Saturday, April 17, 2010

21 Months!!

Colby is 21 months today! I can't believe in 3 months he will be two years old! He seems more like a 2 year old every day in good and bad ways. Some days I feel like we have hit the terrible two's. He is getting more and more ideas of his own. He is so smart and wants to be very independent. He still loves the outdoors and has had a blast this spring. We play in our yards quite often. He also loves to walk...he now can walk the entire block on his own 2 feet. So long stroller!

He is very much little boy. He is a rough, tumble little one! About every week we have some type of booboo. He hardly cries though just long enough to get a hug then he is done more concerned with what he is going to do next! He loves parks and loves to climb. Now he thinks he is big enough to do everything on the playground so when he can't he gets very upset.

He is still a good eater. I am trying to get him to try new things all the time. My new rule is I make him try one bite and if he doesn't like it from there that's fine. But I can't stand kids who won't try new foods. He is starting to eat more things like grilled cheese but he has learned about ketchup so he dips it in there along with fries and chicken nuggets. I definitely have to cook for him more now! He still loves fruit too! His latest discovery is grapes and raisins. He loves them both! I cut the grapes in half but he just chows down on those! I am glad he likes his veggies and fruits so much! He is also easier now that he can pretty much eat something no matter where we go.

His new obsessions are Elmo and Mickey. He has an Elmo doll he got for Easter and that thing has not left his sight! But anytime he sees either character he gets very excited! He also still loves trucks, jeeps, school buses, and cars. This month he also discovered he likes the Disney movie "Cars" he also likes "Lilo and Stitch" he laughs everytime Stitch would come on! I am so excited he knows some Disney people b/c we are going to Disney World in December and I want him to recognize stuff! He still doesn't watch a whole lot of tv but he will pay attention a little bit more which is nice when I need to get stuff done. I don't ever want him to be a "Tv kid" but if a program or movie can entertain him for a little while that is fine. I will probably limit him though when he does really start watching to 2 programs or 1 movie a day.

He hasn't been to the doctor lately so I am not exactly sure how big he is. My guess would be about 31 lbs and 34 inches. He wears a size 2T now...I think he could still fit in 18-24 month its just I bought all his summer clothes in 2T. He is not on the big end like he used to be. He's probably closer to average. He is in a size 7 shoe and size 5 diaper still.

He hasn't started potty training yet but I hope to later in the summer. Definitely before the weather gets cold again!

He still is learning a lot of the alphabet I would say he can recognize a dozen letters and he knows and says "H" when he sees it. He also knows some colors. He knows many animals (cows, dogs, cats, birds, giraffes, elephants, fish, etc.) He knows what the sun and starts are too!

Its amazing how quickly kids grow up! I see it in him every day he is getting bigger and older and acting like a little boy! Even though he can't talk in sentences yet he does a pretty good job getting his point across. He has 2 more months of GymRompers. I will be sad when it ends b/c he has so much fun and has learned so much! But then he will start swim lessons this summer!

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