have staff devotion though on Tuesdays. Its always nice though to stop in the midst of the crazy and pray and choose to be thankful. The kids had Art that afternoon...so again its always a good day when they go to an extracurricular. That afternoon we were able to come straight home which was heavenly. 
Wednesday is always a LONG day. For starters we have no extra curricular classes except chapels on Wednesday. That afternoon I let them work on their grandparent pictures though which they enjoyed. We also stay after school so we can go eat dinner at church. That's become my day that I do some "housekeeping" in the room. All the other days I am super ready to just get out of there that I don't spend a lot of time cleaning. So on Wednesdays I wipe down the desks, sweep, sharpen pencils, and overall just tidy up. We then went to eat dinner. I had promised Colby he could stay for church. In this season I hate we are missing Wednesday nights but its just so hard for me to be gone from 7am until 8pm. I also can't fathom working with kids after being with them all day. So we have just been coming home after eating with the exception of the FALL FEST night. Anyway I let him stay and I brought Lindsay home. It was nice to have a little quiet time with her. Austin ran some errands then picked Colby up from church. Its not perfect but for right now its working. I look forward to in January hopefully getting back to our normal schedule. 
Thursday was another LONG day for us! The school day went well. The kids had computer that afternoon and since it was the last "real" school day for us before the holidays I decided to let them have a fun afternoon. We painted pictures of corn, ate popcorn, then watched a movie. I am trying to keep kindergarten fun and full of surprises for them. I think they all enjoyed it. We talked a lot about the first Thanksgiving throughout the week which was fun as well. 
Friday was of course Grandparent's Day. It was different this year to be on the teacher side of this. Last year was actually the first one I was able to attend. This is because all the years Lindsay was at Aurora her Thanksgiving Feast was always the same day/same time. Anyway the kids had carpool like normal but instead of doing pledges and announcements in their we went into the church and did all that with the grandparents. It was really a cute program. They added a lot more to it this year and did that rather than the other stuff. My group performed in the 2nd half of the program and they did amazing! I was so proud of them. Everything wrapped up about 10:30. All my kids had grandparents there and they all got signed out so I was happy to be a FREE LADY!! Oh and my kids loved having my parents there of course. I was also happy to have their help since I was wearing a "teacher" and "mom" hat. 

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